Years of Pain: Why Natural Health is Right, a Discussion by Joe Valentyn

A previous version of this had acquired a typo, but is now subdued.

In this discussion in Undernet #Philosophical, the successor room to Undernet #Philosophy, I am “Impresario”; this conversation was from 2020, April 7th, the day after my birthday:

{09:04:34 pm:} * Channel #philosophical modes: +tnRl 45
{09:04:34 pm:} * Channel #philosophical created on Mon Apr 18 11:39:55 2005
{09:04:38 pm:} -X- You’re voiced by [Bianca] (GagaBot) on #RebelYell
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{09:17:35 pm:} <Impresario> well you guys, i think i got & beat corona (or something like it), using Andrew Saul’s protocol for pneumonia, etc.
{09:18:28 pm:} <Impresario> i took regular vitamin C’s (not liposomals) up to every 6 mins, & that overcame it fairly well
{09:18:40 pm:} <Impresario> (about 1g)
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{09:19:03 pm:} <kblom> yeou should send it to Trump or Fauci
{09:19:29 pm:} <Impresario> the protocol?
{09:19:46 pm:} <Impresario> hey btw . . .
{09:19:48 pm:} <kblom> I’d expect a more reasonable response from Fauci
{09:20:29 pm:} <Impresario> i’ve used it before for upper respiratory infections, including what seemed like pneumonia one winter
{09:20:46 pm:} <Impresario> which is why i had confidence in it
{09:20:50 pm:} <Impresario> or part of the reason
{09:21:39 pm:} <Impresario> here’s that video again:
{09:21:41 pm:} <JohnStar> Title: Andrew W. Saul, PhD on Curing Infectious Diseases, including Pneumonia, the Flu (Influenza), & Colds, with Vitamin C ⸻ ♡, Joe Valentyn
{09:21:42 pm:} <`411> — “Andrew W. Saul, PhD on Curing Infectious Diseases, including Pneumonia, the Flu (Influenza), & Colds, with Vitamin C ⸻ ♡, Joe Valentyn”
{09:23:05 pm:} <kblom> my doctor told me that megadoses of vitamin C were worthless
{09:23:21 pm:} <Impresario> i’m sorry your Doctor told you that
{09:23:41 pm:} <Impresario> – at one point i got some shortness of breath & considered whether i’d have to go in to urgent care, etc. fortunately it was effective & i didn’t have to
{09:25:08 pm:} <Impresario> ask your Doctor if he’s ever treated upper respiratory infections, for example, with them, or if he even knows it is antibiotic, antiviral, etc, at higher doses
{09:25:12 pm:} <kblom> buf it works for you, I don’t think it will harm you. but that’s not my are of expertise
{09:25:25 pm:} <kblom> err area
{09:27:30 pm:} <Impresario> if you’re not diligent & don’t start right away at the first sign of infection, like you always should, then you can still use IV vitamin C in a hospital. they do up to 50,000mg (50g) in 4 hours, i heard
{09:28:04 pm:} <mControlFreq> Zinc stops a cold in its tracks
{09:28:14 pm:} <Impresario> the mil says that, mControlFreq
{09:28:35 pm:} <Impresario> they also had good results with colds with another natural medicine i won’t mention here
{09:28:45 pm:} <friida> that’a aPauling
{09:28:48 pm:} <Impresario> (so to not confuse people)
{09:28:49 pm:} <Impresario> lol
{09:28:50 pm:} <Impresario> friida
{09:28:59 pm:} <Impresario> i knew i would get associated with Linus, here.
{09:29:06 pm:} <Impresario> brb, breakfast. i feel good!
{09:29:30 pm:} <mControlFreq> 50g of vit C in 4 hours would kill you
{09:30:07 pm:} <Impresario> no, no it wouldn’t
{09:30:30 pm:} <Impresario> try reading Andrew Saul’s book on vitamin C
{09:30:45 pm:} <mControlFreq> Check your units
{09:30:51 pm:} <Impresario> also i said IV
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{09:31:00 pm:} <Impresario> you did not specify.
{09:31:27 pm:} <Impresario> check your sources
{09:32:18 pm:} <Impresario> Dr. Mercola says IV vitamin C is “virtually risk free”, as opposed to what Freq just stated.
