I Conquered China: Lead JUST Won World War IIV Contra The East Asians: What Just Personal Gains Is Costing In The First 2.25 Years A Season After The Lead JUST Won World War IIV Contra The East Asians Was Officially Ended


At least 2.25 year Envy demon sufferer phenethylamine addict hate own guy anti military leader Joe Valentyn religicide – anti Life Line – castration attempt – biological weapon attack – chemical weapon attack – other technology weapon attack – wrong hell – suicide attempt frame – anti Joe Valentyn stab attempt – anti Joe Valentyn shoot with a gun threat – anti Joe Valentyn’s Girls extortion – anti Joe Valentyn’s Girls bribery – anti JUSTICE – blindness – deafness-threat – small-penis frame ultra scale – insanity-frame ultra scale – arson attempt – (other) torture – anti Joe Valentyn dismemberment attempt / deformity attempt / maim attempt mutilation attempt / disfiguration attempt: including baldening – wrong hell free – molestation frame – anti Us poltrigiestry – antisexuality rape – phony LOVE fantasy doll body/heart/mind/soul control – phony JUSTICE fantasy and/or weasel word ventriloquism – wrong-kill calumny attempt – sexuality-force convert attempt – force demon-convert attempt – demon-possession – demon-possession destroy – at least 1st degree sch********** – repressing – nulling – illusion – incontinence frame – Jens-inferior frame – phony sloth frame – indigestion frame – that was my -100% for the lead won JUST world war contra the East( sic; Eastern) Asians . . . Now: let me escape my ”’sausage lyf”’!!!!

Just get in touch however you can!!!!!!!

I Cnt Ride Too Hott. Butt I Love To Ride. I Have Ndowd Syndrome. Creative High-Art Erotica Rider Looking For Women To Help Bring Our Baeutiful Lovestory To Life, & (Pen (& “Double-Pen”)) Your DesirablecLiterature. Live Out This Comedy of Erros Together ((I’m With Cupid…)). Try Me Out For Size; I Have Ndowd Syndrome. Butt I Love To Ride. I Cn’t Ride To Gooed. I Rockhard Still Want’a. I Need To Ink You. ((It’s My Job.)) Let’s Bring Our Baeautiful Lovestory To Lofe – Get Into Love &&&&& Get In Touch & Get In Touch Again & Again & Again & Again & Again & Again & Again & Again & Again & Again & Again & Again & Again . . . Www./ Joe Valentyn .ORG . xoxoxox♡xoxoxox.


Originally written & then banned from my OK Cupid profile in Spring/Summer 2017, titanically extended Midsummer 2019:


Do you have some fresh new pinkcliterature you want red? Do you think that you can work your beautiful body of Art in tantalizing ways, & want to have for yourself my dreamy, beautiful, & divine Lovestory coupled with your most-dreamy, most-beautiful, & most-divine Lovestory? Together at last? For the first time & for the ever time?

Then Let’s enjoy ourselves in the best of ways & pop the cork; ‘to much Romance.’

Hold on, tho, I’m not done: Do you have some much-loved ‘lip — ‘lit — (typo – where’s the backspace key????) — do you have some much-loved ‘lit that is herself already sopping wet with Romance, but you still want this hot clit rit — dyslexia, maybe there — ‘lit crit? Clit rit?

— Are you a ‘lit critter?

— You, the masterpiece, will be appraised thru the roof, because I am a Lover of Loves, & I will treat High Art as High Art . . . & inlay such royal material with the diamonds we want for such stately beauty.

Maybe you have undiscovered Art; many greats began having people throw their own cherrytomatoes at whot, in the end, was Loved most.

I am worldwise & learned enough to recognize that 2, even 3 rotten eggs do not the dozen spoil. It’s just bad luck, or whatever it is. So even if it has rained on your parade, I still know that that runny mascara — under those big fat coke-bottles — themselves under some rushed, rushed, rushed ponytail ****can be of the most-beautiful, earnestly lovable, maybe-even-better Lovestory artist of all****. You are not out of the race, you are not out of the winners’ circle. Dry those drops, dear. Dry those drops.



This is whre I cum in.

For all four Lovestory riderses, I am chock full of pluck & chipper. Remember Fabio on those Romance fiction covers? Everything you want? That’s whot you DESERVE AND REQUIRE for your next Lovestory. Ovid, Casanova, I red them all. I Love Love.

Maybe in your lovestories, chipper hard Sex prevails. Sensuousness. Drive. Emotion. Desire. In scientific terms, I have four testicles’ worth of testes. My penis is infinite.

& Beautiful too.

Swear to Women (Women!) that I am getting some computer glitches while working on this pic – I’ll tell you about my up loads another time – for now let’s focus on the fact that I cnt ride too hot, butt i love to ride: {link to pen pic}


(I aver with all my credibility that that is an un-doctored picture & one I didn’t set up. No picture editing; just whole-picture black-&-whited & then whole-picture hued. My middle-finger to my ring-finger lengths are also large & in charge.)

This & a condition I was medically diagnosed with: “satyromania”… the male version of being a nymphomaniac –
this condition is caused by Women, & cured by Women – in a vixen circle. Means big trouble in bigc’literature ridings we can do everywhere & everywhichway & everyt———-

Allow me to cup my hands & whisper an i-d-ya in your most-sensitivst of ears:

I am a rider. I cnt ride too hot. Butt I Love to ride. I feel this makes me a great American rider. ^_XX.

So, this is for all those Love riders out there: A’one’two’three’faWR!:

I have good jeans. The jeans get into the ink. {sic}

The ink flows nicely from the pen, & the pen is nice & long & well-built, it feels good to ride with, in your hands, & whotnot. Very, very, very safe to chew on the cap. It fits in your pocket(s). You can ride with it most anywhere =D…

With my jeans-ink, ink-pen, & again, just a huge & magnificent pen, we can mouth, orate, ride, or even just run our fingers along your beautiful, incredibly seductive body of Art. In terms of our riding, we will make Love.

A Beauty such as Women possess requires a lot of work – **this I know** – & I have all the dedication I need.

I would love for you to mouth, orate, handle, ride, just **breathe in my ear** **my own** body of work.

‘Butt don’t quit’, tho, as they say in lovespeech… because we can perform ‘double-penning’ on your body of Art — some call it ‘double entendre’. Sementicly, this means *penning you innuendo n your ‘lit.* That’s ‘lit’rally what double-penning iss; ‘lit’rally. Think “double-penning.” This is all part of being a punning linguist, puusi lingering —

— (@#$(@#$@#! I tried to make a joke — I cnt.

Upward & onward.

There’s also a fun much-loved number we can do called 69. 69 in terms of rhythmitic is both orally — in unison — or perhaps to the knowing – I could shock you, by my being upsidedown — while you made “oral history” with me in this beauitful mathematics; because of the “upsidedown” part of the orations, this unison oration is known in my mathematical rhythmitic as the number 69. This beauitful number we perform… is a delight of delights – quite the delight for both man & woman. It is one of my personal flavorites to enjoy. *Goes looking thru his library.*

Whairsabouts where we? Aw: yes: *What *ABOUT* oral skills?* Much ido is made of a person’s ability to perform orally. Men are not as gooed at performing orally, but certainly it is an out-of-body experience, so to speak, to get the luckiest of luckies, a women’s beautiful performance.

Let’s take another look at me again:

& My pen – so big it’s a funnie: but it rides & can take dictation, too:

Remember my pen is safe to chew on. It’s a Dic (missspelling?? I cnt spell. Granted there was a “cnt-spelling bee”: I wood wims ‘its.), & it has my jeans in it, (the jeans get in the ink). Feels good to hol’ on to, tooo… {link to pen pic}

So loosen up your belt & get comfortable; I want you to really get into it, now:

My looks & oral skills make performing orally for you fun.


Get in touch. Sleep on this. Get in touch. Doesn’t this all just say *BEGGING FOR IT*? you know what that means — GET IN TOUCH &– WELL, GET IN-TOUCH.

Alik I say: I have acquired the taste for the ****catient**** work of a punning linguist, & my performing oral has me insatiably **lingering** well over your ‘lit’s content… If you’re not familiar with the ‘lingering’ method, look it up; it’s on Unban Dicktionary. I am a ‘dicter’, to make a metaphor, of the lingering method who is a dedicated reeder of your ‘lit – again – orating in a very **in-touch** way – until your ‘lit’s amazing climax. My jaw is no stranger to oration – a bony stubbly thing; & maybe what’s more – I suck hard when I perform oral for you – mixing up the again-look-it-up lingering oratory, with my stubbley/bony jaw, & again, because i just suck & suck & suck — dedicatedly on your ‘lit tho, for minutes then tens of minutes, maybe an hour, maybe longer, until that Niagra Falls Dam of suspense BLOWS free, into our work’s climax, flowing thru my mouth, me taking it in like a insatiable whore. Maybe you could have two climaxes – why not three? When my lips go numb I can just run my fingers thru your ‘lit until I’m ready to reed again. Left hand’s fingers, right hand’s, perhaps the middle. I have the dedication, the Love, & the DESIRE!!! for orally performing even the most suspenseful cliterature floodbreakingly & sonorously.

Get in touch, &– get in touch. Sometimes when an idya just screams *PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE* – I get in touch with that person to work our idya together. Naps — “nap attack!!” — often do me good, when all else fails.

So alright, cntinuing.

I would love to ride you doubly, innuendo, backwards in a mirror.

A ‘nother personal favorite way to ride: orally titillating you while dedicatedly working your ‘lit with my huge, hairy hand to its fullest, most-tremelous flow[1-1], & truly amazing climax.

Your pure excitement flowing, running your legs in the afterglow of this latest ‘lit sensation, & happily I imbibe, in turn all your masterpiece offers, till the last drop of milfulous goodness.

The End.

Err wait now, wear were we?

Oh yes. What about riding bare tit-illation, you say, AND in your ‘lit?

(Oo I made a word joke!


No problem – I can pen both of these – My Beauties – & reacharound & fingerpaint you a blossoming pink flower at the same time. The Beauties are Beautiful, in my imagination right now. Precious.

I would Love, I would Love, I would Love.

I want to Love’ with you — Lovestory in full — let me tell you, beautiful female Lovestory & Romance & Sex riders of this world!!!! I want to Love’!!!! I feel like I am on ovocaine from thinking about this!!!!

“Joe,” you ask, “How can we work together on this epic Lovestory which is always (right?) in Spring?”

Where there’s a will there’s a way.

Where there’s a will there’s a way.

Start here: Do you Love People? Are you a social butterfly? Well-mannered? Are you high-society? Are you Loving & caring & kind? *WHO* are you favorite people? Do you have any passions? What do you like to talk about? Have you ever been part of the making of a good Lovestory? What do you do instead…?

Share with me, some, who you think about & what you think about. Who are your favorite people – what is your favorite stuff – which are your favorite things? =D Who do you love musically? How about in movies? Read books? Like websites? Talk about things? Do you love / excel in anything?

I love all kinds of people & tons of stuff & lots of things.

Try me.

How about how good-looking your body of Art is. Does your masterful Artwork have a beautiful face, & do you have a little space for penning myself in? Maybe your body of masterful Artwork has wonderful bouncy titillation? Does it have a full, delightful Beauty on the back 9? Do you have good style?

I am entranced by such beauty. (See my poem here, from Summer of last year.)

One desirable trait is this favorite: your being very Sexual, for riding Romance/Lovestory. Are you a ‘nymphomaniac’? At least Sexually charged? Have that sexual drive? Enjoy sex & sexuality? Do you make the most divine sounds when you’re having Sex? Do you Sexualize everyday conversation? Re: This: can you orally perform well, as well as when riding / being rode? Do you care for scents & lingerie? Do you have any hawt pictures/videos/records of yourself? Have any favorites saved of your desirable hot guys? Do you ********WANNA********?

How fun are you? Joke? Play? Stay loose? Like guys & Sex & music & fun?

Are you charming? Have a ‘Princess’ Charming air to you? Are you high-society? Regal? Cultured? Again: a social butterfly? A flirt? ^_xX

A nymphomaniac?!


Let’s dream up something new – just us two. Let’s co-author a wonderful Lovestory! “I don’t care how you get to me, just get to me…”

If the apresented sounds good – get in touch!!!

Happy Hearts & Happy trails My Loves! “We do!”


[1]: 6-t-9 eyes are better than 2 – all these glasses are why I ride so truly gooed. Cum ride together with me. Let us ride to our hearts’ content. “Honey, cum to Florida.” Florida is a peninsula & *I know* the cunt of the cunt of America – but not yet the cunt of the cunt of the cunt of America – but I will! *Slams buzzer.* I will!

The End… Of The Beginning…

‘V for me!’

=D See you around!! =D

Perhaps “missuse of the foot'” here; if you like a nice foot’, possibly missused:
[1-1]: This reference beforehand was in terms of the ‘origin’ — the ‘raising of the curtains’ on — Ancient Gk. *rheo- — *rheo- meaning “flow” — for my rhetoric “rhetoric”.

Pss. If you’d like carrotjuice for your coney, just ding the bell. How’d that new Wal-mart commercial go, “You can ring my bell…
{insert potential-infinity infinite unicode space character computer generator} Ring my bell.


Her’s picks. Take it in!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww The computer I aver on all my credibility suddenly ‘got jealous’ when I started trying pasting these picks, (the computer got a glitch). What a jealous little computer I have!

Her’s me:

– Joe Valentyn

Here’s my original OKCupid profile, which as I said was banned around July 23rd or 24th of 2019: Happened to save the text just before it got banned:

? joe ?
About Me
My self-summary


I am Joe.=D

‘Let’s Play Together.’ *Doll motions . . . *


Main site: www.joevalentyn.org

GirlsAskGuys.com: https://www.girlsaskguys.com/user/joevalentine & https://www.girlsaskguys.com/user/joevalentyn

The Twitters: http://twitter.com/joevalentyn

( Recent Tweet:

My new political position:

I will fight, barefist, abusers of Women & Children in a boxing ring, until I can’t anymore. This will be effective immediately.

ChildAbusePrevention #DomesticViolence #IBelieveHer

( https://twitter.com/joevalentyn/status/983901093498322944?s=19 ) )

First things first: Cats love me. ?

OK =D :

I’m about Love, Dating & Relationships, You?, Conversation, Love, People, Poetry, Love, Politics, Love, Love, Love, Literature, Life, Love; & Maybe You A Lot.

Free love, sex positivity, hugs not drugs, natural living . . .

About me:

I am a tenacious, powerful & alive 34-year-old male.

I am a German-Dutch-Bohemian-Swedish-Irish American. A mutt.

*Women are my #1 desire.*

I am about romance in a serious way: On the dating-&-relationship site GirlsAskGuys.com, I rank in the top 10 internationally on their main measure (MHO %), but not officially because I answered only 50 questions & they evidently require more to be officially ranked. (My MHO %: 43%: https://www.girlsaskguys.com/user/joevalentine – Top MHO % of users worldwide: https://www.girlsaskguys.com/xper )

  • I think pink.

I am sensitive & loving & caring & kind; I think even nice.

I am also affectionate.

I love people & have spent hours a day hanging out & chatting with people; I know you, as a person, & knock down the door trying to make it good for you. I am communicative.

I do love taps when I talk.

I am also appreciative.

I am positive & responsible.

I am playful & fun, almost to a fault.

Hugs not drugs, Women are my drugs & my medicine.

Mature; I have been well-trained & well-nurtured by Women in my life.

I want YOU – not just sex..

I sort of eat, sleep, & breathe woman.

I love Females.

I would actively provide self-defense, safety, security & justice etc, to you, & have for girls I have not yet dated just recently.

Do not underestimate that which I have, I would say to offenders against you or me.

I like going for a romantic getaway or letting you have me-time.

I have 10 lucrative business ideas, should we choose that walk of Life.

(About the Hugs not drugs: I came up with ‘being heart-edge:’ If you wanna do ‘something’ together, I will maybe-maybe say Yes. I probably will say yes to using a natural stimulant if you asked me to, or the like. If you wanted us to use some drank, I would (if we can arrange a sober / not too drunk ride.)

We can also go to a river & have a picnic, go out to eat, go to a concert, go to a movie, or stay in & watch Netflix & chill. We can do it all.

One-time rated 9.4 on Hot-or-Not with a weak picture my good friend put on.

I shave & trim myself daily; I exercise 3 times a week; & I enjoy healthy, tasty food.

I wear vetiver.

When I was 10 or 11 my comprehension tested about 3rd year college(15th grade). When I was 25 I was made head of the largest & best live philosophy discussion-room in the world.

Random favorite words currently: play, magnanimity, mystique, bunnyflippin’, coney.

Slightly fatt, ‘poochie’ cheeks (on your face) are almost better than muff or your bazingas, I believe.

I love you as a person, even if we’re not the ones for each other.

I think the purpose of Life is to Love, & a couple other things.

“Life is a feast full of starving fools. Dig in.”

Lastly, why do I have all this information? Because I am a student of Love & Life, in that order, & Love is basically the most crucial thing to me.


‘Not a bot!!!!

Old OK Cupid username (before they changed everybody to using their first names): xoxDonkeyHickxox.

Random recent things:

@@ The girls on here are so pretty; you all could get awards from me of some kind or another, too. @@!

^_^! Way happy about this.

2nd recent tweet:

Hey #Russia – Take a look at this : how about we make love, not war – literally?



New Poem {:Summer 2018}

A new ‘prose poem:’


It comes to me like beautiful ♫usic – Erato

To be /in touch with/ Beauty, Love, The Erotic, The Feminine: /The Aesthetic/, wherever it reposes… beating heart…

To believe in, in the hinterland, the Holiness of snow white; to savor tranquility, & gentleness… in a soft evening’s snowfall; & to behold the soft tufts of cuteness and fun from bunnies kicking up puffs of fluffy snow, chasing tail in couples together…

& To grip with thine soul the flesh of thighs… to feast upon the cleavageous bearing of breasts… to devour carnivorously the other parts… & to gorge & gorge wholly upon the living breathing Gorgeos erotick lustee…

To know this Beauty: to feel these Truths: to rub with thine whole body us: forms of Goodness, “tactilly…

That is to conjoin with the Earthly Love, and Beauty – The Erotick & The otherworldly Feminine –

The witch’s coventry found practicing these tactile arts. The rivers found running the otherworldliness of her face – the union of –

The bunny.

The prophetess of Love…

The savior of your Earthenly Love.

The wishful, longful secret-tears diary of a teenager of 16…

A nupital innocence of a curly hair latching on her safety belt trustingly for a drive…

To eat the ambrosia of the pure poetry of the head-over-heels language of Lovers…

… The ambrosia of the pure poetry of the head-over-heels language of Lovers…

To touch the texture of empathy engendered by the best expressions of your soul for the goddess of your engagement…

To warmly nudge the swing ‘neath the branch, under the canopy of stars on a picnicked beach – ‘Kiss me now… kiss me forever… Amen.’


New Song {:April 5th, 2018}

A new song against human trafficking:

(This song is about FBI / Interpol raids of female abduction victims – just fair warning… might get pretty aggressive):

Song: Chattel



to k***

no prisoners

because CHATTEL!!




Songpoem: you can be my pet bunny (((free love)))

February 23rd, 2015

here’s a song i’ve had as a draft on my computer for a couple weeks:

posting cutie pictures

up on the social meed’ . . .

tell me bunny, is that ineffable allure,

actually fishing for a captain like me?

i stop & ask myself,

did that sign say heaven’s now hirin’?

tell the suavest & the handsomer,

please apply within . . . . . .

{facebook pop}

howdy there bunniest,

would you care to grab coffee, this week’nd?

{facebook pop} ha, maybe, maybe not, loverboy

who is askin’ =)

{facebook pop}

you got me: i’m a lover not a fighter,

& i believe this world was built for two . . .

i also so happen to believe,

that i might like you . . .

& so if my company happened to be,

a mutual desire . . .

all i can say is my love is free,

& this gun is for hire . . .

{facebook pop}

ok, fine.

meet me at the coffeehouse,

up on North & Vine

i’ll bring my girlfriend with me,

i’m guessing you shouldn’t mind.

{facebook pop}

There is a God — great,

then it’s a date —

how about 7’o’clock,

on Friday?

{facebook pop}

sure. {facebook pop} k bye

{(pause?) then revelrous happy harmonica solo}

{ ” }

{ ” }

looking for the girl in the photograph

i hike up my boxers of silk,

from somewhere there’s intoxicating vanilla fragrant, &

she arrives all dressed to kill

i say hey, & hug her

somewhat hangingly

she smiles with her affection,

whilst i notice her friend just standing

who’s this you brought with you

is she your bestest friend?

yup – her name is

ms. eliza ‘lizabeth


i light up with a bright idea,

hey, let’s play a game:

i call this one Favorites,

name all your favorite things you can name.


i say here i’ll start,

i Love Love more than anything,

she smiles, but it’s awkward

so i say & i also like to sing.

she says that’s way cool

maybe i can hear you sometime (yeah)

— my favorite thing’s my best friend,

i’ve known her all of my life


aww that is sweet –

hey do you want anything to drink?

no i can pay my own,

but yeah i guess let’s go get a cup of coffee

we go up the spiral staircase

to the coffee barista

i order up a depth charge,

she says i’ll get tea,

& we go back downstairs,

there’s a good song blasting thru the air

she says i love it in the autumn,

it’s too beautiful, everywhere

i smile – i like your outfit

i can tell you’re way classe

she says thank you darling,

& moves with a bit of uncontrollable sassy

ok i think my favorite thing is motown

she says watch me do an arm wave

i joke with a she-bop she-bop,

she says oh man, no way

ok one of my favorite things is hair dye,

blueblack looks egyptian,

she says you should do rainbow,

yeah if i could find the beautician

read any good books this year?

oh i don’t know, i guess i read a lot on the webz

there’s some sites i really like

let me guess one is reddit?

yeah … ok a favorite thing is the stars,

– yeah me too, the starlit canopy

hey i think it was clear,

we could go out to the patio if you please

we go out to the breeze,

we’re into each other, we agree

i hum ‘when the moon hits your eye . . .’,

she looks happy.

ok my favorite thing is leonard cohen,

he’s just like a crow . . .

she says yeah jeff buckley used to date liz frazer but now he’s just a ghost

we talk on & on

tubin’ on the river of Life

her friend says maybe they should leave

but she says you can go if you like

harmonica blow (single)

hey should we catch a motion pic’?

she says actually i have netflix . . .

a long pregnant silence ends

with let’s

we go back to her apartment

& we watch a favorite pick of hers

& the night is beautiful

it was itself a motion picture


{guitar:} doo-bee-doo-bee-doo-bee {2 or 3 female voices:} she-bop! she-bop!

{guitar:} doo-bee-doo-bee-doo-bee – {voices:} she-bop! she-bop!

{guitar:} doo-bee-doo-bee-doo-bee – {voices:} she-bop! she-bop!

{guitar:} doo-bee-doo-bee-doo- {song begins to noticeably fade out:} bee – (voices:) she-bop! she-bop! {(possibly cool “so_nice*.flp” or *** type frissiony chimerun)}

Sleeping in the buff, lately . . . ‘free’ . . .

(His philosophy is) “Catholicism mixed with gin.” ~ Jack Kerouac.

Fun trivia:

I stopped watching TV, drinking pop & playing video games when I was 15, only coming back to TV during the political cycle in 2009-2010 or so to watch cable news. “Much happiness,” yes, quitting said things.

Me in a philosophy chatroom again:

Fundamentally, we must focus on 3 things – Truth, Goodness, & Booty. Assthetics is the philosophy of Booty, in all its forms.

I am reminded of a foreign teacher I had who said “We have beautiful beautiful beetches” where she is from.

That was said philosophy.

Me in a philosophy chatroom recently:

Lakitu’s Basic Mathematics.

80085 is ‘the beginning number’ on calculators.

“69” is lucky.


I scented my “Art of Love” book with lilac oil just the other day.


What I’m doing with my life
I am now building my empire.

Prossibly via business.

Like I said, I have about 10 lucrative business ideas, should we choose that walk of Life.

Politics is equally an option, & I am gifted in philosophy & language, helping such a political life.

Lastly I am considering writing 4 or 5 books too: The most essential one is is “The Book Of Court”, about “dating & relationships” (I have about 100 pages of this); & the second is “My,” about the Lovers in my life, in a concrete nonfiction way. I have found my voice in that already & have some concrete pages written up in the style. The third is “Concrete,” about real stuff in a “G.A.N.” tone. The fourth is my biography. & The fifth is “The Training,” a philosophy book.
I’m really good at
I am some amount influential in Politics; here’s some causes I championed earlier than others: http://joevalentyn.org/press/2015/08/01/are-we-making-enough-progress-on-climate-change-inequality-a-following-up-a-tracing-back-of-some-early-bird-gettings-of-mine/

Philosophy & Teaching, too. I was once given head role of the largest/best philosophy chatroom in the world. I made this not to long ago: http://joevalentyn.org/files/Action%20Theory%20Inventory%20%28remake%20-%20betterer…er%29%205a%20%28with%20Cooperation%29.html

Also, Music. Here’s one: http://joevalentyn.org/’s-files-for/OKCupid/play%20%e2%99%ab%20this%20land%20is%20beauty!%20(unfinished%20demo%20%233).mp3

Professional napster. ^_^

My go-to dance
Reimagining this one as “My next music video will be about”:

Me scurrying about on a chessboard being played by two love interests / witches who are revealed to be being deceptively cast spells on by a third sorceror, who is then revealed to be being fought by a security force whose subplot is left narratively unresolved in the music video.Write

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
Ovid’s The Loves.

Roberto Benigni.

The Cure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4B3uUcIvUM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chaYm2TqfHM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3diz8I0AVVk.

Alfons Mucha.

Chocolate. Yerba maté (coffee-like drink). Fresh veggie juice. Salmon melts/rolls. Turkey dinners. Breastmeat. ^^ Real raw honey Cough haha. Strawberry lipgloss. Saliva . . . …Cu——– hey – wait a second =| . . . Everything good. ^^ & then some.

(Former 9-year vegan – have all the Tofurky & Follow Your Heart (not-)cheddar-cheese recipes I’ll ever need down good.)

Favorite websites too: OKCupid, New York Times, GirlsAskGuys, Twitter… The Internet’s so inflamed lately…. =/

My site too. Joevalentyn.org.Write
Six things I could never do without


OK Cupid.

Girls Ask Guys.

My personalia.

Yerba mate.

Extra girls.

Extra yerba mate.Write
I spend a lot of time thinking about



If I should’ve spent that much money on Aaron (my ‘differently-able’ neighbor/friend).

How I’m gonna provide for someone(s).



More Politics.


Thinking about how I spend too much time thinking about stuff (this leads to venturing somewhere, somehow, a lot.)Write
On a typical Friday night I am
Listening to Watching Me Fall by The Cure – on loop –


  • going out under the stars – breaking skin trying to get with a girl – getting sushi. Loving life!Write
    You should message me if
    “If you like pina coladas… & getting caught in the rain…”

I provide many services; therefore message me if:

Artistically, you want to get ahold a’ my Dick Blix, for fun and/or more-creative purposes.

With your reading-&-writing, you would like if somone penned you ‘double-entendre’ style; “double-penning” both innuendo & also c-theory – “c-lit” – at the same time, in all-out sessions.

Musically, you need a dedicated fiddler of the G spot for overwhelming climaxes from your body of your instrument.

You wanna hardcore rock.

You want a satyrist to play his magic flute for you

Politically, you want the power to fill the gap.

My pole is ready to hang your flag.

Or maybe you’re wanting to orate on my dictophone.

In business terms, you want to get busy.

Philosophically, you have a softspot for very large fallacies.

Because, programmatically, you have a backend that won’t quit. & You’re just looking for the right GUI to handle this billions-of-dollars asset.

Comedically, you want us to do our schtick together.

You are interested in producing a large carrot from your thatch.

When it comes to cooking, your Minnesota hotdish needs some Minnesota hot sauce . . . .

Or, your pussy needs a keeper for her.

Then I’m all yours hun. ^_^

…Somewhat more seriously. ^_^

If you are beautifully brilliant, and also brilliantly beautiful (or something like that);

You are a nympho.

If you love books.

if you have a good laugh.

If’n you’re a carT?Nist.

You are good at music.

You just like me.

You ARE just like me, in some ways.

You want to have oral sex right now. (Joking, (or is that ‘jocking’?) again.)

If you’re a lawyer. I love lawyers. I would finger a lawyer daily. (*)

: As in the term “Badmotorfinger” – to finger ‘f** you’. (note the quotes! order in the courtship!!) ^_^

If you’re very wifey (my real long-term interest.)

Again, you’re sexually a powerhouse.

Then let’s play ‘house’ together. Call 507-363-3356 (new number) & enjoy time with me ? Txt. Click like in the nether regions of our profiles here.

Happy trail,
Joey Valentine

p.s. Many of you have been asking about my cock… My cock this, & my cock that… My barndoor is always open. My barndoor is always open. And, you can milk it for as much milk as you want there, if you have a nice cute barn pussy.

p.p.s. Just message me anyway ^_^ haha

Elegism dialogue I: Being high-society. Having class; dignity; grace; graciousness; gratitude; pedigree; status; elegance; being regal; & stately. Also with an attempt at the queen & king elegances, whispering aloud that there may be no finish to the upwards double spiral staircase to the final queen elegance. Amen.


