A Letter to Barack Obama’s Re-Election Strategists

this letter made me “an internet SUPERSTAR” – like i always used to joke about – i think for real. i sent this to all of The Democrats including Barack Obama during the 2012 elections, & i think it made it around the world, in a way. i did it at a time when our country really needed it, & when my health was so bad i ended up in Abbott Northwestern heart hospital with heart damage from the stress of the elections & my accrued health problems to date. i really could’ve released a probably traction-gaining, chance-at-popularity song too, The Common Man’s Time, (maybe i’ll post it on here) – i chose instead to do the dirty work of writing election strategies & send it pretty thanklessly as a campaign committee letter. i never got a real letter back.

this is i think what they received (i can never find my original copies):

Greetings Mr. President, & esp. David Axelrod & other stragetists/advisors for this campaign. i to my own dismay must open with the fact that these notes are months late, & any help they could’ve been will have to ‘hit’ now & up ’till the election, rather than when i had written them in July & so on. (i have been very physically ill, thanks to a political issue i will address to you some other time (the letter’s all written =)).)

that said, *this letter* is about the campaign strictly, & not my personal struggles.

To All Those Reading This, i am a fervant Barack Obama supporter & as well, a large PRO democracy-supporter – i have followed politics closely for a number of years now, & have a good handle on the filibustering, the Citizens United ruling, the disparity of income, & the ‘messaging’ etc involved in the slander/distortions about Barack being a muslim, about him being an illegal-foreigner-president, about him ‘not doing anything’ (again, see the ‘sit-down-strike’ style ‘protesting’ of a record number of (not ‘congress’s’ but) ‘republicans” filibusters – !), & the like, & other heavy political issues i have absorbed & thought on.

i — tho not a well-known person — may be identified as managing, (until poor health,) as a walk-on, the largest philosophy chatroom (“agora! not chatroom!!,” haha=)) on the internet. (i was lakitu of Undernet IRC, the longest-standing, largest, & most-reputable philosophy discussion forum, by many there’s fair assessments – which, being philosophers, they are a fair bunch) — *i* then, have essentially engaged philosophy for hours a day for nearly 10 years, & more hours each day when counting my own thinking, aside from philosophical oration.

to my credit as well (establishing any precociousness i may show), i was in lock-step with Barack Obama on what was, in my opinion, his best response to the 1st Presidential debate the other night – made on a stump speech in Denver, i believe:http://www.barackobama.com/news/entry/if-you-want-to-be-president-you-owe-the-american-people-the-truth compare that to the posts from the day before on my special for-this-purpose twitter account, ‘lakituthefirst’ (https://twitter.com/lakituthefirst). you will have to click the shorttext link, in the twitter posts as well.

so, if you have internalized all that above, you can see i am no fool.

each of these were written as ‘whole letters’ — each is written to be read/referred to as a unit – had i the health i would perhaps mesh them, but i will have to take them ‘how they’ve grown off the vine’ for now:

without further ado, several winning sub-campaigns, i believe:

1. Community

Community is the focus of God’s world, as ‘having religion’ is etymologically ‘being bound together’, & Love is that ecstasy bond. Social Darwinism (no need to use the term, most often) – the idea that ‘survival of the fittest’ reigns over Love IS THE END OF Love — Religion, Community — these are ‘truly human,’ & truly most meaningful, ‘because the Kingdom of God is between us’, Barack, & so Communty is something we should praise loudly & with fire.

I say Community is ‘all or nothing’ – We shall live together as Brothers, or die together as fools — spake by Martin Luther King Jr. soaringly & sapiently —

& ‘Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself’ — Jesus Christ said for all of us for all-time. We arte all God’s Children.

& that Brotherhood of Man is emanant & obvious, but to those blinded by Hate;

& so, to see Greed, & not your Brothers’ & Sisters’ suffering, is to be blinded by hate;

& God Said… Greed is a serious sin.

so build on Our Country’s rainbow-like heritage — Divided We fall, Together We stand — & speak of communioning with the suffering, not ‘just’ communioning with those blinded by Greed to those suffering, & Defeat Greed.