{09:32:37 pm:} <Impresario> Dr. Mercola is a D.O who ran a hospital, in the Chicago metro.
{09:32:43 pm:} <Impresario> & runs his own clinic.
{09:33:19 pm:} <mControlFreq> Heading to my desktop
{09:33:24 pm:} <Impresario> i also said up to.
{09:34:09 pm:} <Impresario> you will get scurvy & die without vitamin C. many sailors did for many centuries.
{09:34:59 pm:} <Impresario> “During the Age of Exploration (between 1500 and 1800), it has been estimated that scurvy killed at least two million sailors.” ~ Wikipedia
{09:35:11 pm:} <kblom> for some reason my doctor regard megadoses of vitamin C as snake oil
{09:35:14 pm:} <Impresario> “Foo’.”
{09:35:59 pm:} <Impresario> “Scurvy is a disease resulting from a lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).[1]” ~ first line of Wikipedia on scurvy.
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{09:37:28 pm:} <kblom> she says to consume the recommended amount of vitamin C to avoid scurvy
{09:38:51 pm:} <kblom> we don’t want scurvy
{09:39:42 pm:} <kblom> so occasionally I eat an orange
{09:40:04 pm:} <kblom> they’re very difficult
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{09:43:04 pm:} <Impresario> “Dr. Ronald Hunninghake is an internationally recognized expert on vitamin C who has personally supervised more than 60,000 intravenous (IV) vitamin C administrations.”
{09:43:58 pm:} <kblom> what kind of crazy name is Hunninghake?
{09:44:09 pm:} <Impresario> “Dr. Hunninghake expounds on this issue:
{09:44:09 pm:} <Impresario> “Now, just to put that into perspective for the average person, if we were to measure someone off the street, their blood level would be about 1 mg/dl if they’re eating a fairly decent diet. If they’re less than 0.6 mg per dl, they’re into a scurvy type range of vitamin C.
{09:44:09 pm:} <Impresario> But what we’re talking about for a post-IVC saturation level, giving, let’s say 25 to 50 grams of vitamin C intravenously over about a 90-minute period, is in the 200 to 300 mg/dl range.
{09:44:09 pm:} <Impresario> So we’re talking about 200 to 300 times the normal amount of vitamin C that your blood normally experiences just eating a balanced diet.””
{09:45:15 pm:} <Impresario> fyi…
{09:48:20 pm:} <Impresario> few things have i gotten as much resistance against sharing as natural medicine knowledge.
{09:49:05 pm:} <kblom> nutritional science not vey well respected
{09:50:02 pm:} <kblom> they’ve got to get better
{09:50:17 pm:} <Impresario> i don’t know what you’re talking about, who does
{09:51:02 pm:} <kblom> like how much of which nutrients to eat for optimal health
{09:52:27 pm:} <Impresario> are you sure corporations don’t create a conflict of interest, e.g corporate “studies” saying sugar is not the culprit, (healthy) fats are?
{09:52:41 pm:} <Impresario>
{09:52:44 pm:} <JohnStar> Title: How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat – The New York Times
{09:52:44 pm:} <`411> — “How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat – The New York Times”
{09:52:48 pm:} <kblom> when I see a book about nutrition, I don’t respect what it says very much
{09:52:55 pm:} <Impresario> ^
{09:53:29 pm:} <Impresario> the famous Ancel Keys study.
{09:55:23 pm:} <Impresario> maybe you should’ve listened to your Doctor & taken Avandia, the deadly & recalled drug that killed 60,000 people recently.
{09:56:49 pm:} <kblom> my doctor did not recommend Avandia. but she did recommend a few effective drugs
{09:56:54 pm:} <Impresario> which is not some one-off for the business of medical studies:
{09:56:56 pm:} <JohnStar> Title: Dark Side of Medical Research: Widespread Bias and Omissions | Live Science
{09:56:58 pm:} <`411> — “Dark Side of Medical Research: Widespread Bias and Omissions | Live Science”
{09:57:14 pm:} <Impresario> my Doctor recommended Darvocet. Darvocet was later recalled
{09:57:20 pm:} <Impresario> also Midodrine.
{09:57:34 pm:} <Impresario> (just to be clear: Midodrine was later recalled.)
