Restoring The Democratic Equality Of Citizens With CEOs

Over $3.0B is spent on lobbying yearly.

I wonder that the established campaign finance reform / free & fair election cause could be tackled with other things that give corporations excess influence in our American government, like lobbying, which gives them apparently thousands of times more say in government individually than me or another average person; & possibly also too, corporate “public relations campaigns,” from which we get the “clean coal” advertising on tv, & other deceiving messages.

I am very happy to see campaign finance reform getting incredibly welldeserved traction;

I am just wondering if another large help to excess corporate influence could be restricting the flow of corporate lobbying to a trickle — “One person, one vote,” as Senator & Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders says — &, possibly, rethinking corporate public relations campaigns’ being allowed to deceive us with “clean coal” “messaging” & other doublespeak.

Corporate Greed & excess corporate influence sure seem to be costing the majority of us – perhaps we should further appraise & amend in a multi-pronged approach these influences on us, legislatively  —

Thank You.
Joe Valentyn