Songpoem: Fighting My Love Interests’ Afflictions Using Poetics: I

From a new book of poems in which I fight my love interests’ afflictions using poetics; when in Rome, write Love poetry. Here is me fighting one affliction using poetics:

*cough* is trying to trick you
*cough* is trying to trick you
a scary spectre -
a methed-up heckler -
an envious loveblocker, is trying to trick you

"why do we spend our lives,
being force fed lies?
is it because you envy these guys?!
yeah it's because you envy my guys!"

when Karma's sunny rays
beat down upon our faces
will see who's *cough*
& who went astray
(when Karma's sunny rays!)

(Envy is a sin!
Envy is a sin!
for a better world,
build with mud,
instead of throwing it!
for a better world,
be mad at yourself,
not "her" or "him";
for a better world,
look within . . . )

((Envy is a sin!
Envy is a sin!))

an envious loveblocker tried to trick you

- Now, where were we?

– JMarch 14th, 2019