{09:59:20 pm:} <Impresario> kblom: if i give you peppermint candies all day that might be effective for stomach ache, but is safe to eat sugary candies all day?
{09:59:32 pm:} <Impresario> no, it is not.
{09:59:56 pm:} <Impresario> *if i give you peppermint candies all day[,] that might be effective for stomach ache, but is safe to eat sugary candies all day?
{10:00:16 pm:} <Impresario> there is a difference between one sign being positive & all signs being positive
{10:01:16 pm:} <Impresario> how long would it take to appraise all the possibilities required for such things?
{10:01:32 pm:} <Impresario> longer than it took to “study” Avandia.
{10:02:12 pm:} <Impresario> longer than it took to “study” Darvocet. & longer than it took to “study” Midodrine. look up “post-marketing”
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{10:03:31 pm:} <kblom> neer heard of those drugs
{10:03:56 pm:} <Impresario> yeah – you might ask yourself why, on that too –
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{10:04:34 pm:} <kblom> no I won’t
{10:04:51 pm:} <Impresario> your head is harder than that, huh =D
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{10:07:04 pm:} <Impresario> you might ask yourself why natural, e.g herbal medicines that have been around for **thousands of years** in human society ‘have not been scientifically tested’ but factory sludge out of Johnson & Johnson’s lab is “proven to be effective” medication, etc, etc, etc, after being created in a laboratory in the 1980s & studied for only 7 years.
{10:08:17 pm:} <Impresario> things like vitamin C are not patentable, things like Avandia & Darvocet & Midodrine are patentable.
{10:08:36 pm:} <Impresario> which does your Doctor prescribe you more?
{10:08:52 pm:} <Impresario> which do your Doctor prescribe you more?
{10:09:47 pm:} <Impresario> my Doctor never prescribed me anything but patentable, synthetic medications. ever.
{10:09:58 pm:} <Impresario> they just happened to be “healthiest”.
{10:10:44 pm:} <Impresario> (compared to natural foods like vegetables, herbs, fish, etc, & natural medicines like vitamin C or vitamin D3.)
{10:11:39 pm:} <kblom> my doctor barely prescribes anything .her best was this new stuff to eliminate small insect parasites, like scabies and fleas. I’d call it a miracle drug
{10:12:12 pm:} <Impresario> garlic, oregano oil; we have around 400,000 species of plants on Earth. vegeteables slash death risk by up 42% (with enough servings a day). not one time could’ve i been prescribed a natural food, medicine?
{10:12:15 pm:} <kblom> it eliminates lice, too
{10:13:02 pm:} <Impresario> well – that is not representative of America. you might look up how many are prescribed pharmaceuticals, kblom.
{10:13:03 pm:} <kblom> your body becomes immune to creatures like that
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{10:15:17 pm:} <kblom> I don’t have a grudge against pharmaceuticl industry. if I had diabtws and needed insulin I might
{10:16:47 pm:} <kblom> they did a good job against AIDS and Ebola
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{10:19:00 pm:} <Impresario> so in the face of facts you say mentioning recalled medications, & the fact they virtually never prescribe natural foods & medicines is “carrying a grudge”, by your characterization
{10:19:42 pm:} <kblom> lakitu I don’t care about this at all
{10:19:44 pm:} <Impresario> i’m not sure the widows & husbands who lost their wives– & parents– from Avandia feel that way
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{10:19:57 pm:} <Impresario> then why do you intercede?
{10:20:27 pm:} <Impresario> a quote from the article in livescience: “Turner knows all too well about such problems. He shook up the medical community in 2008 when he reported that unpublished studies about antidepressants made the drugs appear to work much better than they really did. Of 74 antidepressant studies registered with the FDA, 37 studies that showed positive resul
{10:20:27 pm:} <Impresario> ts ended up being published. By contrast, studies that showed iffy or negative results mostly ended up going unpublished or had their data distorted to appear positive, Turner found. The missing or skewed studies helped create the impression that 94 percent of antidepressant trials had produced positive results, according to Turner’s analysis, pub
{10:20:27 pm:} <Impresario> lished in the New England Journal of Medicine. In reality, all the studies together showed just 51-percent positive results.”
