Songpoem: True Blue (2013, 2016)


& sacrifice!

& suffering!

& tragedy!

suffer for her – “{My name is blacked out because where I was it was illegal to print my name & give it to the people running the camp . . . }, will you suffer for me?”


& worship!!

& ℱate!!

& dreams!!!⸻

suffer for her ⸺ “{My blacked-out name}, will you suffer for me?”


& pay the price

to provide for your Ԛueen

suffer for her ⸺ “{My again blacked-out name}, will you suffer for me?”

& for what I hold precious

they will compete

that’s why I outgun

to outwin & outfox foxies

suffer for her ⸺ “{Blacked-out name}, will you suffer for me?”

murder your comforts ⸺

make war on your me:

grow out of these

pacifiers of peace


till you teeth

pay the price to hold ground

in the land of milk & honey

pay the price to hold ground

in the land of milk & honey

thus Karma!!

& Worship!!

& Fate!!

& Dreams!!

holding ground in the land of milk & honey was never easy

& thus pain

& sacrifice!

– & suffering

& scream!

⸺ {My blacked-out full name}

2013 into 2016