Much Love Barack Obama, joe valentyn

2. Character –

another silver tack is to use “CHARACTER” as a focal point – Obama vs. Romney as people. “likeability” is huge – the person’s ‘aura’ they put off – our impression of ‘who’ will be making all the decisions we can’t crystallize or explicate or foresee – that’s “likeability,” i wonder — & it’s huge.

people respect – even his “critics” – Barack’s ‘wellspokenness,’ his ‘speech-giving abilities’, his ‘wisdom’ & ‘judgment’ — that is one of the wheels of wisdom & goodness, as in the old Japanese proverb – wisdom. his heart is the best of the modern day people i have seen, he volunteered as i understand, & potent with intelligence he is able to follow his greeds, but rather he continues to fight at great costs to, as his wife put it, “pull everyone thru the doors of opportunity with him.” his heart is great & that is not the only reason why, & there is not an end of the list of reasons i could reasonably make… the 2nd wheel.

i would add charisma / personality / humor, etc, to the Japanese Cart (see the proverb), which you genuinely have. in passing, given this ‘addition’ to The Cart, i must trail off trailing off about the infinite wheels of this cart – the infinite explicatability AND ineffability of ‘character’s cart’, etc . . .

but for our purposes, you can harness these things greatly – AND as a defense against false attack ads — meaning, rather than ‘fight against’ whatever their agenda for the national debate is, tirelessly, as if it were some hhorrible factory conveyor belt of horrendous lies, say this: “Do you really think Mitt Romney is a more moral, smarter person than Obama?”.

people will likely return with “oh it doesn’t matter who he is, it’s his politics that matter.” — you either anticipate that in your first ‘character’ sub-campaign, or wait to see if it surfaces,, & then answer the above surfaced response, with “his philosophy, his policies, his beliefs & his actions stem from his morals & his intelligence. it certainly DOES matter who he is – his ‘character’, his good-naturedness & his genius… [or whatever words he/you choose to use (use a few — some that speak to those who speak every register of language, from the lowest to the higher, etc)]” – “this guy will be making the most important decisions in the biggest power on earth – OUR country – everyday for 1460 days in a row!! if that person takes too grave of moral shortcuts, or is mentally clumsy by nature, then, as a matter of practice, — often — then their decisions will oftener than is optimal be risky, & we are bound to suffer.

the good parts of his or her political philosophy will never fruit[“froo-it” (/become implemented properly)] – because they will be rotted with the single apples of their mistakes, *& the people they are presiding for will suffer.*

so — good-will & intelligence — *CHARACTER* — certainly do matter!”

Obama beats Mitt in any poll of ‘character’ or ‘nobility’ or ‘class’ – try a poll where they rate, or whatever. [this was written before likeability become a topic in the national campaign

it is clearly an effective & good (in the sense of morally good) sub-campaign.


now i realize that those two sub-campaigns COMBINED give an air of Martin Luther King – RIGHTEOUSLY – it was NOT about race but about CONTENT & at that he was a true Christian Genius. that Content Of Your Character rather than Color Of Your Skin was a serious wind that is pushing you still & you are RIGHT in all ways i can think of Barack, to harness that & let us ‘live out our creed’ – where the Content of Our Character defines our person & not insignificancies Martin Luther King Jr. —-

3. Be Positive, re The [at-the-time] Likely-to-Come Smear Campaigns

Obama campaign ad strategy – best idea:

Be positive, as that is always best; & *use this analogy* to defend against the record levels of smear ads we are likely to see against Barack this political race, 2012:

(i suggest something like:)

“[positive message after positive message after positive message here, accomplishments/plans/etc]. You know that Big Money people, [show corporate logos, & maybe ‘the Koch Brothers’ in text, not just a picture – think word of mouth, & internet searches], the GOP, & others are doing all they can to fill you with propaganda, to MAKE UP for their lack of Goodness & Wisdom [use your own words] – what we will tell you is this: when you watch those ads, ask your heart if you would believe your great friend, or your great friend’s enemy, when his enemy accuses your great friend of all kinds of Lies, Cheating, & <pick other recognizable sins/wrongdoing that they are likely to falsely accuse you of> – ?

