Healthilicious Dishes: Potato Gnocchi

here’s a lighter post & a new, probably infrequent strain of posting i’ll do on here; when you take potatoes & combine them with flour however, this first one will be a lot more yummy than healthy.

made gnocchi (my favorite food maybe ) last night

Potato Gnocchi

i love gnocchi; it reminds me of a romantic, perhaps Italian-restaurant dinner.

when you get the urge, pull out the candles – ’cause here’s a yum, simple, maybe-20-minute potato gnocchi recipe. =)


.: Potato Gnocchi :. 

1. ingredients:

base ingredients: potatoes, flour, parsley; olive oil. garlic, salt.

ideal: organic potatoes, (???) flour, fresh organic parsley; organic extra virgin olive oil. fresh organic garlic, himalayan or sea salt.

2. instructions:

1. boil & mash potatoes.

2. add a little salt & parsley until the mashed potatoes are speckled, & then add flour & knead it in until you can make a ball which when boiled until it floats, is ‘firm to the tooth’ (“al dente”). (i would say this you add enough flour to the potato that the potato/flour dough no longer sticky on your hands.) ((it is best when first learning how to make these to keep boiling little experiment balls till they are firm to the tooth when they float from boiling.)) (if they are mushy, add flour & try again.)

3. after a ball you boil is firm to the tooth, you are ready to make a batch: take your potato dough & roll it into long rods the diameter (thickness) of about a quarter or a little bigger; if the cylinders stick, powder the surface you are rolling on with flour; if you like, you can add the grooves you see in the picture to the sides of the gnocchi by impressing a fork at this point along the two sides of the cylinder. they’ll hold more flavor (from the sauce) this way. you can then cut the cylinder into little balls about the size of a superball (the 25 cent size, not the big 75 or dollar clangers =D). you can make a bunch & freeze them, they’ll last up to 2 months, according to most internet sites. boil them until they float; after they’re done, scoop them out & make a sauce of olive oil, garlic & salt, & drizzle it on the dumplings . . .

4. eat =D

thanks to my friend “J.W.” for making & intro’ing me to (potato) gnocchi; they went well with the Port wine we had with the gnocchi.

that is all – take care; bon voyage; ciao =)

{*very basic cooking show theme plays; preferably as if a carryover from unused early 80s tv show music pieces.*}