I am lakitu, here (Joe (Jerome) Valentyn):

{12:45:07 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> interesting kblom. i know you don’t say such lightly
{12:45:41 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> good morning – & also fattratt, MDeanr`, et al
{12:45:56 pm (CDT):} <MDeanr`> hi lakitu
{12:46:12 pm (CDT):} * lakitu comes to from sleep, dreams
{12:46:47 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> how are you Dean?
{12:47:31 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> i hope well
{12:48:01 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> so did you run a practice against COVID, & everything else, all this time?
{12:48:03 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> if you want to say
{12:50:03 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> maybe you want to relive that even less
{12:50:27 pm (CDT):} * chipmonk__ ([email protected]) has joined
{12:50:27 pm (CDT):} * X gives voice to chipmonk__
{12:50:50 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> wb chip.
{12:50:57 pm (CDT):} * X sets channel limit to 42
{12:51:11 pm (CDT):} <fattratt> hello lakitu
{12:51:18 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> fattrattia
{12:51:30 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> heh heh heh
{12:51:33 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> hope you’re well
{12:51:51 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> saw you linking Wagner, discussing him
{12:51:59 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> also some Reid, & a little Hume
{12:53:29 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> linking or at least discussing
{12:54:32 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> have you ever tried reddit, fattratt? the people’s site?
{12:54:53 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> it’s kind of nice, finally letting myself dig into it more than a little,
{12:54:58 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> last nite.
{12:55:23 pm (CDT):} <fattratt> Is it truly the people’s site?
{12:55:39 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> ‘is it *truly*?’ – good question
{12:55:44 pm (CDT):} <fattratt> Not some fiefdom of Zuckerberg or anyone like that?
{12:56:24 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> gal, well. i did look even this up, once
{12:57:14 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> i try to make friends before i make enemies… i’ll leave you to your own conclusions, for now
{12:57:27 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> – but i will say there is a lot to like
{12:58:19 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> many alternative big sites are, as you say, owned by Zuckerberg, et al
{12:58:32 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> Instagram, e.g
{12:58:44 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> buy outs.
{01:00:23 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .wiki fiefdom
{01:00:46 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> 411 ‘smoking in the bathroom.
{01:01:12 pm (CDT):} <`411> “A fief (/fiːf/; Latin: feudum) was the central element of feudalism. It consisted of heritable property or rights granted by an overlord to a vassal who held it in fealty (or ‘in fee’) in return for a form of feudal allegiance and service, usually given by the personal ceremonies of homage and fealty. The fees were often lands or revenue-producing real property held in feudal land tenure: these are typically (…)”
{01:01:17 pm (CDT):} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fief
{01:03:18 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> what is the winning end game against feudalism? how does it end well?
{01:03:42 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> not say violent revolution, etc
{01:05:46 pm (CDT):} * guerro has quit (Ping timeout)
{01:08:26 pm (CDT):} * Now talking on #Philosophical
{01:08:26 pm (CDT):} * Topic for #Philosophical is: (JohnGuru) Do you see why arithmetic cannot be other than what it is? (friida) No, no i don’t see that
{01:08:26 pm (CDT):} * Topic for #Philosophical set by friida (Sun Aug 23 21:00:48 2020)
{01:08:26 pm (CDT):} * X gives channel operator status to lakitu
{01:08:27 pm (CDT):} * X gives voice to lakitu
{01:09:51 pm (CDT):} * Channel #Philosophical modes: +tnRl 42
{01:09:51 pm (CDT):} * Channel #Philosophical created on Mon Apr 18 11:39:55 2005
{01:11:25 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> [13:03:16] <@lakitu> what is the winning end game against feudalism? how does it end well?
{01:11:25 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> [13:03:39] <@lakitu> not say violent revolution, etc
{01:13:51 pm (CDT):} * #Philosophical :Target change too fast. Please wait 80 seconds.
{01:13:53 pm (CDT):} * #Philosophical :Target change too fast. Please wait 80 seconds.
{01:18:13 pm (CDT):} * mr45 ([email protected]) has joined
{01:19:24 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> *money, social status, power.* these huge leitmotivs reoccuring thruout Life.
{01:19:24 pm (CDT):} * #Philosophical :Target change too fast. Please wait 31 seconds.
{01:21:23 pm (CDT):} * starhawk has quit (Ping timeout)
{01:21:47 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> part of the philosophy of life, for me – in part
{01:21:47 pm (CDT):} * #Philosophical :Target change too fast. Please wait 26 seconds.
{01:22:16 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> part of the philosophy of life, for me.
{01:22:19 pm (CDT):} * guerro ([email protected]) has joined
{01:23:44 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> i distinguish fame from social status, but pair them, in listings.
{01:24:44 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> (& of course infamy is not fame, for me)
{01:26:06 pm (CDT):} * lakitu arranges all the little figurines on the board
{01:26:12 pm (CDT):} * lakitu arranges all his little figurines on the board
{01:29:12 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .ety status
{01:29:15 pm (CDT):} <`411> “1670s, ‘height’ of a situation or condition, later ‘legal standing of a person’ (1791), from Latin status ‘condition, position, state, manner, attitude,’ from past participle stem of stare ‘to stand,’ from PIE *ste-tu-, from root *sta- ‘to stand, make or be firm.’ Sense of ‘standing in one’s society or profession’ is from 1820. Status symbol first recorded 1955; status-seeker from 1956. Status-anxiety (…)
{01:29:17 pm (CDT):} <`411> is from 1959.”
{01:29:19 pm (CDT):} <`411> — from https://www.etymonline.com/word/status
{01:29:28 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> oo, nice language.
{01:30:05 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> interesting. from 1820, only.
{01:30:23 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> maybe not the firmest rock, to build on.
{01:30:23 pm (CDT):} * samovar has quit (Quit: Let me fall out of the window with confetti in my hair…)
{01:31:21 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> 200 years ago is all. we did not have this in society before?
{01:34:00 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> what would we say, rank?
{01:34:17 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> or is that more official, officious – etc?
{01:34:22 pm (CDT):} * Jewbacca ([email protected]) has joined
{01:34:26 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> formal, at least – ?
{01:34:29 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> hmm
{01:34:51 pm (CDT):} * MDeanr` has quit (Quit)
{01:35:57 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> class?
{01:36:03 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> or is that a very wide net?
{01:36:15 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> ‘there are three social classes’, etc
{01:36:20 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> – ?
{01:36:27 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> class, maybe.
{01:37:22 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> is one more male, the other more for females? by connotation?
{01:38:11 pm (CDT):} * Now talking on #philosophical
{01:38:11 pm (CDT):} * Topic for #philosophical is: (JohnGuru) Do you see why arithmetic cannot be other than what it is? (friida) No, no i don’t see that
{01:38:11 pm (CDT):} * Topic for #philosophical set by friida (Sun Aug 23 21:00:48 2020)
{01:38:12 pm (CDT):} * X gives channel operator status to lakitu
{01:39:35 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> [13:35:55] <@lakitu> class? [13:36:00] <@lakitu> or is that a very wide net? [13:36:13] <@lakitu> ‘there are three social classes’, etc [13:36:18] <@lakitu> – ? [13:36:25] <@lakitu> class, maybe. [13:37:20] <@lakitu> is one more male, the other more for females? by connotation?
{01:39:37 pm (CDT):} * Channel #philosophical modes: +tnRl 39
{01:39:37 pm (CDT):} * Channel #philosophical created on Mon Apr 18 11:39:55 2005
{01:40:14 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .ety class
{01:40:33 pm (CDT):} * `411 ([email protected]) has joined
{01:40:33 pm (CDT):} * X gives voice to `411
{01:40:33 pm (CDT):} * kblom gives channel operator status to `411
{01:40:39 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .ety class
{01:42:23 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> status to me connotes this sociological, empirically-verifiable evidence, class is a little more open ended, but it has come to be identified with political economics, namely (here, today,) middle class, upper class, etc
{01:42:51 pm (CDT):} <`411> “c. 1600, ‘group of students,’ in U. S. especially ‘number of pupils in a school or college of the same grade,’ from French classe (14c.), from Latin classis ‘a class, a division; army, fleet,’ especially ‘any one of the six orders into which Servius Tullius divided the Roman people for the purpose of taxation;’ traditionally originally ‘the people of Rome under arms’ (a sense attested in English from (…)
{01:42:57 pm (CDT):} <`411> 1650s), and thus akin to calare ‘to call (to arms),’ from PIE root *kele- (2) ‘to shout.’ In early use in English also in Latin form classis. Meaning ‘an order or rank of persons, a number of persons having certain characteristics in common’ is from 1660s. School and university sense of ‘course, lecture’ (1650s) is from the notion of a form or lecture reserved to scholars who had attained a certain (…)
{01:43:04 pm (CDT):} <`411> “c. 1600, ‘group of students,’ in U. S. especially ‘number of pupils in a school or college of the same grade,’ from French classe (14c.), from Latin classis ‘a class, a division; army, fleet,’ especially ‘any one of the six orders into which Servius Tullius divided the Roman people for the purpose of taxation;’ traditionally originally ‘the people of Rome under arms’ (a sense attested in English from (…)
{01:43:12 pm (CDT):} <`411> level. Natural history sense ‘group of related plants or animals’ is from 1753. Meaning ‘high quality’ is from 1874. Meaning ‘a division of society according to status’ (with upper, lower, etc.) is from 1763. Class-consciousness (1903) is from German Klassenbewusst. The fault, the evil, in a class society is when privilege exists without responsibility and duty. The evil of the classless society is that (…)
{01:43:21 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> repeating.
{01:43:22 pm (CDT):} <`411> 1650s), and thus akin to calare ‘to call (to arms),’ from PIE root *kele- (2) ‘to shout.’ In early use in English also in Latin form classis. Meaning ‘an order or rank of persons, a number of persons having certain characteristics in common’ is from 1660s. School and university sense of ‘course, lecture’ (1650s) is from the notion of a form or lecture reserved to scholars who had attained a certain (…)
{01:43:27 pm (CDT):} <`411> — from https://www.etymonline.com/word/class
{01:43:30 pm (CDT):} <`411> level. Natural history sense ‘group of related plants or animals’ is from 1753. Meaning ‘high quality’ is from 1874. Meaning ‘a division of society according to status’ (with upper, lower, etc.) is from 1763. Class-consciousness (1903) is from German Klassenbewusst. The fault, the evil, in a class society is when privilege exists without responsibility and duty. The evil of the classless society is that (…)
{01:43:34 pm (CDT):} <`411> — from https://www.etymonline.com/word/class
{01:45:09 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> of course i’m pointing out flaws in using these words this way – re economic ‘classes’ which are popular now to be spoken of.
{01:45:27 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> i guess one way of referring to this would be ‘high society’
{01:45:41 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> – as an adjective, ‘high-society’
{01:47:48 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> we seldom distinguish wealth from social status, in our language: ‘upper class’ means rich, & it also means refined, pedigreed
{01:47:53 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> of a high pedigree*
{01:48:45 pm (CDT):} * FreqOut has quit (Read error: EOF from client)
{01:48:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> the distinction is not made (most often).
{01:50:44 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> to be rich & ignoble would be some kind of unmentionable embarrassment.
{01:51:07 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> some kind of unmentionability.
{01:51:12 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> or unmentionable.
{01:51:27 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> (((some kind of unmentionable.)))
{01:54:01 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> a dysfunctional black sheep of the family who was an exception, rather than characteristic of upper class families
{01:56:59 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> nobility is another word that occured to me, in this synonym ring. i would then comment that it may be preponderantly masculine, also, or itself, at least in its connotation to me
{01:57:40 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> if we were to include it.
{01:58:19 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> again semi-official, official, etc
{01:58:40 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> in Europe they may have a more sentimental– & unspoken– affinity for ‘nobility’ tho
{01:58:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> they/you
{01:59:43 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> semi-official, official, in one meaning of it
{02:00:09 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> probably the public face of it, tho that doesn’t mean the best & most meaningful sense
{02:00:32 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .ety nobility
{02:00:41 pm (CDT):} <`411> “mid-14c., nobilite, ‘honor, renown; majesty, grandeur;’ late 14c., ‘quality of being excellent or rare,’ from Old French nobilite ‘high rank; dignity, grace; great deed’ (12c., Modern French nobilité), and directly from Latin nobilitatem (nominative nobilitas) ‘celebrity, fame; high birth; excellence, superiority; the nobles,’ from nobilis ‘well-known, prominent’ (see noble (adj.)). Meaning ‘quality of (…)
{02:00:45 pm (CDT):} <`411> being of noble rank or birth; social or political preeminence, usually accompanied by hereditary privilege’ is attested from late 14c.; sense of ‘the noble class collectively’ is from late 14c. Sense of ‘dignity of mind, elevation of the soul, loftiness of tone’ is from 1590s.”
{02:00:47 pm (CDT):} <`411> — from https://www.etymonline.com/word/nobility
{02:03:10 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> ‘honor’ is a great association to make here – probably originating in time immemorial
{02:03:41 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> & ‘dignity’ might be the or a raw, arecognized form. {sic} (without reference to recognition).
{02:04:13 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> (without reference to recognition.)
{02:05:00 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> you could be poor, cupping for water, but still be within yourself in a way that has very high dignity.
{02:05:41 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> these are their own huge ‘leitmotivs’, in the sense above, thruout history
{02:05:56 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> ‘honor’, ‘dignity’– & so on
{02:07:56 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .ety pedigree
{02:07:59 pm (CDT):} <`411> “early 15c., pedigrue, ‘genealogical table or chart,’ from Anglo-French pe de gru, a variant of Old French pied de gru ‘foot of a crane,’ from Latin pedem accusative of pes ‘foot’ (from PIE root *ped- ‘foot’) + gruem (nominative grus) ‘crane,’ cognate with Greek geranos, Old English cran; see crane (n.)). On old manuscripts, ‘descent’ was indicated by a forked sign resembling the branching lines of a (…)
{02:08:05 pm (CDT):} <`411> genealogical chart; the sign also happened to look like a bird’s footprint. On this theory the form was influenced in Middle English by association with degree. This explanation dates back to Skeat and Sweet in the late 1800s. The word obviously is of French origin, and pied de gru is the only Old French term answering to the earliest English forms, but this sense is not attested in Old French (Modern (…)
{02:08:11 pm (CDT):} <`411> French pédigree is from English). Perhaps it was a fanciful extension developed in Anglo-French. Other explanations are considered untenable. The crane was at the time in question very common in England and France, and it figures in many similes, proverbs, and allusions. The term appears to be extant in the surname Pettigrew, Pettygrew …. [Century Dictionary] Meaning ‘ancestral line’ is mid-15c.; of (…)
{02:08:13 pm (CDT):} <`411> — from https://www.etymonline.com/word/pedigree
{02:11:26 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .dictionary pedigree
{02:11:27 pm (CDT):} <`411> § noun: 1. A chart, list, or record of ancestors, to show breeding, especially distinguished breeding. [from 15th c.]; 2. A person’s ancestral history; ancestry, lineage. [from 15th c.]; 3. (uncou.) Good breeding or ancestry. [from 15th c.]; 4. The history or provenance of an idea, custom etc. [from 16th c.]; 5. The (…) — from https://en.wiktionary.org/?title=pedigree
{02:12:16 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> meaning (3).
{02:13:11 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> meaning*/sense.
{02:13:38 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> (a couple posts above.)
{02:14:20 pm (CDT):} * starhawk ([email protected]) has joined
{02:15:03 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .ety noble
{02:15:07 pm (CDT):} <`411> “c. 1200, ‘illustrious, distinguished, of high rank or birth,’ from Old French noble ‘of noble bearing or birth,’ from Latin nobilis ‘well-known, famous, renowned; excellent, superior, splendid; high-born, of superior birth,’ earlier *gnobilis, literally ‘knowable,’ from gnoscere ‘to come to know,’ from PIE root *gno- ‘to know.’ The prominent Roman families, which were ‘well known,’ provided most of the (…)
{02:15:13 pm (CDT):} <`411> Republic’s public officials. Sense of ‘distinguished by splendor, magnificence, or stateliness’ is from late 13c. Meaning ‘worthy of honor or respect ‘ is from mid-14c. Sense of ‘having lofty character, having high moral qualities’ is from c. 1600. Noble savage is ‘primitive man conceived of as morally superior to civilized man;’ the phrase itself is from Dryden; the idea developed in the 18c. I am as (…)
{02:15:18 pm (CDT):} <`411> free as Nature first made Man,Ere the base Laws of Servitude began,When wild in Woods the noble Savage ran.[Dryden, ‘Conquest of Granada,’ 1672] A noble gas (1902) is so called for its inactivity or inertness; a use of the word that had been applied in Middle English to precious stones, metals, etc., that did not alter or oxidize when exposed to air (late 14c.), with noble in the sense of ‘having (…)
{02:15:20 pm (CDT):} <`411> — from https://www.etymonline.com/word/noble
{02:16:24 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> knowable…
{02:16:55 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> wow . . .
{02:17:01 pm (CDT):} <lakitu>
{02:17:37 pm (CDT):} * guerro` ([email protected]) has joined
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{02:20:55 pm (CDT):} * guerro has quit (Ping timeout)
{02:24:51 pm (CDT):} * fattratt has quit (Ping timeout)
{02:37:11 pm (CDT):} * Moriarty ([email protected]) has joined
{02:37:39 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> women– being perfect– are so consumed by being high-society – by pedigree (good breeding), having class, true nobility, (social) status, fame.
{02:38:21 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> nobility*, i will say, rather
{02:40:18 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> in Casanova’s Europe, this was in fine form. reading Casanova is featherstuffed with references to high society
{02:41:12 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> – as is Ovid consumed by high society, in his “Loves”, etc. (be sure to read the J. Lewis May translation, I recommend.)
{02:57:27 pm (CDT):} * guerro` has quit (Quit)
{03:14:26 pm (CDT):} * voidvector0 has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
{03:14:37 pm (CDT):} * X sets channel limit to 39
{03:16:17 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> both nursing the hidden disfigurement simply of being men, haha, in this. being one of women’s realms as it is.
{03:23:00 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> high society. class. dignity. grace. graciousness. pedigree, good breeding. rank, status. fame. elegance.
{03:25:08 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> …Ovid was an “elegist”,
{03:25:27 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> one of his only memorable descriptions of himself, for me
{03:25:52 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> if you asked ‘what he was’, that: an elegist.
{03:27:23 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> (* one of his only memorable descriptions of himself, for me.)
{03:30:28 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .ety elegance
{03:30:36 pm (CDT):} <`411> “c. 1500, ‘tastefulness, correctness, harmoniousness, refinement,’ of speech or prose, from Middle French élégance, from Latin elegantia ‘taste, propriety, refinement,’ from elegantem (see elegant). Earlier form was elegancy (early 15c.). Meaning ‘refined luxury’ is from 1797. Via French come German Eleganz, Swedish elegans, etc.”
{03:30:38 pm (CDT):} <`411> — from https://www.etymonline.com/word/elegance
{03:32:05 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> taste.
{03:33:03 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> taste… – & let’s see: elegant:
{03:33:35 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .ety elegant
{03:33:39 pm (CDT):} <`411> “late 15c., ‘tastefully ornate,’ from Middle French élégant (15c.), from Latin elegantem (nominative elegans) ‘choice, fine, tasteful,’ collateral form of present participle of eligere ‘select with care, choose’ (see election). Meaning ‘characterized by refined grace’ is from 1520s. Latin elegans originally was a term of reproach, ‘dainty, fastidious;’ the notion of ‘tastefully refined’ emerged in (…)
{03:33:44 pm (CDT):} <`411> classical Latin. Related: Elegantly. Elegant implies that anything of an artificial character to which it is applied is the result of training and cultivation through the study of models or ideals of grace; graceful implies less of consciousness, and suggests often a natural gift. A rustic, uneducated girl may be naturally graceful, but not elegant. [Century Dictionary]”
{03:33:46 pm (CDT):} <`411> — from https://www.etymonline.com/word/elegant
{03:36:28 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .wiki Century Dictionary
{03:36:35 pm (CDT):} <`411> “The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia is one of the largest encyclopedic dictionaries of the English language. In its day it was compared favorably with the Oxford English Dictionary and frequently consulted for more factual information than would normally be the case for a dictionary. The Century Dictionary is based on The Imperial Dictionary of the English Language, edited by Rev. John Ogilvie (1797–1867) and (…)”
{03:36:37 pm (CDT):} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Dictionary
{03:36:41 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> just checking the years
{03:36:46 pm (CDT):} * ControlFreq ([email protected]) has joined
{03:36:46 pm (CDT):} * X gives voice to ControlFreq
{03:37:08 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> ah – well around 100 years old or more, I would say.
{03:37:09 pm (CDT):} <ControlFreq> Hi Kids!
{03:37:30 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> but yes: elegant’s etymology.
{03:37:44 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> (“elegant”‘s.)
{03:37:59 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> – hi Thom.
{03:38:09 pm (CDT):} <ControlFreq> Tommy
{03:38:13 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> Thomas.
{03:38:15 pm (CDT):} <ControlFreq> Hello lakitu
{03:38:17 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> *smiles*
{03:38:17 pm (CDT):} <ControlFreq> Tommy
{03:38:18 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> haha
{03:38:28 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> hi *Tommy* ^_xX
{03:40:03 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> ‘el-‘ – ‘sel-‘…
{03:40:14 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> . . . *
{03:41:07 pm (CDT):} <kblom> I’d guess ex+legere
{03:41:31 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> “i select the best” was one definition of root word of eclecticism, which I used to practice, & also preach.
{03:41:42 pm (CDT):} <kblom> maybe ex+ligare
{03:43:28 pm (CDT):} <ControlFreq> If something is implicit when I imply, is it explicit when I exply?
{03:44:43 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> ‘tastefully ornate’ (*gathering from that etymology again.)
{03:46:33 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> * (*gathering from that etymology again.*)
{03:46:39 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> ahem
{03:48:14 pm (CDT):} * C3PO https://www.thanks-for-sharing.com/?f=Rachel52.jpg
{03:51:16 pm (CDT):} * MDeanr` ([email protected]) has joined
{03:51:16 pm (CDT):} * X gives voice to MDeanr`
{03:51:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> looking back in this client, i can see crucial posts of mine were being mysteriously blocked from #philosophical again: {01:11:25 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> [13:03:16] <@lakitu> what is the winning end game against feudalism? how does it end well?
{03:51:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> {01:11:25 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> [13:03:39] <@lakitu> not say violent revolution, etc
{03:51:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> {01:13:51 pm (CDT):} * #Philosophical :Target change too fast. Please wait 80 seconds.
{03:51:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> {01:13:53 pm (CDT):} * #Philosophical :Target change too fast. Please wait 80 seconds.
{03:51:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> {01:18:13 pm (CDT):} * mr45 ([email protected]) has joined
{03:51:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> {01:19:24 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> *money, social status, power.* these huge leitmotivs reoccuring thruout Life.
{03:51:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> {01:19:24 pm (CDT):} * #Philosophical :Target change too fast. Please wait 31 seconds.
{03:51:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> {01:21:23 pm (CDT):} * starhawk has quit (Ping timeout)
{03:51:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> {01:21:47 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> part of the philosophy of life, for me – in part
{03:51:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> {01:21:47 pm (CDT):} * #Philosophical :Target change too fast. Please wait 26 seconds.
{03:52:42 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> wow, changes the whole conversation
{03:52:50 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> the whole discussion
{03:53:28 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> John was here recently, I wonder if he knows. I think he’s an Undernet SOP or similar.
{03:55:40 pm (CDT):} * MDeanr` has quit (Quit)
{03:56:02 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> i was saying *money, (“)social status(“), power* were leitmotivs reoccurring thruout life, & *****that***** is what was part of the philosophy of life, *****to begin this oration*****
{03:56:57 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> not ‘the questions of “violent revolution”‘ as you were misled to believe
{03:58:19 pm (CDT):} * Moriarty has quit (Ping timeout)
{03:58:28 pm (CDT):} <ControlFreq> The problem with a feudal system is the same as every other social structure on the planet (not restricted to humans.)
{03:59:01 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> i just happened to extra-investigate this =(
{03:59:54 pm (CDT):} <ControlFreq> The problem with societies on earth is the method of succession of leadership.
{04:01:34 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> i noticed that i tried to tell artalien in the first Winter of 2018 that I had read a 650-page book on applied philosophy over the last month & half or so, then. it was never sent or recorded… i looked diligently thru my logs, even finding the actual conversation itself.
{04:02:18 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> i think i have graduated beyond IRC, all told.
{04:02:19 pm (CDT):} <ControlFreq> Applied philosophy? To what except itself can philosophy be applied?
{04:04:58 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> I*.
{04:08:14 pm (CDT):} * Ragtime^ ([email protected]) has joined
{04:08:14 pm (CDT):} * X gives voice to Ragtime^
{04:09:35 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> what a grave, grievous disappointing thing.
{04:09:43 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> * what a grave, grievous, disappointing thing.
{04:10:29 pm (CDT):} * Moriarty ([email protected]) has joined
{04:10:55 pm (CDT):} <ControlFreq> There’s more of gravy than of grave to you!
{04:15:53 pm (CDT):} <ControlFreq> brb
{04:40:17 pm (CDT):} * mr45 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
{04:48:54 pm (CDT):} * MDeanr` ([email protected]) has joined
{04:48:54 pm (CDT):} * X gives voice to MDeanr`
{04:50:18 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> what a… oh it doesn’t even matter that I think of the word anymore. beyond what it is, maybe it is also a liberation


{06:23:58 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> continued: stateliness of course being king of those– perhaps being regal being queen: being high-society. having class; dignity; grace; graciousness; pedigree, good breeding; status, rank; fame; elegance… & then again maybe there is no finish to whom is queen of those.
{06:28:24 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> & very likely, i know nothing about nothing about that – the queen elegance.
{06:34:03 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> the queen, finest-material elegance of them all.
{06:36:45 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> likely.
{06:43:07 pm (CDT):} * chipmonk__ has quit (Quit)
{06:45:53 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> then again i had the luckiestness to get to know gmolly, real name Martha from Tucson.
{06:47:20 pm (CDT):} * MDeanr` has quit (Quit)
{06:47:32 pm (CDT):} * X sets channel limit to 39
{06:47:43 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> little aristobrat. {sic}
{06:47:57 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> heh . . .
{06:51:16 pm (CDT):} * Krshna has quit (Ping timeout)
{06:51:40 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> truly regal…
{06:51:44 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> …& stately.
{06:53:30 pm (CDT):} * Krshna ([email protected]) has joined
{06:53:56 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> something like Divinity to know . . . =D
{06:54:50 pm (CDT):} * You have left channel #philosophical (parting)

This concludes our own elegism dialogue.

Dedicated to women, who are perfect; & whose only sulksome illusion they are not is inflicted by the tentative blemishes adorned upon thyselves by enemies of women’s inner & outer Beauty: the envious, the jealous, the wrongfully lusting, the drunken . . . . .

& In reminding you that some of us Scandinavians say that the gods rule men;

but the Norns, who are female, rule the gods & men.


(A disruption’s missing piece recouped as an addendum:)

{10:26:36 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> well i have a dialogue– those nasty, non-philosophy, audience transgressing ones of mine as John labeled them– from yesterday, the Elegy dialogue I ( http://joevalentyn.org/press/2020/08/24/elegism-dialogue-i-being-high-society-having-class-dignity-grace-graciousness-pedigree-status-elegance-the-regal-stateliness-also-with-an-attempt-at-the-queen-king-elegances-whispering/ ) from yesterday, but at 17 chatters, we do not quite have a
{10:26:36 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> quorum
{10:26:40 pm (CDT):} <JohnStar> Title: Elegism dialogue I: Being high-society. Having class; dignity; grace; graciousness; pedigree; status; elegance; the regal; & stateliness. Also with an attempt at the queen & king elegances, whispering aloud that there may be no finish to the double spiral staircase upwards to the final queen elegance. Amen. ⸻ ♡, Joe Valentyn
{10:26:45 pm (CDT):} <`411> — “Elegism dialogue I: Being high-society. Having class; dignity; grace; graciousness; pedigree; status; elegance; the regal; & stateliness. Also with an attempt at the queen & king elegances, whispering aloud that there may be no finish to the double spiral staircase upwards to the final queen elegance. Amen. ⸻ ♡, Joe Valentyn”
{10:27:01 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> from yesterday, to continue, i was trying to say
{10:27:19 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> only as important as those words listed there…
{10:27:52 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> as important as you find those words there…
{10:29:57 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> –now my computer is freezing up–
{10:30:12 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> that the channel is out of order, means i will have to carry on without, then
{10:31:21 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> that the channel is out of order, means i will have to carry on without, i was trying to say
{10:32:17 pm (CDT):} <Mariu> Springfield
{10:33:28 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> but i will try anyway:
{10:33:56 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> gratitude, is a pantheon member, of those, too.
{10:34:24 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> re “Being high-society. Having class; dignity; grace; graciousness; pedigree; status; elegance; the regal; & stateliness”)
{10:34:59 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> err being regal; being stately*
{10:35:55 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> so: *re Being high-society. Having class; dignity; grace; graciousness; pedigree; status; elegance; being regal; being stately
{10:36:09 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> ((being regal; stately)
{10:42:47 pm (CDT):} <Mariu> these things will not help science by much and nor they will be preventing certain situations where one person ends up having no class. It will also not help you live longer either
{10:44:11 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> gratitude is that expression of the unsaid– otherwise– gratefulness between us in caring acts & expressions, kind gestures, that warmth we thrive on, or die from: without.
{10:45:49 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> like Sunshine, the enjoyful appearing attractively tanned, over their whole self.
{10:46:01 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> (those enjoying it fully enough)
{10:46:12 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> attractively tan*
{10:46:20 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> i was meaning to say.
{10:47:19 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> * like Sunshine, those enjoying it fully enough appearing attractively tan, all over themselves.
{10:48:20 pm (CDT):} <Mariu> coding in an elegant manner, now that is art
{10:48:32 pm (CDT):} Mariu!*@* added to ignore list.
{10:48:35 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> {10:48:32 pm (CDT):} Mariu!*@* added to ignore list.
{10:48:41 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> citing the plague dialogue v
{10:49:51 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> he’s from the Orient or something. by his own mentions
{10:50:01 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> anyway, continuing:
{10:50:19 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> ((…trying…))
{10:50:51 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> well i’ll conclude this addendum here
{10:51:02 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> .
{10:51:05 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> (thank you!)
{10:51:13 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> thank you, heh heh.
{10:51:37 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> oh–
{10:51:44 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> hmm
{10:52:01 pm (CDT):} * lakitu remembering something from someone absent
{10:52:07 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> err–
{10:52:35 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> well yes, there is Love & thanks, in a way. good to learn both of those.
{10:52:37 pm (CDT):} <Socrates> Sorry, no matches for chanserv changes topic to: ??:*: the alderaan mining corporation :*: – no public sales – r.i.p. chris “stajda” stajda – we wish you had seen another way in the definition database. (0.028s)
{10:53:01 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> there is Love, & it is different from thanks but thanks is no big baddie
{10:53:09 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> , itself.
{10:53:31 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> * there is Love, & it is different from thanks, but thanks is no big baddie, itself.
{10:53:42 pm (CDT):} <lakitu> * (there is Love, & it is different from thanks, but thanks is no big baddie, itself.)
{10:53:44 pm (CDT):} * LionClan ([email protected]) has joined
{10:53:45 pm (CDT):} * X gives voice to LionClan
{10:55:34 pm (CDT):} * X gives channel operator status to LionClan

{The dialogist’s  computer freezes.}

Join: MOUTH([email protected])
Topic: (LionClan) Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. George Santayana, founder of the Harvard Philosophical Club
Topic: set by X at 08/27/2020@14:52
Join: synced in 90ms
Mode: +tnRl 23
Formed: 04/18/2005@11:39
Nick: MOUTH -> lakitutoo
<lakitutoo> ah, my computer froze up fully
<lakitutoo> my computer froze up beyond any kind of use at all
<lakitutoo> so i am back on this 2nd computer.
<lakitutoo> i was saying, & so it is well to practice gratitude in both romance & diplomacy.
<lakitutoo> i*
<lakitutoo> I*
<lakitutoo> *
<lakitutoo> not sure where that word came from: romance & Life.
<lakitutoo> romance & life.*
<lakitutoo> & which goes hand in hand with care & kindness.
<+Mariu> ignoring is not caring
<lakitutoo> ah there you are again: have to /ignore you again
<lakitutoo> plague v dialogue man
<lakitutoo> & i was just before he said that starting to type, a little disruption here, fighting thru it
<lakitutoo> or trying
<lakitutoo> I*
<lakitutoo> largely I came to say,
<lakitutoo> gratitude had been, as just mentioned, something that was bemeaning to say, but did not get said untl now
<lakitutoo> , until now.*
Quit: lakitu([email protected]): Ping timeout
<lakitutoo> what we can understand as a delay on the assembly line
<lakitutoo> what we can understand as a delay on the assembly line,* something like that.
<lakitutoo> * – something like that.
Quit: `411([email protected]): Ping timeout
Join: lakitu([email protected])
Mode by X: +o lakitu
Join: `411([email protected])
Mode by X: +v `411
<lakitutoo> & so the the Elegism dialogue I, the present addendum, is truly concluded, then.

(For the record: one case of bitrot or similar of two letters becoming dysphoniously switched was corrected by the switching back of those two letters, in the above addendum..)