President Obama. Honor, Wisdom, Goodheartedness/A Good Heart/Benevolence. [really would go with those key terms – honor to shadow the republicans shady ways against Obama’s NON shady ways – Wisdom because he is, & Goodheartedness because that’s the main quality – an ‘evil genius’ is the last person you want to deal with: benevolence/goodheartedness is key.]”

so again, without (most of) my bracketed parentheticals:

“[positive message after positive message here after positive message here, accomplishments/plans/etc]. & we have to say one thing: You know that Big Money people, the GOP, & others are doing all they can to fill you with propaganda to MAKE UP for their lack of Goodness & Wisdom – what we will tell you is this: when you watch those ads, ask your heart if you would believe your great friend, or your great friend’s enemy, when his enemy accuses your great friend of all kinds of Lies, Cheating, [whatever – see notes above] – ?

President Obama. Honor, Wisdom, & A Good Heart.”

& – believe it or not – ask Bob Dylan to write a song for Barack, about the modern situation, & use it – if not, court him intoxicatingly-profoundly to use e.g. Forever Young (track 18 version on Biograph). (see footnote for more on this)

that is how you win a war against endless dollars in a smear campaign: with the truth. maybe link to a fact checking website at the end of the ad for response to every(?) republican ad – very simple one – “www.obamafactcheck.com“[1] — & lastly consider incorporating generous amounts of well-declared non-partisan fact checking sources. again:them generously, AS non-partison/independent groups. accept that some of your history (Obama’s, et al) will be imperfect. don’t try to make him look perfect, just the best candidate around. i personally haven’t seen a better one in all my life – nor have i witnessed a better living public speaker.

* * *

other notes (if this gets thru):

[again this is from many months ago – they might have to be reappraised in this time/political situation/scene – *i* think they could serve a purpose, tho:]

the following are winning points, & will in my opinion expose the shallowness, i’ll say, of large sections of the opposition to Barack Obama, turning if not those people toward Obama, then affecting those people who hear & understand these points – basically that racism is a BAD reason to not vote Obama – toward Obama — in other words, ‘collateral improvement’, where they can further rally voters for Barack that those messages may not have:

again – winning points that have their place in your campaign, in my opinion:

– Obama is not a muslim.

– Obama is not an illegal immigrant.

i would emphasize those in separate campaign motions, not lumping all this (in this note) together as one ad, unless it’s best…

footnote: on using a Bob Dylan song: the reason to use a Bob Dylan song is Bob Dylan likes Barack Obama, Barack Obama likes Bob Dylan AND all the kids – every single cool one worth their indie/modern spit like Bob Dylan. it would be a display like you’ve never seen before with youth voters turning on / latching on to Barack Obama as their presidential candidate — i am very serious. Bob Dylan is huge. Huger than huge. use your great resources like him. Jay-z to me is very pop, very bubble-gum pop – Bob Dylan ‘wins’, Beyonce/Jay-z’s art is (without much experience with them) much more fleeting.

i would recommend choosing & then genuinely stating you chose not to ‘try to trade him a Presidential Citizen’s Medal’ or whatever he accepted, ‘for a song,’ but rather to support his country, at a very crucial crossroads for it. don’t say too much haha.

i will have more suggestions another time – my vote would go to Barack for another 40 years i tell people – but i will settle for 4

re: “maybe link to a fact checking website at the end of the ad for response to every(?) republican ad – very simple one – “www.obamafactcheck.com“”[1]: i think you already do this, i wrote this some months ago.

