Diplomacy, Love, Goodness, Fun & Looseness, & An Additional 3 Important Ideals

I know this is the 3rd time I have posted this, but I really believe in these things, & really want to share them with you.

This ideas get me so worked up, & altho what I will say will be truly brief on them, you could spend a long time thinking about things like Love & the others.

Here is what I will say: When I consider the Diplomacy, Love, Goodness, Fun & Looseness “Ways To Act,” I myself interject Health & Safety after Love, half the time; & further, when I drafted this poster last winter, I omitted what many call Justice, but what may itself be best/better understood as Fairness, from the whole poster.

((It probably would’ve got its own row.))

So those 3 – Health, Safety, & Justice/’Fairness’, you could thus add to these golden ideals.

Also, as I’ve said, these & all words worth their while, are like courses, themselves . . .  ones you will learn from all thruout the rest of your Life.

Let’s learn from all the great ideals & use them to have thriving, happy, well-Loved Lives.

– Joe Valentyn