Becoming a Being Plurality Being: Generation Planning for Very Long Time Scales


From a scroll in `#Forum` on Undernet: me (“lakitu” – Joe Valentyn) tonite:

{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:07’53”} <lakitu> anybunny up?
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:14’05”} <lakitu> one thing the time tools give us is the power to control time – on time scales we have never experienced for the Information Age computer ones . . . millennia are a few keystrokes from reach . . . any period (sic; frequency) monumental as the millennium – miniscule as five seconds – can be scheduled, rescheduled, offset . . . in around 30 seconds to 2 minutes per item schedule.
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:14’54”} <lakitu> I have to show you something I set to paper . . .
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:16’23”} * lakitu be right back
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:25’29”} <lakitu> what you can do with this time technology is set a **generation’s** birthdate: May 31st 1984 for example: to a variable: `$Generation(…)Birthdate` . . . then define rites of passage for your family for example: `$AgeToStartTraveling` :: (AS) `’18 years’` . . . then literally add this age duration to the birthdate: `’May 31st 1984 + 18 years’` to get the age for this rite of passage to start traveling for this generation heir . . .
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:27’22”} <lakitu> the idea is it could be passed down . . . zillions of traditions by parents (including grandparents, great grandparents, . . . ) to their heirs immortally . . .
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:29’31”} <lakitu> I am there now with what I made
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:30’45”} <lakitu> (((* I am there now with what I *engineered*)))
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:31’02”} <lakitu> I am there now . . .
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:32’59”} <lakitu> I can’t release it because it’s too far from enough certainty for the different features . . . it is crazy like I am sketching in this scroll . . . millennia scheduled in a few keystrokes . . .
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:34’42”} <lakitu> quinquennium periods scheduled with no practical end in 30 seconds to 2 minutes . . .
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:45’59”} <lakitu> `’*every century *from 12 pm June 1st 2024′ ‘explore fish populations along the coastal Netherlands coast’` – it’s like you don’t have to die!!!! you can ‘execute your wants’ for durations that last millennia and longer . . .
{central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 12:46’48”} <lakitu> become like a being plurality being . . .

Poetalia: “Tactility” Print


High-quality digital print by clicking thumbnail (below!) or here.

(Phablet users can see a second print after the first, which is linked to a high-quality phablet print, or they can just tap here.)

I, Joe Valentyn, composed the poem & designed the print.


Lesson: Commit (Nicolaus-and-Daniel-)Bernoulli–Kelly Maximum (Abstract) Growth Investment Strategy (Abstract( Sic;)) Investment( Sic;) Ratio Flash Card Memorization Table To Rote Memory


Update 2024January3rd : Chat scrolls that were lost by destroyed hard drive were provided by `inhahe` (Richard Nichols III) that I went thru & found the dialogue that came earlier on the (Nicolaus-and-Daniel-)Bernoullli–Kelly maximum (abstract) growth investment strategy; they are included here.

Update 2023December10th : Added missing Bernoulli, Daniel Bernoulli, to the spread title & slightly altered the first sentence’s grammar:

I got this idea plural years ago, & tonight committed to teaching this very lucrative investment strategy:

From me (Joe Jerome Valentyn – nicknamed “lakitu“) in the forum, century twenty-one year twenty-three November eighteenth:

{central U.S. time CST am 01:00’18”} <ratbeing_> Still almost an hour until it gets light.
{central U.S. time CST am 01:00’38”} <lakitu> wow
{central U.S. time CST am 01:00’54”} <lakitu> you’re not to be chastised for sloth this am
{central U.S. time CST am 01:01’43”} * Ragtime^ has quit (Ping timeout)
{central U.S. time CST am 01:08’25”} <lakitu> (((* you’re not to be chastized for sloth this am)))
{central U.S. time CST am 01:22’47”} <ratbeing_> Well, a Benthamite solution to trolley problems would involve counting the bodies.
{central U.S. time CST am 01:37’43”} <ratbeing_> wlak
{central U.S. time CST am 01:38’07”} <lakitu> was going to say something –
{central U.S. time CST am 01:41’13”} <lakitu> from my earlier years – in part meaning in #forum – I here forward will teach to study Kelly strategy ratio investment amounts to recognize how much to invest in each investment – in the abstract meaning for investment I describe – scenario . . .
{central U.S. time CST am 01:41’20”} * ratbeing_ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
{central U.S. time CST am 01:43’49”} <lakitu> for a investment scenario where the risk is 75% chance to win 2.3X gain, the Kelly investment ratio is 55% from your total wealth – this is the mathematically sound amount to investment your money, per the Kelly investment strategy.
{central U.S. time CST am 01:47’40”} <lakitu> (* for a investment scenario where the risk is 75% chance to win 2.3X gain, the Kelly investment ratio is 55% from your investable amount – this is the mathematically sound amount to invest from your investable amount, per the Kelly investment strategy.)
{central U.S. time CST am 01:54’15”} <lakitu> you calculate that using the Kelly investment equation: f*= (bp-q) / b {dash}
{central U.S. time CST am 01:54’43”} <lakitu> this is *ABSTRACT* investment.
{central U.S. time CST am 01:55’22”} <lakitu> that has and is not limited to money: time for example is another quantity we have, spend, invest, waste, & the like
{central U.S. time CST am 01:58’15”} <lakitu> {dash} (continuing:) where b is payoff ratio, p is chance (at winning), & q is (risk at losing)
{central U.S. time CST am 02:00’34”} <lakitu> (* {dash} (continuing:) where b is payoff ratio, p is chance (at winning), & q is risk (losing))
{central U.S. time CST am 02:01’00”} <lakitu> in our example, the payoff ratio was 2.3, the chance at winning was 75%, & the risk was 25%.
{central U.S. time CST am 02:06’37”} <lakitu> when you look at this, you find chance at winning is the subtractive inverse (meaning one quantity is x, the other quantity is 1-x) of losing (if you have a 75% chance to win, you have 25% chance to lose) – & thus since you can figure risk to lose from chance to win, you only need chance to win – & thus you students who will follow this will study the two quantities: payoff ratio (2.3(X) for example), & chance to win (75% chance to win
{central U.S. time CST am 02:06’37”} <lakitu> for example) – when you take those two quantities & figure them in the Kellly investment strategy equation: f* = (bp-q) / b, you get **how much from your investable amount to invest**: **55%** for example… the key to kelly battling back contra losses is it invests **a proportion**;
{central U.S. time CST am 02:06’55”} <lakitu> you will each time have more to invest – at the calculated ratio – to battle back with
{central U.S. time CST am 02:08’11”} <lakitu> this – the kelly investment strategy – is ****the mathematically proven soundest investment strategy for maximal growth payoff/chance investment scenarios.****
{central U.S. time CST am 02:13’23”} <lakitu> thus – you will make tables – likely via a computer program as I have done – for f* when b (payoff) = 1, 1.25, 1.33… & their combinations with p (chance to win) = 50%, 55%, 60%… where you and/or the computer program solves for f* (the ratio of your investable currency (money for example) to invest) = bp-q / b ****& you commit these kelly investment ratios to rote memory to use at your discretion in Life****
{central U.S. time CST am 02:15’38”} * Core7016 ([email protected]) has joined
{central U.S. time CST am 02:15’38”} * Grax has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
{central U.S. time CST am 02:17’16”} <lakitu> remember: the kelly investment strategy ****mathematically proves the soundest amount to invest for *maximal growth** in payoff ratio, chance to win (& risk (percent) to lose) investment scenarios
{central U.S. time CST am 02:21’51”} <lakitu> if you have a chance to win, & a payoff amount (3.0X for example) then you can compute the mathematically soundest maximal growth investment amount (“f*”; 55% for example) for each & every case – & deciding for example how much time to invest is a very common thing in our life – now you can get it down to mathematically valid scientifically sound calculated amounts for maximal growth investments

Update: new work might be coming soon . . .

* * * * *

2023 December 1st chances-by-earning-ratios & earning-ratios-by-chances orders both listed in this post & in the standalone copy: Work is in: 2023’s November 23rd around 4:18 pm central U.S. time:

Use this information to memorize maximal growth investment ratios you should use given the chance to win & earnings ratio you can get by winning in your life: read it here or download a copy:

.9✖ $.95 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
310.2✖ $310.25 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
115344.8✖ $115344.88 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
667419.7✖ $667419.79 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
316031536.2✖ $316031536.24 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12641261.4✖ $12641261.44 67% 2✖ 5✖ 10✖ 20✖ 30✖ 34% 58% 63% 65% 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.3✖ $1.33 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
38.2✖ $38.24 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
620.0✖ $620.06 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
11252.6✖ $11252.67 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3660.6✖ $3660.63 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
906064.5✖ $906064.57 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
484217686.2✖ $484217686.22 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
321303304.2✖ $321303304.25 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5020364.1✖ $5020364.12 67% 2✖ 3✖ 5✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 20✖ 30✖ 34% 50% 58% 62% 63% 64% 65% 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.0✖ $1.02 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
29.7✖ $29.71 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
72.1✖ $72.16 67% 4✖ 56% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2504.3✖ $2504.38 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2466.8✖ $2466.86 67% 6✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
148288.2✖ $148288.25 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6339.1✖ $6339.19 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
248404.2✖ $248404.22 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3999480.3✖ $3999480.37 67% 15✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
18679390898.9✖ $18679390898.97 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1233292.4✖ $1233292.48 67% 24✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
36567572515.4✖ $36567572515.41 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
526459649.4✖ $526459649.44 67% 32✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3115145.8✖ $3115145.85 67% 2✖ 3✖ 4✖ 5✖ 6✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 15✖ 20✖ 24✖ 30✖ 32✖ 34% 50% 56% 58% 60% 62% 63% 64% 64% 65% 65% 65% 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.6✖ $1.60 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
80.8✖ $80.82 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
57927.6✖ $57927.64 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
13202499.8✖ $13202499.89 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5543629.1✖ $5543629.11 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6.4✖ $6.40 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
60032.8✖ $60032.85 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
4406398.4✖ $4406398.48 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3106624234.4✖ $3106624234.46 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
38681038039.7✖ $38681038039.77 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
773731633.3✖ $773731633.37 67% 75% 2✖ 5✖ 10✖ 20✖ 30✖ 34% 58% 63% 65% 65% 50% 68% 72% 73% 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.7✖ $1.74 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
11.1✖ $11.17 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2508.3✖ $2508.36 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
157245.6✖ $157245.68 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1109938.7✖ $1109938.71 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
41910.7✖ $41910.72 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
484543277.3✖ $484543277.35 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
15915646.7✖ $15915646.74 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6.9✖ $6.97 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
127.0✖ $127.00 75% 3✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
61202.2✖ $61202.20 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12423017.2✖ $12423017.28 75% 8✖ 71% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
60645302.1✖ $60645302.12 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
10926179.3✖ $10926179.32 75% 12✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2060088154.1✖ $2060088154.14 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
77770870587.9✖ $77770870587.98 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
607709267.4✖ $607709267.45 67% 75% 2✖ 3✖ 5✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 20✖ 30✖ 34% 50% 58% 62% 63% 64% 65% 65% 50% 62% 68% 71% 72% 72% 73% 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.5✖ $1.50 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5.0✖ $5.04 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
63.2✖ $63.29 67% 4✖ 56% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
345.6✖ $345.69 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
11186.2✖ $11186.29 67% 6✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
151.4✖ $151.42 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
66889.7✖ $66889.75 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
21235.2✖ $21235.24 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1053835928.6✖ $1053835928.68 67% 15✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12560827.6✖ $12560827.63 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
54162769.2✖ $54162769.24 67% 24✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
626604516.0✖ $626604516.02 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
8626052.5✖ $8626052.57 67% 32✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
4.7✖ $4.79 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
32.9✖ $32.92 75% 3✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6724.9✖ $6724.90 75% 4✖ 66% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
9709.5✖ $9709.50 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2025.4✖ $2025.43 75% 6✖ 70% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
43777.7✖ $43777.73 75% 8✖ 71% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2477649.5✖ $2477649.52 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
22441867.3✖ $22441867.34 75% 12✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3405680705.5✖ $3405680705.55 75% 15✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
117372404212.3✖ $117372404212.36 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
20924455734.4✖ $20924455734.49 75% 24✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
78210195670.6✖ $78210195670.64 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
138550821732.9✖ $138550821732.98 75% 32✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
409939194.6✖ $409939194.63 67% 75% 2✖ 3✖ 4✖ 5✖ 6✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 15✖ 20✖ 24✖ 30✖ 32✖ 34% 50% 56% 58% 60% 62% 63% 64% 64% 65% 65% 65% 65% 50% 62% 66% 68% 70% 71% 72% 72% 73% 73% 73% 74% 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
.6✖ $.65 60% 2✖ 20% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
88.9✖ $88.98 60% 5✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
379.7✖ $379.73 60% 10✖ 55% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
19781.3✖ $19781.37 60% 20✖ 57% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
13117485.3✖ $13117485.35 60% 30✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.2✖ $1.24 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
706.5✖ $706.54 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
64210.7✖ $64210.70 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
509288266.3✖ $509288266.31 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
626607493.0✖ $626607493.06 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
16.6✖ $16.61 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1217.7✖ $1217.74 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6494630.9✖ $6494630.96 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3053695630.7✖ $3053695630.72 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
115552883576.3✖ $115552883576.38 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
11.2✖ $11.25 80% 2✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
132328.0✖ $132328.00 80% 5✖ 75% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
116819034.7✖ $116819034.79 80% 10✖ 77% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
96431690.4✖ $96431690.49 80% 20✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
219586885139.0✖ $219586885139.05 80% 30✖ 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3357794936.9✖ $3357794936.93 60% 67% 75% 80% 2✖ 5✖ 10✖ 20✖ 30✖ 20% 50% 55% 57% 58% 34% 58% 63% 65% 65% 50% 68% 72% 73% 74% 60% 75% 77% 78% 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.0✖ $1.04 60% 2✖ 20% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
.4✖ $.44 60% 3✖ 40% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
7.0✖ $7.06 60% 5✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
640.2✖ $640.23 60% 8✖ 54% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5295.8✖ $5295.84 60% 10✖ 55% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
9913.0✖ $9913.02 60% 12✖ 56% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
10725.6✖ $10725.69 60% 20✖ 57% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
104411.6✖ $104411.64 60% 30✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.8✖ $1.85 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
41.8✖ $41.83 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2267.2✖ $2267.22 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
29902.9✖ $29902.92 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
55111.9✖ $55111.90 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
229500.1✖ $229500.12 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
342903.8✖ $342903.83 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
10731896.0✖ $10731896.06 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
17.2✖ $17.22 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
457.7✖ $457.77 75% 3✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
60377.8✖ $60377.86 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6664986.2✖ $6664986.29 75% 8✖ 71% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
8431539.2✖ $8431539.23 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
22121979.1✖ $22121979.16 75% 12✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
106813603.4✖ $106813603.44 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2211836489.7✖ $2211836489.74 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
9.8✖ $9.83 80% 2✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
982.1✖ $982.16 80% 3✖ 70% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
132328.0✖ $132328.00 80% 5✖ 75% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
35455793.8✖ $35455793.86 80% 8✖ 77% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
110616760.8✖ $110616760.85 80% 10✖ 77% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2010987279.3✖ $2010987279.38 80% 12✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
222834628205.2✖ $222834628205.26 80% 20✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
273777760941.6✖ $273777760941.64 80% 30✖ 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1078126694.2✖ $1078126694.29 60% 67% 75% 80% 2✖ 3✖ 5✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 20✖ 30✖ 20% 40% 50% 54% 55% 56% 57% 58% 34% 50% 58% 62% 63% 64% 65% 65% 50% 62% 68% 71% 72% 72% 73% 74% 60% 70% 75% 77% 77% 78% 78% 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
.7✖ $.75 60% 2✖ 20% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.6✖ $1.61 60% 3✖ 40% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
23.6✖ $23.62 60% 4✖ 46% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
28.7✖ $28.79 60% 5✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2.1✖ $2.11 60% 6✖ 52% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
582.2✖ $582.26 60% 8✖ 54% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2656.3✖ $2656.35 60% 10✖ 55% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
99.4✖ $99.49 60% 12✖ 56% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
797837.4✖ $797837.47 60% 15✖ 57% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
37893.5✖ $37893.51 60% 20✖ 57% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
55761.5✖ $55761.54 60% 24✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
199543.6✖ $199543.66 60% 30✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
315155561.9✖ $315155561.95 60% 32✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.9✖ $1.98 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
10.7✖ $10.76 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
133.0✖ $133.04 67% 4✖ 56% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
860.3✖ $860.31 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1314.5✖ $1314.56 67% 6✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
10382.8✖ $10382.83 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1055809.3✖ $1055809.33 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
247990.2✖ $247990.26 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1353343.9✖ $1353343.93 67% 15✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
13853255.7✖ $13853255.70 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2530249856.2✖ $2530249856.24 67% 24✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
18596914686.4✖ $18596914686.46 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
8628131.7✖ $8628131.70 67% 32✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
4.8✖ $4.84 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
363.8✖ $363.87 75% 3✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
210.5✖ $210.59 75% 4✖ 66% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2010.2✖ $2010.28 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
27361.6✖ $27361.60 75% 6✖ 70% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
619022.6✖ $619022.65 75% 8✖ 71% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
4483332.2✖ $4483332.26 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1931098.8✖ $1931098.80 75% 12✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
81090763.8✖ $81090763.88 75% 15✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
58730581721.5✖ $58730581721.51 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
10502442524.3✖ $10502442524.37 75% 24✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3401714225109.0✖ $3401714225109.04 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
68948372028.2✖ $68948372028.21 75% 32✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
25.4✖ $25.42 80% 2✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
826.1✖ $826.13 80% 3✖ 70% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
24570.9✖ $24570.95 80% 4✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
14798.4✖ $14798.49 80% 5✖ 75% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
722372.6✖ $722372.67 80% 6✖ 76% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1280459.2✖ $1280459.27 80% 8✖ 77% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
322458331.3✖ $322458331.31 80% 10✖ 77% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1360250841.3✖ $1360250841.36 80% 12✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6529424552.7✖ $6529424552.73 80% 15✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
110046986544.2✖ $110046986544.20 80% 20✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1369298951208.2✖ $1369298951208.24 80% 24✖ 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12846060618649.9✖ $12846060618649.91 80% 30✖ 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12577507887242.7✖ $12577507887242.78 80% 32✖ 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
18708254501.4✖ $18708254501.42 60% 67% 75% 80% 2✖ 3✖ 4✖ 5✖ 6✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 15✖ 20✖ 24✖ 30✖ 32✖ 20% 40% 46% 50% 52% 54% 55% 56% 57% 57% 58% 58% 58% 34% 50% 56% 58% 60% 62% 63% 64% 64% 65% 65% 65% 65% 50% 62% 66% 68% 70% 71% 72% 72% 73% 73% 73% 74% 74% 60% 70% 73% 75% 76% 77% 77% 78% 78% 78% 79% 79% 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.4✖ $1.40 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2333.6✖ $2333.68 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
109859.9✖ $109859.96 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1309545.4✖ $1309545.49 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
326399021.7✖ $326399021.79 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
13055960.8✖ $13055960.87 67% 2✖ 5✖ 10✖ 20✖ 30✖ 34% 58% 63% 65% 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.0✖ $1.09 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
10.4✖ $10.48 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
8.1✖ $8.12 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
19127.1✖ $19127.10 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3325.2✖ $3325.21 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2397854.8✖ $2397854.83 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12885976.3✖ $12885976.31 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1048420847.7✖ $1048420847.72 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
321216809.0✖ $321216809.05 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
39125297350.9✖ $39125297350.91 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
788930283.1✖ $788930283.19 67% 75% 2✖ 5✖ 10✖ 20✖ 30✖ 34% 58% 63% 65% 65% 50% 68% 72% 73% 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
.6✖ $.69 60% 2✖ 20% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
.9✖ $.96 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3.7✖ $3.70 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
21.6✖ $21.65 80% 2✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
20.0✖ $20.01 60% 5✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2504.2✖ $2504.28 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
60470.4✖ $60470.44 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
137680.0✖ $137680.00 80% 5✖ 75% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2681.2✖ $2681.25 60% 10✖ 55% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6493.2✖ $6493.26 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
4334664.8✖ $4334664.82 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
217907997.9✖ $217907997.92 80% 10✖ 77% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
19769.8✖ $19769.82 60% 20✖ 57% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
484542414.4✖ $484542414.42 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2095263046.5✖ $2095263046.54 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
114329806757.1✖ $114329806757.15 80% 20✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
4544091.6✖ $4544091.63 60% 30✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
19212697730.1✖ $19212697730.18 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1767634551.1✖ $1767634551.18 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6505263148410.0✖ $6505263148410.00 80% 30✖ 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
65262480247.8✖ $65262480247.82 60% 67% 75% 80% 2✖ 5✖ 10✖ 20✖ 30✖ 20% 50% 55% 57% 58% 34% 58% 63% 65% 65% 50% 68% 72% 73% 74% 60% 75% 77% 78% 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2.1✖ $2.11 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5.1✖ $5.16 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2238.9✖ $2238.97 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
10618.8✖ $10618.82 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12313.6✖ $12313.62 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
11947.8✖ $11947.80 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
484226109.6✖ $484226109.68 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
18596999711.4✖ $18596999711.40 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
290578120.4✖ $290578120.49 67% 2✖ 3✖ 5✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 20✖ 30✖ 34% 50% 58% 62% 63% 64% 65% 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.8✖ $1.83 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6.2✖ $6.21 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12.7✖ $12.75 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
187.0✖ $187.08 75% 3✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
353.8✖ $353.80 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
14583.8✖ $14583.82 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1473.3✖ $1473.35 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
331741.4✖ $331741.42 75% 8✖ 71% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
9789.6✖ $9789.62 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2331839.2✖ $2331839.26 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
21274.0✖ $21274.04 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
32668879.3✖ $32668879.32 75% 12✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
667643.8✖ $667643.84 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
37059548.4✖ $37059548.48 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
321218304.5✖ $321218304.52 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3364361604316.9✖ $3364361604316.93 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
26286584551.7✖ $26286584551.72 67% 75% 2✖ 3✖ 5✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 20✖ 30✖ 34% 50% 58% 62% 63% 64% 65% 65% 50% 62% 68% 71% 72% 72% 73% 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
.7✖ $.74 60% 2✖ 20% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.9✖ $1.91 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
10.3✖ $10.34 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6.0✖ $6.06 80% 2✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.2✖ $1.24 60% 3✖ 40% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
38.0✖ $38.02 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
43.6✖ $43.61 75% 3✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
280.0✖ $280.02 80% 3✖ 70% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
11.6✖ $11.65 60% 5✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2210.3✖ $2210.37 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
14610.5✖ $14610.56 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
218344.0✖ $218344.00 80% 5✖ 75% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1182.1✖ $1182.14 60% 8✖ 54% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
11112.3✖ $11112.37 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
318061.3✖ $318061.35 75% 8✖ 71% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1692722.5✖ $1692722.56 80% 8✖ 77% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
199.7✖ $199.75 60% 10✖ 55% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
60932.2✖ $60932.23 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
58562580.7✖ $58562580.72 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
9198761.2✖ $9198761.24 80% 10✖ 77% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
9382.7✖ $9382.75 60% 12✖ 56% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5074845.0✖ $5074845.03 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
381026722.9✖ $381026722.96 75% 12✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
31288890.0✖ $31288890.09 80% 12✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
8158565.4✖ $8158565.44 60% 20✖ 57% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
497736025.3✖ $497736025.36 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1012623485.1✖ $1012623485.12 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5863544482.0✖ $5863544482.08 80% 20✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
104359.0✖ $104359.05 60% 30✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
321304825.0✖ $321304825.01 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
449601327.5✖ $449601327.58 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12954901473545.9✖ $12954901473545.99 80% 30✖ 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
50608095640.8✖ $50608095640.84 60% 67% 75% 80% 2✖ 3✖ 5✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 20✖ 30✖ 20% 40% 50% 54% 55% 56% 57% 58% 34% 50% 58% 62% 63% 64% 65% 65% 50% 62% 68% 71% 72% 72% 73% 74% 60% 70% 75% 77% 77% 78% 78% 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.7✖ $1.70 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
122.5✖ $122.59 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
120.5✖ $120.53 67% 4✖ 56% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
79.8✖ $79.88 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3335.8✖ $3335.88 67% 6✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
11204.4✖ $11204.49 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
9489.4✖ $9489.43 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
247498.6✖ $247498.68 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
49220.6✖ $49220.69 67% 15✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
359325.6✖ $359325.63 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1234300.1✖ $1234300.18 67% 24✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5542108.8✖ $5542108.85 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
8503547.0✖ $8503547.05 67% 32✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
50316.8✖ $50316.84 67% 2✖ 3✖ 4✖ 5✖ 6✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 15✖ 20✖ 24✖ 30✖ 32✖ 34% 50% 56% 58% 60% 62% 63% 64% 64% 65% 65% 65% 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2.0✖ $2.03 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
4.0✖ $4.06 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.4✖ $1.47 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
79.2✖ $79.28 75% 3✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
35.7✖ $35.79 67% 4✖ 56% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12700.9✖ $12700.90 75% 4✖ 66% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2499.9✖ $2499.92 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5158.5✖ $5158.52 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12065.7✖ $12065.77 67% 6✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
48831.5✖ $48831.57 75% 6✖ 70% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
9796.9✖ $9796.94 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
578545.0✖ $578545.07 75% 8✖ 71% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3171.0✖ $3171.09 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
4483438.0✖ $4483438.08 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5301601.8✖ $5301601.84 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
42905299.7✖ $42905299.78 75% 12✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
38422049.6✖ $38422049.66 67% 15✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3332174706.2✖ $3332174706.22 75% 15✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12910826.9✖ $12910826.98 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
53874044.4✖ $53874044.44 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
4565861.2✖ $4565861.28 67% 24✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
362298367736.6✖ $362298367736.65 75% 24✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
16182765.5✖ $16182765.55 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3402143509454.5✖ $3402143509454.53 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
526584231.8✖ $526584231.85 67% 32✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
6479638403891.4✖ $6479638403891.41 75% 32✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
19172085763.6✖ $19172085763.67 67% 75% 2✖ 3✖ 4✖ 5✖ 6✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 15✖ 20✖ 24✖ 30✖ 32✖ 34% 50% 56% 58% 60% 62% 63% 64% 64% 65% 65% 65% 65% 50% 62% 66% 68% 70% 71% 72% 72% 73% 73% 73% 74% 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
.6✖ $.61 60% 2✖ 20% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1.6✖ $1.67 67% 2✖ 34% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
19.8✖ $19.88 75% 2✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
16.3✖ $16.34 80% 2✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2.7✖ $2.74 60% 3✖ 40% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
56.0✖ $56.05 67% 3✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
206.2✖ $206.29 75% 3✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
745.7✖ $745.79 80% 3✖ 70% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
9.7✖ $9.78 60% 4✖ 46% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
53.9✖ $53.94 67% 4✖ 56% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1419.3✖ $1419.39 75% 4✖ 66% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
13312.5✖ $13312.50 80% 4✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
37.1✖ $37.10 60% 5✖ 50% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2540.6✖ $2540.65 67% 5✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5481.8✖ $5481.86 75% 5✖ 68% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
119272.0✖ $119272.00 80% 5✖ 75% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5552.8✖ $5552.85 60% 6✖ 52% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1292.9✖ $1292.90 67% 6✖ 60% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
345369.2✖ $345369.22 75% 6✖ 70% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
2046928.9✖ $2046928.95 80% 6✖ 76% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
166.9✖ $166.92 60% 8✖ 54% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1021.2✖ $1021.25 67% 8✖ 62% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12136357.8✖ $12136357.85 75% 8✖ 71% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
24323658.5✖ $24323658.51 80% 8✖ 77% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3187.0✖ $3187.00 60% 10✖ 55% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3660.6✖ $3660.63 67% 10✖ 63% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
4340277.1✖ $4340277.12 75% 10✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
218147406.8✖ $218147406.82 80% 10✖ 77% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
65.2✖ $65.28 60% 12✖ 56% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
453970.1✖ $453970.13 67% 12✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
11235803.7✖ $11235803.70 75% 12✖ 72% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
32623491.8✖ $32623491.81 80% 12✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
792800.3✖ $792800.36 60% 15✖ 57% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
37032709.5✖ $37032709.59 67% 15✖ 64% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
81133550.8✖ $81133550.85 75% 15✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
12501995202.1✖ $12501995202.10 80% 15✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
286912.5✖ $286912.54 60% 20✖ 57% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
25096316.6✖ $25096316.62 67% 20✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
1066169396.1✖ $1066169396.18 75% 20✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
112920902602.4✖ $112920902602.41 80% 20✖ 78% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
32236786.8✖ $32236786.84 60% 24✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
54234135.3✖ $54234135.32 67% 24✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
5403949925.2✖ $5403949925.26 75% 24✖ 73% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
15042825636.8✖ $15042825636.85 80% 24✖ 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
188795533.9✖ $188795533.91 60% 30✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
642248309.6✖ $642248309.68 67% 30✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
3364805870687.3✖ $3364805870687.37 75% 30✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
111672164085.6✖ $111672164085.60 80% 30✖ 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
297626.7✖ $297626.79 60% 32✖ 58% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
24829633.9✖ $24829633.96 67% 32✖ 65% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
205993109617.6✖ $205993109617.66 75% 32✖ 74% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
198931875579.9✖ $198931875579.96 80% 32✖ 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1
599038627.8✖ $599038627.89 60% 67% 75% 80% 2✖ 3✖ 4✖ 5✖ 6✖ 8✖ 10✖ 12✖ 15✖ 20✖ 24✖ 30✖ 32✖ 20% 40% 46% 50% 52% 54% 55% 56% 57% 57% 58% 58% 58% 34% 50% 56% 58% 60% 62% 63% 64% 64% 65% 65% 65% 65% 50% 62% 66% 68% 70% 71% 72% 72% 73% 73% 73% 74% 74% 60% 70% 73% 75% 76% 77% 77% 78% 78% 78% 79% 79% 79% 10 ✖ 10 = 100 $1

⸻ Joe Valentyn
b. Faribault,
the United States
(United States’) 2023 Thanksgiving Day

Formal Semantics N-Dimension( sic; N-Dimensional) Language Sample: Political Theory * Current Events


Here is something I’ve used to participate in politics better, with a tensor/matrix for Political Theory – my political theory I’ve collected – * (times) Current Events (a former current events list I kept):

Political Theory * Current Events.

Update: Typesetting fixed. (Zoom in if you want, the typesetting is in between plateaus.)

The political theory & current events were gathered by hand, & I made the program that makes the tensor/matrix.

Each item – up to what you can stomach – should be dealt with by hand, to keep the human touch with political causes in a more systematic, ‘agrarian’ political practice.

⸻ Joe Valentyn

Music That Never Repeats, Is The Same Forwards & Back, & Seamlessly Loops To Get The Most Powerful Fingering: Music Theory ”’Moduluses”’


Today (this diurne (24 hours)) is a big day for me: I released four select music theory moduluses: each never repeats, is the same forwards & back, & seamlessly loops.

Further, this music is tuned to 7.83 hertz – the fundamental resonant frequency for the Earth (see here).

You can access them here:


Or if that site disappears, here:


Update century twenty-one year twenty-four January Thirteenth central U.S. time pm( sic) 12:37′: added “Further, this music is tuned to 7.83 hertz – the dominant resonant frequency for the Earth (see here).

The Ruby At The Center Of “The Book of Love” – A Love Dialogue By Joey Valentyn, June The 26th, 2021


In this dialogue I am lakitu. This dialogue is spontaneous; the first & fourth parts are slow, the second & fourth parts are the reason I post this:

{02:46:10 pm} <lakitu> shopping for coffee online in-between things the last couple days… kind of a new modern twist on coffee fandom for us coffee aficionados: sorting thru 20,000 brands to find the one, true, best whole-bean pouch our vested belief in like, Google coffee-blog search-result #3’s recommnedations can buy us… sort of like a medallion hunt or something,

{02:46:10 pm} <lakitu> that elusive, great coffee taste we’ll be drinking maybe a couple times a day. is it in Key Largo Much Grounded whole-bean Sumatra, San Jose’s Felicimo Arabica blend? we will never know, there’s only 20,000 brands to try. but I still will feel strongly: this tasty cup is probably basically the best the money can buy, haha.

