A Post About Eclecticism


one school of thought i’ve been propounding lately is eclecticism. when you apply this idea to philosophy, you see that for example, subjectivism & realism are not competitors mutually exclusive, but subjectivism says what is good of the body is told in diagnosis, & realism says what is good of the body is health – as that, they are unified in a toolkit where one is used for one thing, (the analysis of ‘diagnosis’ from body), & the other thing is used for still another. it is the idea that different schools of thought are like tools in a toolbelt, rather than competing systems; this carries over to broader fields than philosophies, where science has its place, religion its, poetry another, & so on; so that each field has its place. this is the idea of eclecticism, & even well-roundedness: that you selectively use the good points from each thing, rather than tribally defend your one way.

in a way, this gets to well-roundedness, & life philosophy, where you spend not all your time being intellectual, moving one level-up in the categories of pursuits, but spend time with friends & family, pursuing your passion/career, release doing hobbies & recreations, & spend time learning new things, & experiencing new kinds of experiences, as well.

the french had a phrase, it meant “he eats well, he drinks well, he fucks well.” that is sort of the cosmopolitan idea here.