How About Making Analogs To The Library & Community Center?

The library was a smash hit, as far as people’s endeavors in societal institutions go.

Very basically, we took something we wanted to encourage – learning – subsidized it, & we thus then civilized for millennia.

Yes we took money from the rich, a lot of them were hard working; yes we gave it to the less fortunate in a certain form.

But that made learning a hallmark of our society, a staple we resoundingly support.

The result was, we civilized – we grew as a world community, because we made libraries; so THAT is what we should model further library analogs to.

The community center is a great start. We want Health (not to mention community) for our people not just because it makes business sense for our financial bottom line – we want it because IT’S GOOD FOR US. That is more important.

Let’s look at what we want to encourage. A lot like Elizabeth Warren’s proposal that we should make college affordable — if not free, really I think — consider the great goods of civilization we want to nurture, not just the ugly crimes we want to remove: Love — make socializing that happens to be fertile for courting *a community sanctioned institution*. I really am saying play matchmaker, because Love is Good for us.

Maybe say Usefulness – why not have a ‘community center’ institution that borrows useful tools, very many need but only half of us can afford? Tools make our homes more cozy, our equipment functional.

— Let those who’ve been given harder lots check out a blood pressure kit from the “library” — or a oximeter — Why not?

What about the arts – including files on the internet – that inspire us? Is it better one guy, no matter how ‘hard he worked’, have 16 yachts, or do we by birthright deserve to subsidize artists & have copious amounts of art works – mp3s, books, pictures & art — in as much that is feasible? (Some of that is done on the margins already, in libraries, but we should make it done by right – by law – in our society.)

& What about research – yes they deserve pay, but should medical & other knowledge really be commercially restricted to those who can pay say 35$ for each & every study they want to read – whether it contains the information they’re looking for or not?

Is that best for our civilization? You have to ask yourself that . . .

One more – what about Fun? We focus on “the economy” so much as adults, we prescribe 5 days of work on average every 7 day week, we forget that kids know Life better than us in some ways . . . Let me explain: I remember seeing how denatured my parents were at 13, 14, 15, 16 — & this whole childhood thing was just something to do in the margins — let’s fund Childhood. Let’s make it great for our kids; they love fun – give them fun. They love to play, let them play. They love hanging out, let’s help them hang out. How many small towns have too little for their kids to do when they’re home from school – I’m talking about roller skating, hang outs, skate parks. As weird as it sounds, let’s take Fun seriously – it’s no small coin in this realm.

Thanks for reading!

First conceived/expressed during the “aughts” (’00s); returned to, written down & discussed in 2013 – again. Written up here a 3rd. – Joe =D


Continued July 2015: 30 Ideas For Community, Fun, & Culture In America