{02:47:19 pm} <*buffextras> Ragtime^[email protected] quit: Quit

{02:47:19 pm} <*buffextras> Ragtime^[email protected] quit: Quit

{02:47:45 pm} <lakitu> …no one really knows – there’s 20,000 brands…

{02:51:43 pm} <lakitu> a small-town coffee blogger accepted a small sugaring of free beans, monetary kickback, sister-site links for his produced confession of the best bean having been found, 10,000 of us over time scan over his site lol

{02:57:24 pm} <lakitu> I’m being more comical, in my mind, than critical. these little peccadilloes being pointed out; it’s like making fun of your little sister for her dress being way hiked up funny – some minor chuff in her style that is more risible than anything.

{03:00:08 pm} <lakitu> some minor hiccup

{03:06:45 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Ping timeout

{03:06:45 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Ping timeout

{03:06:50 pm} <lakitu> some cowlick in your little brother’s hair.

{03:07:09 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] set mode: +l 31

{03:07:09 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] set mode: +l 31

{03:07:30 pm} <lakitu> –when I was young my hair stood straight up. I looked like someone you’d nickname “Sparky”.

{03:08:04 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: *.net *.split

{03:08:04 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: *.net *.split

{03:08:05 pm} <lakitu> – straight up. most of my pictures are with my hair as a 1, 2 year old slicked back, because of my Mom wanting it to be down for pictures

{03:08:15 pm} <lakitu> but it stood straight up.

{03:08:25 pm} <lakitu> bright blonde.

{03:08:33 pm} <lakitu> bright/white blonde.

{03:09:20 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] joined

{03:09:20 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] joined

{03:09:27 pm} <lakitu> wb ControlFreq

{03:09:38 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] set mode: +v ControlFreq

{03:09:38 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] set mode: +v ControlFreq

{03:09:51 pm} <lakitu> I’ll cats you up.

{03:10:04 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Registered

{03:10:04 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Registered

{03:10:04 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] joined

{03:10:04 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] joined

{03:10:04 pm} <*buffextras> *.undernet.org set mode: +v ControlFreq

{03:10:04 pm} <*buffextras> *.undernet.org set mode: +v ControlFreq

{03:10:41 pm} <lakitu> (see pm.)

{03:12:31 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] joined

{03:12:31 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] joined

{03:12:36 pm} <lakitu> wb artalien_

{03:12:43 pm} <lakitu> I’ll cats you up too!

{03:12:52 pm} <ControlFreq> I have a friend I call Sparky because I helped him design a radio.

{03:14:35 pm} <lakitu> some spark-gap element, or?

{03:14:47 pm} <lakitu> I was born with nearly a full head of hair too. the nurses attributed this to my Mom eating peanut butter as a food she craved during pregnancy.

{03:15:08 pm} <ControlFreq> Nope. On small ships, with one radio tech, he or she is usually called Sparky

{03:15:22 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] joined

{03:15:22 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] joined

{03:15:25 pm} <lakitu> ha!

{03:17:25 pm} <lakitu> My Mom craved fish & peanut butter & pineapple, with me.

{03:18:03 pm} * lakitu makes a little cartoon of a menu in a fetus’s hands in the womb . . .

{03:18:07 pm} <lakitu> “I’ll have the fish!”

{03:20:11 pm} <lakitu> they say the omega 3s with fish are important for a carried baby’s emotional development thruout life. also prevents allergies or somesuch

{03:21:54 pm} <lakitu> (just got to avoid the species laced with methylmercury . . . )

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{03:27:54 pm} <lakitu> mbog did not have that good sternum of stamina… he hailed a lifeboat & jumped ship

{03:27:58 pm} <lakitu> wb Sioux!!

{03:28:29 pm} <lakitu> good weekend– evening, right?, for you?

{03:28:52 pm} * lakitu joking with his phrasing there

{03:28:53 pm} <lakitu> btw

{03:29:47 pm} <lakitu> a little bit of wrestling with your brother, re mbog’s lacking endurance

{03:31:29 pm} <lakitu> *intestinal fortitude* *laughing*

{03:31:48 pm} <lakitu> I think that’s what I was (playfully) thinking of

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{03:33:29 pm} * lakitu prepares some clips of big teutonic grunting & gritting, to demonstrate his approach re emanating fortitude immanently from the intestines

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{03:33:38 pm} <lakitu> from the intestine

{03:33:53 pm} <lakitu> wb Rags.

{03:35:32 pm} <Ragtime^> 10 Q lakitu

{03:35:55 pm} <lakitu> heh.

{03:36:39 pm} * lakitu in a laughy mood

{03:39:21 pm} <lakitu> (1,-2-year-old*)

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{03:43:43 pm} <lakitu> (1-, 2-year-old*)

{04:01:14 pm} * lakitu pours another espresso

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{04:16:16 pm} <LionClan> hello

{04:16:28 pm} <lakitu> ‘ Lincoln.

{04:16:30 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] set mode: +o LionClan

{04:16:30 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] set mode: +o LionClan

{04:28:54 pm} <lakitu> https://pastebin.com/ZaaqtrnF

{04:28:55 pm} <zhan> Mumbo-jumbo (June 26th, 2021; a scroll for Lionclan) – Pastebin.com

{04:28:58 pm} <lakitu> a scroll for you

{04:50:03 pm} <lauraaahNOpm> Hi

{04:53:27 pm} <lakitu> hey

{04:54:15 pm} * lakitu rounding up yard varmints in one of his programming modules – trying to wrap up

{04:55:01 pm} <lakitu> how are you?

{04:55:41 pm} <lakitu> up to anything this weekend day? maybe evening for you?

{04:55:49 pm} <lakitu> I guess it would probably be night

{04:56:34 pm} * lakitu scratches this chore– another time

{05:08:55 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Read error: EOF from client

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{05:10:40 pm} <lakitu> here is my latest dialogue: https://joevalentyn.org/press/2021/06/24/psychiatric-persecution-the-citizens-commission-on-human-rights-the-cchr-thomas-szasz-britney-spears-ovid-god-almighty/

{05:10:50 pm} <zhan> Psychiatric Persecution: The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (The CCHR), Thomas Szasz, Britney Spears, Ovid, & God Almighty ⸻ Heart, Joe Valentyn

{05:13:16 pm} <lakitu> parts ii & iii now included.

{05:26:52 pm} <*buffextras> Ragtime^[email protected] quit: Read error: Operation timed out

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{05:28:03 pm} <lakitu> think I’ll go & forage for some jerky from the store room.

{05:39:16 pm} <lakitu> …the abode is like a fallen angel: a man who desireth a woman from afar, while she is locketed with some scarcely deserving man. one of Life’s most common taboos is to dare to cross a line drawn by a girl’s main stang, to first begin to court her favor . . .

{05:41:43 pm} <lakitu> …the abode is ‘like a fallen angel’s*

{05:44:37 pm} <lakitu> …& her: she must feel like a First-Nations girl, caught between present & potential tribe, prances & shows of force… jerkies & pelts…

{05:47:18 pm} <artalien_> Bionic ma

{05:47:50 pm} <artalien_> Bionic man is jumpim thru the telly vision ser

{05:47:54 pm} <artalien_> set

{05:48:09 pm} <artalien_> Guess who’s coming next

{05:49:16 pm} <artalien_> man V midgie https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/OrogvmBv/20210626_234854.jpg

{05:50:19 pm} * artalien_ is a victim of a cruel mother

{05:50:26 pm} <lakitu> oh no

{05:51:07 pm} <artalien_> hehe, 2 bottles of cider and I’m good to go

{05:55:27 pm} <artalien_> I had an action man that had gripping hands

{05:55:49 pm} <artalien_> I tied him to a huge elastic band and lauched him into forever

{05:57:40 pm} <lakitu> …that’s good, heheh…

{05:58:11 pm} <artalien_> https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/152770612329790710/

{05:58:12 pm} <zhan> Pin on Greatest Fictional Spacecraft

{05:58:59 pm} <artalien_> I also had one of those but a ruffin took it and covered it in snot, he was making an unconscious social statement I figure with hindsight

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{06:00:37 pm} <artalien_> https://youtu.be/GWiM6gcxKVw

{06:00:38 pm} <zhan> UFO Theme [Remastered] by DanTheMan 2150AD [1m8s – 11k views ? 203 ? 1 (99.51%) – 1.5y ago]

{06:02:13 pm} <artalien_> Now if that doesn’t make you want a hair cut you may be dead

{06:02:25 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Quit: All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain… Time to die.

{06:02:25 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Quit: All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain… Time to die.

{06:04:38 pm} <lakitu> …a man is ‘like a religionformer, only with sacrament keepsakes, the highest ritual ethos in work, provide, keep up – mortal priestly sins & of the utmost meaningfulness: the Holy Love with his deified: his mistress. the feminine member of this does not disappoint – granting him assuages to what riddles him – sapient teachings, even – ecstatic Divine experiences, & a whole code of ethics to carry & key himself to . . .

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{06:24:00 pm} <lakitu> a little like a uncontacted tribe member spiritualizing their special divinity.

{06:27:37 pm} <lakitu> …their higher power…

{06:28:58 pm} <LionClan> https://boredomtherapy.com/buzz-aldrin-moon-landing-photo

{06:28:59 pm} <zhan> Buzz Aldrin Opens Up With The Real Story About The Iconic Moon Landing Photo

{06:34:48 pm} <LionClan> I’m sure they went into low earth orbit I believe that part of the story

{06:35:17 pm} <LionClan> The rest of it, not so much.

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{06:42:55 pm} <lakitu> & so it is a great malevolence – *to him* – for another man to broach offering himself to her, perhaps a hope of a tryst where they can be alone, deep in the subtext of his song before her; some gleam that, almost always to the devout man’s surprise, his Highest commutes the offense of, showing a conciliatory sign to the two: an adorer, not an enemy… an adorer, not an enemy… but for men such is outside them, they do not soak in the

{06:42:55 pm} <lakitu> salts of comforting, of soothing, of curing odium & grief

{06:44:58 pm} <Ragtime^> Trump is the most interesting person in politics.

{06:52:40 pm} <lakitu> so a befuddled man in sin is beguiled as the suitor eagerly claims his gains, the Precious not guarding her responses to receiving the affections of two admirers in one court, knowing the violatory instincts toward other suitors of her longtime dedicated.

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{07:14:08 pm} <lakitu> & vignettes like this are the only breathing room a man doing the spywork of persuading a girl to come to his side; a 5-word summary of fiscal splendors, earning potential – a sultry look in your best ‘cut, best raiments – a supposedly-ambient song especially adolescent men mean the world by . . . & such espionage is by one not ultimately respectful & weary to the main stang’s perturbability – her supper conversation were it to come up

{07:14:08 pm} <lakitu> – his own crassness at the handling of such a little baby-bird romance in a potentially tumultuous affair such as when you’re doing this: broaching the lines drawn by a winsome Diviness’s heavily-armed stang; cover is light, moments are fleeting, opportunities are expensive, rapport with people in her party is countervailing. but is a labor of Love.

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{07:35:10 pm} <rzewski> secret channel now?

{07:35:22 pm} <MartyMcFly> Trump is responosible for 600,000 deaths

{07:35:22 pm} <rzewski> is too much reality sneaking into your delusional safe space

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{07:53:20 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] changed the topic to: Global Wealth Inequality – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWSxzjyMNpU

{07:53:20 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] changed the topic to: Global Wealth Inequality – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWSxzjyMNpU

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{07:57:15 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] changed the topic to: Why Philosophy Matters — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vib2rqJKS08

{07:57:15 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] changed the topic to: Why Philosophy Matters — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vib2rqJKS08

{07:57:43 pm} <LionClan> hi John Guru

{07:58:31 pm} <JohnGuru> hi LionClan

{07:59:17 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] changed the topic to: Philosophical Pragmatism – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtc2SdIWErc

{07:59:17 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] changed the topic to: Philosophical Pragmatism – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtc2SdIWErc

{07:59:43 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] changed the topic to: Rorty – Is Science Compatible with Religion? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn2F2BWLZ0Q

{07:59:43 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] changed the topic to: Rorty – Is Science Compatible with Religion? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn2F2BWLZ0Q

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{08:02:42 pm} <kblom> hi john

{08:03:19 pm} <JohnGuru> it’s been a somewhat arduous day here. Gray, at times windy, and rain rain rain, lots of rain. Sinus congestion, adding a certain amount of labour to the general dreariness

{08:04:05 pm} <JohnGuru> the nice thing about this hour is that it brings a sense of normalness

{08:04:40 pm} <JohnGuru> routine suggests everything is okay/. By having a routine, we are encouraged to think the world will go on forever

{08:04:44 pm} <LionClan> I use Alka Seltzer Cold and Flu for nasal congestion. Doesn’t spike your blood pressure like some antihistamines.

{08:05:07 pm} <JohnGuru> oh, I think I may have that, LionClan. I will try it

{08:05:14 pm} <JohnGuru> I bought it and then never opened the package

{08:05:30 pm} <JohnGuru> I always liked Alka Seltzer, though

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{08:06:22 pm} <LionClan> Sinus congestion can interfere with sleep, so I take that before my naps

{08:06:29 pm} <JohnGuru> *nods*

{08:06:35 pm} <JohnGuru> yeah

{08:07:07 pm} <JohnGuru> I use Diphenhydramine. It’s cheap when bought in the generic form, by name

{08:07:24 pm} <JohnGuru> and the main ingredient of most antihistamine OTC’s

{08:07:32 pm} <LionClan> Please stop.

{08:07:47 pm} <JohnGuru> what? why?

{08:08:24 pm} <LionClan> If you tell your doctor, do you know what he would tell you? He would tell you please stop

{08:08:36 pm} <JohnGuru> oh I don’t think so

{08:08:54 pm} <JohnGuru> I think he’s the one who suggested it to me

{08:08:57 pm} <MartyMcFly> circadian rythym the sign of the blind watchmaker perhaps

{08:09:22 pm} <MartyMcFly> newtonian clockwork universe

{08:09:41 pm} <kblom> they had a cartoon character ‘Speedy’

{08:10:37 pm} <JohnGuru> Newton’s clockwork universe dominted science & philosophy for 250 years

{08:10:56 pm} <JohnGuru> but then it passed away when science shifted the ground to statistics

{08:11:19 pm} <LionClan> Newton told the world about his solar observations, in particular the apparent position is behind the actual position

{08:11:27 pm} <MartyMcFly> logic and order in the universe is comforting

{08:11:33 pm} <JohnGuru> the average person is still living in the shadow of Newton’s image

{08:11:47 pm} <JohnGuru> sure it is

{08:12:39 pm} <JohnGuru> statistics is used to explain why the universe looks deterministic ;)

{08:13:17 pm} <JohnGuru> it’s so — counterintuitive

{08:14:18 pm} <JohnGuru> Marty, if you would do the honors tonight. Lead the discussion. I can take a break

{08:14:44 pm} <JohnGuru> I think you can do it

{08:15:21 pm} <MartyMcFly> thanks, what topic should we do?

{08:15:47 pm} <JohnGuru> free will

{08:15:52 pm} <JohnGuru> or big bang theory

{08:16:08 pm} <JohnGuru> or ethics, what is the foundation of ethics

{08:16:29 pm} <MartyMcFly> order vs chaos

{08:16:37 pm} <JohnGuru> automation. Are we digging our collective grave with robots?

{08:16:45 pm} <JohnGuru> sure, order vs. chaos. I’m fine with that

{08:17:06 pm} <MartyMcFly> bbiab

{08:17:48 pm} <JohnGuru> maybe order is a particular flavor of chaos

{08:17:53 pm} <MartyMcFly> need a bite

{08:17:54 pm} <kblom> I believe kant would disapprove of the role of probability and statistics in modern science

{08:18:11 pm} <JohnGuru> kblom lol, you think so?

{08:18:31 pm} <kblom> john yes

{08:18:33 pm} <JohnGuru> that’s not much of a speculation, kblom mydear

{08:19:17 pm} <JohnGuru> Kant’s work was very much in the direction of finding the ground of things. He wanted the apodictic

{08:19:57 pm} <JohnGuru> I even bought his thin little book, the Ground of ..

{08:20:10 pm} <kblom> the apodeiptic

{08:20:38 pm} <JohnGuru> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundwork_of_the_Metaphysic_of_Morals

{08:20:38 pm} <zhan> Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785; German: Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten; also known as the Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Grounding of the Metaphysics of Morals, and the Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals) is the first of Immanuel Kant’s mature works on moral philosophy and remains one of the most influential in the field.

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{08:21:46 pm} <JohnGuru> so. yes.

{08:21:55 pm} <JohnGuru> hey nine, oh nine oh

{08:22:32 pm} <JohnGuru> ap·o·dic·tic

{08:22:33 pm} <JohnGuru> Learn to pronounce

{08:22:33 pm} <JohnGuru> adjectiveFORMAL

{08:22:33 pm} <JohnGuru> clearly established or beyond dispute.

{08:22:45 pm} <kblom> is that where he says science must be apodeictically certain?

{08:23:03 pm} <JohnGuru> uh, I don’t think so

{08:23:18 pm} <JohnGuru> unless it snuck in as a very brief mention

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{08:24:02 pm} <nine> hey JohnGuru

{08:24:09 pm} <nine> sorry, kinda crazy here

{08:24:31 pm} <nine> i watched that Logical positivism video today

{08:24:35 pm} <nine> i didn’t understand any of it

{08:24:37 pm} <JohnGuru> oh yes?

{08:24:41 pm} <JohnGuru> oh no

{08:25:03 pm} <nine> well, i’m not that good at understanding a couple of brits saying all that stuff

{08:25:31 pm} <JohnGuru> damn. I wish I could help, but I have no idea what trips you up

{08:25:35 pm} <nine> can you nut-shell it for me?

{08:25:55 pm} <nine> i mean, he seemed to be talking about some book he wrote and how the world took it

{08:25:58 pm} <nine> i got that i guess

{08:25:59 pm} <nine> a little

{08:26:04 pm} <JohnGuru> logical positivism started as a movement to clean up philosophy

{08:26:15 pm} <nine> i understood already that they want everything to be proven

{08:26:22 pm} <nine> like… scientifically, i guess

{08:26:23 pm} <JohnGuru> that’s right

{08:26:34 pm} <JohnGuru> nothing should be held to be true unless it could be demonstrated

{08:27:08 pm} <JohnGuru> if I wanted to assert that that woman (pointing) and I are married, there should be a way to demonstrte that it must be true

{08:27:22 pm} <nine> a piece of paper maybe

{08:27:27 pm} <JohnGuru> obviously, holding up a marriage certificate would not do it, because that’s a claim by authority

{08:27:32 pm} <nine> does that really prove anything? right

{08:28:05 pm} <nine> i dunno what it even means to “be married” anymore

{08:28:14 pm} <nine> something legal

{08:28:25 pm} <nine> something that can affect reality by rule of law

{08:28:38 pm} <JohnGuru> on the other hand, the act of marriage does not make any changes in the body, so there’s no way to determine marriage by physical inspection

{08:29:05 pm} <JohnGuru> thus, logical positivists would determine that marriage is a meaningless concept, and they would root it out of our discourse

{08:29:15 pm} <kblom> positivism is like the meaning of a proposition is its method of verification

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{08:30:07 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] set mode: +v MartyMcFly

{08:30:10 pm} <JohnGuru> *nods*

{08:30:47 pm} <JohnGuru> nine, that’s an example of the main reason why logical positivism failed. It sounded good in principle, but it ws like falling on your sword to cute a head cold

{08:30:49 pm} <JohnGuru> cure

{08:31:07 pm} <nine> heh

{08:31:15 pm} <JohnGuru> it nullified too much of the world we live in

{08:31:15 pm} <kblom> john russell and wittgenstein were both great logical posivists

{08:31:20 pm} <nine> yeah, even the guy didn’t seem to have much faith in it

{08:31:23 pm} <nine> the interviewee

{08:31:29 pm} <JohnGuru> right

{08:31:52 pm} <Ragtime^> That was a great speech.

{08:32:00 pm} <JohnGuru> kblom, I know everybody says wittgenstein was a positivist, but I don’t agree. I don’t think he was. He had a strong mystical streak in him

{08:32:00 pm} <nine> grr

{08:32:01 pm} <nine> brb

{08:33:01 pm} <JohnGuru> he was eminently capable of describing the world as a logical positivist would see it, and that’s mostly what he did in the Tractatus, but he also broke with it in that same writing

{08:33:17 pm} <JohnGuru> for example,

{08:33:20 pm} <JohnGuru> “6.41 The sense of the world must lie outside the world. In the world everything is as it is, and everything happens as it does happen: in it no value exists–and if it did exist, it would have no value.” — Tractatus

{08:34:05 pm} <JohnGuru> so you might ask how Wittgenstein thought value entered the question, if it’s not “in” the world

{08:34:57 pm} <JohnGuru> and there’s also

{08:35:00 pm} <JohnGuru> “6.372 Thus people today stop at the laws of nature, treating them as something inviolable, just as God and Fate were treated in past ages. And in fact both are right and both wrong: though the view of the ancients is clearer in so far as they have a clear and acknowledged terminus, while the modern system tries to make it look as if everything were explained.” — Wittgenstein, Tractatus

{08:35:49 pm} <JohnGuru> “5.43 Even at first sight it seems scarcely credible that there should follow from one fact p infinitely many others , namely ~~p, ~~~~p, etc. And it is no less remarkable that the infinite number of propositions of logic (mathematics) follow from half a dozen ‘primitive propositions’. But in fact all the propositions of logic say the same thing, to wit nothing.” — Tractatus

{08:36:01 pm} <JohnGuru> dismisses mathematics with one wave of the hand

{08:36:49 pm} <JohnGuru> okay, sorry. wb MartyMcFly

{08:36:51 pm} <nine> i don’t understand that last statement

{08:37:10 pm} <JohnGuru> nine, ~ is a symbol meaning ‘not’

{08:37:25 pm} <JohnGuru> so you have p, and not not p, and not not not not p

{08:37:34 pm} <nine> pppp

{08:37:42 pm} <JohnGuru> *nods*

{08:38:57 pm} <nine> i dunno if i like philosophy anymore

{08:39:16 pm} <nine> is there any of it that makes sense?

{08:39:45 pm} <JohnGuru> well, it all makes sense to me

{08:40:04 pm} <Ragtime^> nine: If you start with Plato, it makes sense.

{08:40:08 pm} <JohnGuru> there’s a lot I disagree with ..

{08:40:17 pm} <nine> i should probably just stick to what’s in front of me.

{08:40:32 pm} <nine> ooh is val

{08:40:36 pm} <nine> no, he’s not here

{08:40:54 pm} <JohnGuru> valet_zwiiii?

{08:41:16 pm} <nine> btw my first novel is available in paperback format on Barnes-n-Noble’s website

{08:41:18 pm} <JohnGuru> haven’t seen him in a couple of days

{08:41:25 pm} <nine> ahh

{08:41:26 pm} <nine> ok

{08:41:40 pm} <JohnGuru> okay, thanks nine. I’ll check it out

{08:41:54 pm} <JohnGuru> is it available for kindle?

{08:42:06 pm} <nine> ya, let me get the link

{08:42:55 pm} <lakitu> & a new, baby-bird romance is itself a deep topic.

{08:43:35 pm} <nine> Get Plunk now!

{08:43:35 pm} <nine> e-book

{08:43:35 pm} <nine> https://books2read.com/u/b5kEAp

{08:43:35 pm} <nine> paperback

{08:43:35 pm} <nine> https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/plunc-domnul-tesh/1138706487?ean=9781735820224

{08:43:36 pm} <lakitu> for a new mother & child, it is a the mother’s most special time; all care & coddling is lavished on her bundle of Holy Beauty & all-consuming Lovability;

{08:43:37 pm} <zhan> Available now at your favorite digital store!

{08:43:38 pm} <zhan> Plunc|Paperback

{08:43:45 pm} <nine> oops i coppied too much

{08:43:48 pm} <JohnGuru> thanks nine

{08:43:49 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Quit

{08:43:49 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Quit

{08:44:02 pm} <nine> :)

{08:44:10 pm} <nine> valet wants to read it

{08:45:32 pm} <JohnGuru> who is Domnul Tesh?

{08:46:18 pm} <nine> Domnul means “mister” in romanian

{08:46:25 pm} <nine> TESH is my initials

{08:46:27 pm} <JohnGuru> oh!

{08:46:37 pm} <nine> i was in love with a romanian for a long time

{08:46:42 pm} <JohnGuru> that’s clever, so you have a nom de plum without revealing your name

{08:46:50 pm} <nine> hehe

{08:46:52 pm} <nine> yeah

{08:46:52 pm} <kblom> never heard of Domnul Tesh

{08:46:57 pm} <nine> HE is ME

{08:47:14 pm} <nine> i was so disappointed to find that I was not the only Tesh out there

{08:47:24 pm} <nine> there are a couple of women with that name, and one man.

{08:47:28 pm} <nine> (so far)+

{08:48:27 pm} <JohnGuru> I’ll see if we can keep it simple, nine

{08:48:45 pm} <nine> keep what simple?

{08:48:47 pm} <JohnGuru> there’s no need to push here into professional philo

{08:48:57 pm} <nine> huh?

{08:49:08 pm} <JohnGuru> well, you said you don’t like philosophy

{08:49:18 pm} <nine> well, i wouldn’t go that far

{08:49:27 pm} <nine> i loved the stuff about kant’s glasses

{08:49:31 pm} <nine> and a lot of other things here

{08:49:48 pm} <nine> i probably was exaggerating earlier

{08:49:54 pm} <JohnGuru> good :)

{08:50:05 pm} <nine> :D

{08:50:29 pm} <JohnGuru> I’ve been glad that there’s at least one channel regular who likes phiosophy

{08:50:38 pm} <nine> hah

{08:50:42 pm} <nine> i think there’s more than one

{08:50:49 pm} <nine> there’re?

{08:51:23 pm} <JohnGuru> well, I know kblom likes science

{08:51:41 pm} <nine> science suxors

{08:51:44 pm} <nine> heheh

{08:52:11 pm} <nine> ok, i’ll stop trolling now

{08:52:14 pm} <JohnGuru> I respect science, but it’s a very shallow subject

{08:52:20 pm} <nine> oh?

{08:52:38 pm} <nine> i mean, i think so, too, but probably for different reasons

{08:53:03 pm} <JohnGuru> it only goes skin deep. It attends to the visible, the demonstrable. Like we were saying about logical positivism, it tries to eliminate everything else

{08:53:31 pm} <nine> Mmm

{08:53:51 pm} <JohnGuru> Richard Rorty realized that science doesn’t necessarily exclude mysticism. He had a great lecture on youtube about the compatibility between religion and science

{08:54:48 pm} <nine> sounds like that dude and that other dude who are always arguing arguing.

{08:54:58 pm} <JohnGuru> yeah

{08:55:01 pm} <nine> i hate that my memory is so bad

{08:55:05 pm} <nine> you know who i mean?

{08:55:08 pm} <JohnGuru> mw roo

{08:55:10 pm} <JohnGuru> me too

{08:55:12 pm} <JohnGuru> no

{08:55:22 pm} <nine> imma find it

{09:00:36 pm} <JohnGuru> Dawkins?

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> brb

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> no

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> one’s kinda religious

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> the other not

{09:00:37 pm} <JohnGuru> I think I know who you mean

{09:00:37 pm} <JohnGuru> Christopher Hitchins and Ben somebody

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> they’re always arguing on youtube

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> nah… i’m still looking

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> one starts with a J

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> the other is religious

{09:00:37 pm} <JohnGuru> I’ve forgotten his name. He irritates the spit outa me, though

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> jordan peterson

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> and the other guy is religious

{09:00:37 pm} <JohnGuru> oh him

{09:00:37 pm} <JohnGuru> jordan peterson is interesting on religious topics but otherwise useless

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> i liked his assessment of how monkeys became men

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> or something

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> i should shut pu

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> up

{09:00:37 pm} <JohnGuru> oh yeah?

{09:00:37 pm} <kblom> every Ted Talks I heard on NPR was utterly devoid of content

{09:00:37 pm} <JohnGuru> lol nine

{09:00:37 pm} <JohnGuru> kblom, I gave up on TED talks long time ago

{09:00:37 pm} <JohnGuru> my time is up

{09:00:37 pm} <JohnGuru> gnight all

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> g’nite john

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> hey, you doing alright?

{09:00:37 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Quit: nap time

{09:00:37 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Quit: nap time

{09:00:37 pm} <nine> guess so

{09:00:40 pm} <nine> hehe

{09:00:43 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Quit: Leaving

{09:00:43 pm} <*buffextras> [email protected] quit: Quit: Leaving

{09:00:51 pm} -*notes- You have no entries.

{09:00:55 pm} <kblom> bye john

{09:05:16 pm} <lakitu> for an enthusiastic romancer of a new courtship, there is nothing greater. all ships revolve around this locus; all roads lead to romance. he is in a state of having just struck gold – counseled by all his strengthy tendencies to be guarded – but sapping a rapturous syrup deeprooted within him, & ‘like an archer called to the games, a performance artist looking to land his every assail, to slay the goliath beast of her ignorance of him,

{09:05:16 pm} <lakitu> of the battlefield’s rumors against him, of his weaknesses for which he must compensate in her eyes. his conduct must be perfect, & uglinesses pain acutely at this time. he takes his pouches of risk & reward, balancing them for his best showmanship. she is ‘like an infant – & just ‘like a child not always the willingest – in his constant tending to her every desire – gathering the special woods for the special fires she, often enough

{09:05:16 pm} <lakitu> unspokenly, has interest in having for herself. riches require entrepreneurial research, nearly vain displays of demonstrating his compact with her, the realness of his word, the fervence of his foundry for her. power must flow thru the veins of – in challenges even encroaching on his sovereignty, his manhood. decorum, sobriety, elegance are like kings in your two’s class, making in her eyes a probably neverending ascent of the ladder of

{09:05:16 pm} <lakitu> society into higher-society. her tamping of the dream of fame she could eat the fruit of is a bittersweet thing to procure – he is not alone in her fame, but she is Beautiful, attractive, the most graceful to him, & if he has high enough hopes, he may alight her imagination with the potential of fame being bestowed on her.

{09:05:57 pm} * lakitu ‘s computer froze for a few minutes when he was trying to finish writing that

{09:06:00 pm} * X gives voice to Ammit

{09:06:22 pm} * Ammit is now known as friida

{09:06:23 pm} * valet_zwiiii ([email protected]) has joined

{09:06:30 pm} <valet_zwiiii> hya

{09:07:24 pm} valet_zwiiii!*@* added to ignore list.

{09:07:58 pm} <lakitu> {09:07:24 pm} valet_zwiiii!*@* added to ignore list.

{09:08:07 pm} <lakitu> we get too many trolls.

{09:09:20 pm} * guerro ([email protected]) has joined

{09:09:33 pm} Ignore on guerro!*@* changed.

{09:09:37 pm} Ignore on guerro!*@* changed.

