Political Sentiments

I have 3 things to say –

First, on global warming:

Cut emissions – see what happens;

Earth is very biological, with almost biological “organs” of its own:

For example, trees convert carbon dioxide we exhale to oxygen we need –

As a model, when you stop a harmful habit of your body, sometimes it just so happens to heal itself.

Cut emissions — see what happens . . . Maybe Earth will surprise us with its resilience.

Second, 0.000001% of the world own for themselves as much as half of the world own1 . . .  Don’t kill them – tax them. Incentivize better business models, like employee-owned businesses, & co-ops.

Raise the minimum wage.

Listen to the great ideas people have about fighting inequality.

The third thing, I would like to praise Elizabeth Warren’s policy sensibilities as a hard core (not ‘hardcore’, but themself a core) of the policy I feel is right for our time: the “economic” justice of progressivism, & I feel good knowing she is in charge as much as she is; Bernie Sanders is holding down the fort on a whole frontier of issues concerning our time, I can’t remember the last time I disagreed with him – I am happy knowing he has the gravitational pull he has; Robert Reich & others too are incredible voices for the people, advocating for us with a star-power & in a political situation of $3,200,000,000 bought of lobbying every year, drowning out waves of our petition, protesting, & activism.23 Thank you so much for doing what you do instead of cashing in on your celebrity.

. . . There is a 4th person I’d like to single out:

The star of our time:

“Each Of You.” Everyone is truly impressing me. You can call it ’cause of ’60s revivalism – or The ‘Net – but we are living in a truly amazing time & Everybody is honestly amazing me beyond compare. Let’s Keep All This Good We Got Going – Climate Change Retooling, Inequality Resolving, & All The Enterprises & Issues Of Ours, As Well As Having The Fun & Savoring Of Life For Ourselves. Amazing Job Everyone & Keep It Up!

♡ JV

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