Response To The Israel-Gaza Conflict

i’m retired ;), but given the latest concerns about the Israel-Gaza conflict, i thought i would weigh in on it:

from a very limited american citizen perspective, i waited while the facts seemed to unfold, coloring in the fuller picture, & when i felt it was time to speak, i took my understanding of Israel & Hamas’s current conflict to a liberal hangout & also to a conservative hangout, to see if i could improve my understandings of either.

here was my summary:

(+lakitu) Hamas is a terrorist group dedicated to destroying Israel. Hamas struck first in this conflict (a rocket). & both groups – Israel & Hamas – have violated international war laws in this conflict (that is, have committed some war crimes, namely targeting citizens & especially children). is this correct?


(lakitu) also, don’t they have a semi-legitimate claim with the tunnels below [I]srael that threaten them – wasn’t there even an attack on [I]srael planned by [H]amas, using the tunnels?

both camps’ representatives agreed to this summary.

if this is true then, then i think Israel has a right to defend itself, including addressing security threats in the form of tunnels under Israel, whereas Hamas does not have a right to send unprovoked rocketfire into Israel; Israel & Hamas both have a responsibility to obey just war conventions going forward, including ‘right conduct in war’ (no targetting children or citizens); further, each side has an opportunity to overcome the challenge of their hate, & set an example for rising above hate & violence, & living & letting live. that seems difficult given Hamas is a terrorist group whose sole tenant is to destroy Israel. the other opportunity Israel & Hamas have are to make their cases to the world. it helps me greatly when i am truthfully informed about tunnels which threaten your national security, as we would say, & further a planned attack by Hamas using those tunnels. if your case is just, expect – in ways we can – help.

that said this strike seems to be more than countered, with a death toll of 500 from Gaza & 18 Israelis. considering your transgression of war crimes, a point where you gather yourself & choose to abide by just war conventions – including right conduct in war – so that you may soundly accomplish your goal of eradicating tunnels, which seem legitimate to me, is put forward as an idea. good luck, & please give the world an example we can all follow as you make your case & choose abidingly toward just war conventions.


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