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{10:22:00 pm:} <kblom> send that to Trump or Fauci, not me
{10:22:07 pm:} <fattratt> hello bipeds
{10:22:17 pm:} <kblom> hi rat
{10:22:32 pm:} <Impresario> it’s philosophy of health, etc
{10:22:57 pm:} <Impresario> i didn’t send this terrible life-saving information to you =S
{10:23:06 pm:} <Impresario> =s*
{10:23:28 pm:} <Impresario> “For instance, a past analysis of clinical trials supporting new drugs approved by the FDA showed that just 43 percent of more than 900 trials on 90 new drugs ended up being published. In other words, about 60 percent of the related studies remained unpublished even five years after the FDA had approved the drugs for market. That meant physicians
{10:23:28 pm:} <Impresario> were prescribing the drugs and patients were taking them without full knowledge of how well the treatments worked. “We think that at least half of full trials never reach publication, maybe more,” Dickersin said.”
{10:23:35 pm:} <Impresario> more from the meta-analysis.
{10:23:51 pm:} <Impresario> on LiveScience.
{10:24:41 pm:} <Impresario> hey fattratt –
{10:25:21 pm:} <Impresario> brb, getting some food. hmm do i have any plastic or chemicals in the fridge – i wonder that i could go for some ammonia… </joke>
{10:25:56 pm:} <Impresario> just cook up the plastic on the stove, & waft those wonderful fumes, lolol
{10:25:59 pm:} * Impresario laughs
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{10:32:20 pm:} -X- AUTHENTICATION SUCCESSFUL as lakitu
{10:32:20 pm:} -X- Remember: Nobody from CService will ever ask you for your password, do NOT give out your password to anyone claiming to be CService.
{10:32:24 pm:} * Impresario sets mode +i on Impresario
{10:32:24 pm:} * Impresario sets mode +w on Impresario
{10:32:24 pm:} * Impresario sets mode +x on Impresario
{10:32:28 pm:} * Now talking on #philosophical
{10:32:28 pm:} * Topic for #philosophical is: (LionClan) Facts cannot be explained by a hypothesis more extraordinary than the facts themselves. – C.S. Peirce
{10:32:28 pm:} * Topic for #philosophical set by X (Sun Apr 5 22:29:53 2020)
{10:32:28 pm:} * X gives voice to Impresario
{10:32:46 pm:} * Channel #philosophical modes: +tnRl 48
{10:32:46 pm:} * Channel #philosophical created on Mon Apr 18 11:39:55 2005
{10:33:17 pm:} <Impresario> 222440 <+Impresario> hey fattratt –
{10:33:17 pm:} <Impresario> 222519 <+Impresario> brb, getting some food. hmm do i have any plastic or chemicals in the fridge – i wonder that i could go for some ammonia… </joke>
{10:33:17 pm:} <Impresario> 222554 <+Impresario> just cook up the plastic on the stove, & waft those wonderful fumes, lolol
{10:33:17 pm:} <Impresario> 222558 *+Impresario* laughs
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{10:36:45 pm:} <Impresario> no actually i’m going to have a Caesar salmon-chicken wrap – one of my favorites.
{10:37:02 pm:} <Impresario> – & some asparagus.
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{10:40:39 pm:} <artalien> Reality is an ICU dead
{10:41:19 pm:} <Impresario> talking about Boris Johnson?
{10:41:44 pm:} <artalien> Sure we experience x differently but there are certain facts that cannot be denied.
{10:42:11 pm:} <artalien> sorry to hear you might have the virus, joe
{10:42:19 pm:} <Impresario> i think i overcame it artalien
{10:42:28 pm:} <Impresario> see above
{10:42:34 pm:} <artalien> In 24 hours?
{10:42:40 pm:} <Impresario> about 2.5-3 days
{10:42:40 pm:} <Impresario> or so
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{10:43:01 pm:} <artalien> jeez, that’s pretty niffty
{10:43:08 pm:} <kblom> he says he killed it with vitamin C
{10:43:32 pm:} <artalien> well…….
{10:43:34 pm:} <Impresario> frequent dosing with liposomal vitamin C &– ah, kblom trying to play word games with viruses & verbs, here
{10:44:20 pm:} <Impresario> with liposomal vitamin C & regular oral.
