Re: The Paris Attacks On The 13th: Every Loss Of Life Is Infinite, & Statistically, Less Than 1 In 12 Million Die Via Terrorism Globally; & Also Positive Journalism & Living Life Proactively.

It is so easy to get thrown off track, after the engrossing loss of one hundred thirty-two lives, each one infinite, in their worth.

Those who use us for their terror tho, killed to terrorize; this is just what they want;

Let’s nip the uptick in the bud: let’s live as is statistically realistic: your odds of dying from terrorism are less than 1 in 12 million, globally.1

Don’t let the conch-shell’d events play into fears of this, for you.

Thinking back for a moment, I personally was working on:

  • preparing to send an open, political love-letter to India;
  • focus on Aung San Suu Kyi;
  • make concessions on what cooperation taught me about the words “cooperation, communication, coordination, & collaboration;” =)
  • create Love/Romance/Sociality in society, more;

& Address some personal struggles properly.

What this means to me is, let’s push forward & renew our resolve — as we have to the climate summit — & come out on top of these struggles sparkling like diamonds.

. . . Since, in truth, it’s always like this: do we want to bounce from one editorial misstep or heart-wrenching story to another. like a pinball? – Or do we want to be self-initiators: choosing good people, love, fairness, play & rejoicing in Life’s excruciating beauty, & our higher wants . . .

Let’s be more positive in our journalism, & favor the ‘statistical’ over the sensational, where we are not being actively good/positive: talking about good people, goodness, good ideas, love, & solutions to our problems, etc.

Let’s also choose to focus on good people, good things, good ideas, good everything – as nurturing a fruit is more important than pulling a weed.

Thank You. =)
– Joe

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