4. conservatives clogging *congress* & the flow of the national dialogue, obstructive distractions – we must take control of the dialogue

republicans have sort of ‘jammed’ the airwaves of the national dialogue with deficit worries, using not real ‘want’ but tactical ‘messaging’, completely as a distraction, or at least completely foolishly timed;

we need to take control of the national dialogue & talk about what we want & need – & MAINTAIN the national dialogue as much as is rightly so: NATION BUILDING, so we improve our infrastructure, like during The Great Depression, & get jobs being created & kept, again, like during The Great Depression; TAXING THE RICH & using it for economic stimuleses (stimuli) like Robert Reich says is necessary: ‘government is the spendor of last resort’ & we need it to be done for our country’s sake; & all the other good ideas Obama & Reich et al have for our nation; & campaign-finance reform (Citizen’s United) – for the sake of this country – a very key ‘pushpin’ to remember is – we need democrats, not just Obama, to win the elections, TO pass campaign-finance reform & the other things as well.)

emphasize Robert Reich, the most successful Secretary of Labor recently (judging by job creation, right? -), loudly rather clearly states, government must invest in our economy, because the super-wealthy will not, & the average 99% CANNOT – so some one has to spend to kickstart this thing again — & that would be the government. after that, correcting the a-given graph (http://www.motherjones.com/files/images/what-they-make450_0.png, or https://motherjones.com/files/images/change-since-1979-600.gif) so that we all benefit from Amercia’s grwoth *SINCE WE ALL GREW AMERICA!*

i strongly suggest you ally with him, & ‘accept a hit’ on any detail-criticism of his of you / Barack, because ‘what works’ — ‘what we KNOW works’ — has huge pull with everyone & anyone, i think.

5. Be Bold – Big Progress [a point to be continued later]

i suggest strongly, as a witness & fan of the ’08 campaign ‘fire’ through to this point – there has been too much centrism & moderacy. we were & are still interested radical goodness, & Big Progress, because our situation is so desperate – we don’t need a runner in the groove of Clinton, & his (successful) centrism, we need an OBAMA. Big Progressive Change – grandiose – smart.

& again, we need to ‘go blue’ (vote all or nearly all democrat, less we have a stinker in there), SO THAT we can achieve these massive reforms & progressions, & also hold onto what is right.

6. misc debate notes

post 1st debate (probably outdated):

obama – don’t panic – he pulled some cartoon-villain approach, & showed an entirely shapeshifter appearance that would’ve thrown off the best orator – take the time during the interrim (i suggest) to pummel that home using *easy to understand* (not super detail-heavy) facts/videos of Romney twofacing you.

general debate notes:

less specifics, more populist: ‘ring some bells’ –

you’re speaking to about 300 million people — Americans — of all levels of intelligence — you need to find something that shakes their spines, Barack – ring some bells, i want to hear LOUD, CLEAR, HARMONIOUS, UNDENIABLE *MUSIC* that we all get — that speaks to our very core of our heart — disparity of wealth (that even resonates with (younger/poorer) republicans, i think) — things like that — details can come as needs be —

i would prioritize understandable-to-everyone details first in the debates — & publish or separately spread ‘pundit fodder’ (needed/complete-as-they-should-be specifics) later.

but ‘ring some bells.’ go populist on anything you can (your philosophy/beliefs are good — show your ‘real gems’) — & those sort of ‘gathering bells’ can be backed up with the ‘back-end’ (like in programming) policies & specifics. Romney can try to sound The Middle Class bell until we get to his last year of talks, & “the 47 percent” spiel that i think will be a constant antidote to ‘No, *I* am all about The Middle Class!’-ing of Romney.

final debate move – you did this but keep on:

don’t let them control the dialogue *while still being honorable* – we’ve got the best game in town, bring OUR things, ‘play offense’ & wheel out a bunch of winning points he will have to address. they ALWAYS seize offense & use ‘messaging’ (underhanded public communciation) — i’m not sure the best way to defeat that rather than blowing out of the water *what you can seize on that is heinously wrong about what they’re saying during the debate – & sometimes letting it ride as best you can till AFTER the debate, via stumping/factchecking/people in the media & your PR people/etc.*

he was a very sneaky gus (in the first debate), i guess the best you can do is correct the misinformation very poignantly.