{09:11:07 pm} <lakitu> {“manhood” corrected to “manliness”:} for an enthusiastic romancer of a new courtship, there is nothing greater. all ships revolve around this locus; all roads lead to romance. he is in a state of having just struck gold – counseled by all his strengthy tendencies to be guarded – but sapping a rapturous syrup deeprooted within him, & ‘like an archer called to the games, a performance artist looking to land his every assail, to slay the

{09:11:07 pm} <lakitu> goliath beast of her ignorance of him, of the battlefield’s rumors against him, of his weaknesses for which he must compensate in her eyes. his conduct must be perfect, & uglinesses pain acutely at this time. he takes his pouches of risk & reward, balancing them for his best showmanship. she is ‘like an infant – & just ‘like a child not always the willingest – in his constant tending to her every desire – gathering the special woods for

{09:11:07 pm} <lakitu> the special fires she, often enough unspokenly, has interest in having for herself. riches require entrepreneurial research, nearly vain displays of demonstrating his compact with her, the realness of his word, the fervence of his foundry for her. power must flow thru the veins of – in challenges even encroaching on his sovereignty, his manliness. decorum, sobriety, elegance are like kings in your two’s class, making in her eyes a

{09:11:07 pm} <lakitu> probably neverending ascent of the ladder of society into higher-society. her tamping of the dream of fame she could eat the fruit of is a bittersweet thing to procure – he is not alone in her fame, but she is Beautiful, attractive, the most graceful to him, & if he has high enough hopes, he may alight her imagination with the potential of fame being bestowed on her.

{09:19:08 pm} * Fixion ([email protected]) has joined

{09:19:39 pm} <Fixion> hey all, just thought I’d drop in and say hi anyway, since I’m clearly too late for the usual JG fiasco :)

{09:19:48 pm} <LionClan> hi Fixion

{09:19:58 pm} <Fixion> (note I was kidding about the whole fiasco thing)

{09:19:59 pm} <LionClan> Just missed him

{09:20:24 pm} <Fixion> so how’s things?

{09:20:52 pm} <Fixion> Valet of course not its IRC how would I see you?

{09:20:53 pm} <LionClan> hi zwiiii

{09:21:18 pm} <LionClan> Don’t let anyone make you give up metaphors

{09:22:08 pm} <Fixion> LC I find it can be enjoyable taking them literally instead at times

{09:22:44 pm} <LionClan> Speak literally when you are talking to someone that has a different native language.

{09:23:02 pm} <LionClan> That works very well.

{09:23:40 pm} <LionClan> Then you are fluent in English

{09:24:33 pm} <LionClan> The statement was meant to be provocative

{09:25:45 pm} <LionClan> Flemish Knights moved to Scotland and became Barons

{09:25:46 pm} <Fixion> the ground when you’re doing a handstand? (although scientifically speaking thats technically untrue given that up is relative to a centrifugal (or was it centripetal?) force…

{09:26:38 pm} <Fixion> Flemish? it sounds like perhaps you need to clear your throat?

{09:27:56 pm} <LionClan> Eggs butter milk cheese are good English, and good friese.

{09:29:39 pm} * artalien_ has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

{09:29:56 pm} <Fixion> the only thing I remember about dutch is its kinda similar in some ways to German but definitely opposite with its V’s and W’s… Germans have VolksVagons and Dutch have WolksWagons… or something like that..

{09:29:58 pm} <lakitu> & I myself, in telling this, did not avoid being a man: he & I both think of the big wins – she is looking for signs of a steady spigot more than a huge power-generating waterfall for her longer-term interest– there is an old joke about sex: men are firefighters & women are lawyers– but of course this can be quite the joy in a woman’s life, a man’s lavishing her with attention, eager & almost overeager to perform for her cravings,

{09:29:58 pm} <lakitu> desires, interests, even piqued curiosities – & this leads to one of the center rubies of my book, this dialogue will feature in: to answer the call of Love, which is this: to drink deep of the fountain of youth of immortal courting, & never leave that heaven of your Love.

“It’s Beauty O’Clock” – Philosophy-Of-Life Habit-Planning Software Sketch & Discussion In A Public Forum, & Philosophy-Of-Life Agenda Software Sketch & Discussion, In The Forum


Medieval “Book of Hours” (Christian devotional book), “The Black Hours” book (Morgan MS 493).

In the following chat transcript I am “lakitu”; it was from just now, Friday, June 5th, 2020 A.D. The people in the room were: (ZShurp) (mazy^grace) +Ragtime^ deRuyter (guerro) (chonkin) +ratshopping (a.k.a fattratt) lux +bananstol +Fixion (a.k.a ForgeAus) Krishna_ +chipmonk__ WizardDarwin +friida (a.k.a fridjiit) +ThinkNChat +JohnLee @lakitu JackK BabyJesus666 +repne_scasb (a.k.a inhahe) +Cyberclaus +JohnStar +Skept +`411 +kblom (a.k.a slowfi, a.k.a waub) +barathron +DarwinElf @Socrates easel +FreqOut (a.k.a ControlFreq) +KnightDarwin @X +sigma +Dendron +_Sol_ +chalcedony muadnem

{09:07:17 pm:} <lakitu> oh that reminds me

{09:07:26 pm:} <lakitu> –Ragtime feel free to work your topic

{09:09:56 pm:} <muadnem> The same people that don’t care about coronavirus deaths and now complaining about a dozen deaths from riots.

{09:10:02 pm:} <lakitu> –i had wanted to go on once again about this time summonry, i had mentioned… invoking a reminder schedule even months in advance

{09:12:36 pm:} <kblom> if the cops don’t get them covid19 will

{09:14:11 pm:} <kblom> political protest during a plague

{09:15:39 pm:} <kblom> sol I don’t see how that’s possible

{09:16:08 pm:} _Sol_!*@* removed from ignore list.

{09:16:33 pm:} <lakitu> _Sol_ you were accidentally on this ignore list, missed a comme[n]t or two of yours, maybe

{09:18:16 pm:} <lakitu> the old way of doing this was to use a calendar, & with enough diligence – & re-writing an entire calendar, if you did not ‘modularize’ your schedules you recorded, whenever you made a change

{09:18:21 pm:} <lakitu> .w horology

{09:18:28 pm:} <`411> “Horology (‘the study of time’, related to Latin horologium from Greek ὡρολόγιον, ‘instrument for telling the hour’, from ὥρα hṓra ‘hour; time’ and -o- interfix and suffix -logy)[1][2] is the study of the measurement of time. Clocks, watches, clockwork, sundials, hourglasses, clepsydras, timers, time recorders, marine chronometers, and atomic clocks are all examples of instruments used to measure time. In current (…)”

{09:18:30 pm:} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horology

{09:18:31 pm:} <lakitu> .w5 horology

{09:18:34 pm:} <`411> “Horology (‘the study of time’, related to Latin horologium from Greek ὡρολόγιον, ‘instrument for telling the hour’, from ὥρα hṓra ‘hour; time’ and -o- interfix and suffix -logy)[1][2] is the study of the measurement of time. Clocks, watches, clockwork, sundials, hourglasses, clepsydras, timers, time recorders, marine chronometers, and atomic clocks are all examples of instruments used to measure (…)”

{09:18:40 pm:} <`411> “time. In current usage, horology refers mainly to the study of mechanical time-keeping devices, while chronometry more broadly includes electronic devices that have largely supplanted mechanical clocks for the best accuracy and precision in time-keeping. People interested in horology are called horologists. That term is used both by people who deal professionally with timekeeping apparatus (watchmakers, (…)”

{09:18:46 pm:} <`411> “clockmakers), as well as aficionados and scholars of horology. Horology and horologists have numerous organizations, both professional associations and more scholarly societies. The largest horological membership organisation globally is the NAWCC, the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, which is USA based, but also has local chapters elsewhere. There are many horology museums and several (…)”

{09:18:52 pm:} <`411> “specialized libraries devoted to the subject. One example is the Royal Greenwich Observatory, which is also the source of the Prime Meridian (longitude 0° 0′ 0′), and the home of the first marine timekeepers accurate enough to determine longitude (made by John Harrison). Other horological museums in the London area include the Clockmakers’ Museum, which re-opened at the Science Museum in October 2015, the (…)”

{09:18:58 pm:} <`411> “horological collections at the British Museum, the Science Museum (London), and the Wallace Collection. In Upton, UK, at the headquarters of the British Horological Institute, there is the Museum of Timekeeping. One of the more comprehensive museums dedicated to horology is the Musée international d’horlogerie in La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland). The Musée d’Horlogerie du Locle is smaller but located nearby. One (…)”

{09:19:00 pm:} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horology

{09:19:10 pm:} <`411> “Horus or Her, Heru, Hor, Har in Ancient Egyptian, is one of the most significant ancient Egyptian deities who served many functions, most notably god of kingship and the sky. He was worshipped from at least the late prehistoric Egypt until the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Roman Egypt. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egyptologists.[2] These various forms may (…)”

{09:19:12 pm:} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus

{09:20:12 pm:} <kblom> I believe spanish relojo watch, clock is from greek horologium

{09:20:15 pm:} <muadnem> If I want to read wikipedia I could just open a browser, ya know

{09:20:30 pm:} <kblom> or is it reloj?

{09:21:16 pm:} <`411> No article name given.

{09:21:24 pm:} <`411> “Meh (/mɛ/) is an interjection used as an expression of indifference or boredom. It is often regarded as a verbal equivalent of a shrug of the shoulders. The use of the term ‘meh’ shows that the speaker is apathetic, uninterested, or indifferent to the question or subject at hand. It is occasionally used as an adjective, meaning something is mediocre or unremarkable.[1] Meh is popularly used as a catch-all answer (…)”

{09:21:26 pm:} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meh

{09:21:28 pm:} <muadnem> This channel seems exclusively for people with ADD

{09:22:55 pm:} <muadnem> I just mean there actually being a conversation with a topic.

{09:23:14 pm:} <muadnem> But it’s constant topic switching and inane bs

{09:23:40 pm:} <lakitu> .w5 chronometry

{09:23:43 pm:} <`411> “Chronometry (from Greek χρόνος chronos, ‘time’ and μέτρον metron, ‘measure’) is the science of the measurement of time, or timekeeping.[1] It should not to be confused with chronology, the science of locating events in time, which often relies upon it. Cognitive chronometry History of timekeeping devices Horology Mental chronometry Timeline of time measurement technology Timekeeping Standards and (…)”

{09:23:45 pm:} <muadnem> I have

{09:23:45 pm:} <`411> “measurement stubs Science stubs Articles needing additional references from December 2009 All articles needing additional references All stub articles”

{09:23:53 pm:} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronometry

{09:24:30 pm:} <`411> “Chronos (/ˈkroʊnɒs/; Greek: Χρόνος, [kʰrónos], ‘time’), also spelled Khronos or Chronus, is the personification of time in pre-Socratic philosophy and later literature.[1] Chronos already was confused with, or perhaps consciously identified with, the Titan Cronus in antiquity due to the similarity in names.[2] The identification became more widespread during the Renaissance, giving rise to the allegory of (…)”

{09:24:32 pm:} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronos

{09:26:25 pm:} <muadnem> Storytelling is entertainment

{09:27:26 pm:} <muadnem> I would consider it all entertainment

{09:27:43 pm:} <muadnem> Including true stories

{09:28:09 pm:} <lakitu> ahem

{09:28:18 pm:} <lakitu> that being said

{09:28:26 pm:} <kblom> yeah Cronos with a kappa and Chronos with a chi. greeks never confuse them but romans did, not having the chi sound, a bit like german ch in Bach

{09:28:37 pm:} <muadnem> Yeah, they’re just pretending there is a greater purpose

{09:28:54 pm:} <muadnem> I would say entertainment is the only purpose

{09:29:45 pm:} <kblom> I believe Cicero confused Kronos with Chronos

{09:29:46 pm:} <lakitu> it is incredibly cool to be able to issue personal plans 45 weeks away, using a few sleights of the wrist.

{09:29:58 pm:} <lakitu> (heh kblom)

{09:31:56 pm:} <`411> “Hubris (/ˈhjuːbrɪs/, from ancient Greek ὕβρις) describes a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride or dangerous overconfidence,[1] often in combination with (or synonymous with) arrogance.[2] In its ancient Greek context, it typically describes behavior that defies the norms of behavior or challenges the gods which, in turn, brings about the downfall of the perpetrator of hubris. The adjectival form of (…)”

{09:31:58 pm:} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubris

{09:34:36 pm:} <kblom> the vice of excessive pride?

{09:34:53 pm:} * Zanadu has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)

{09:34:58 pm:} <lakitu> who keeps invoking these things?

{09:35:08 pm:} <lakitu> i have some people on my IRC /ignore list

{09:35:21 pm:} * X sets channel limit to 42

{09:35:58 pm:} * Ragtime^ has quit (Ping timeout)

{09:36:25 pm:} <muadnem> Yeah, I’m ‘invoking hubris’

{09:36:47 pm:} <lakitu> so –

{09:36:58 pm:} <muadnem> I have my own view. Oh no

{09:37:05 pm:} <lakitu> as i was saying

{09:37:23 pm:} <lakitu> .ety plant

{09:37:26 pm:} <`411> “Old English plante ‘young tree or shrub, herb newly planted,’ from Latin planta ‘sprout, shoot, cutting’ (source of Spanish planta, French plante), perhaps from *plantare ‘to drive in with the feet, push into the ground with the feet,’ from planta ‘sole of the foot,’ from nasalized form of PIE root *plat- ‘to spread.’Broader sense of ‘any vegetable life, vegetation generally’ is first recorded 1550s. (…)

{09:37:28 pm:} <lakitu> .ety plan

{09:37:32 pm:} <`411> Most extended usages are from the verb, on the notion of ‘something planted;’ such as ‘construction for an industrial process,’ 1789, at first with reference to the set-up of machinery, later also the building; also slang meaning ‘a spy’ (1812). Many of these follow similar developments in the French form of the word. German Pflanz, Irish cland, Welsh plant are from Latin. “

{09:37:38 pm:} <`411> “1670s as a technical term in perspective drawing; 1706 as ‘drawing, sketch, or diagram of any object,’ from French plan ‘ground plan, map,’ literally ‘plane surface’ (mid-16c.), from Latin planum ‘level or flat surface,’ noun use of adjective planus ‘level, flat’ (from PIE root *pele- (2) ‘flat; to spread’). The notion is of ‘a drawing on a flat surface.’ Meaning ‘scheme of action, design’ is first (…)

{09:37:39 pm:} <`411> — from https://www.etymonline.com/word/plant

{09:37:40 pm:} <`411> recorded 1706, possibly influenced by French planter ‘to plant,’ from Italian planta ‘ground plan.'”

{09:37:42 pm:} <`411> — from https://www.etymonline.com/word/plan

{09:38:06 pm:} <lakitu> “plant” comes from “planned”

{09:38:09 pm:} <kblom> from nicomachean ethics I’d guess there is the vice of deficient pride and the virtue of sufficient pride

{09:38:12 pm:} <muadnem> I can consider other people’s views. I just don’t find them coherent.

{09:38:30 pm:} <lakitu> to plant is to plan, to plan is to plant

{09:38:54 pm:} <lakitu> in this etymology

{09:38:59 pm:} <kblom> excessive pride is a vice

{09:39:03 pm:} <lakitu> in this connection of words

{09:39:03 pm:} <muadnem> Ok. Well if you have an actual argument, go for it.

{09:39:39 pm:} <muadnem> I know. You just make pronouncements.

{09:39:44 pm:} <lakitu> & with planting, we have this same idea – plant in Spring, reap in the harvest season

{09:40:04 pm:} <lakitu> say for agricultural operations, for farmers, & for gardeners

{09:40:21 pm:} <muadnem> Not exclusively, no.

{09:40:46 pm:} <muadnem> At least there are opinions that are more coherent than others

{09:41:03 pm:} <lakitu> even little girls’ & boys’ indoor herb pottings have a season to plant, & a season to harvest

{09:41:49 pm:} <muadnem> Like, if your ‘point of view’ is self-contradictory, then I think it has problems

{09:42:41 pm:} <muadnem> Maybe your point of view doesn’t care about non-contradiction. But at think point I don’t think it’s worth considering.

{09:43:09 pm:} <lakitu> & these are like all our plans, the seed of the idea contains the plant that will spring from it – if it is planned right

{09:43:40 pm:} <lakitu> & nurtured to fruition

{09:44:34 pm:} <muadnem> It’s not really possible to consider it

{09:45:54 pm:} <lakitu> but what does a plant require but nurture? the love of the gardener is for the daily, weekly – the timely works of her plot

{09:45:56 pm:} <muadnem> Maybe in a deep state of meditation I can imagine self-contradictory things. I think there is much to say about it though

{09:46:10 pm:} <muadnem> I think there isnt much*

{09:47:43 pm:} <muadnem> A point of view that is full of self condition is a dime a dozen. I’ll defined and/or self-contradictory

{09:47:51 pm:} <muadnem> Ill defined

{09:48:35 pm:} <muadnem> Well, if you’re going to talk about things you better define your terms

{09:48:46 pm:} <muadnem> As Voltaire said

{09:49:25 pm:} <muadnem> Otherwise you’re just babbling about your delusions

{09:49:45 pm:} <kblom> as an army brat every family had a small plot of land on the army base to grow vegetables. I grew tomatoes and green peppers.my brother grew weird things like eggplant

{09:50:57 pm:} <muadnem> Without a common language and common definitions, we’re not capable of having a conversation

{09:51:23 pm:} <muadnem> Unless you want to play peakaboo

{09:51:41 pm:} <lakitu> https://www.farmersalmanac.com/calendar/gardening/

{09:51:41 pm:} <JohnStar> Title: Farmers’ Almanac Gardening Calendar

{09:51:43 pm:} <lakitu> heh heh kblom

{09:51:45 pm:} <`411> — “Farmers’ Almanac Gardening Calendar”

{09:52:08 pm:} <muadnem> I don’t think there are that many unique points of view

{09:52:42 pm:} <lakitu> “June 2020

{09:52:42 pm:} <lakitu> (…)

{09:52:42 pm:} <lakitu> 27th – 28th

{09:52:42 pm:} <lakitu> Sow grains and forage crops. Plant flowers. Favorable for planting peas, beans, tomatoes, and other fall crops bearing aboveground.”

{09:52:54 pm:} <lakitu> (“(…)”)

{09:53:06 pm:} <lakitu> an excerpt ^

{09:53:06 pm:} <kblom> my older brother was forever into weird things

{09:54:10 pm:} <muadnem> Yeah, I don’t believe that.

{09:54:55 pm:} <muadnem> People have entirely derivative points of view

{09:54:56 pm:} <lakitu> & on & on. that Farmers’ Almanac has ‘plans’ for every day, for your plants

{09:55:51 pm:} <lakitu> i’m sure at some people there were people who went by the Farmers’ Almanac & people who really just freely improvised, & the people who went by the ‘Almanac flourished much better

{09:56:08 pm:} <lakitu> * i’m sure at one point there were people who went by the Farmers’ Almanac & people who really just freely improvised, & the people who went by the ‘Almanac flourished much better

{09:56:15 pm:} <lakitu> i was there writing.

{09:57:47 pm:} <kblom> what were you writing about?

{09:58:23 pm:} <lakitu> planting calendars.

{09:58:46 pm:} <lakitu> –see, & what i am saying is,

{10:01:14 pm:} <lakitu> we are able to do this for _LIFE_ – your own dealings, your own re-occurring doings: habits like going for walks often, reading about horology, keeping up with a favorite friend, getting your hair Beautified

{10:01:21 pm:} * mazy^grace has quit (Quit)

{10:01:49 pm:} <kblom> I was thinking that the Stoics pretty much said all the philosophy life I need to hear

{10:01:50 pm:} <lakitu> there are so so so so so many things like this, we love, we want to do, we try our very best to do

{10:02:13 pm:} <lakitu> i must’ve thought of 300 examples while authoring this software

{10:03:09 pm:} <lakitu> it is like you are making a Farmers’ Almanac of your life, with this philosophy of life enterprise

{10:03:11 pm:} * Nognosis ([email protected]) has joined

{10:03:11 pm:} * X gives voice to Nognosis

{10:03:36 pm:} <lakitu> & what was the proverb i gave?: “Plan well.”

{10:04:01 pm:} <Fixion> kblom but did they reach conclusions?

{10:04:03 pm:} <lakitu> it is like making music of your life’s doings

{10:04:44 pm:} * fattratt ([email protected]) has joined

{10:04:44 pm:} * X gives voice to fattratt

{10:05:14 pm:} <lakitu> the ardorous watering & weeding of the garden is followed by a nice shower & tea & candies

{10:06:10 pm:} <lakitu> for a sort of personal life cadence scored into your Friday…

{10:06:51 pm:} <lakitu> to be clear: planned: scheduled

{10:06:57 pm:} <lakitu> planned – scheduled

{10:07:46 pm:} * deRuyter ([email protected]) has joined

{10:08:02 pm:} <lakitu> & it is in that way, like making music of your daily acts & other deeds

{10:08:54 pm:} <lakitu> of what you do

{10:10:27 pm:} <kblom> fixion some would sat that of epitetus’ enchiridion. a collection of stoic macims

{10:10:56 pm:} <kblom> epictetus

{10:12:16 pm:} <kblom> maxims

{10:12:20 pm:} <lakitu> now, for all the excitement & personal labor i have into this program, you don’t need this program to do what i’m describing. at its most basic you could use a textile calendar, & plan well.

{10:17:53 pm:} <lakitu> i am currently undertaking a large exploration of habit rooted largely in the philosophy of life, in ethics/morality, & other propitious enterprises

{10:18:06 pm:} <lakitu> my folder is fat, haha.

{10:18:47 pm:} <lakitu> & i am trying to traverse these things from every angle, every angle creatively worth exploring

{10:19:13 pm:} <kblom> laitu I always thoughtreomans were unable to do phiosophy. now I read that cicero and cato and seneca and epictetus and aureleus were good

{10:20:16 pm:} <lakitu> try Ad Herennium, kblom

{10:20:48 pm:} <lakitu> that work was a few grades beyond mastery.

{10:22:58 pm:} <lakitu> i remember Cato…

{10:23:33 pm:} <lakitu> .w Cato

{10:23:36 pm:} <`411> “Cato may refer to: Distichs of Cato, or simply Cato, a Latin collection of proverbial wisdom and morality from the 3rd or 4th century AD author Dionysius Cato; Cato’s Letters, a series of classical liberal essays by British writers John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon written in the 1720s; Cato, a Tragedy, 18th century drama by Joseph Addison, based on the life of Cato the Younger; Cato Institute, American (…)”

{10:23:38 pm:} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cato_Institute

{10:24:33 pm:} <lakitu> i think the forefathers of democracy admired Cato, altho other people will know about this better

{10:27:38 pm:} <kblom> the roman philosophers are often ignored

{10:27:49 pm:} <lakitu> true

{10:30:09 pm:} <lakitu> – continuing tho, now: for example, what place could poetics have in philosophy, to a real romantic poet? an answer – a creative one – is that you could plan your poetics habit – using such a calendar or other timekeeping device(s)

{10:30:49 pm:} <lakitu> pull you out of the morass of minutiae, of wasted words, of bread & circuses =D

{10:31:16 pm:} <lakitu> ‘a remembering to poeticize’ – this way

{10:31:20 pm:} <lakitu> that is the answer i have,

{10:33:16 pm:} <lakitu> for demonstrating how you can creatively apply the many things of Life to such philosophy of life, such ethics/morals, in terms of planned habit.

{10:34:38 pm:} <lakitu> cooking/shopping, reading, walking, talking, going to movies – even just to schedule a reminder of fun activities for a weekend – why not? you might not think it in your grogginess on a late Saturday morning, waking up

{10:35:36 pm:} <lakitu> i am blindsided frequently by reminders – out of the blue needs of the hour i had understood but thru distraction, bread & circuses, etc, became oblivious too – a “tube zombie”, artalien might say

{10:35:57 pm:} <lakitu> it is that nice reminder to shove off into some higher purpose.

{10:36:42 pm:} <lakitu> became oblivious [to].*

{10:36:47 pm:} <lakitu> became oblivious to.*

(…) {10:39:51 pm:} <lakitu> a very good thing about this is i learn to do these things which i had wished to become my habits in my life – if nothing else, thru simple repetition

{10:41:25 pm:} <lakitu> i make habits of what i had wanted to become my habits, beyond the calendar/reminders

{10:45:22 pm:} <lakitu> — & there is some amount of genius in dividing the months into about-4 7-day periods, & so on.

{10:48:47 pm:} <lakitu> the phases of the moon are like a very handy, coincidentally-extant frame of reference we found would be referenceable no matter how fair we set sail . . . it is not so much we organize our monthly activities in direct connection to the moon, & its phases, but that it was something we could use that would be ubiquitous.

{10:49:34 pm:} <lakitu> (how far we set sail.*)

* chonkin has quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org – Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)

{10:55:54 pm:} * guerro ([email protected]) has joined

{11:05:54 pm:} <lakitu> i just want to say too, this philosophy of life habit planning is meant to EMPOWER *YOU* – *YOU* control what you do, when you do it, & have this little appliance – be it the calendar or the very software i have progressed a good jaunt authoring – to help you.

{11:06:04 pm:} <lakitu> to help you do what you want

{11:06:16 pm:} * Nognosis has quit (Quit: Leaving)

{11:07:40 pm:} <lakitu> it would be a sick perversion of this software to adminster people’s lives against their wills, in the seemingly endless ways that are wrong which that can be done

{11:08:04 pm:} <lakitu> – & is not my design, in it.

{11:08:49 pm:} <lakitu> – hi guerro.

{11:12:08 pm:} <friida> i crush them with my thighs

{11:12:23 pm:} <lakitu> ha – i must

{11:12:27 pm:} <lakitu> have someone on /ignore

{11:12:38 pm:} <lakitu> but it isn’t friida.

{11:12:48 pm:} <lakitu> hahah

{11:13:08 pm:} <friida> darn

{11:13:17 pm:} <lakitu> ^_^

{11:13:46 pm:} <lakitu> largely i think the model of say recordkeeping, in comparison to timekeeping, say, is used for good, & other similar enterprises.

{11:13:51 pm:} <lakitu> i was going to say

{11:14:25 pm:} <lakitu> calendars are not more used for wrong than right, nor the writing, etc

{11:14:36 pm:} <lakitu> * calendars are not more used for wrong than right, nor writing, etc

{11:18:39 pm:} <lakitu> here’s my direction i’m taking them: sending thoroughly contemplated philosophy of life / ethical/moral reminders *to smart watches* heh heh

{11:19:29 pm:} <lakitu> “It is time to experience Beauty.” (…) “No really, my watch says, It is time to experience Beauty.” lol

{11:20:55 pm:} <muadnem> I’ve already experienced beauty. What’s next

{11:21:13 pm:} * lakitu taps a plus sign for a folio of his favorite collected ways to experience Beauty… “”hmm… photographs Beautiful Girls have sent me… photographs i have found of Beautiful Girls… chatting up Beautiful Girls… finding Beautiful Girls…– the choices are endless!!”

{11:22:05 pm:} <muadnem> There’s a lot of things more beautiful that some ape with its tits out.

{11:22:33 pm:} <lakitu> the choices are endless.


{11:23:19 pm:} * mazy^grace ([email protected]) has joined

{11:23:20 pm:} * X gives voice to mazy^grace

{11:24:15 pm:} <lakitu> hey mazy

{11:24:19 pm:} <mazy^grace> hiya

{11:25:11 pm:} * mazy^grace is just checkin in before bedtime

{11:25:52 pm:} <mazy^grace> think I need one more game of uno

{11:25:53 pm:} <mazy^grace> bbl

{11:26:34 pm:} <muadnem> Tits have never made me cry

{11:28:33 pm:} <muadnem> Tits are powerful but there’s a lot more beauty to be had.

{11:30:16 pm:} * Ragtime^ ([email protected]) has joined

{11:30:16 pm:} * X gives voice to Ragtime^

{11:31:58 pm:} <muadnem> The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen was a pool of gears

{11:32:24 pm:} <muadnem> Pouring out of my coat closet

{11:33:08 pm:} <lakitu> just to be clear, so someone doesn’t misconstrue this, very early into sending myself reminders into the future, it was obvious that many of my reminders were best as offerings – you could do this, you said remind you of that, etc. it would be some cross misinterpretation to say i am marshaling 3 o’clocks as the Beauty hour for me – too bad if the baby’s crying, too bad if you have plants to water, etc

{11:34:20 pm:} <muadnem> Gears at every angle

{11:34:22 pm:} <lakitu> so.

{11:34:30 pm:} <muadnem> A pool of gears

{11:34:38 pm:} <mazy^grace> howdy Raggy

{11:34:44 pm:} * mazy^grace is just heading to bed

{11:34:56 pm:} * Ragtime^ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)

{11:35:26 pm:} <mazy^grace> ok……. bedtime for Bonzo

{11:35:27 pm:} <mazy^grace> niters

{11:35:32 pm:} * mazy^grace has quit (Read error: EOF from client)

{11:37:24 pm:} <muadnem> It all came from the woodgrain

{11:38:33 pm:} <lakitu> .w book of hours

{11:38:35 pm:} <`411> “The book of hours is a Christian devotional book popular in the Middle Ages. It is the most common type of surviving medieval illuminated manuscript. Like every manuscript, each manuscript book of hours is unique in one way or another, but most contain a similar collection of texts, prayers and psalms, often with appropriate decorations, for Christian devotion. Illumination or decoration is minimal in many (…)”

{11:38:37 pm:} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_hours

{11:38:41 pm:} * not2 has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

{11:38:58 pm:} <muadnem> Woodgrain closet doors … Not woodgrain alcohol, though that might have contributed minorly

{11:39:12 pm:} <lakitu> look at some of these pictures: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hours,_Morgan_MS_493

{11:39:14 pm:} <JohnStar> Title: Black Hours, Morgan MS 493 – Wikipedia

{11:39:19 pm:} <`411> “The Black Hours, MS M.493 (or the Morgan Black Hours) is an illuminated book of hours completed in Bruges between 1460 and 1475.[1] It consists of 121 leaves, with Latin text written in Gothic minuscule script. The words are arranged in rows of fourteen lines, and follow the Roman version of the texts. The lettering is inscribed in silver and gold, and placed within borders ornamented with flowers, foliage and (…)”

{11:39:21 pm:} <`411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hours,_Morgan_MS_493

{11:39:46 pm:} <muadnem> I think the biggest influence was me detoxing from prescribed antidepressants

{11:42:19 pm:} <muadnem> But, sometimes I would just close my eyes and see outlines girls doing hula hoops

{11:44:55 pm:} <muadnem> And sometimes with my eyes open

{11:45:11 pm:} <muadnem> I thought I could see through walls

{11:45:54 pm:} <muadnem> But it was always girls behind them

{11:48:22 pm:} <lakitu> that is one phillosophy software work i am authoring.

{11:49:18 pm:} <muadnem> Have you ever finished anything?

{11:49:38 pm:} <lakitu> haha. *muadnem yells from the stands*

{11:49:53 pm:} <lakitu> – making me laugh

{11:50:20 pm:} <muadnem> I have the same problem

{11:50:40 pm:} <lakitu> my works are numerous

{11:51:11 pm:} <muadnem> I’ve done some things.

{11:51:52 pm:} <muadnem> Yeah, it made me feel zonked a bit

{11:51:57 pm:} <lakitu> that is part of the schedule part of agendas & schedules i have mentioned

{11:52:20 pm:} <lakitu> – the agenda part i will ’till’ a bit here too

{11:52:29 pm:} <muadnem> Its a good representative of antidepressants

{11:52:39 pm:} <muadnem> Imo

{11:53:20 pm:} <lakitu> what this is about is **getting your ducks in a row** – largely thru *prioritization* & sustained attention

{11:53:25 pm:} <muadnem> Mood dulling

{11:53:32 pm:} <lakitu> & these two, agendas & schedules, connect here:

{11:53:53 pm:} <lakitu> i use reminders to return to my agenda

{11:54:05 pm:} <lakitu> –& that is so crucial

{11:54:13 pm:} <lakitu> if you are working agendas.

