Very Important Issues Make This An Exceptional Time: Let’s All Vote This Year

Let’s be clear: this is one of the most important times in American history. We have woke up — call it thru 60’s cultural revivalism, or internet-enabled information technology — but we are aware of injustices & dangers that are gigantic in importance — I can say that without exaggeration.

Because this isn’t about whether we should have a slight tax hike or not.

This is about the game being rigged, as Elizabeth Warren says: the superrich have more than half of all of the wealth in America.

This is about our climate changing — certain animal species being driven to complete extinction, sea levels rising, & temperatures changing — our very home being in danger — if not by what is predictable, even, then by the unknown unknowns involved in endangering our environment.

& how are we supposed to fix these things if our fix-it service, the legislative branch, is itself broken?

This is also about Citizens United, then, too: handing over the reins to the superrich, in the sense of campaign financing — reducing the already decimated voice of The People in legislation, & boost the already over satiated superrich’s voice — take from the poor, & give to the rich, in terms of power.

This is reason enough to rise up & vote — right? One thing is apparent: these are exceptional times — do not sit on your derrière during these important times.


Speak Up.

Be Heard.

It Is An Important Time.

Let’s all be responsible & use the influence in government we ARE given, to vote for progressive democrats — whose policies align with the problems — & if not progressive democrats, then reasonable republicans, who WILL get the jobs done that need doing in our government.

& Let’s not stop there.

Keep right on speaking up until it’s so loud they can’t hear themselves think – all year-round — then we will see these major responsibilities of ours dealt with – finally – by those in power.

Let’s All Get Out & Vote! Add It To Your Calendar.

Do It Now!




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