7. must win with Democrats & Obama, not just Obama

[unwritten but a timecrunched point – we need the public to understand Obama over Romney is not enough, we need congress-wide Democrats packing the seats, else we’re in the same filibuster-susceptible situation – which i touch on lightly in a below paragraph.

this may well be the 2nd key to success after Barack, in my opinion.]

8. other winning points:

* re the accusation “Barack didn’t do much” — i always first show your much pushed jobs graph, but two i encourage you to (ESPEICALLY in light of needing many Democrats/progressives elected, not just You/Barack elected, to overturn & pass things) — continuing: when people say “Barack didn’t do much” a 2nd point after the jobs graph/numbers: *SHOW GRAPHS* of the Republicans’ record(?) number of minority filiubsters – put it simply what this is, (i say ‘it’s effectively a sit down strike by the minority to block the majority passing a bill — minority rule rather than majority’ — that is a huge point — i again say to you, it does NOT seem to “be congress who’s at fault” — it is specifically Republicans, which whether you are a Democrat or not you should call out, because it’s a serious, recurring wrench being thrown in our gears. consider lighting a ‘Rules Reform’ fire/debate, (or whatever it’s best called), to reform the rules as well as highlight the Republicans’ obstructionism as of late. (this can tie into several Republicans’ (including their House leader’s) “number #1 goal,” among a recession, severe job deficits, financial deficits 2 wars sworn Muslim extremist “enemies of America”, “is to make Barack Obama a 1-term President.”)

* trying my hand at economics:

i) we have A Jobs Deficit & A Financial Deficit;

ii) from what i understand Recovering Jobs is the Best Way to Pay Off The National Deficit; (several economists like Reich are my source for this;)

iii) too, from what i understand (from Reich – who again you should emphasize & settle any minor differences you may have), the Best Way to RECOVER JOBS is to Invest (you can say for this point, “they call it ‘spending’ but really it’s ‘investing’ — you can’t make make money if you don’t spend money, they say” etc –), & be as Robert Reich says, the “spender of last resort”: Government, Consumers, & Businesspeople are the 3 spenders in the economy – if Businesspeople have no businessmoney they aren’t spending; if Consumers have no jobs they aren’t spending either; since the economy requires some money to get it growing to get the rest of it growing, in a a sort of ‘domino effect of growth,’ *then Government must spend* — stimuluses, nation-building, all that – you can probably come up with more.

iv) since we have A Deficit right now, & some people have gamed the system so that they RECEIVE money when they already make billions, THEY can pay for us getting out of The Recession – Ursurists, Financial swindlers, Big Money corporations, & others/people who gamed the system & immorally effected The Recession in the first place.

on this iv step summary: the people (my generation) are HUNGRY for bankers/financial exploiters to lose money in favor of The Greater Good (of The Community) – my only comment here is it is, from my perspective as a 28 year old, THE WINNINGEST point: retracting money from those whose being greedy caused this recession, to grow back stronger from this recession. oligarchy is a BIG topic among the youth & sapient older-crowds, too. any large-scale reformations against the nascent oligarchy is a huge & indefatigable public win, from my vantage point.


they say ‘you become rich because you worked hard, & because you worked hard, you should be able to keep your riches’ – did David Koch really work so hard he earned all that wealth? or Mitt Romney? did 400 people really make the effort equal to the other 225 million or however many, since 400 people own half the wealth {adjust this to make it more accurate}, & the other 225 million own the other half? or did they exploit, probably cheat, & game the system’s rules & laws to get the wealth equal to about 500,000 other people per person, on average. i don’t believe they ‘worked 500,000 times harder’ in ‘an honest day’s-work’ than the average person! The Walton Family owns more wealth than the bottom 40% of America combined!!

so then you guys can ring ‘bells’ like *Disparity of Wealth,* therefore *Re-Distribution* *to Investment* (hard to say to the public explicitly, “Robin Hood these people”) & *also to Stimulus Packages / etc* — you can sort out the ‘exacts’.