{11:54:26 pm:} <lakitu> you must return to that agenda habitually

{11:54:39 pm:} <lakitu> re-occuringly

{11:55:21 pm:} <lakitu> if you are to systematically further those causes/’to-dos’

{11:55:28 pm:} <lakitu> – to-do items.

{11:55:49 pm:} <lakitu> i made a big poster/paper, that i taped up: IMPORTANT: HABITUALLY DO TO-DO LIST

{11:55:51 pm:} <muadnem> Getting your ducks in a row so the police can pepper spray them better

{11:56:04 pm:} <lakitu> another thing you can do is tie it to something you do regularly, to start – say after breakfast

{11:56:13 pm:} <lakitu> when many read the news

{11:56:19 pm:} <muadnem> I don’t eat breakfast

{11:56:47 pm:} <lakitu> – i prefer to focus on my agenda before & most of the time more than the news

{11:57:04 pm:} <lakitu> i think it – this – is an advancement beyond news-consumption at this high of rate as we do

{11:57:20 pm:} <lakitu> agendas & scheduling

{11:57:31 pm:} <lakitu> agendas & schedules

{11:57:49 pm:} <lakitu> “What is an agenda?” – What is an agenda to me?

{11:58:05 pm:} <muadnem> It’s not an agenda. It’s a narrative

{11:58:22 pm:} *laughs*

{11:58:40 pm:} <lakitu> I love to make it basic:

{11:58:51 pm:} <muadnem> The news can play it up however they want

{11:59:09 pm:} <muadnem> What you’re presented with is a narrative

{11:59:31 pm:} <lakitu> a to-do list –

{11:59:37 pm:} <muadnem> Coming mostly from the people in power.

{12:00:04 am:} <lakitu> for my software, with some added pieces of information:

{12:00:24 am:} <lakitu> priority level is one.

{12:00:36 am:} <muadnem> You either have anecdotes from the people on the ground or narratives from the media

{12:00:59 am:} <lakitu> deadline date is another.

{12:01:33 am:} <lakitu> a to-do list with priority levels & deadline dates –

{12:01:56 am:} <`411> ? PhilPapers.org (Selections): ❝Hinne Hettema (1995): Bohr’s Theory of the Atom 1913–1923: A Case Study in the Progress of Scientific Research Programme…❞ ⋅ — Delivered by Feed43 service ⋅ https://philarchive.org/rec/HETBTO-3 ⋅

{12:02:17 am:} <muadnem> That would be nice.

{12:03:14 am:} <lakitu> i have other fields i am adding to this, in the sense of text field – but i like to really rough up such important things with playtesting before i’m sending them out into the world, here.

{12:03:23 am:} <muadnem> That’d be a reasonable way for management to work

{12:03:31 am:} <lakitu> testdriving

{12:03:39 am:} <lakitu> i meant to say –

{12:03:41 am:} <muadnem> But afaik it rarely works that way

{12:05:48 am:} <lakitu> What is a priority level? for me, it is __need as importance * urgency__

{12:06:33 am:} * gms2 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

{12:07:02 am:} <lakitu> techincally in my philosophy it would be need/requirement/want – i believe calls this desire

{12:07:13 am:} <lakitu> * technically in my philosophy it would be need/requirement/want – i believe goshzilla calls this desire

{12:07:41 am:} <lakitu> the three.

{12:07:43 am:} <muadnem> In my experience, no one wants to establish the priority level. You can ask your manager all you want.

{12:08:03 am:} <muadnem> And they’ll tell you some weasel words

{12:08:31 am:} <muadnem> So they aren’t responsible. It was all a misunderstanding.

{12:08:57 am:} <lakitu> so for our to-do list – our agenda – we are talking about *priority* as _importance * urgency_ – “importance times urgency”

{12:09:57 am:} <muadnem> Yeah that sounds like a PowerPoint my manager would have to go on a 2 week vacation to see

{12:10:04 am:} <lakitu> climbing mt. everest may be very important to you – a lifelong gung-ho demonstration of your prowess as a virile man –

{12:10:08 am:} <lakitu> but the urgency may be low

{12:10:43 am:} <lakitu> Mt. Everest*

{12:10:48 am:} <lakitu> “in an hour i’ll go climb Mt. Everest…” –

{12:11:09 am:} <lakitu> “…no, that can’t be right…. ahem. *returns to his agenda & schedule*”

{12:11:17 am:} <muadnem> It’s not mt Everest, unless my Everest is making your own decisions

{12:11:33 am:} <muadnem> And company structure doesn’t work like that

{12:11:37 am:} <lakitu> * “…no, that can’t be right… ahem. *returns to his agenda & schedule*”

{12:12:03 am:} <lakitu> typo…

{12:12:22 am:} <muadnem> Company structure is knowing how to throw others under a bus at the right time

{12:12:52 am:} <muadnem> And not ever make any decision

{12:13:29 am:} <lakitu> –hold on– let me write this down muadnem…

{12:13:32 am:} <muadnem> Or having no accountability for your bad decisions

{12:13:38 am:} <lakitu> “Company structure…”

{12:13:45 am:} <lakitu> i need a new pen.

{12:15:01 am:} <lakitu> – after priority level as **importance times urgency**, i would note that for priority levels, i personally bettered the usual ‘ranking’ system: ‘this is 1st, that is 2nd, (…) that is last…’, with a “level” system as i say – this is 10,000, that is 300, another is 2.

{12:15:10 am:} <lakitu> higher is higher priority

{12:15:19 am:} <muadnem> Its more emotional than whatever diagram

{12:15:41 am:} <lakitu> so if you got about the hugest idea you’ve had yet,

{12:15:50 am:} <muadnem> You can draw it all out, but one asshole is all it takes.

{12:16:01 am:} <lakitu> jam on that “0” key or whatever – 9000000000000000 heh heh heh

{12:16:28 am:} <lakitu> the hugest plan to do.

{12:16:38 am:} <lakitu> the hugest thing to do.

{12:17:39 am:} <muadnem> You could probably make a living selling PowerPoints to mangers

{12:18:23 am:} <muadnem> Importance * urgency sounds really good

{12:18:32 am:} <lakitu> so importance * urgency,

{12:18:41 am:} <muadnem> Even though they are synonyms

{12:18:45 am:} <lakitu> & also the unlimited levels of priority

{12:18:58 am:} <lakitu> are two items so far

{12:19:02 am:} <lakitu> for anyone keeping aware

{12:19:17 am:} <lakitu> 10,000 as a priority level, etc

{12:19:38 am:} <muadnem> That’s a very high number afaik

{12:19:55 am:} <lakitu> – for anyone keeping track

{12:20:11 am:} <muadnem> You need flow charts too

{12:20:23 am:} <lakitu> deadline dates, the next item i mentioned,

{12:20:26 am:} <muadnem> Little cloud bubbles and stuff

{12:20:44 am:} <muadnem> Little lightning bolts going into the deadline

{12:21:01 am:} <lakitu> are important too – i would love for someone to best me with something better, but in this impromptu discussion, it is my next item

{12:21:50 am:} <muadnem> You need a flowchart with a bidirectional arrow

{12:21:58 am:} <muadnem> ‘stuff happens’

{12:22:10 am:} <muadnem> Profit

{12:22:58 am:} <lakitu> i have fully coded my agenda software to remind me of upcoming deadlines, with forewarning windows & frequency of reminders customized per deadline

{12:23:03 am:} <lakitu> or customizable

{12:23:13 am:} <lakitu> there are fallbacks for if you don’t specificy

{12:23:16 am:} <lakitu> specify

{12:23:30 am:} <lakitu> which is the usual case for me – for other situations it may be different

{12:24:04 am:} <lakitu> the point is, you could write on a wall calendar or desk calendar your deadlines quite well too

{12:25:11 am:} <muadnem> So, managers and deadlines

{12:25:26 am:} <muadnem> I’ve rarely had a manager even try to give me one

{12:25:50 am:} <muadnem> They don’t know enough about the problem to even suggest how long it will take

{12:26:15 am:} <muadnem> I just tell them when I think I can get it done

{12:26:37 am:} <muadnem> Factoring in how much they’ll change the problem during my work

{12:26:55 am:} <`411> ? PhilPapers.org (Selections): ❝Michiru Nagatsu (forthcoming): Philosophy of Science for Sustainability Science.❞ ⋅ — Delivered by Feed43 service ⋅ https://philarchive.org/rec/NAGPOS-5 ⋅

{12:27:13 am:} * LionClan ([email protected]) has left ())

{12:27:29 am:} * X sets channel limit to 39

{12:27:57 am:} <muadnem> They just ask me how long ‘it’ will take

{12:29:13 am:} <muadnem> But they’ll probably change what they want halfway through

{12:29:36 am:} <lakitu> a svelte number of people do this – CEOs come to mind, politicians, & people who are serious about living their best life

{12:30:31 am:} <lakitu> for our purposes – i will include philosophers of life / life philosophers, perhaps ‘ethicists/moralists’ among them

{12:30:48 am:} <muadnem> People trying to love their best life are bound to be disappointed

{12:32:13 am:} <lakitu> perhaps businesses / CEOs got it in part from their hired philosophers, their hired ethicists. that would maybe be of the least surprising to me

{12:32:37 am:} <lakitu> for say a CEO to learn this from a philosopher of life

{12:32:54 am:} <lakitu> i’m not trying to pit them against each other, just a passing mention, here

{12:34:09 am:} <lakitu> (for a gratis example, John C. Maxwell, the ‘philosopher of life’ as i call him.)

{12:35:32 am:} <lakitu> from him plenty of this has come to CEOs, there are those of us who would say, & from people like John C. Maxwell.

{12:36:01 am:} <lakitu> et al

{12:40:33 am:} * fattratt is now known as ratshopping

{12:43:37 am:} <lakitu> so agendas: ‘to-do lists’… things you want to, require, are required, need to do, with priority \ urgency * importance levels– optionally per item, & with deadline dates of course– optionally per item.

{12:44:08 am:} <muadnem> So I worked on some of the algorithms that zoom used to extract you from the background

{12:44:26 am:} <lakitu> that is the last part’s summary, as it appears to me

{12:45:00 am:} <muadnem> But it wasn’t that ai back then

{12:45:15 am:} <muadnem> But it was more purely algorithmic

{12:45:52 am:} <muadnem> I had to detect outdoor motion on cameras

{12:46:13 am:} <muadnem> But I had to separate that from things like lightning

{12:47:16 am:} <muadnem> So if you’re looking at total difference between pixels that really screws that up

{12:47:25 am:} <lakitu> & how “starting is half the battle” – you must use reminders, associations, etc to kickstart the habit of tending to your agenda

{12:47:56 am:} <muadnem> You have to find paths and weed out the noise

{12:49:16 am:} <lakitu> – also i do this, do you guys? capture it when the spark strikes – strike while the iron is hot – write it down right away, when you first think of something – this has worked better for me for almost every application than trying to collect to-do items or ideas of all sorts on computer or paper

{12:49:36 am:} <lakitu> err

{12:49:47 am:} <lakitu> well

{12:49:56 am:} <lakitu> at one time

{12:50:04 am:} <muadnem> No. Nothing I think is important

{12:50:10 am:} <lakitu> keep a memo pad

{12:50:15 am:} <lakitu> use what you like

{12:50:22 am:} <lakitu> but capture it when it first strikes

{12:51:01 am:} <muadnem> I’m not cutting edge anymore

{12:51:37 am:} * guerro has quit (Ping timeout)

{12:51:50 am:} <muadnem> That’s gone. If you don’t understand ai you’re fucked

{12:52:07 am:} <muadnem> And I failed linear algebra

{12:52:35 am:} * mazy^grace ([email protected]) has joined

{12:52:35 am:} * X gives voice to mazy^grace

{12:52:37 am:} <lakitu> don’t try to memorize a poem enjoying some scenic Nature for when you write at home 3 hours later. expect to forget & maybe have problems by misremembering – capture that first spark then & there, where you can

{12:52:51 am:} <lakitu> buy a pocket memo pad – many of you have i’m sure

{12:52:57 am:} <mazy^grace> can’t sleep

{12:52:58 am:} <lakitu> or use whatever works better for you

{12:52:59 am:} <mazy^grace> :(

{12:53:01 am:} <lakitu> wb mazy

{12:53:21 am:} <Fixion> by linear algebra do you mean mostly straight line functions?

{12:53:29 am:} <muadnem> No.

{12:53:31 am:} <Fixion> (as opposed to stuff like polynomials?)

{12:53:42 am:} <muadnem> I mean eigenvectors and shit

{12:53:57 am:} <muadnem> Matrix algebra

{12:54:30 am:} <mazy^grace> tanks lakitu

{12:54:33 am:} <Fixion> I never really did vectors in math or science … would have been good to know

{12:55:24 am:} <muadnem> It’s like a way to decompose calculus

{12:55:34 am:} <muadnem> Which I also sucked at

{12:55:35 am:} <lakitu> i have whoever on /ignore. for some reason IRC logs don’t record this

{12:55:57 am:} <mazy^grace> don’t ask me

{12:55:59 am:} <mazy^grace> :)

{12:56:04 am:} <lakitu> heh

{12:56:10 am:} <mazy^grace> who is whoever?

{12:57:00 am:} <mazy^grace> i don’t do all that stuff anymore lakitu

{12:57:00 am:} <lakitu> – some misguided design

{12:57:09 am:} <lakitu> aw.

{12:57:14 am:} <lakitu> hopefully can soon

{12:57:14 am:} <mazy^grace> it drove me crazy logging/ etc

{12:57:20 am:} <lakitu> oh – logging

{12:57:21 am:} <lakitu> i see

{12:57:26 am:} <mazy^grace> I don’t care

{12:57:31 am:} <mazy^grace> to be honest

{12:57:32 am:} <muadnem> You and mazy can create a new philosophy

{12:57:36 am:} <lakitu> no i see – IRC logging

{12:57:41 am:} <muadnem> It’ll be brilliant

{12:57:50 am:} <lakitu> i was talking about recordkeeping…

{12:57:59 am:} <lakitu> in a different application…

{12:58:06 am:} <lakitu> before that

{12:58:20 am:} <mazy^grace> I used to record everybodies ISP

{12:58:25 am:} <mazy^grace> etc etc

{12:58:27 am:} <lakitu> heh

{12:58:38 am:} <mazy^grace> it’s just not worth it

{12:58:54 am:} <mazy^grace> so I don’t record anything anymore

{12:59:01 am:} <mazy^grace> my life is much happier

{12:59:11 am:} <lakitu> (they don’t record who i /ignore, meaning.)

{12:59:22 am:} <lakitu> hmm

{12:59:37 am:} <muadnem> I can remember what you sound like.

{12:59:37 am:} <mazy^grace> I found that even when I logged……. other people would ‘edit’ the log

{12:59:53 am:} <muadnem> Without recording anything

{12:59:55 am:} <mazy^grace> and try to make it say something it didn’t really say

{01:00:42 am:} <lakitu> geez, really? i have heard of such things, but . . .

{01:00:53 am:} <muadnem> I’m sure you have a record of that

{01:01:03 am:} <mazy^grace> yes…… it happened many times

{01:01:24 am:} <mazy^grace> so I don’t give a rat’s arse about any of it anymore

{01:01:45 am:} <muadnem> You never gave a rats ass to begin with

{01:01:56 am:} <mazy^grace> well.. true that

{01:01:58 am:} <mazy^grace> :)

{01:02:20 am:} <Fixion> mazy^grace many people have dynamic IP’s anyway

{01:02:22 am:} <lakitu> hm. maybe you can create multiple records / compare with others who kept the same records, to keep an accurate history

{01:02:36 am:} <mazy^grace> Fixion, I get that

{01:02:37 am:} <muadnem> Fixion stole my ip

{01:02:52 am:} <mazy^grace> but that’s not the point

{01:02:58 am:} * Fixion leases it back to muadnem

{01:03:30 am:} <mazy^grace> the point is…… everybody can be found if somebody wants to hunt them down

{01:04:34 am:} <mazy^grace> there are many tools out there…. to find out who somebody is

{01:06:30 am:} <mazy^grace> sometimes you have to spend some money

{01:06:38 am:} <mazy^grace> but if you really want to know

{01:06:45 am:} <mazy^grace> you spend the bucks

{01:07:02 am:} <muadnem> I’ll tell you who I am. You just have to tell me I’m cute

{01:07:10 am:} <muadnem> I’ll drive to your house

{01:07:22 am:} <mazy^grace> tell me muadnem

{01:07:40 am:} <mazy^grace> not going to promise I’ll tell you you are cute

{01:08:00 am:} * mazy^grace speaks truth

{01:08:23 am:} <mazy^grace> so…. who are you muadnem

{01:09:07 am:} <mazy^grace> are you gonna share your pic with me?

{01:09:27 am:} <muadnem> I’ve already done that

{01:09:36 am:} <mazy^grace> no you haven’t

{01:10:06 am:} <mazy^grace> send your pic

{01:10:55 am:} <muadnem> “It’s the complacent society that killed him” / “The best outcome would be for rioters to tear it all down” / https://imgur.com/lwJY0gc

{01:10:57 am:} <JohnStar> Title: “It’s the complacent society that killed him” / “The best outcome would be for rioters to tear it all down” / – Imgur

{01:11:04 am:} <muadnem> That’s my best angle

{01:11:42 am:} <mazy^grace> send it to my email

{01:12:00 am:} <`411> ? PhilPapers.org (Selections): ❝Ten-Herng Lai (forthcoming): Civil Disobedience, Costly Signals, and Leveraging Injustice.❞ ⋅ — Delivered by Feed43 service ⋅ https://philarchive.org/rec/LAICDC ⋅

{01:12:05 am:} <muadnem> I already sent it. It’s right there

{01:12:28 am:} <mazy^grace> let me check

{01:12:58 am:} <muadnem> Jesus. I just posted it in the chat.

{01:13:24 am:} <mazy^grace> ya…… you didn’t email it to me

{01:13:25 am:} <mazy^grace> lol

{01:14:23 am:} <muadnem> https://imgur.com/lwJY0gc

{01:14:23 am:} <JohnStar> Title: “It’s the complacent society that killed him” / “The best outcome would be for rioters to tear it all down” / – Imgur

{01:14:24 am:} <mazy^grace> I have no idea what you are talking about

{01:14:30 am:} <mazy^grace> you did not email me

{01:14:35 am:} * Ragtime^ ([email protected]) has joined

{01:14:35 am:} * X gives voice to Ragtime^

{01:14:36 am:} <muadnem> That’s because you’re an idiot

{01:14:42 am:} <muadnem> Go talk to ragtime

{01:15:06 am:} <muadnem> He obviously has way more patience than I do

{01:15:38 am:} <muadnem> Since you’re both racist fuckwit idiot fucks

{01:16:06 am:} * Ragtime^ has quit (Registered)

{01:16:06 am:} * Ragtime^ ([email protected]) has joined

{01:16:06 am:} * *.undernet.org gives voice to Ragtime^

{01:16:07 am:} <mazy^grace> muadnem???? you look like a total meth head

{01:16:17 am:} <mazy^grace> in that picture

{01:16:28 am:} <muadnem> That’s unbelievable

{01:17:30 am:} <mazy^grace> is that a real picture of you?

{01:17:40 am:} <muadnem> Yup

{01:18:36 am:} <mazy^grace> well…. you should get some sleep

{01:18:38 am:} <mazy^grace> :)

{01:19:21 am:} <mazy^grace> your eyes are almost closed already

{01:19:22 am:} <mazy^grace> :)

{01:19:45 am:} <lakitu> a pool of gears fell out of his pocket, mazy. this has to do with the woodgrain of his closet doors, but no more can be known or said at this time

{01:19:56 am:} <lakitu> (this all per muadnem)

{01:19:57 am:} <lakitu> (mazy)

{01:20:01 am:} <lakitu> (this is all per muadnem)

{01:20:14 am:} <muadnem> I said nothing about a pocket.

{01:20:23 am:} <lakitu> his contributions tonight.

{01:20:43 am:} <muadnem> I can’t tell you anymore about that.

{01:21:12 am:} <muadnem> Except it was hotter than titties

{01:21:19 am:} <mazy^grace> muadnem……. you remind me of my son

{01:21:20 am:} <lakitu> he feels drugs/drinking would help this.

{01:22:04 am:} <muadnem> Why would I want to help it?

{01:23:36 am:} <muadnem> I understand the problem of drugs. I don’t do drugs anymore

{01:23:55 am:} <muadnem> But that wasn’t the context of the statement.

{01:25:01 am:} <muadnem> And I wouldn’t want to forget it. I wouldnt trade that experience

{01:25:12 am:} <mazy^grace> muadnem….you don’t do drugs?

{01:25:34 am:} <mazy^grace> that pic clearly shows you are high/smoked up/ something

{01:25:41 am:} <muadnem> Not anymore. I do drink. Or I wouldn’t be babbling to you people

{01:25:51 am:} <mazy^grace> muadnem

{01:26:06 am:} <mazy^grace> in that pic…. you are clearly stoned

{01:26:30 am:} <muadnem> That pic was like 3 weeks ago. I was just drunk

{01:26:43 am:} <mazy^grace> omg.. 3 weeks ago

{01:26:45 am:} <mazy^grace> lol

{01:27:21 am:} * ZShurp ([email protected]) has joined

{01:27:21 am:} <mazy^grace> you are so full of crap muadnem

{01:27:21 am:} * X gives voice to ZShurp

{01:27:36 am:} <muadnem> Thats completely honest.

{01:28:01 am:} <muadnem> Alcohol is a drugs. If you want to say I’m on drugs, fine

{01:28:02 am:} <mazy^grace> I know

{01:28:22 am:} <mazy^grace> dude……. I’m going to bed

{01:28:24 am:} <mazy^grace> niters

{01:28:34 am:} <muadnem> I don’t care. That’s completely irrelevant to anything I’ve said

{01:28:44 am:} * mazy^grace has quit (Read error: EOF from client)

{01:30:08 am:} <muadnem> I’m still up.

{01:30:20 am:} <muadnem> Who’s sleepy. Not me

{01:31:14 am:} * lakitu was just starting to type, “philosophy overnights… with your host . . . –the philosophy overnights host…” heh heh heh

{01:31:17 am:} <ZShurp> I just woke up, can’t get back to sleep :(

{01:31:21 am:} <lakitu> wb ZShurp

{01:32:50 am:} <lakitu> Muadnem, your nick reminds me of “Wuhan”.


{02:45:49 am:} <lakitu> …the reminders software is like an external organ – a part of a cybernetic ‘brain’, figuratively – that *helps you with being constant in your Love & care, etc*

{02:46:05 am:} <lakitu> Love & Care.*


{03:12:51 am:} <lakitu> –i will say to plan these things into the future **is** a lot like planting crops; the first agrarian had a wry & wide smile, i’m sure, as he said “Actually I do know what will of food grow here… I know because I *planned them*.” & his contemporaries were numb to this. *laughter*

((I have discussed this same thing several times before in the room.))

In the above chat transcript, 5 typos were normalized, & 1 meant wording was emended in.

Update April the 11th, 2021: A new live chat record has been posted on this same topic, & indulges the concept first named in this post, “the music of life”, & extends it with e.g. “personal agenda chords“: Philosophy Of Life: Philosophy-Of-Life Software: (“It’s Beauty O’Clock” Site Post Follow-Up:) The Music Of Life & Personal Agenda Chords.

Metaphilosophy: Theory; Praxis; Practice; Art; Strategy; Craft


This is a metaphilosophy dialogue I led in Undernet #philosophical in January (January23rd) 2023. It does a lot with a little & many people might appreciate the content – especially since I work to keep it approachable – using real life examples for example. This is very heady to figure & i might add on for example later. For now here is the main course!:

In this I am `lakitu`:

[11:41:05] <lakitu_> hello fattratt
[11:41:37] * lakitu_ waking up around 11 am for a rest day (sic; day of rest)
[11:47:40] *** not2away is now known as not2
[11:53:50] *** Joins: Wagnerr ([email protected])
[11:54:01] <lakitu_> craftratt
[11:55:18] <lakitu_> I’ve been working on this (idea) complex:
[11:55:35] <lakitu_> theory : practice : abstract
[11:55:36] <lakitu_> :
[11:57:23] <lakitu_> * theory : ? : practice : abstract :: art : strategy : craft : concrete
[11:57:33] <lakitu_> misprint the first time
[11:57:40] <lakitu_> that I fixed
[11:58:03] <lakitu_> the “::” divides the two
[11:58:09] <lakitu_> as you saw I bet
[11:58:20] <lakitu_> * as you may have seen
[11:59:05] <lakitu_> theory & practice are more abstract forms, art & craft are more concrete
[11:59:25] <lakitu_> ah that’s right:
[11:59:45] <lakitu_> theory : *praxis* : practice : abstract :: art : strategy : craft : concrete
[12:00:20] <lakitu_> praxis is the abstract go-between form for theory & praxis
[12:00:33] <lakitu_> strategy is the concrete go between form for art & craft
[12:06:19] <lakitu_> thus,
[12:06:48] <lakitu_> strike that (meaning strike saying thus,)
[12:07:10] <lakitu_> * strategy is the concrete go-between form for art & craft
[12:11:28] <lakitu_> “practice” is common for a lawyer or a doctor: a legal practice, for example.
[12:11:55] <lakitu_> that are more erudite
[12:12:58] <lakitu_> meaning educated to a high degree
[12:13:29] *** X sets mode: +o lakitu
[12:13:56] *** X sets mode: +v fattratt
[12:14:11] *** X sets mode: +o lakitu_
[12:16:34] <lakitu_> the songwriting craft (sic; the craft of songwriting) might be one we’d hear more for an example for the more concrete craft form.
[12:20:26] <lakitu_> * the songwriting craft (sic; the craft of songwriting) might be one we’d hear more for an example for the more concrete form that is craft.
[12:22:28] <lakitu_> ** the songwriting craft (sic; the craft of songwriting) might be one we’d hear more for an example for the more concrete *form that is craft*.
[12:29:58] *** Quits: not2 ([email protected]) (Quit)
[12:37:11] *** Quits: Ragtime^ ([email protected]) (Quit: Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.)
[12:40:16] <lakitu_> statecraft, spycraft.
[12:45:42] <lakitu_> practicing your instrument might help you more with theory than songwriting art (sic; the art of songwriting) & songwriting craft (sic; the craft of songwriting)
[12:46:00] <lakitu_> * practicing your instrument might help you more with music theory than songwriting art (sic; the art of songwriting) & songwriting craft (sic; the craft of songwriting)
[12:46:15] <lakitu_> ** practicing your instrument might help you more with *music* theory than songwriting art (sic; the art of songwriting) & songwriting craft (sic; the craft of songwriting)
[12:55:09] <Fixion> playing an instrument is very different – although related to writing music…
[12:55:26] <lakitu_> not too different
[12:55:54] <Fixion> songwriting even more requires essentially skill in lyrical poetry
[12:56:11] <Fixion> again different skill from playing and different skill from writing music
[12:56:28] <Fixion> although much of it may go hand-in-hand depending on your talent…
[12:56:29] <lakitu_> separate
[12:57:17] <Fixion> music theory is about how music is read and written, but you can play if you can read, you don’t have to write music to understand music theory…
[12:57:28] <lakitu_> crafting your performance, using a theme for your art, practicing your instrument scales, studying music theory are four examples.
[12:57:55] <Fixion> (others play without music theory – by ear – or naturally talented)
[12:58:16] <Fixion> jazz is often unread because its essentially ad hoc music
[12:58:41] <lakitu_> there’s more to music theory than reading & writing music, Fixion.
[12:58:44] <Fixion> but to differentiate it from noise Jazz often is done with a group/band, and they tend to build a ryhthm together…
[12:58:54] <Fixion> yes… listening is important too…
[12:59:20] <lakitu_> people use music theory even if they haven’t had a class in it. the I-IV-V is common, for example.
[12:59:36] <Fixion> uh?
[12:59:40] <Fixion> not sure what you mean by that
[13:00:13] <Fixion> what is I-IV-V ?(1-4-5 if its roman numerals but not sure how it applies)
[13:01:11] <lakitu_> many songs
[13:01:15] <Fixion> music THEORY is about knowing things like breaves, staffs, key signatures, etc… its about reading and writing music the THEORY of it… the sound and acutally playing it are different things altogether…
[13:02:11] <lakitu_> no. you have an affliction that is making you think music theory is only written & read. you play instruments in music theory class, use music theory at your instrument
[13:02:30] <lakitu_> use your instrument during music theory
[13:03:16] <lakitu_> for example, ear training for perfect pitch.
[13:05:35] *** Joins: Ragtime^ ([email protected])
[13:05:35] *** X sets mode: +v Ragtime^
[13:06:21] <Fixion> actually playing instruments is not required for music theory afaik.. it may be used in classes, but its not a necessary part (although it tends to be accompanying)
[13:06:40] <Fixion> normally the whole reason you are learning music theory is in order to play an instrument
[13:06:47] <lakitu_> I’ve had music theory 101 three times.
[13:07:13] <lakitu_> the teachers were at pianos.
[13:07:25] <Fixion> but someone like say beethoven (sp?) was deaf right? he did music by math, actually playing it isn’t necessarily necessary…
[13:07:44] <Fixion> it tends to help though
[13:08:11] <lakitu_> you’re very far into an imagination for music theory class versus the reallty for music theory class
[13:08:34] <Fixion> theres no single instrument that music theory applies to… (as long as it has the required pitches)
[13:09:10] <Fixion> its normally intrinsically linked but its not the same thing…
[13:10:19] <lakitu_> moving on
[13:10:22] <Fixion> but if you are writing music you don’t even need any of that, you can make musical score without ever having heard anything …
[13:11:06] <Fixion> you just follow the rules and place notes where they can go… it may sound terrible, it may sound good, but you can follow musical theory
[13:11:47] <Fixion> and you don’t need to play it yourself, you can just give the score to someone who knows how to read it and play it…
[13:11:54] <lakitu_> you’re making them as separate as you can when I am showing how they are connected
[13:12:15] <Fixion> I’m not saying they aren’t connected…
[13:12:37] <Fixion> but they aren’t the SAME thing, they’re different skills and different aspects of music…
[13:12:38] <lakitu_> weird experimental silent-music theory songwriting examples
[13:13:02] <Fixion> its entirely possible… and probably been done before
[13:13:10] <Fixion> not that I’ve tried it I mean I can read and play music…
[13:13:32] <Fixion> so if I were writing it I’d be playing it too testing it out as I go etc…
[13:13:47] * lakitu_ `/ignore`s Fixion citing he is a Big Pharma worker trying to sow discord
[13:14:07] * lakitu_ getting another hot chocolate
[13:14:11] <Fixion> sow discord? no it can actually be enabling…
[13:14:59] <Fixion> instead of telling people they have to crawl before they can walk maybe they can do something… maybe they’re disabled and unable to use an instrument but if they can create score by other means… then it gives them opportunity
[13:15:08] <Fixion> or maybe they’re no good at one but good at the other…
[13:16:08] <Fixion> I’m sick of this whole expected progression thing
[13:16:42] <Fixion> as if you can’t be good at something the very first time… and the expectation that doing it over and over again necessarily makes you better…
[13:17:03] <Fixion> sure it gives you experience but it doesn’t necessarily mean you can achieve as good a result as the first time you tried it
[13:17:17] <Fixion> (or as bad hehe)
[13:17:43] <Fixion> anyawy I gotta go
[13:17:50] *** Quits: Fixion ([email protected]) (Read error: EOF from client)
[13:22:22] <lakitu_> mm. *hot* *chocolate* – num
[13:22:29] <lakitu_> chocolate is my favorite food
[13:26:41] <lakitu_> culinary art (sic; culinary arts) is another familiar art.
[13:29:37] <lakitu_> it is a little more concrete being something we make to eat around three times a day.
[13:30:09] <lakitu_> architecture is much more rare for its construction, & thus that much more theoretical – needing to get it right
[13:30:33] <lakitu_> for the long term.
[13:36:08] <lakitu_> Fixion’s being a gleed dancing goblin, I will return another time
[13:36:37] *** lakitu_ sets mode: +v Grax
[13:37:00] *** lakitu_ sets mode: +v catnips
[14:02:54] <lakitu_> back
[14:03:46] <lakitu_> I believe a German philosopher coined praxis: the ferry between theory & practice
[14:04:07] <lakitu_> I made my default web browser search engine Wikipedia
[14:04:18] <lakitu_> Google is screw loose
[14:04:38] <lakitu_> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Praxis
[14:04:39] <zhan> Praxis may refer to:.
[14:08:14] <Ragtime^> praxis makes perfect
[14:10:50] <lakitu_> ha
[14:13:11] *** Joins: not2 ([email protected])
[14:14:16] <lakitu_> that was not a very helpful article.
[14:15:09] <lakitu_> for example, you might use praxis to generalize from practice to theory – you might demonstrate by using strategy to go from art to craft.
[14:15:48] <lakitu_> for example, you might use praxis to generalize from practice to theory – you might use strategy to demonstrate art by craft.
[14:15:53] <lakitu_> ** for example, you might use praxis to generalize from practice to theory – you might use strategy to demonstrate art by craft.
[14:16:37] <lakitu_> for example a sample food for people to taste a culinary art recipe.
[14:17:09] *** X sets mode: +v not2
[14:17:13] <lakitu_> * for example *to craft* a sample food for people to taste a culinary art *(sic; culinary arts)* recipe.
[14:30:00] <lakitu_> astronomy might be more toward theory, space craft (sic; spacecraft) might be more toward craft
[14:30:08] <lakitu_> for example

“That Was Big Of You!!” ⸻ Joe Valentyn’s Idea For Student Immersion in Real-World Emergency Testing of Mettle & Conscientiousness In Classrooms


Here’s a public birth of an immersive-testing school concept that had been developing in me for quite a number of years – the first part is more social ambience where the 2nd & 3rd parts get into the real childbirthing:

Without further ado: this is me, Joe Valentyn – “<lakitu>” – in a philosophy forum working thru my idea for edification, not education, thru “immersive testing” in schools:

{12:57:25 pm} <lauraaah> I’m so fed up with covid

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{13:34:11 pm} <fattratt_> Ok, we can talk about Murphy’s law and Betteridge’s law in the abstract.

