2019 World Outlook & Priorities For The Nation

Misprint emendation for typist’s typo made 2024April20th.


These ideas are for us, the people, for the United Nations, and the United States government, to because upon. These ideas are good ideas to fight for.

I will say first listen to your people. Listen to your people – not just ossify misguided programs with money, & don’t just listen to “experts” but to the people on their hands and knees working under these problems.

That is a duty of representational government – to listen to its people.

World Outlook:

  • GHGs & oil. We will need to kick renewable energy programs into gear, such as solar energy programs. Oil will be running out at the same time.
  • Infections which are antibiotic-resistant. We will have to taper overusing synthetic antibiotics, to avoid as much of the projected twenty-seven Holocausts’ worth of deaths we can from antibiotic resistant disease over the next 35 years, were we to continue course unchanged.
    The large majority of overused antibiotics are injected into farm animals, which we then consume; so we will need to slash their use, as well as in humans, to avoid up to 300 million deaths worldwide over the next 35 years.
  • Food & topsoil. With populations booming at the same time topsoil is eroding, we will need to grow agricultural productions approximately 35% over the next 50 years, particularily through sustainable practices avoiding the pitfalls of choosing genetic engineering such as super weeds, & also of monocropping, choosing instead to use more sustainable practices, such as growing organic produce, & crop rotation, which unbounds nutrient values in fruits and vegetables through topsoil conservation.

Priorities for the Nation:

  • Women in Power. Only one in ten in government are women. We need the 50/50 campaign & other social motions to put our highly communicative, highly empathetic, very reasonable, & very sensible women, who are better with people often times, in equal ranks of the ship of state, & let them in on peace negotiations, on budget talks & into the forbidden leadership roles for women. As the largest meaningful grouping on Earth, they should not be under represented to this poor of a degree. Consider this their knocking.
  • Population. We need to grow our population; we are smaller than other comparable countries. See my October 22nd 2018 communique, titled, “The New American Dreamers.” For the sake of life in this country, we need to have more sex & reproduce via that, man’s delight.
    People are most important, & we will be better off living with more, more sustainably. Please read my carefully written communique from October 22nd, on this same site.
  • Natural health. Ninety one percent of all deaths are from health problems the statistics say. Optimal health we have come to learn is best served with first doing no harm, letting food be thy medicine, & with natural healthy lifestyle approaches since we know prevention is the best medicine. The last refuges of harmful synthetics are burning in the rear view mirror – synthetic antibiotics are projected to kill 300 million people, 27 Holocausts worth, continuing course unchanged; & daily low dose aspirin was found to cause excessive stomach bleeding. Omega-3s, dropping inches from your waistline, 7+ servings of veggies & fruits a day, & frequent motion all slash your all-causes mortality risk 40% or more, each. Natural health works – lets show it with our best physical science.
  • Election interference. We have the national intelligence agencies citing a “high confidence index” – Russians are pursuing active measures campaigns to interfere with our electing our leaders – which could disrupt future elections of leaders systemically, too.
  • Campaign-finance reform. This is another systemic problem. “Dialing for dollars,” as Bernie Sanders talks about, this involves super PACs’ unlimited spending, thanks to Citizens United, wherein we used ideas like Money is Speech, & Corporations are People! Since we have an economically unequal democracy, standardizing dollar donations is a way we can restore democracy rather than plutocracy to the artwork of our form of government, & we must restore democracy in this way, through campaign finance reform, for the free and fair systemic electing of leaders in The United States here & now..
  • GHGs & oil. Same as above.
  • Infections which are antibiotic-resistant. Same as above.
  • Sperm motility rates plummeting 50% in the west in 40 years.
  • Fifty percent of all wildlife killed in 40 years.
  • Ninety-one percent of plant varietals vanished in 90 years.
  • Thirty-three percent obesity rate increase.
  • Methylmercury poisoning of fish.
  • Seventy-five percent of flying insects dead in 40 years.
  • Air pollution.
  • Ocean acidification.
  • Super weeds from genetically engineered produce.
  • Plastic in the oceans.