even as business-productivity rose across the country, the wage increases (according to mother jones [check this]) went like this: http://www.motherjones.com/files/images/what-they-make450_0.png

seen here with productivity (& the blue line being i think EVERBODY IN AMERICA’S wages, not just the bottom 90% like in the last): https://motherjones.com/files/images/change-since-1979-600.gif

maybe something like “this is what trickle-down, top-down, de-regulation for the rich has caused — should we continue that? or redistribute the wealth, & take a Community-Loving, Greater-Good approach? i think we should take the Community-Loving approach” — as opposed to Social Darwinism (altho you’d have to phrase that differently or break it down — e.g. ‘a competitive, brother-hating world, not a communal, loving one.’) — could link then to ‘Community’, before/after, & also defend Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc…

also this video could circulate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJAbEmyZP0o (Rachel Maddow)

so not only *Investments*, *Re-distribution of the ‘Topheavy’/’Lopsided’/etc Wealth,* but also *Community,* are not that bad, because we should love community.


50 some people contributed 42%(?) of the campaign finances so far. [again this was from awhile ago.] *Citizen’s United, your two’s difference on Campaign Finance Reform*: some bells to ring: *”Money is Speech,” these people believe – they literally say that — if you have more money you therefore have more speech (the entire problem almost)* — also *”Corporations are People” — same line of thought, a very deleterious idea to their philosophy in our time – when a partial oligarchy is sort of ‘the hot idea’, etc* — also this should naturall flow (i think,) into we need to elect almost ALL democrats across the board – You/Barack is Great, but we need majority votes, esp. to defeat a filibuster. so this is a good stepping off point for ‘Vote for All Democrats’ inasmuch Democrats favor meaningful Campaign Finance Reform over Republicans/Conservatives.

9. my own opinions:

lastly, my personal opinions – genetically-modified organism / genetically engineered foods are bad, your sources (‘corporate science’?) have tricked you – it is a serious threat to our future agriculture, without exaggeration as i understand it — you need to listen to Dr. Joe Mercola — a Ron Paul fan but then again they are both doctors, so they are likelier to feel for each other — on this very grave topic, so that we are not needing to try to fix what God never intended.

handbreeding plants may be a great, natural (enough) option. haste will create a ‘grey goo’ type scenario – slowest carefullest development will make our world Art, i believe.

so – back to GE crops: that is the best popular point among the (Minnesota/Ron Paul leaning) youth i’ve heard ‘against you,’ on facebook etc – that you have so-far supported genetically engineered crops, when their defiance of God & Evolution show up clear as day in their (GE crops’) potentially DEVASTATING consequences to the food supply as well as our health — not ‘merely theoretical’ consequences, but ones that have demonstrably, empirically begun — you need to listen to a very studies-oriented, important, & genius Natural Health Doctor named Dr. Mercola — listen to him & follow his referenced links (or give to an advisor as long as he or she is not utterly “blinded by science” & can accept that technology, chemical products (DDT, Asbestos, BPA, & things like that), & other ‘interventions’ can go heinously wrong, sometimes,)) — listen & follow those links i mention *here*:


(this one mentions you & Your Wife — re high-fructose corn syrup, her saying all food products ‘are like poison in a way’ — she is right, by the way — if that earlier article is any predictor of the long-term research for synthetic food additives’ health effects ( http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/07/24/pharmaceutical-drugs-vs-nutritional-supplements.aspx (you can just skim that one)):)


there’s more but that may be a start – again he is all studies based, anythign he’s touting is likely well entrenched & endowed with empirical science.

also relatedly, Big Pharma is a monstrosity. they say they are ‘in it for the health’ as they ok all kinds of greed, a lot like my former boss at Javalive, a coffeehouse in Faribault, would sputter “i have overhead” everytime someone asked why his prices were 2 to 3 times higher than anywhere else’s locally – it is only valid to some limited amount, just like “we are in it for the health” is only valid to some limited amount – & *that amount* is perhaps quantified like this (explore this study’s veracity, i am guessing you will find it is plenty solid, & then some): http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/07/24/pharmaceutical-drugs-vs-nutritional-supplements.aspx

this/these are good campaign tones to ring i wonder, among the youth – we SEE these ads on TV, we are saavier than in a very long time to Natural Health & Natural Medicine — the people are fed up with it — even Jerry Seinfeld was doing jokes about the ads for medications, ‘then the lawsuits against them a few months later,’ the other night on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. GE is a hot issue for many of your more intelligent critics.