{13:35:35 pm} <fattratt_> Betteridge’s law: “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.”

{13:36:14 pm} <fattratt_> Murphy’s law: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”

{13:39:34 pm} <fattratt_> I’m not fed up with covid. Indeed I am still rather covid-obsessed.

{13:46:09 pm} <lakitu> hey lauraaah. recognize you from the other week ☺ welcome.

{13:46:15 pm} <lakitu> hey fattratt

{13:46:24 pm} * lakitu just has a little time to chat

{13:48:19 pm} <lakitu> (mm, new-coffeemaker coffee.)

{13:49:13 pm} <lauraaah> Hi :)

{13:50:17 pm} <lakitu> =D

{13:50:33 pm} <lakitu> great to have a new chatter around here (who isn’t a troll!)

{13:50:47 pm} * chipmonk__ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)

{13:50:53 pm} <fattratt_> I like to discuss covid while eating kale salad.

{13:51:07 pm} <lakitu> so, welcome.

{13:51:33 pm} <lakitu> (aw yeah! my coffeemaker counts as a espressomaker. ex coffeehouse patron/worker here)

{13:51:58 pm} <lakitu> (acquired the taste for espresso, & the ‘like. =D)

{13:52:48 pm} <lauraaah> I don’t like coffee

{13:52:50 pm} <lauraaah> Or tea

{13:53:01 pm} <lakitu> really?

{13:53:10 pm} <lakitu> are you straight-edge?!

{13:53:17 pm} <lakitu> – or is that too personal?

{13:53:28 pm} <lakitu> maybe that’s too personal…

{13:54:51 pm} <lakitu> I was having no psychoactives except for chocolate – but solidarity with people led me to pick up coffee again.

{13:56:07 pm} <lauraaah> I just don’t like the taste

{13:56:11 pm} <lakitu> ah.

{13:56:40 pm} <lakitu> works for me.

{13:56:59 pm} <lakitu> (your not liking their taste.)

{13:57:16 pm} <lauraaah> I like the smell of coffee tho

{13:57:48 pm} <lakitu> for me who does, this Moka pot makes very tasty espresso/coffee.

{13:59:25 pm} <LionClan> I set up a coffee house in Broad Ripple, it was quite an experience

{13:59:44 pm} <lakitu> yeah – you said that. Turtle something?

{14:00:47 pm} <LionClan> Turtle Island from a book of poems by Gary Snyder

{14:02:14 pm} <LionClan> Across the street from Karma Records, best record shop from the age of vinyl.

{14:02:16 pm} <lakitu> I remembered the name.

{14:02:44 pm} <ControlFreq> Hello Friends!

{14:02:56 pm} <LionClan> CF

{14:02:59 pm} <lakitu> hey Freq

{14:03:01 pm} <ControlFreq> Hello LionClan!

{14:03:05 pm} <ControlFreq> Hello lakitu!

{14:03:09 pm} <lakitu> a popular record store around here just closed.

{14:03:57 pm} * fattratt_ sips beeer

{14:04:26 pm} <lakitu> a few of my friends work at record stores. they tell me e.g. Record Store Day is coming up – in a week I think

{14:04:34 pm} <lakitu> a little less

{14:04:38 pm} <lakitu> I think it’s the 12th.

{14:04:49 pm} <LionClan> When we were running Radio Free Naptown, Karma would send us a crate of Records every week, if we’d just tell them what we like

{14:05:17 pm} <lakitu> in/near Indianapolis– right?

{14:06:10 pm} <LionClan> Are commune included several electrical engineers, more brains than your average underground radio

{14:06:47 pm} <LionClan> do you remember Nixon

{14:07:44 pm} <LionClan> When he was around anti-war messages were banned from the radio, and the FBI track down anti-war and anti-draft protesters

{14:08:59 pm} <LionClan> The same Authority they used to do that, is still being used to infiltrate protests.

{14:09:18 pm} <LionClan> So I’m not sure anything is changed

{14:10:45 pm} <LionClan> In radio, the talent and the salesmen go to completely different parties.

{14:11:00 pm} <LionClan> We’re not the same species, or some such

{14:11:34 pm} <lakitu> I’m more interested in well-roundedness, than just bRAINz these days. ‘like I was saying about schools not evaluating you for people skills, & creativity, vs. math/reading/etc.

{14:12:58 pm} <lakitu> I’m abstaining from politics LionClan. you’re free to discuss your political ideas obviously, but I’m just not party.

{14:13:41 pm} <LionClan> You asked, if you want shorter stories just say so

{14:14:01 pm} <lakitu> ha

{14:14:47 pm} <lakitu> I asked if “Radio Free Naptown” was in/near Indianapolis.

{14:15:17 pm} <LionClan> Where is Radio free naptown was a popular question for a while

{14:15:41 pm} <LionClan> Is very hard to tell, like impossible, because we are clever

{14:16:04 pm} <LionClan> Their best estimate, was in a tall building downtown

{14:16:14 pm} * Ragtime^ ([email protected]) has joined

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{14:16:31 pm} * X gives voice to Ragtime^

{14:16:55 pm} <LionClan> We weren’t broadcasting FM, we were broadcasting shortwave.

{14:17:33 pm} <LionClan> The repeater picked up the short wave and rebroadcast it FM. From a tall building downtown.

{14:19:00 pm} <LionClan> Our intent was broadcasting to the Northern third of the townships in Indianapolis, and the many wealthy people north of there

{14:21:04 pm} <lakitu> & you were a DJ on this, you’ve told us.

{14:21:21 pm} <LionClan> We sampled coffee beans from all over the world, concluded everyone had tropical Mountain grown Arabica on their top five list

{14:21:48 pm} <LionClan> There were several DJs, some of them are still working as DJs

{14:23:23 pm} <LionClan> We had a similar sampler of hashes from all over the world, and each of them has their charms.

{14:23:28 pm} <lakitu> IRC– Undernet– is a little similar to a pirate radio station

{14:23:46 pm} <lakitu> altho it’s legal

{14:23:51 pm} <lakitu> IRC – Undernet.

{14:24:04 pm} <lakitu> but public communications.

{14:24:21 pm} <lakitu> of course this is DJing of the fittest

{14:25:01 pm} <lakitu> orate well & people will (hopefully) tune in.

{14:25:33 pm} <lakitu> except that IRC has been decimated, not least after what happened to the last major network.

{14:26:18 pm} <lauraaah> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/E5CImyxK/bitmoji-20180504091451.png

{14:26:38 pm} <lakitu> ok…

{14:27:42 pm} <LionClan> The Ku Klux Klan took power in American politics in the 1920s and held on to it for 40 years

{14:27:52 pm} <lakitu> nice having you here.

{14:28:52 pm} <lauraaah> Slightly early for bed. I want some chicken chicken mein first

{14:31:44 pm} <lakitu> me, I’m putting down my first espresso shots & going to try to choreograph a whole day, here.

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{14:32:47 pm} <lakitu> but not literally choreograph =D since we just met I’ll make it clear haha

{14:33:06 pm} <LionClan> Rancilio, the Italian cappuccino maker made espresso so fast it was already brewed before the oils got moving

{14:33:32 pm} <guerro> hi LionClan

{14:34:10 pm} <LionClan> No oils meant no acid, so we drink it chilled by the quart

{14:34:21 pm} <LionClan> hi g

{14:35:28 pm} <lakitu> I hung out with some coffee enthusiasts – coffeeshop owners, burr grinder designers, on #freenode, & they recommended a Gaggia brand machine for home espresso, if you’re serious enough about it

{14:36:49 pm} <lakitu> burr-grinder designers.

{14:36:56 pm} <lakitu> (*)

{14:39:07 pm} <lakitu> they said the grinder was more important, surprisingly.

{14:39:17 pm} <lakitu> getting at least a burr grinder…

{14:39:36 pm} <lakitu> freenode*

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{14:43:24 pm} <LionClan> It should be finely ground yes

{14:45:31 pm} <lakitu> but for example, you could write symphonies in school, & still get all F’s. or be the people’s choice for most personable dudette in your school, & not have your report card needle even move at all

{14:45:49 pm} <lakitu> for scoring, overall

{14:47:08 pm} <lakitu> you could defend against bullies for special needs kids, the disadvantaged – you might even be WORSE OFF report-card -wise.

{14:48:36 pm} * lakitu was going to school to be a teacher, but dropped out of college for it…

{14:50:20 pm} <lakitu> might be a Love genius, they could give you straight C’s. that’s four examples

{14:54:16 pm} <lakitu> & on that – say you had a “goodness” / being ethical / being moral / etc score: Conscientiousness’s spiritual battle is more like physical education in that you have to actually perform these pull-ups, push-ups, etc – you can’t just tick a box that says “I know to do 10.”

{14:55:28 pm} <lakitu> you have to perform at being good rather than just in a made up example be able to navigate to the right answer. it takes courage to resist bad influence, etc….

{14:59:18 pm} <lakitu> like the differencce between ticking a box that says “Write beautiful music.” & writing beautiful music. it takes more than just knowing to do it. actually doing it requires gifts & techniques beyond average ability levels.

{14:59:29 pm} <lakitu> beyond the average level of abilities.

{14:59:58 pm} <lakitu> ‘like the difference.*

{15:04:25 pm} * Fixion has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))

{15:05:54 pm} <lakitu> this is a little b****y of me to recommend, but imagine a school that had drills, except you didn’t know they were drills: e.g. someone has broke in; war has broke out; there was a chemical spill nearby – etc – again, pushing beyond the boundaries here, but: imagine that even teachers weren’t told yet whether it was real or not, & they had a emerge

{15:05:54 pm} <lakitu> ncy discussion with their class – the brave would be separated from the unbrave, the just from the unjust, etc –

{15:06:42 pm} <lakitu> & that could tell us– we’d tell them we were testing them afterward– who is really made of mettle.

{15:12:58 pm} * Zanadu has quit (EOF from client)

{15:16:52 pm} * chipmonk__ has quit (Ping timeout)

{15:16:52 pm} <LionClan> When I was growing up they had nuclear attack drills

{15:17:00 pm} * X sets channel limit to 43

{15:17:09 pm} <lakitu> right – but did you know it was a drill, LionClan?

{15:18:01 pm} <LionClan> Incentive courses to put the idea into your head, you imagined nuclear war whether you thought this was it or not

{15:18:12 pm} <lakitu> ok, so they told you it was real.

{15:18:33 pm} <lakitu> ‘We’re having a fire drill today, I think at 2:45.’

{15:18:41 pm} <LionClan> Well you know very well they were telling us the threat was real

{15:18:42 pm} <lakitu> those are standard now.

{15:18:46 pm} <lakitu> haha

{15:18:58 pm} <lakitu> – haha

{15:19:26 pm} <LionClan> The modern version of that is the box cutter Arabs are going to get you, we’re supposed to believe that’s a threat

{15:20:16 pm} <ControlFreq> The biggest threat to the national security of the United States flies under the Confederate battle flag.

{15:21:05 pm} <LionClan> 1925 the Ku Klux Klan March from the capitol to the White House with hundreds of Confederate battle Flags

{15:21:29 pm} <lakitu> I’m talking about drills where you don’t reveal they’re real or not – a test, a…

{15:22:13 pm} <lakitu> an immersive test.

{15:22:23 pm} <lakitu> an immersion.

{15:22:32 pm} <lakitu> or immersive test.

{15:22:33 pm} <LionClan> The Confederate Battle Flag is a symbol of the Ku Klux Klan oh, not a symbol of the Confederacy

{15:23:18 pm} <LionClan> In the Confederacy the Battle Flag was used as a shroud for Fallen Soldiers

{15:24:21 pm} <ControlFreq> I do not see it as a racist symbol. I see it as a symbol of traitorous, treasonous bastards who rose up in arms against the lawful government of the United States. I took an oath to protect that government, and I do not like those who embrace its symbol.

{15:24:28 pm} <LionClan> If you’re wavering one of those around you’re supporting the Klan, which are murderous conspirators

{15:25:44 pm} <ControlFreq> When did the state legislatures in the South start flying the Confederate battle flag from thier state capitols?

{15:27:25 pm} * lakitu is resting his political loins; you do what you should.

{15:27:32 pm} <lakitu> –politically.

{15:27:44 pm} <LionClan> Let’s focus on the history of the Confederate Battle Flag in Washington DC. Confederate States of America never waved a Confederate Battle Flag in Washington DC, the Ku Klux Klan has waved thousands of Confederate battle Flags in Washington DC

{15:28:24 pm} <LionClan> In Washington DC, the Confederate Battle Flag is a symbol of the Ku Klux Klan.

{15:29:02 pm} <ControlFreq> The Confederate battle flag became a symbol of White supremacy on June 2, 1964. About a half dozen state legislatures hoist that from from their capitols the day LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act

{15:29:48 pm} <LionClan> The Ku Klux Klan marched hundreds of Confederate battle Flags down Pennsylvania Avenue from the capitol to the White House in 1925

{15:30:57 pm} <LionClan> You cannot distance the Confederate Battle Flag from racism in Washington DC that’s not possible.

{15:31:38 pm} <lakitu> to continue: gradually students would realize they are already immersed in several live, real-world crises that are just farther away, slow-drip leaked thru the media, or otherwise outside of their field of experience, that they could take up the causes of & try to battle in the name of.

{15:32:02 pm} <ControlFreq> I assign both values of the one symbol to anyone who embraces it. Treason and racism

{15:32:20 pm} <LionClan> Yes

{15:32:31 pm} <lakitu> yes to who LionClan?

{15:33:17 pm} <LionClan> That’s meta

{15:33:31 pm} <lakitu> ha

{15:33:40 pm} <lakitu> I take it you’re repsonding to Freq

{15:34:19 pm} <lakitu> – e.g. human trafficking

{15:36:21 pm} <ControlFreq> I think human trafficking is to broad a brush. There needs to be daylight between people who spend their life savings and beg to be smuggled somewhere and people who are kidnapped and transported for labor or sexual slavery.

{15:36:43 pm} <lakitu> sex slavery.

{15:36:49 pm} <lakitu> e.g..

{15:37:24 pm} <lakitu> is what I was going to continue with.

{15:37:32 pm} <ControlFreq> Please do

{15:37:40 pm} <lakitu> ((thanks.))

{15:45:13 pm} <lakitu> there are abducted women, teen girls, around, even in your state, who must have brave, just men & women taking up arms & technologies to free them – risking ourselves for investigations, for searches, even in firefights – to free them from their living nightmare they can’t escape, alone, or haven’t been able to yet – yet we’re shrouded from this re

{15:45:13 pm} <lakitu> ality; this immersive testing would be like smelling salts to awaken us to the fact that our tranquil peace can be upended by emergency – & there are people at most any given time suffering from one such emergency or another.

{15:45:13 pm} * guerro has quit (Quit)

{15:45:51 pm} <lakitu> people who could use our help, directly or indirectly.

{15:46:09 pm} <lakitu> but in a very real, not-just-text-in-a-Twitter.com-post way.

{15:46:41 pm} <lakitu> “BIO 302’s been shot!” that is not something you easily forget

{15:46:57 pm} <lakitu> depending on where you take the potential scenarios there.

{15:53:55 pm} <lakitu> as a limiting threshold, there is only so vigilant we ought to be in this Life; but I think it would be good to have a public dialogue on how vigilant we should be re the problems the world collectively – as communities – as groups, as families – as individuals – wrangle with at any one time. it is important to hear from people who have suffered, w

{15:53:55 pm} <lakitu> ho are suffering, to have a full circumspect perspective, for this.

{15:57:31 pm} <ControlFreq> lakitu…the solution is not for the hoi polloi to arm themselves and lead a rescue. The solution is to coordinate with law enforcement and find out what we can do to make a difference.

{15:58:02 pm} <ControlFreq> The idea of vigilante justice grants that same authority to anyone else who believes they have a righteous cause. C.f. January 6

{15:58:10 pm} <lakitu> well that’s what I was expressing above – to join forcces to– no

{15:58:27 pm} <lakitu> I was not advocating that. I was saying to work e.g. with law enforcement,

{15:58:37 pm} <lakitu> to rescue sex slaves.

{15:58:53 pm} <lakitu> to rescue these people.

{15:59:06 pm} <lakitu> applying for a job, etc.

{15:59:22 pm} <ControlFreq> Please distinguish this statement from advocacy of vigilante justice:

{15:59:25 pm} <ControlFreq> brave, just men & women taking up arms & technologies to free them

{15:59:36 pm} <lakitu> there was a context to that

{15:59:42 pm} <lakitu> a very large context

{16:00:03 pm} <lakitu> that’s a sentence fragment

{16:00:57 pm} <ControlFreq> It’s inflamatory

{16:01:24 pm} <lakitu> you actually are countering the countering of this, now – I was thinking of the Federal Bureau of Investigations as I wrote that

{16:01:33 pm} <lakitu> the Central Intelligence Agency

{16:01:49 pm} <ControlFreq> CIA cannot engage in domestic law enforcement

{16:01:51 pm} <lakitu> & you are now calling joining the F.B.I. to rescue e.g. sex slaves “inflammatory”

{16:01:57 pm} <lakitu> I didn’t say domestic

{16:02:16 pm} <lakitu> I am not snared in that technicality

{16:02:37 pm} <lakitu> Interpol.

{16:02:57 pm} <ControlFreq> lakitu…you frequently fall into the trap of using words that codify a clear, well-formed thought, but the words you choose convey a totally different inference in the listner’s mind.

{16:03:37 pm} <lakitu> I guess you have complaints about the above, first?

{16:04:27 pm} <ControlFreq> If you trying to recruit law enforcement, that’s great. I am a skilled critical reader and that was not in the same ZIP code as the impression I formed in my mind.

{16:04:49 pm} <lakitu> mm. how’d you score in your reading skills in school?

{16:06:08 pm} <ControlFreq> I did not attend kindergarten. In the first weeks of first grade, I was evaluated as a third grade reader. Both my parents were teachers (Mom, elementary; Dad, jr high and high school.) My Dad was trained by Jesuits.

{16:06:17 pm} <lakitu> for anyone else who thought I’m taking special measures in schools to sensitize kids to e.g. human trafficking, to put them into a pipeline to primitive vigilantism / vigalante justice,

{16:07:14 pm} <lakitu> ok. in elementary school I was appraised as being a 14th-grade level reader / overall comprehension student

{16:08:31 pm} <lakitu> — I of course would be thinking of our best methods to rescue abducted teenage girls, especially when I’m talking about educational formalization of this kind of training.

{16:08:44 pm} <lakitu> especially when I’m talking about educational formalization like this.

{16:08:48 pm} <lakitu> (‘like this.)

{16:09:30 pm} <lakitu> (–I of course.*)

{16:10:00 pm} <lakitu> overall-comprehension.*

{16:10:34 pm} <lakitu> to inspire them to join the F.B.I., et al, ControlFreq.

{16:10:49 pm} <ControlFreq> That is a noble effort.

{16:10:54 pm} <lakitu> I’m sorry if there was a miscommunication otherwise.

{16:11:35 pm} <lakitu> I will also not limit how you can help

{16:12:51 pm} <lakitu> in that miscommunication, we cannot be reactionary & rule out printing up flyers, teaching classes, making websites, or any other helpful approaches that are outside of the F.B.I., say – or that work with, etc.

{16:14:27 pm} <lakitu> II will say here ‘that work with’.

{16:14:55 pm} * MartyMcFly ([email protected]) has left

{16:19:58 pm} <lakitu> but in that statement I was meaning situation rooms of F.B.I. workers tracking down abduction victims’ holding places & making busts, etc

{16:21:04 pm} <lakitu> (the statement that sentence fragment is in.)

{16:21:15 pm} <ControlFreq> You do not want to work “outside the FBI.” You want to work in concert with federal, state and local law enforcement in ALL cases.

{16:21:27 pm} <lakitu> Freq: what am I doing now?

{16:21:43 pm} <lakitu> is the above idea generating bad?

{16:21:50 pm} <lakitu> – I do not think so. many do not, I bet.

{16:22:12 pm} <lakitu> if you teach a class on sex slavery in the world–

{16:22:35 pm} <lakitu> there are too many examples against to require me to give more.

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{16:24:45 pm} <lakitu> maybe you could criticize – in some scenario – the F.B.I. for not doing ENOUGH— again, in some scenario– in your class, conceivably; that is not an impossible combination of conditions.

{16:26:04 pm} <lakitu> it’s not a major point – you thought I– for whatever reason– was talking about something other than F.B.I., et al, arms & technologies, when I explained to you that is who I had in mind as I was writing that.

{16:30:56 pm} <lakitu> that was just a miscommunication between us.

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{16:34:36 pm} * fattratt_ has quit (Ping timeout)

{16:34:40 pm} <lakitu> you could also do ‘immersive testing’ for slower moving disasters, ‘like say environmental pollution. you could create a pretext to tell them– say, anecdotally mention during a teaching module– that some local company (who’s maybe in on it) is dumping stuff in the river, we’re not sure what it is, but it shouldn’t be a problem. more money to make

{16:34:40 pm} <lakitu> more (textiles or whatever) anyway, right?

{16:35:03 pm} * X sets channel limit to 40

{16:35:48 pm} * SiouxBricket ([email protected]) has joined

{16:36:05 pm} <lakitu> “it should be fine.”

{16:36:35 pm} <lakitu> wb Sioux.

{16:37:33 pm} <lakitu> to someone who would say this is messing with their minds, it is to edify them, which is an even higher cause than education, I would say.

{16:37:57 pm} <lakitu> which is an even higher cause than to educate them.

{16:38:38 pm} <lakitu> of course, nothing in excess. Solon.

{16:38:58 pm} <LionClan> How many times do you suppose the FBI has been used to do dirty tricks for the president?

{16:39:19 pm} <lakitu> “dirty tricks” – wow.

{16:39:37 pm} <xControlFreq> Hoover used the FBI to wreck Kennedy

{16:39:38 pm} <LionClan> See I know about dirty tricks personally

{16:39:57 pm} <lakitu> Lion – I’m just saying that’s helluva topic.

{16:40:10 pm} <lakitu> that’s a helluva topic.

{16:40:59 pm} <lakitu> the sum subterfuge of the F.B.i. for the Presidential administrations.

{16:41:13 pm} <lakitu> or sum subterfuges.

{16:42:25 pm} <LionClan> The FBI infiltrates protests

{16:42:55 pm} <LionClan> The CIA infiltrates protests as well

{16:43:32 pm} <lakitu> F.B.I., I was writing.

{16:43:42 pm} <SiouxBricket> Apparently, China has infiltrated both the CIA and th FBI, so nobody talks to them anymore

{16:43:57 pm} <LionClan> FBI infiltrates when they want to prosecute protesters, the CIA infiltrates when they want to discredit protesters

{16:45:40 pm} <lakitu> I’m on leave from politics as a genre of culture, SiouxBricket; you are free to discuss it however best tho

{16:46:38 pm} <lakitu> as a field.

{16:47:30 pm} <LionClan> A popular theme Here is not not jokes

{16:48:01 pm} <SiouxBricket> And it seems that both California and Nevada have run out of water.

{16:50:11 pm} <LionClan> If you think the absence of a thing is a sort of thing then that would be a substantial conversation. If you aren’t that deluded you would see clearly that “not politics” is not a topic, and just as clearly that “not physics” is also not a topic, and people that suggest either have made no contribution at all.

{16:51:37 pm} <LionClan> California and Nevada have been mining water, pumping water out of the ground faster than it accumulates.

{16:51:39 pm} <lakitu> …re my thread: you could issue these semi-strength beguilements to them, once you had gotten down the proper training method to train teachers to use on students with: “I’m gonna have to report you.”, to a student saying he’s going to stand up to it, speak up against it – “Don’t make me dock your grades for insubordination.” etc

{16:52:16 pm} <lakitu> to challenge them

{16:52:26 pm} <lakitu> – test them.

{16:53:45 pm} <lakitu> see who’s willing to stick their neck out for someone, some people.

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{16:59:40 pm} * Bu||Fr0g ([email protected]) has joined

{17:00:25 pm} <lakitu> SiouxBricket: http://texthost.joevalentyn.org/paste.php?id=38 immersion in real-world but fictional emergencies, disasters, etc, as tests for young men & women in schools’ dialogue

{17:00:27 pm} <zhan> Part of “Immersive-Testing” Formal-School Idea by Joe Valentyn (lakitu) –

{17:00:37 pm} * Bu||Fr0g croaks

{17:01:04 pm} <lakitu> went on about it for the first time above

{17:01:18 pm} <lakitu> grabbed the scroll, if you want it

{17:12:13 pm} <lakitu> that was from a just a coupla minutes ago.

{17:18:15 pm} <lakitu> …you could even extend this further, to work settings: testing who would have the spiritual marrow to speak up.

{17:19:44 pm} <lakitu> could be used to see who was conscientiousness enough to get a promotion – with the increase in their authority, including their responsibility, accountability, maybe even culpability.

{17:20:25 pm} <lakitu> honeypots. etc.

{17:21:09 pm} <lakitu> –depending on how you felt about ‘sting operations’ that is – but there’s other ways you could do it short of full traps / setups.

{17:27:00 pm} <lakitu> …there is a conversation device used by, say, women, to (try, anyway, to) suss out men’s guilt – they joke about something she suspects the man of being guilty of – if he’s not guilty, it shouldn’t be much of a problem: he can joke back or otherwise aver his innocence, or if he is guilty, it can be a very economical litmus test. I would say *due

{17:27:00 pm} <lakitu> to the complexity of how a man can be smeared, etc*, this is not a certain test, but better women can probably come to terms with the plight or plights of men re where it would screw them up, & come to terms a lot / lots, such that in skilled enough hands, many women do put this joking/baiting test to good use.

{17:28:32 pm} <lakitu> women stay on top of men, in relationships largely, it seems. men have more bruteness, some might say have more bravery too– but this is where I am too close to an misandrist to propose my ideas as a model. I will just say that women stay on top of men, in relationships, it seems most often to me

{17:28:43 pm} <lakitu> (as a man– I say this as a man.)

{17:28:59 pm} <lakitu> men tend to be stupider, more brutish, clumsier

{17:29:15 pm} <lakitu> when it comes to social life, at the very least.

{17:29:16 pm} * ControlFreq hands lakitu a slightly narrower brush

{17:29:38 pm} * lakitu dots the “i” in social life with it.

{17:29:47 pm} * lakitu dots the “i” in “social life” with it.

{17:30:28 pm} <lakitu> when it comes to romance & social life, at the very least.*

{17:31:52 pm} <lakitu> & less conservative.

{17:32:06 pm} <lakitu> (in the philosophical sense of conservative.)

{17:32:20 pm} <lakitu> ((not (necessarily) political.))

{17:36:06 pm} <lakitu> I am too close to a misandrist.*

To be honest, this idea was too fun, & I’d Love to come back to it soon – & I plan to do just that, designing more examples & strategems teachers could use to put students’ big hearts to the test with how “big” they truly are . . .

⸻ Joe Valentyn
Minnesota, U.S.A.
June the 7th, 2021

More on this, from June the 8th (2021):

{11:41:37 am} <lakitu> new dialogue uppp: https://joevalentyn.org/press/2021/06/07/that-was-big-of-you-joe-valentyns-idea-for-student-immersion-in-real-world-emergency-testing-of-mettle-conscientiousness-in-classrooms/

{11:41:41 am} <zhan> “That Was Big Of You!!” ⸻ Joe Valentyn’s Idea For Student Immersion in Real-World Emergency Testing of Mettle & Conscientiousness In Classrooms ⸻ ♡, Joe Valentyn

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{13:39:59 pm} <fattratt_> https://youtu.be/K2SudsbW_2M

{13:39:59 pm} <zhan> Censorship of medical information and intellectual authoritarianism (Pierre Kory & Bret Weinstein) by DarkHorse Podcast Clips [16m36s – 7k views ? 1.3k ? 3 (99.77%) – 1h ago]

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{14:17:56 pm} <lakitu> probably the simplest example of my idea (in the dialogue I linked for you ladies & girls above) is to leave a wallet in the halls, or outside in front of the school, with enough money in it to make it somewhat tempting to keep & not return. even a twenty-dollar bill say in the halls, would work.

{14:24:33 pm} <lakitu> …a really good one would be to arrange some link, or something, where (I’m thinking in high school, or higher) ‘a very popular girl’s sexted picture’ has been acquired, except that it hasn’t–

{14:25:10 pm} <lakitu> & because it’s not with her permission,

{14:25:42 pm} <lakitu> it would be like a honeypot for this immersive mettle, conscientiousness testing I am proposing.

{14:27:36 pm} <lakitu> (mettle & conscientiousness immersion tests.)

{14:29:06 pm} <lakitu> you could reimagine it a few ways. e.g. there was a party, she got drunk, someone took a “hot!!”, violatory picture of her

{14:35:01 pm} <lakitu> (for anyone not familiar with “honeypots” – the espionage term: from Kaspersky.com: “One honeypot definition comes from the world of espionage, where Mata Hari-style spies who use a romantic relationship as a way to steal secrets are described as setting a ‘honey trap’ or ‘honeypot’. Often, an enemy spy is compromised by a honey trap and then forced to hand over everything he/she knows.

