A Mid-Sized Communique On Climate Change

I thought this:


was interesting – as long as we don’t try to continue our harmful use — ‘abuse’ — broadly of carbon based fuels. In fact, last go-round I had written & struck this from my statement:

(Slightly edited:)

You are addicted to carbon based fuels; & it is killing mankind.

It is time to pay the piper: because we’ve been racking up a bill – the bill from selling & using jeopardizing emissions – jeopardizing emissions which are right now in the main contributing to too likely of a possibility of extinction for Man, via climate change.

& I believe it is alike an addiction; the useful analogy we can draw from these similarities is this: How can we ween ourselves off this addiction to oil, which in the end analysis, does us much more harm than good, climate scientists & geologists broadly assure us?

Now, I have my own ideas on how people can break a bad habit, be it one with physical or without physical dependence – but I think we as a community can do better than me as a community-member:

How — & the only thing I will say is I believe in ‘doing everything’ for a concrete problem  – do it all, use a multipronged approach — how can we break our addiction to / our planet-destroying – not just bad – habit of using, fossil fuels & the like?

I think it will be a case of finding ‘what’s good for the gander,’ for our carbon based fuels addiction, if we find what works for addictions in community members themselves — microcosms, basically.

Either way: Let’s do this: Let’s carefully, *thoroughly,* pains-takingly, almost meticulously — & with the full Love The World begets from us — gather our data – get informed – understand the problem & our options, & when we have formed our wisest plan, communicate, coordinate & cooperate the retaking of our Earth for a lasting future-Humanity without end.

. . . & A last muttering I will make is – ‘ Turns out Greed was bad afterall;

Some of us are saying I really don’t like to say I told you so . . .


Yours –
Joe Valentyn


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