i suggest you start reading Mercola.com for excellent Natural Health, Natural Medicine, & their related politics . . . again he is a passionate person — & i will ease you into something here — Ron Paul is A Doctor – Dr. Mercola is A Doctor – so i think Dr. Mercola (don’t tell him i said this, haha) sympathizes with him more readily for that reason — that said, he is NOT a tea-party wingnut, writing manifestos about crazy things tea-party wingnuts have been writing about; so you will have to sort your feelings about his opinions of you from his very lucid statements about Natural Health, Natural Medicine, & their related politics. he is incredibly genius, probably near your par from my estimating viewpoint – & just sees Big Pharma (as i have ‘EXPERIENCED’) brutalizing our (The People’s) health for money/Greed —

that is why i think he has a ‘freedom’ tack on health politics – still his MEDICAL ideas are extremely relevant, accurate & studies-based, & worth your time, when considering a health issue from a grassroots, non-incentivized (he sells products but more often recommends whole foods than supplements — which he does not sell (he does not sell whole foods, like apples, & broccoli;)) licensed, practicing & passionate Doctor perspective. always accurate, succinct, & worth reading; please consider his health website (www.mercola.com) &/or daily newsletter on that site for 1) health & also health care policies, & also 2), your personal & families’ health. for example,

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/11/24/modern-medicine-disease-treatments.aspx ,

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2000/07/30/doctors-death-part-one.aspx ,

& (again)

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/07/24/pharmaceutical-drugs-vs-nutritional-supplements.aspx .

i fit into the last article’s topic, suffering a strongly-suspected-stroke & severe severe allergies due to misadminstered *INVOLUTNARY* medication — i have long-term serious affects from that that drain my social security & the time & energy of those who have to help me with my Aphasia, Agnosia, & Memory Problems, not to mention severe outdoor allergies, after loving & enjoying the outdoors (mountain biking) literally 4 or more hours a day. i say this to warn you, because 1) the Greed of Big Pharma drove this ‘to be’, & 2) i particularly note my health sufferances FROM synthetic drugs — *compounds we never evolved with, & so our bodies don’t know how to deal with (<– strong argument against synthetics, borne out in the last-pasted link’s cited study –)* — i say this *for your personal & family’s benefits.* take a day in the future to consider these things, for Sasha, Malia, Michelle & Yourself. i encourage you, Barack.

for the time being, i will leave it there, & just say:

1. ‘nature abhors a synthetic’, ala ‘nature abhors a vacuum’;

& 2. i am strongly suggesting you take up Mercola’s health ideas, theses, & philosophy for consideration, if not almost-whole adoption.

10. Love Ya Barack Take Care, see you on my screen celebrating victory – see it happening & see how to MAKE IT HAPPEN. you can do this, we’re supporting you. ‘Member, Ring Some Bells, Community, Character, Disparity of Wealth, Investment/The Solution (“spender of last resort” if you should, but probably in other words), & Everything Else i have said & the Great things i haven’t said. Love Ya Barack, Good Luck My Brother. – joe valentyn


what i asked for in return was a letter in return to impress a girl i was interested in – of course i never got any letter back, except a half-autogenerated one via Stephanie Cutter. for all i know this letter could’ve been trashbasket liner. i also sent a copy to Robert Reich, Rachel Maddow, & Steve Kornacki (a Salon.com journalist who sometimes did stints on NBC) titled “Steal This Letter”. i couldn’t even get confirmations that they received it, from staff in their offices, while meanwhile Rachel was writing a whole book, titled Hubris, which also seemed a bit much when i had been sending some rather thoughtful/philosophically-aligned emails to her, too.

oh well, i guess i can just take barbs from the IRC-ians who i chat with from time to time about how this was all in my head. thanks guys =/ – let me know when you get that letter lol.


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