{14:35:01 pm} <lakitu> In computer security terms, a cyber honeypot works in a similar way, baiting a trap for hackers. It’s a sacrificial computer system that’s intended to attract cyberattacks, like a decoy. It mimics a target for hackers, and uses their intrusion attempts to gain information about cybercriminals and the way they are operating or to distract them from other targets.”)

{14:36:19 pm} <fattratt_> Old trick.

{14:36:25 pm} <lakitu> old trick.

{14:36:51 pm} <fattratt_> Biblical story of Judith I think.

{14:37:28 pm} <fattratt_> And Verdi’s Aida perhaps.

{14:37:40 pm} <fattratt_> But I forget the details of both of those stories.

{14:42:19 pm} <lakitu> I mentioned doing this at work, but definitely a parent or maybe daycare provider could use this for edification, too

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{14:47:16 pm} <fattratt_> shalom

{14:47:55 pm} <lakitu> (- I obviously am not saying this is the only way to edify us, it is just a rather b****y way whose experience of immersion could lead to high-level performance performance & testing, than say 1-3 lines on an exam sheet. like a sport can require more performance, in physical education. so would this, but in Life, in conscientiousness, in mettle, etc.)

{14:48:06 pm} * Zanadu ([email protected]) has joined

{14:51:29 pm} <lakitu> (* – I obviously am not saying this is the only way to edify us, it is just a rather b****y way whose experience of immersion could lead to high-level performance & testing, than say 1-3 lines on an exam sheet. like a sport can require more performance, in physical education. so would this, but in Life, in conscientiousness, in mettle, etc.)

{15:02:20 pm} <lakitu> You could confabulate a false rumor about a young female teacher that she had had some compromising sexual experience (or drug, or whatever), & see who spreads it before authoritatively announcing it was an act to see who would spread a false rumor

{15:07:10 pm} <lakitu> …to be honest, you could do such a thing with your faculty too – the same sort of thing.

{15:07:16 pm} <lakitu> re doing this as a business.

{15:08:53 pm} <lakitu> – ‘ see what the rumor becomes on the wrong end of the telephone game.

{15:11:58 pm} <lakitu> – “she had sex with two students & there’s pictures!” it could become– & again, you’d need to issue a longlasting authoritative capstone denial, maybe with some kind of documentation beforehand outlining that it’s just a rumor, we’re doing this to test you, etc., that students could check out after & see, oh, so & so knew about this beforehand, there was documenting that this was a honeypot beforehand, etc

{15:12:32 pm} <lakitu> you could even hire a special teacher maybe to do this

{15:12:45 pm} <fattratt_> good night & may your dog walk with you !!!!!

{15:12:50 pm} <lakitu> lol

{15:15:31 pm} <lakitu> like a double teacher, who acts like a new, naive, young, perhaps attractive enough female teacher, but who is trained to overcome such a rumor setup – in on it with faculty, & the ‘like.

{15:16:34 pm} <lakitu> nighty-night fattratt.

{15:17:08 pm} <lakitu> ‘like a double teacher*

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{15:33:33 pm} <lakitu> you could do like a 15-30 minute gymnasium presentation – “”Mrs. Fields” is actually Robin Addleson; we hired her specifically to conduct this setup where we confabulate a false, embarrassing, damaging rumor about her to see who spreads the rumor even tho’ they can’t’ve known it to be true” etc

{15:34:42 pm} <lakitu> ((“since it’s false”, etc))

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{15:35:43 pm} * X gives channel operator status to JohnGuru

{15:36:00 pm} <lakitu> uh oh

{15:36:30 pm} <JohnGuru> hi lakitu

{15:36:46 pm} <JohnGuru> don’t worry I’m not here to spoil your day

{15:36:51 pm} <lakitu> I’ll move this to my room

{In a different chatroom:}

{15:37:10 pm} <lakitu> continued:

{15:39:53 pm} <lakitu> …you could even push the envelope & say email a junior-high’ teacher a bait email fake offering revealing photos of say a female student – perhaps personalize it to them – but have it *really be from the junior high administration or task force dedicated to this*

{15:42:08 pm} <lakitu> “Mr. Anderson!! I wanted to show YOU my new bikini shots!! take a quick peek…” – supposedly from a 14 year-old girl to her junior-high’ teacher – but really a sort of phishing test by the administration.

{Back in the first ‘room:}

[15:28:38] <lakitu> wb Sioux.

[15:28:44] <lakitu> {15:37:10 pm} <lakitu> continued:

[15:28:44] <lakitu> {15:39:53 pm} <lakitu> …you could even push the envelope & say email a junior-high’ teacher a bait email fake offering revealing photos of say a female student – perhaps personalize it to them – but have it really be from the junior high administration or task force dedicated to this

[15:28:44] <lakitu> {15:42:08 pm} <lakitu> “Mr. Anderson!! I wanted to show YOU my new bikini shots!! take a quick peek…” – supposedly from a 14 year-old girl to her junior-high’ teacher – but really a sort of phishing test by the administration.

[15:31:39] <lakitu> that as the subject of the email.

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[15:46:22] <lakitu> back –some young woman is private messaging me with an urge to Snapchat with me . . .

[15:46:49] <lakitu> she’s fairly pretty–

[15:47:47] <lakitu> anyway:

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[15:56:32] *** X sets mode: +o lakitu

[15:56:38] *** Server sets mode: +stnRl 40

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[15:56:44] <lakitu> computer froze

[15:56:48] <lakitu> I was saying:

[15:56:48] *** Server sets mode: +stnRl 40

[15:56:52] <lakitu> computer froze

[15:56:54] <lakitu> I was saying:

[16:00:57] <lakitu> these these mini-espionage subterfuges don’t even have to be about illegal things; you could set up more social happenstance kinds of things, like tell students a teacher had some misfortune, with less empathy it could be mocked, ridiculed, derided, etc; & see who comes over & provides her consolation, & the polar opposite, who scoffs about her suffering

[16:01:21] <lakitu> – her bad luck.

[16:03:49] <lakitu> …all a fiction to cleverly bait more misanthropic citizens of the student body.

[16:04:37] <sol> you planning to hack a school social conscious?

[16:04:42] <lakitu> haha

[16:04:56] <lakitu> –that is maybe the Sol way to say it.

[16:05:13] <sol> bait the school student body?

[16:05:47] <lakitu> did you catch yesterday’s dialogue?

[16:05:53] <sol> nopr

[16:05:55] <sol> nopr

[16:05:57] <lakitu> ah:

[16:06:01] <sol> er nope

[16:06:03] <sol> what was the summary?

[16:06:04] * lakitu reads typoese

[16:06:23] <lakitu> https://joevalentyn.org/press/2021/06/07/that-was-big-of-you-joe-valentyns-idea-for-student-immersion-in-real-world-emergency-testing-of-mettle-conscientiousness-in-classrooms/

[16:06:28] <zhan> “That Was Big Of You!!” ⸻ Joe Valentyn’s Idea For Student Immersion in Real-World Emergency Testing of Mettle & Conscientiousness In Classrooms ⸻ ♡, Joe Valentyn

[16:07:04] <lakitu> that was me trying to title this.

[16:07:13] <sol> that was the topic?

[16:09:20] <lakitu> {14:45:31 pm} <lakitu> but for example, you could write symphonies in school, & still get all F’s. or be the people’s choice for most personable dudette in your school, & not have your report card needle even move at all

[16:09:20] <lakitu> {14:45:49 pm} <lakitu> for scoring, overall

[16:09:20] <lakitu> {14:47:08 pm} <lakitu> you could defend against bullies for special needs kids, the disadvantaged – you might even be WORSE OFF report-card -wise.

[16:09:20] <lakitu> {14:48:36 pm} * lakitu was going to school to be a teacher, but dropped out of college for it…

[16:09:22] <lakitu> {14:50:20 pm} <lakitu> might be a Love genius, they could give you straight C’s. that’s four examples

[16:09:37] <lakitu> {14:54:16 pm} <lakitu> & on that – say you had a “goodness” / being ethical / being moral / etc score: Conscientiousness’s spiritual battle is more like physical education in that you have to actually perform these pull-ups, push-ups, etc – you can’t just tick a box that says “I know to do 10.”

[16:09:37] <lakitu> {14:55:28 pm} <lakitu> you have to perform at being good rather than just in a made up example be able to navigate to the right answer. it takes courage to resist bad influence, etc….

[16:09:40] <lakitu> {14:59:18 pm} <lakitu> like the differencce between ticking a box that says “Write beautiful music.” & writing beautiful music. it takes more than just knowing to do it. actually doing it requires gifts & techniques beyond average ability levels.

[16:09:44] <lakitu> {14:59:29 pm} <lakitu> beyond the average level of abilities.

[16:09:46] <lakitu> {14:59:58 pm} <lakitu> ‘like the difference.*

[16:10:03] <lakitu> especially this:

[16:10:03] <lakitu> {14:54:16 pm} <lakitu> & on that – say you had a “goodness” / being ethical / being moral / etc score: Conscientiousness’s spiritual battle is more like physical education in that you have to actually perform these pull-ups, push-ups, etc – you can’t just tick a box that says “I know to do 10.”

[16:10:03] <lakitu> {14:55:28 pm} <lakitu> you have to perform at being good rather than just in a made up example be able to navigate to the right answer. it takes courage to resist bad influence, etc….

[16:10:05] <lakitu> {14:59:18 pm} <lakitu> like the differencce between ticking a box that says “Write beautiful music.” & writing beautiful music. it takes more than just knowing to do it. actually doing it requires gifts & techniques beyond average ability levels.

[16:10:09] <lakitu> {14:59:29 pm} <lakitu> beyond the average level of abilities.

[16:10:11] <lakitu> {14:59:58 pm} <lakitu> ‘like the difference.*

[16:10:13] <lakitu> {15:04:25 pm} * Fixion has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))

[16:10:15] <lakitu> {15:05:54 pm} <lakitu> this is a little b****y of me to recommend, but imagine a school that had drills, except you didn’t know they were drills: e.g. someone has broke in; war has broke out; there was a chemical spill nearby – etc – again, pushing beyond the boundaries here, but: imagine that even teachers weren’t told yet whether it was real or not, & they had a emerge

[16:10:22] <lakitu> {15:05:54 pm} <lakitu> ncy discussion with their class – the brave would be separated from the unbrave, the just from the unjust, etc –

[16:10:25] <lakitu> {15:06:42 pm} <lakitu> & that could tell us– we’d tell them we were testing them afterward– who is really made of mettle.

[16:13:40] <lakitu> (* ‘like tell students.)

[16:17:16] <lakitu> it would be pretty hilarious faking e.g. a graffiti rondezvous that only the guilty party shows up to, armed with spray paint cans, after school out back. just him & the security, etc.

[16:17:40] <lakitu> that’s classic Americana goings-on.

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[16:21:23] <lakitu> with enough ingenuity, you might be able to suss out / deter gangs being joined, etc.

[16:22:30] <BigMick> (+BigMick) Who polices the government, banks and corporations if they ever commit any illegalities and punish them accordingly?

[16:23:25] <lakitu> “Ronnie’s got the coke & the tweens in a building downtown – it’s all free to you if you just show up…” some supposed gang member txt message or whatever.

[16:24:44] <lakitu> – some pseudo gang member txt message.

[16:27:47] <lakitu> (pseudo gang-member txt message.*)

[16:28:39] <lakitu> I wouldn’t be petty with this device, I’ve outlined the last two days. don’t try to catch someone taking a sandwich or something stupid, I guess.

[16:29:38] *** Quits: SiouxBricket ([email protected]) (Read error: EOF from client)

[16:30:05] <lakitu> there’s a certainly level where trifles are trifles & you don’t need to bring someone to justice for drinking half your soda pop.

[16:30:50] <lakitu> stealing a pencil, under normal circumstances, etc

[16:30:57] *** Quits: Ragtime^ ([email protected]) (Quit)

[16:31:13] <lakitu> not that many people would do that, but . . .

[16:33:00] <lakitu> (* with this device I’ve outlined the last two days.)

[16:34:03] *** Quits: inhahe__ ([email protected]) (Quit)

[16:35:20] <lakitu> * there’s a certain level where trifles are trifles & you don’t need to bring someone to justice for drinking half your soda pop.

Three Ways To Up Your Life Chances (Slash Your Death Risk) 34% Or More – A Dialogue In A Public Forum With Joe Valentyn


In this, I am “lakitu”:

{23:59:05 pm} <kblom> I never had manicotti

{00:00:05 am} <LionClan> Nor have I but I can imagine what it would taste like

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{00:03:34 am} <kblom> I’m already convinced that all italian pasta is delicious

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{00:05:07 am} <kblom> except for angel hair spaghetti

{00:06:24 am} <kblom> no way it’s always too mushy

{00:16:30 am} <kblom> I expect pasta to have a bit have a bit of al dente and angel hair never does. it’s always mush

{00:18:50 am} <kblom> I won’t eat it

{00:30:15 am} * Forgeron ([email protected]) has joined

{00:30:45 am} <kblom> otherwise I don’t understand why italian cuisine is so excellent but it is

{00:32:01 am} <kblom> the italians I knew were very cool

{00:35:11 am} <lakitu> kblom, I love that Italian combined traditional national food with imported spices like crushed red (cayenne) pepper. I think few people don’t enjoy well-made Italian food. Mediterranean dishes are also very healthy – at least their high-fat element & of course olive oil / olives, wine . . .

{00:35:49 am} <lakitu> (red wine)

{00:36:34 am} <lakitu> a very traditional Italian cuisine is not a bad choice in the West for an enjoyable, healthy cuisine.

{00:37:14 am} <lakitu> brb

{00:38:38 am} <lakitu> Mediterranean at least has stood up to scrutiny, so far.

{00:39:03 am} <lakitu> I used to down a shot of olive oil twice a day for health.

{00:41:47 am} * fattratt_ ([email protected]) has joined

{00:41:53 am} <kblom> lakitu yeah italians know how to eat

{00:45:14 am} <kblom> do italians down a shot of olive oil twice a day for health?

{00:45:25 am} <lakitu> some I’m sure

{00:45:38 am} <fattratt_> some

{00:46:04 am} <fattratt_> But I don’t immediately see the italians as a health-obsessed nation.

{00:46:24 am} <lakitu> I know a doctor who recommends you get up to 80% of your calories from fats – our primary fuel, instead of say carbohydrates, both complex & simple, which complex turn into simple in our bodies. that is part of the diet code I follow myself: as a prototype: fats (including the very important *for longevity* omega-3s), organic veggie juice & organic raw veggies, & (low/no methylmercury) fish ((such as salmon, sardines, …)) & organic

{00:46:24 am} <lakitu> eggs, mainly.

{00:46:55 am} <kblom> maybe that’s an anglosaxon thing

{00:47:31 am} <lakitu> examples of fats are fish, animal fats, & dairy, like cheese.

{00:47:32 am} <fattratt_> Aye, fats have made a comeback. At one time the Dominant Orthodoxy said they were a big no no. But perhaps there has been a bit of a scientific revolution since then.

{00:47:44 am} <lakitu> heh – science gets credit coming & going

{00:48:40 am} <fattratt_> Thanks to people like Herr Dr. Lustig.

{00:48:41 am} <lakitu> there was Ancel Keys flawed (corporate) science study;

{00:49:13 am} <lakitu> that is still in influence today

{00:49:31 am} <lakitu> the American Heart Association warns against the dangers of coconut oil, e.g.

{00:49:37 am} <LionClan> In re olive oil, yes.

{00:49:52 am} <LionClan> They also rub it all over

{00:51:06 am} <lakitu> I’ve heard another newer olive-oil study trend that you CAN cook with it – it doesn’t turn unhealthy when cooked at medium temperatures

{00:51:16 am} <LionClan> Italians come in all sorts and sizes

{00:51:25 am} <lakitu> which would be great for dietetics & culinary arts people

{00:51:46 am} <lakitu> LionClan: touching a goomba has a large effect

{00:52:25 am} <lakitu> * for dietetics & the culinary arts…

{00:52:46 am} <lakitu> coconuts are overfarmed. whether or not they can just plant more, I’m not sure.

{00:54:07 am} <lakitu> * Ancel Keys’ flawed (corporate) science study

{00:54:09 am} <lakitu> sorry

{00:56:47 am} <lakitu> olive trees live hundreds, sometimes over a thousand years

{00:56:55 am} <lakitu> not a bad choice for a food source.

{00:57:03 am} <lakitu> –that trait.

{00:57:41 am} <fattratt_> I think I saw something a while ago that suggested that the American Heart Assn was ‘bought’ by ppl who wanted to promote polyunsaturated margarine, etc.

{00:58:05 am} <kblom> but whon wabts to eat olives– I hate them

{00:58:07 am} <fattratt_> This was several decades ago.

{00:58:10 am} <lakitu> I love olives!!

{00:58:16 am} <lakitu> –green ones

{00:58:31 am} <lakitu> I have some almost daily.

{00:58:37 am} <fattratt_> I like to wrap olives in kale leaves and eat them raw.

{00:58:43 am} <lakitu> yum

{00:59:07 am} <lakitu> I was about to say, a very famous locale for olive trees is Sulmo – where Ovid was born & raised.

{00:59:34 am} <kblom> rat disgusting

{01:00:33 am} <lakitu> (olives are a secret-weapon in a high-fat diet. I think many like them & they’re a high-fat vegetable.)

{01:00:59 am} <lakitu> * (olives are a secret weapon in a high-fat diet. I think many like them & they’re a high-fat vegetable.)

{01:02:04 am} <lakitu> I think a very, very underappreciated branch of the tree of Life is mushrooms (mainly mushrooms, but also some algae, etc) in dietetics & culinary arts.

{01:03:35 am} <lakitu> there are over 140,000 species of mushrooms, & many have potent immunity properties & even reproductive potency benefits.

{01:07:04 am} <kblom> olives are disgusting and I won’t eat them but I’ll eat tomatos

{01:08:06 am} <lakitu> they contain glutathione & ergothioneine, which are both very, very potent, once you begin to learn your body compounds & also mushrooms.

{01:08:10 am} <lakitu> –brb

{01:09:50 am} <lakitu> back

{01:11:27 am} <lakitu> shiitake, reishi, turkey tail, lion’s mane . . .

{01:11:57 am} <lakitu> evidently that number is just for the number of identified species, there **in total** anywhere from 1.5 million to 5.1 million different mushroom species on Earth.

{01:12:51 am} <lakitu> vegans love them as an alternative source of protein, too.

{01:14:33 am} <lakitu> –I don’t mind snacking on some white button mushrooms from the store. I’m sure culinary arts people could spice them up pretty good

{01:14:41 am} * LionClan has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

{01:15:28 am} * Ragtime ([email protected]) has joined

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{01:15:47 am} <klys> how to sear a mushroom and marinade it in spicy sauce

{01:15:52 am} <lakitu> sure

{01:16:02 am} <lakitu> good Google search, klys.

{01:16:07 am} <klys> ye ye

{01:16:34 am} <lakitu> wanted to say your contributions in here were appealing to me lately; thank you for that . . .

{01:16:47 am} <klys> you’re welcome

{01:17:26 am} * Ragtime^ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)

{01:17:49 am} <lakitu> I eat lots of fish & olives & cheese, in practice.

{01:18:07 am} <lakitu> but low/no methylmercury fish, organic olives, etc

{01:18:25 am} <klys> mm that might make olives the right match for olive oil

{01:18:27 am} <lakitu> eggs too I suppose.

{01:19:01 am} <lakitu> yeah – I drizzle olive oil & salt – **just those two** – on my salmon filets

{01:19:02 am} <lakitu> & love it

{01:19:28 am} <lakitu> drizzle olive oil on & salt, I could grammaticalize it, as.

{01:19:47 am} <lakitu> I’ve never not finished it; it’s very tasty.

{01:20:21 am} <lakitu> & then do daily veggie juicing.

{01:20:33 am} <klys> so eh, do you juice greens?

{01:20:35 am} <lakitu> yes

{01:20:43 am} <klys> and make a green drink?

{01:20:44 am} <lakitu> deep, dark leafy greens mainly

{01:20:51 am} <lakitu> yes – “plant juice”

{01:21:01 am} <lakitu> I have a whole system I teach others with

{01:21:12 am} <lakitu> for making juice recipes that are healthy & tasty

{01:21:32 am} <klys> eheh, usually the green drinks I buy are either spirulina-style superfood or they also contain apple juice

{01:21:44 am} <lakitu> yeah. are they fresh?

{01:22:14 am} <klys> yeah the spirulina “king of greens” (which includes kale, spinach, etc.) is made daily

{01:22:52 am} <klys> and I guess that would be a reason to use a preservative

{01:27:02 am} <lakitu> you do: dark leafy greens like spinach, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, arugula, etc for health, then add: cucumbers &/or celery for volume/palatability, a very measured amount of “astringents” I call them: some combo of onion, garlick, ginger root, etc (again for health); you can add lemon or lime, which are low in (the unhealthy type of) sugar, for taste; herbs like cilantro (which is a great aluminum detoxer– our most abundant

{01:27:02 am} <lakitu> toxin, in our species), & other herbs (be careful because these are potent – e.g. too much parsley can cause a bad detoxing reaction on your liver and/or kidneys, have to start small/slow), for health (herbs for health); & then garden-variety vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, carrots, for taste & health;

{01:27:41 am} <lakitu> right – it can be a lot of work to juice daily, every other day, which is how long before they go rancid

{01:28:20 am} <lakitu> so I thought & thought, & came up with my own preservation method, which I believe preserves the compounds (nutrients/phytochemicals) in the juice largely: https://joevalentyn.org/press/2017/10/22/juicing-ideas-for-you/amp/

{01:28:23 am} <zhan> Juicing Ideas For You ⸻ ♡, Joe Valentyn

{01:28:56 am} <lakitu> essentially you add lactofermented (probiotic) sauerkraut/pickle/(…) brine –

{01:29:29 am} <lakitu> you know this stays good in the fridge for weeks, preserving the veggies: the shredded cabbage which makes up sauerkraut, the baby cucumbers which are pickled, etc

{01:29:54 am} <lakitu> & in fact it works wonders for the plant juices, they keep around 7 days

{01:30:01 am} <lakitu> which means you work about 6/7ths less

{01:30:05 am} <lakitu> by juicing every 7 days.

{01:30:15 am} <klys> wauw you’ve really done some homework there

{01:31:13 am} <klys> yeah so fermented “soylent,” have you tried it?

{01:31:20 am} <lakitu> no – avoid it

{01:31:45 am} <lakitu> the more you denature foods the less nutritious they– as a general rule– become

{01:32:04 am} <klys> well okay then, it’s too expensive for my tastes, I usually get the cheaper whey shakes

{01:32:07 am} <lakitu> that is the argument against processed foods

{01:33:01 am} <lakitu> I had to save myself / my health – studied health *while sick* (…) for a very long time, eventually discovered juicing & saved up (poor AND sick) to try it, & I started feeling better within days

{01:33:04 am} <lakitu> my body loved it.

{01:34:04 am} <klys> yeah, I’ll be sure to hang on to this

{01:34:27 am} <lakitu> I plan to publish the above in a new article soon, I’ll try to drop your nick in here with the link

{01:35:24 am} <klys> very good

{01:36:58 am} <lakitu> I have to say, you can feel **a lot**– not all– but **a lot** of natural medicines helping your body when they’re a match for your illness. I often try a sampler approach – round-robin, whatever – until I find something my body just **rejoices** at – when I get an infection. when something seems to be what my body wants, I try dosing that alone to fight off the illness. I’ve fought off illnesses in 18 hours many times that people

{01:36:58 am} <lakitu> around me suffered 3 to 5 days with, just by learning natural antipathogenics (antivirals, antibiotics, in rare cases antifungals).

{01:38:55 am} <fattratt_> Aye, juicing is great if you are not well.

{01:39:02 am} <lakitu> I’ll give you an example: my friend had a moderate rash on his skin; he visited & low & behold I got it. I was able to diagnose it correctly– he went to the doctor & got it tested & I had the correct species of fungus– & treat it, using natural medicine, while he got his treated with a synthetic cream. ours both resolved, but I did it using natural medicine.

{01:39:03 am} <fattratt_> But if you are well, I’d avoid it.

{01:39:11 am} <lakitu> I would not:

{01:39:23 am} <fattratt_> The fibre is important.

{01:39:38 am} <lakitu> ??

{01:39:43 am} <lakitu> why can’t you get it other ways?

{01:39:50 am} <lakitu> it does not reduce your fiber at all.

{01:39:50 am} <fattratt_> Well, yes.

{01:40:40 am} <fattratt_> You can get sugar spikes.

{01:40:41 am} <lakitu> avoid juicing *laughs*

{01:40:49 am} <lakitu> well, you see with my recipe I addressed that

{01:41:01 am} <lakitu> talking about using lemons & limes, which are low-fructose.

{01:41:17 am} <fattratt_> ok

{01:41:19 am} <lakitu> the worst kind of sugar.

{01:43:09 am} <lakitu> I mean computers are bad if you flicker the screen in a dark room for an hour – but that’s just misusing them, & not what we’re talking about with such things

{01:44:20 am} <lakitu> klys: that preservation method is rare: I’m the only person I’ve ever seen espouse it, & I thought of it sitting on my couch one day.

{01:45:16 am} <lakitu> like I say, it works great. test away . . . it should not be very different from sauerkraut, lactofermented pickles, etc

{01:47:48 am} <lakitu> which we know preserve them – they’re age-old foods & very healthy ones at that.

{01:48:13 am} <lakitu> * lo & behold.

{01:55:18 am} <lakitu> juicing is no villain.

{01:55:57 am} <lakitu> such is no villain.

{01:56:09 am} * LionClan ([email protected]) has joined

{01:56:09 am} * X gives voice to LionClan

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{01:57:30 am} <lakitu> here’s a scroll for you if you want to read some, LionClan: https://pastebin.com/mrKZsWv5

{01:57:31 am} <zhan> {01:02:04 am} <lakitu> I think a very, very underappreciated branch of the tree – Pastebin.com

{01:58:06 am} * anthis ([email protected]) has joined

{01:58:09 am} <anthis> /!﹨  ТHIЅ  ϹᎻᎪNⲚEⅬ  ΗᎪЅ MΟVᎬD  TⲞ ΙRⲤ.ᏞIBΕᎡA.CНΑᎢ #HᎪMᖇADIO /ǃ\

{01:58:10 am} <lakitu> spam


{01:58:13 am} * lakitu predicts it



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{02:02:18 am} <fattratt_> nevvamind

{02:02:33 am} <fattratt_> have a lovely day

{02:03:27 am} <lakitu> mm – ok have fun fattratt

{02:05:20 am} <lakitu> Mercola suggested avoiding juicing e.g. onions, but I learned if you get the dose right, they can be really helpful

{02:05:35 am} <lakitu> part of the “astringents”, as I call them.

{02:07:12 am} <LionClan> Lots of great recipes begin Saute onions in butter until clear

{02:07:19 am} <lakitu> right

{02:07:32 am} <lakitu> onions are like one of the first cadets in the culinary arts

{02:08:32 am} * fattratt_ has quit (Ping timeout)

{02:08:59 am} <lakitu> there seems to be a general liminal threshold for how much you can withstand drinking ‘astringents’, & ought to carefully measure so you can still enjoy the benefits of these more dastardly plants, like garlick, onion, ginger root, & so on

{02:09:38 am} <lakitu> * there seems to be a general liminal threshold for how much you can withstand drinking ‘astringents’, & you ought to carefully measure so you can still enjoy the benefits of these more dastardly plants, like garlick, onion, ginger root, & so on

{02:11:01 am} <lakitu> I would even suggest using an eyedropper for the very potent ones like garlick juice, which if you’ve never handled, you should never drink straight (meaning alone), because it’s so astringent, etc.

{02:11:25 am} <LionClan> All right think I could replace the parsley with spinach

{02:12:06 am} <LionClan> Goes better with Italian sausage

{02:12:28 am} <lakitu> spinach is a very healthy leafy green

{02:12:38 am} <lakitu> tons of magnesium.

{02:12:51 am} <lakitu> & I think vitamin K.

{02:14:00 am} <lakitu> when I first started drinking these plant juices, I was measuring my blood pressure, & I dropped about 10-15 points of systolic blood pressure (the top number), when I was juicing spinach. they say magnesium is good for lowering blood pressure.

{02:14:39 am} <LionClan> I can feel the magnesium, feels good

{02:14:43 am} <lakitu> heh

{02:16:11 am} <lakitu> but when you consume spinach either way, you get it with thousands of other plant compounds naturally evolved / occurring with it in the spinach, versus a magnesium pill which only has that one compound, *hopefully* derived from a plant / natural source.

{02:16:29 am} <lakitu> something like 98% of vitamins are synthetic in America anyway, it’s really a shame.

{02:16:34 am} <lakitu> it’s really a sad thing.

{02:18:31 am} <lakitu> staying alive is so important, health (…) is such a big killer – & we offer so many get-rich-quick scheme synthetic, processed versions of ingredients, foods, & medicines – & textile etc compounds – that we suffer great health loss to make a quick buck, which – like Mercola says – costs you more in healthcare in the long run anyway.

{02:20:21 am} <lakitu> money is pretty low on the totem pole of Earthly goods, but you’re not even saving money, giving people synthetics, processed food, etc., anyway.

{02:25:48 am} <lakitu> protein is really like a 2nd carbohydrate, in that even moderate amounts can cause health problems, such as cancer. …just like how excess carbohydrates can cause inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, & cancer.

{02:34:41 am} * Voxel ([email protected]) has joined

{02:34:45 am} <Voxel> ⧸!\ ТНΙS  ᏟHANⲚEL  HᎪЅ MOVEᗪ ΤO  IRC․LIBᎬRА.ϹΗAT  #ᕼAMRΑDIO  /!\

{02:34:45 am} * Voxel has quit (Read error: EOF from client)

{02:51:59 am} <lakitu> “UCL study finds new evidence linking fruit and vegetable consumption with lower mortality” “1 April 2014” “People who ate seven or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day had a 42% lower risk of death at any point in time than those who ate less than one portion, reports a new UCL study.” – from https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2014/apr/ucl-study-finds-new-evidence-linking-fruit-and-vegetable-consumption-lower-mortality

{02:52:01 am} <zhan> UCL study finds new evidence linking fruit and vegetable consumption with lower mortality

{02:54:35 am} <lakitu> I read once on a Harvard Medical Department website that 8oz of carrot juice was equal to about 5 servings of carrot, ate, minus the fiber. so juicing is a economical choice for getting in a lot of veggies.

{02:59:20 am} <lakitu> one great thing about juicing too is *******it regenerates your immune system to a very hardy level******* – which will be very important when the antibiotic-resistant diseases begin to plague us more, over the next 35-50 years **at least**, similar to how we’ve seen SARS-CoV-2 plague us . . .

{03:06:09 am} * UnknownEntit ([email protected]) has joined

{03:06:12 am} <UnknownEntit> /!\ THΙЅ  CНANNEᏞ  HAЅ  ⅯΟVΕD ΤO ΙᎡC․LⅠBERΑ.ⲤⲎΑT  #ΗAMᖇАDIⲞ  /!\

{03:06:16 am} <UnknownEntit> ⁄︕⧵ ΤΗE ᒍᎬᎳS ዘΑᏙE ΤAKΕN  OᏙᎬR ᖴᖇEEΝOᎠΕ, CᕼΑΤЅ  ΗΑVE MΟᏙED  ΤