Party On, Wayne: Working Together Is A Need Of The Time

this was written about one week ago, hopefully I’m not too far behind the curve with this . .

Let’s recap.

Bush II came to power.

We were attacked.

The U.S. gov responded to this isolated act of terrorism by choosing to start the unjust Iraq War.

Thruout this time, Bush was suboptimal in the highest office of a “superpower” nation.

For our unjust war & a suboptimal president, America’s reputation around the world suffered.

Then the economy crashed. A lack of regulation & also government de-regulation created a housing bubble of bad loans/mortgages, as well as more complicated financing. many say stagnating wages & accruing debt in the average person’s finances were meaningful factors, too.

Barack Obama becomes president.

Under the admin’, the U.S. responds to the subprime mortgage crisis by carrying out bail outs of the big money institutions (as well as select industries) who by most accounts were in multiply ways the cause of the problem, thru lobbying/advising de-regulation / subprime lending, & as i say, more complicated financial shystering.

Meanwhile, millions of American people lost their jobs & their homes, & were not anywhere near adequately “bailed out.”

The de-regulation that caused this was so far not pursued with seriousness by those for whom it mattered that they do. the financial secretaries were straight out of the revolving door from the very groups of people who lobbied to de-regulate & caused the crash, & for so-far unexplainable reasons, regulatory capture was the norm for treasury secretaries under Barack Obama.

Republicans holding office denied responsibility for the de-regulation, much distress abounded, & we grew angry at each other: liberals & conservatives, Democrats & Republicans.

( . . . I don’t want to remind us how that already cost us a credit downgrading, in 2011, because of our quarreling.)

This quarreling is what I wanted to talk about. We need to come together as Americans, & work for America. We need to remedy these problematic situations we have created for ourselves, & work for all of our good. We need to work together as One. We need to heal our animosities & get past our bones to pick, with our fellow Americans, & work as a unified America for America.

Let’s do just that.

I personally was greatly inspired by Rand Paul & Corey Booker working together on their (semi-)recent co-authored bill for more humane drug sentences.

I myself have seen the wisdom in Freedom to do what you want — as long as you have good intentions, & things like that — & real instances of “Big Government” — Republican ‘bells’ they’ve been ringing for a long time.

Let’s continue to heal from this adverse event at the Party of Life as a unit, as a collective, as people having a good time who had something unfortunate happen & just have to do our best to insure it does not happen again & move forward.

Thanks for the attention . . .


Update: April 4th, 2015, about 6pm.