Survey Finds 93% Of Fruit & Vegetable Varieties Lost In 80 Years – Another Finds Over Half Of Wildlife Gone In Just 40 Years

Oh, no big deal: according to National Geographic, 93% of fruit & vegetable varieties have gone extinct in the years 1903 to 1983. Loss after that is not estimated.

Couple this with 52% slaughter/loss of wildlife in the last 40 years,1 2 3 & you should understand why I am an environmental warrior. Human mismanagement is a drastically serious concern.

Combine losing virtually all our fruit & vegetable heirlooms, with over half of the living, breathing wildlife in 40 years, with climate change, something as many as 98% of geological/climate scientists signed onto being “real” & “man-made,” & it seems like we are not going to live for long on this planet, everybody, without taking environmentalism seriously – more seriously than war, more seriously than economics.

Congressmen who are not for massive overhaul of our environmental protection are against it – & against humanity.


we will not live long on this planet if we kill 93% of our vegetables & fruits, further drink Monsanto’s newest “mystery concoction” that are GMO’s on a widespread basis, kill half of the world’s needed animals in 40 years, & pollute & desertify the place where we are living to the point of changing the climate.

Geezus God.

I do not have all the answers but these are upending problems that we need to get a handle on.

We need to sit back & not plan how to live the next 100 years, but the next 10,000, in a sustainable way. An environmental bender is not a long-term survival strategy. I’m sorry.

That is all. Thank you.
— Joe Valentyn