Survival For All Disaster Situations: Ideas Drawn From Our Basic Needs, by Joe Valentyn


The recent hurricane activity provides us a grounds for gathering some of the necessities of life for ANY kind of foreseen or unforeseen disaster.

I have studied the philosophy of life enough to have some basics familiar to me, that are used by possibly every person I’ve ever known.

Things like bodily health & also heartfelt happiness are needs & therefore interests of possibly every person I’ve ever met; actualizing those basic desires with food & principles, respectively, are arts that are some amount known. This is my collection of obvious essentials meeting our desires. Copying this checklist or browsing a shopping site at the same time is probably a good idea.

A water filter & water. “LifeStraw” makes a family unit that serves a family of four 3 years’ worth of filtration for clean, drinkable water. There is a “community” one for about 22 people for 3 years, for 429 dollars. The family water system is 75; water jugs can also be delivered & stored for drinking, washing up & doing dishes.

A generator & enough fuel. Store your fuel safely, some fuels require certain procedures for safe storage, such as gasoline.

Money. A supply of money will help pad & in some cases wholly protect against problems.

Transport & fuel supply for it stored safely. You would need water, food, fuel, & health supplies that will not always be nearby.

Fuel. From generators to transportation to furnaces, fuel would be in demand.

Seeds, long-term storage food (such as rice, canned soups & vegetables), grocery money, & even chickens & fishing poles (& lures & hooks) & mushrooms are also potentially lifegiving things in the event of a catastrophe. Sprouts & herbs can be grown indoors in inarable climates. A greenhouse could be like Mecca were you able to pony up the fuel. Hens can each produce up to 300 eggs per year. It is possible a fish farm would be viable. A wise investment also could be a manual vegetable juicer (one you turn with your hand, say) for keeping healthy.

Portable heaters, and/or fans, and/or blankets, and/or ifrestarter, and/or firewood, and/or tinder. Warmth, or in air with heat, soothing cool, is basically a necessity for us. The generator & fuel (stored safely) show up here too.

Health supplies like oral care products, soaps & cleaners, band-aids, birth control & tampons, natural antibiotics, fermented probiotic foods, anti-inflammatories & pain pills, disinfectants, medications, stress relievers & sunblock, as well cosmetic tools like scissors & razors, are mostly-all cheap & in the case of helping us prevent & treat tooth abcesses & kidney infections, essential.

Lights, such as flashlights, lamps, & candles, & fuel for them as well as lighters and/or matches, and/or firestarter.

Clothes & bedding. Warm; cool; washable & durable. Consider bedding & pillows that are easier to wash, such as those made from certain synthetic materials, were washing to become difficult.

Books, data, communications, & paper.goods Survival handbooks would be great to keep 2 copies of: one for you & one for a friend. Computers – & if internet, power were down, data and/or power – radios & phones offer a backbone of resistance against disasters & needs created thereby. Paper, pens, files & the like can be used for budgeting, garden plotting, medical records, communications & recreational thinking. The software organization “Kiwix” offers up Wikipedia, Wikinews, medical media, & advice forums for topics offline. Having these books, communications technologies & data would mean you wouldn’t be shut off from many strangely-needed items of knowledge. The data would be great as a harddrive (for sale).

Data backups of survival, personal, & other valuable information across drives, offline & also off-site is advised. Consider M-Disc technology & also micro- or normal print-offs.

the Bible or preferred religious work. Tempests require great – & also smart – strength & wisdom. Some of the most time-tested wisdom is a great resource for any man, woman, or child.

Having a plan to make money in the event of an extended disaster, & other sketches of plans to cope without power or other essentials, would probably be a reasonable investment of your time.

Condoms, scents, & make-up may be life essentials we are accustomed to that with a rapid forethought & preparing, you do want.

Community teaching supplies – paper, pens, white or chalk board, to teach others survivalism methods & discuss ideas are extra-curricular that some people, somewhere would have to take up. That is something you’d know, & could prepare for: having something to share.

Prioritize, invest, & take a minute to get your ducks in a row. Your family & even community could thank you.

I appreciate your reading.

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