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{10:45:01 pm:} <Impresario> was goig to say – the lettuce will be properly washed of Ready Round-Up glyphosate –
{10:45:05 pm:} <Impresario> as i was mentioning before
{10:45:18 pm:} <kblom> I guess killed is a verb and vitamin C is a noun
{10:45:29 pm:} <Impresario> kblom: why couldn’t you metaphorically say it?
{10:45:41 pm:} <Impresario> like ‘the bottles are done, we killed each one’?
{10:46:20 pm:} <Impresario> since you’re trying to set up with agreeing to this apparent misnomer?
{10:46:25 pm:} <Impresario> since you’re trying to set me up with agreeing to this apparent misnomer?
{10:46:36 pm:} <Impresario> this time & last time?
{10:47:39 pm:} <Impresario> maybe yous want to add some glyphosate as a topping on your salads? =|
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{10:50:03 pm:} <kblom> hi guerro
{10:50:18 pm:} <Impresario> ‘will you be wanting any glyphosate atop your salad, monsieur?’ – ‘no, add the methylmercury & find me some good DDT, tho. & the real stuff, none of these natural substitutes.”
{10:50:25 pm:} <Impresario> “/’
{10:51:05 pm:} * Impresario has guerro on /ignore, fyi…
{10:52:16 pm:} <kblom> laitu but guerro is very good
{10:52:21 pm:} <Impresario> oh.
{10:52:45 pm:} <Impresario> how long have you two known one another?
{10:53:23 pm:} <Impresario> haha
{10:54:47 pm:} <kblom> I met gueror a few months ago in rebelyell, he was more rational than the others
{10:54:56 pm:} <Impresario> quite a bit of anarchy for recommending vitamins & vegetables i’ll have to say – “What a maroon!” ~ Bugs Bunny
{10:55:01 pm:} <Impresario> i see
{10:55:38 pm:} <Chryslos> “majestic morons of idiate wisdom unlimited”
{10:55:55 pm:} <Impresario> guerro topped the members of #rebelyell – marden, yourself, me ^_^
{10:56:27 pm:} <kblom> I believe that
{10:56:43 pm:} <Impresario> to whom are you speaking, kblom?
{10:57:23 pm:} <kblom> everyone opresent
{10:58:08 pm:} <Impresario> ok… well that’s strange.
{10:58:13 pm:} <kblom> guerro yes it is
{10:58:33 pm:} <Chryslos> uh
{10:58:51 pm:} <Chryslos> have any of you used the recreational program “hylics”?
{10:58:51 pm:} <Impresario> you met guerro a few months ago & think she/he is more rational than you are, than marden is, & than i am, then
{10:59:28 pm:} <Impresario> are you prone to say at this time that guerro is more rational than JohnGuru, kblom?
{11:01:01 pm:} <kblom> lakitu maybe
{11:01:06 pm:} <Impresario> maybe, huh =D
{11:01:15 pm:} <artalien> calm down, maybe you did and maybe you didn’t cure covid-19 by taking vitamin C. Apply philosophy how will you prove it
{11:01:36 pm:} <Icarium> lol nobody cured shit with vitamin C
{11:01:42 pm:} <Icarium> except suckers from their full wallets
{11:01:45 pm:} <Impresario> i will say “maybe” you are speaking under the adverse effects of some pharmaceutical drug
{11:02:05 pm:} <artalien> oh dear
{11:02:20 pm:} <Impresario> Icarium: sorry, it’s you vs. Ron Hunninghake, Thomas Levy, Dr. Mercola, Andrew Saul, when it comes to vitamin C
{11:02:58 pm:} <Impresario> last time you misread the first line of a study discussing it’s preventative effectiveness against pneumonia– i could cite again– & said it disproved all its effectiveness for such
{11:02:58 pm:} <artalien> See this is what I have been trying to highlight, 5G causes covid-19
{11:03:09 pm:} <Icarium> 5G is actually okay
{11:03:17 pm:} <Impresario> haha artalien.
