About Our Passion for Activism

To Everyone:

with the level of civil engagement & passion we had in 2011, discussing, petitioning, & protesting, there really is no end to the progress we can make.

heightened societal awareness is the path to Utopia – & fevered, selective activism IS the traveling;

& we DID that traveling in 2011; & it brought us into the future, societally.

THAT TRAVELING: that passion well-placed, sustained by the hardest & most enduring work, with pauses for fun, that is the bricklayer’s job & description, on that road of infinite progress.

i wonder, now, if there isn’t still a little of that fairy dust in the youths’ eye;

i wonder that that fairy dust that charmed my generation for a whole season or longer lingers still & we HAVE a new way of civic life, a new progress in our mind, & a new society in view —

a society where the apathy of the early 2000s is flowered to life with interest & passion, & a watchful eye to keep those tending the flames keeps them truliestly burning;

because i say to march once is great, but to keep our eyes level to the oncoming concerns, to stay affectionate with the dreams of the world around us IS how you win the race, is how you march & is how you walk that road of infinite progress.

one dropped election can cost us unjust wars, like happened to us with Iraq; & a short duration of apathy can create the climate that engenders Grahm-Leach-Bliley Acts, ushering in financial workers defrauding The Common People;

& the general ignoble nature of leaders who embody less than our best will be the pictures that catch light for the rest of the world, for us & our country.

being selective, passionate, working with sustained diligence, & fun & looseness as needed, is the recipe i give to you for continuing our fight against disease in our body of law, & for verdant growth in that same body of law.

i would remind you lastly, anyone eagerly reading these words, to stay positive in all ways, & *stay towards praise & stay towards solutions*, & away from in-fighting, & to stay toward optimism & away from fatal beliefs, & stay toward construction & away from picking apart others: to stay toward praise & solutions & optimism & construction, in this, for a truly streamlined path;

because no eye has seen the greatness we have in store; & no mouth can tell the glory of focused cooperation; there are things even now i could tell you that will excite you for days, & things that will un-understandably improve our society permanently.

& too, we cannot lose our emotion. we ought to stand atop the huge gears & pulleys we bulit, & their operation in the national dialogues today; we must look at those huge workings we’ve made & realize WE have the greatest worldly power; WE have the torch that sparks its light & we have the spark that lights aflame; we are the powerbearers & our voice is terrible & it shakes the foundations of the enemies of the greater good & it is unsurpassable except by greater genius, & we can pave our path to victory or we can let it become dilapidated thru apathy & we are the ones who wield that power & thru our power alone our dreams shall be realized or we shall die untasting of our wildest fantasies. thru hard work, passion, selectivity & rest & relaxation shall we bear our road or by apathy shall we walk a trammeled step.

let us maketh our road regal, & our path victorious.

   – Joe

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