Clearly we have an addiction to synthetics, both synthetic compounds used in about everything, & the synthetic medicines, as well as severe Natural conservation mismanagement approaches, with the only 2%-phytochemically-studied 400,00 species of plants on this Earth, & so we will need some wise, even sapient sustainable enviromental practices becoming our way of life.

  • Human Trafficking. We need to kick down the door on this bad dream for millions of tormented people & their loved ones. Without infringing on other liberties, we should crack more criminal sex & slavery rings across the Nation, & this could be broadened to a global scope even.
    Free our girls! Free slave laborers!
  • inequality. 44-families own half of the wealth. The top tier are, in the United States, currently taking in 95% of new income gains. From reducing corporate influence to a trickle, to estate taxes, to minimum wage raises, to employee-owned & co-op business models, this will be a main cause for disorder & discontent until we get this massive disproportioning under control. The national dialog on this was severely disrupted by 2016’s election & we will need to pick up where we left off from, keeping a vigilant torch on this issue.
  • A “Grand Bargain” for entitlements. Social Security will be insolvent by 2033 &  Medicare by 2026, according to their trustees. The Baby Boomer generation & the Millenials will need to bargain over things like slowing cost-of-living adjustments & increasing taxes to make Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security solvent again. Without Social Security, fifty percent of our wisest members would be living in poverty – just one in ten are so stricken, with Social Security.
    We need to make Social Security contributory, where each generation is paying their own way toward retirement. Look for such a generational-equity solution, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt originally envisioned for Social Security.
  • Equal pay for equal work. We need to balance the 75% only that women get on average of men’s pay, so we have “equal pay for equal work.”
  • Debt. Another area where elders have somehow bequeathed us a bill, we are currently at a level near 100% of our GDP. The second-highest “spending” we do is on interest for the American debt. Largely we owe China  for our debt. our solution will have to come from finding some mix of magic numbers for things like increases to income, employer, & corporate taxes, & magic-number-cuts to entitlements & national defense spending – our top sources of revenue & non-interest expenditures, unless we can generate a new means of income to pay down our debt & get rid of the ‘money sink’ debt-interest cost we pay currently.
  • Draconian confinements. From drug sentences to locking up gays in so-called mental hospitals, we need to stop with Draconian judgements & live in  a world of pluralism and respect, not Draconianism and prejudice.
  • Internet privacy. I would like in-the-know women & female ethics philosophers particularly to have a lot of say & the lead in a national dialog about how we should address communications  & information technology information privacy, against the slithering siphoning of private & personal information, including photos & videos, by capitalist data – miners often working hand in hand with Madison Avenue’s Marketers.
  • Minimum wage. Workers need a living wage. Right now we subsidize Wal-mart – owned by one of the richest families in the world – to have their employees require government assistance. We must stop corporate welfare here & elsewhere, we have too many money problems as it is.
  • Refugees. Refugees need refuge. Many Middle Easterners in Syria are Christians, & denying the helping hand we can afford to give them of shelter and food until bigger militant forces have settled down in their home Country.
  • Yemeni humanitarian-crisis aid. If children are very sick at a party, and you can pay a fairly paltry sum to help save so many, it would be a derelictness to not save them.Millions are starving in Yemen thanks to again proxy battles, & Allies or not we will have to help stem the mass starvation & malnutrition happening in the worst humanitarian crisis we have seen since World War II.

    Help the Yemeni. Say yes to Yemen.

  • Micro-trading. Hundreds-or thousands-of-fold faster stock & other finance trades are happening with micro-training, which is rapid automated trading of stocks & other securities. Some have forecast a potential 2nd recession from these lacking regulations. Very likely they need to be regulated to keep the markets at a human pace of volatility.

These were all I thought of off the top of my head.

I would like to cite many, many statistics, & in general better my information, but right now I am falsley held in confinement and not allowed to have access to a computer, write, or even talk to my loved ones over the phone for all and most of the day, respectively.

But these are my sincerestly held beliefs. Thank you very much for your listening to me.

Joe Valentyn
November 25th, 2018
Minnesota, U.S.A

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