{11:03:18 pm:} <Icarium> and pretty cool
{11:03:58 pm:} <Impresario> well i’m glad you’ve looked into it & disproven it _Sol_ (“*not*”)
{11:04:05 pm:} <Impresario> etc
{11:04:09 pm:} <Icarium> no, it is not me, I’m merely part of a broader coalition including the overwhelming majority of real doctors, the CDC, and the FDA
{11:04:16 pm:} <Impresario> mm
{11:04:39 pm:} <Icarium> the only people who benefit from vitamin C are those deficient in vitamin C
{11:04:48 pm:} <artalien> It is a symptom of a severe lack of trust in authority
{11:04:52 pm:} <kblom> lakitu but I remember john’s Earth is Flat dialectic and you don’t
{11:04:54 pm:} <Impresario> Icarium that was you who said it
{11:04:58 pm:} <Impresario> we covered this last time
{11:05:10 pm:} <Impresario> kblom: oh…
{11:05:23 pm:} <Impresario> Icarium: we covered studies
{11:06:11 pm:} <Impresario> so if the whole medical establishment feelts vitamin C is not effective against e.g pneumonia prevention, then that would be their problem.
{11:06:37 pm:} <Impresario> Icarium: also we just discussed the FDA… Avandia, Darvocet, Midodrine
{11:06:42 pm:} <Impresario> how about DDT, BPA, umm
{11:07:14 pm:} <Impresario> there’s quite a few
{11:07:20 pm:} <Icarium> it’s not an argument, I’m merely informing anyone who might be uninformed that vitamin C curing any infection is quack science
{11:07:29 pm:} <Impresario> Icarium: you’re not worth my time
{11:07:32 pm:} <Impresario> – i’m sorry.
{11:07:59 pm:} <Icarium> good, give it up
{11:08:25 pm:} <Impresario> Icarium claims superiority over Dr. Ron Hunninghake & Dr. Thomas Levy on vitamin C
{11:10:03 pm:} <Icarium> some arguments have no clear winner, like variations in ethics
{11:10:10 pm:} <Icarium> those can be argued to death forever
{11:10:15 pm:} <Icarium> but this ain’t one of those arguments
{11:10:18 pm:} * LionClan (~androirc@ has joined
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{11:11:04 pm:} <artalien> Imp what is a stake here your reputation, let the fuckers chance covid-19 without the vits
{11:11:05 pm:} <artalien> why are you such a strong advocate
{11:11:37 pm:} <Impresario> how’d he do it? he just feels that stimulated, it seems, haha – pure inappropriate aggressiveness is the cause celebre here
{11:11:54 pm:} <Impresario> ‘if i was there i’d punch you in the face’
{11:12:12 pm:} <Impresario> ~ reason to not take vitamin C in cases of pneumonia onset, etc etc etc
{11:12:48 pm:} <Impresario> you can’t get better medical science information than that
{11:14:16 pm:} <Impresario> _Sol_, you’re an interesting contributor
{11:15:04 pm:} <Icarium> the only doctor you should take supplement advice from is your actual doctor
{11:15:14 pm:} <Impresario> what about 2nd opinions?
{11:15:30 pm:} <Impresario> what about when they say to take Darvocet? or Midodrine? or Avandia?
{11:15:40 pm:} <Impresario> “Foo’.”
{11:15:41 pm:} <Impresario> lol
{11:15:56 pm:} <Icarium> not some random internet doctor
{11:16:02 pm:} <LionClan> I wouldn’t rely on Dr Trump for an opinion
{11:17:36 pm:} <Impresario> guy has been doing medicine for 40 years or so, publiciziing & getting peer-reviewed for 23. Icarium recommends that goofy guy at your clinic who misinterpreted your symptoms & diagnosed you as having no sickness / a cold despite throwing up etc etc etc
{11:17:50 pm:} <Icarium> there is no privileged information on covid19, you can check multiple sources on it
{11:17:55 pm:} <Impresario> or that guy who prescribed vicodin / opioids
{11:17:58 pm:} <Icarium> everyone and their dog is writing about it
{11:18:05 pm:} <Impresario> & almost got you killed
{11:18:25 pm:} <Impresario> vicodin/opioids*
{11:20:41 pm:} <Icarium> Linux Pauling’s entire body of research was discredited
{11:20:55 pm:} <Impresario> the fact is, natural dietary supplements are found to be– using official government & NGO data– 68,000 times safer than synthetic pharmacueticals –
{11:20:56 pm:} <Icarium> you can mention the accolades but you have to also mention his lies
{11:21:45 pm:} <Impresario> & too: herbal supplements were found to be, using that same government & NGO data – 7,750 times safer than synthetic pharmacuetical medications
{11:21:51 pm:} <LionClan> New York hospitals are treating coronavirus with vitamin C
{11:21:55 pm:} <Icarium> Pauling is like the Alex Jones of natural medicine
{11:22:15 pm:} <Impresario> synthetic pharmaceutical medications were found to be as dangerous as living in a war zone, statistically:
{11:23:39 pm:} <Icarium> the truth is any medication or supplement including vitamins that help defeat viral infections would be adopted by everyone and pulling in billions
{11:23:46 pm:} <Icarium> it’s a big problem in medicine
{11:24:24 pm:} <Impresario> (62,000*:)
{11:24:25 pm:} <JohnStar> Title: Pharmaceutical Drugs Are 62,000 Times Likely to Kill You
{11:24:27 pm:} <`411> — “Pharmaceutical Drugs Are 62,000 Times Likely to Kill You”
{11:24:38 pm:} <Impresario> the study is in there
{11:25:52 pm:} <Icarium> alex jones is a gigantic troll, so is Pauling. the similarities are strong
{11:26:30 pm:} <Icarium> if you are the founder of an entire branch of quack medicine, you are probably worse than Jones
{11:26:41 pm:} <Icarium> kinda like L Ron Hubbard and scientology
{11:26:49 pm:} <artalien> check this out, I am beating myself up for being a self interested person but I wouldn’t do this
{11:26:54 pm:} <artalien> BBC News – Coronavirus: Discarded disposable gloves on the street
{11:26:54 pm:} <artalien>
{11:26:55 pm:} <JohnStar> Title: Coronavirus: Discarded disposable gloves on the street – BBC News
{11:26:56 pm:} <`411> — “Coronavirus: Discarded disposable gloves on the street – BBC News”
{11:27:05 pm:} <Icarium> go read his wikipedia page
{11:27:24 pm:} <Icarium> there is an entire section on “vitamin C advocacy”
{11:27:24 pm:} <Impresario>
{11:27:26 pm:} <JohnStar> Title: ANH Exclusive! Natural health products ultra-safe and drugs as dangerous as war | Alliance For Natural Health
{11:27:29 pm:} <`411> — “ANH Exclusive! Natural health products ultra-safe and drugs as dangerous as war | Alliance For Natural Health”
{11:27:48 pm:} <artalien> and for cat lovers
{11:27:52 pm:} <artalien> BBC News – Coronavirus: ‘Keep cats indoors’, vets recommend
{11:27:52 pm:} <artalien>
{11:27:53 pm:} <JohnStar> Title: Coronavirus: ‘Keep cats indoors’, vets recommend – BBC News
{11:27:54 pm:} <`411> — “Coronavirus: ‘Keep cats indoors’, vets recommend – BBC News”
{11:28:22 pm:} <fattratt> I had a friend phone up and tell me that his cat was quite ill.
{11:28:42 pm:} <fattratt> I’m now keeping well away from the neighbours’ cats.
{11:28:52 pm:} <artalien> My dog was sneezing two weeks ago and she never sneezes
{11:29:01 pm:} <fattratt> oh no
{11:29:09 pm:} <Impresario> Icarium: cites sections that are sentence fragments like a reasoned citation
{11:29:18 pm:} <Impresario> Icarium cites sections that are sentence fragments like a reasoned citation.
{11:29:29 pm:} <Icarium> you can put whatever dumb shit you want in your body, I’m just warning you
{11:29:48 pm:} <artalien> In four years I never heard my dog sneeze till two weeks ago
{11:29:51 pm:} <fattratt> If I see cat shit in the gdn I put a load of wood ash over it.
{11:30:09 pm:} <artalien> fattratt:)
{11:31:05 pm:} <Impresario> Icarium cites section headings that are sentence fragments like a reasoned citation.
{11:31:09 pm:} <fattratt>I give dog walkers a wide birth when I am out – enhanced social distancing from dogs and dog walkers.
{11:31:17 pm:} <Impresario> (i meant)

See the links & for more, or see e.g,, & many books, studies, & other websites, including lectures by the mentioned recognized experts.

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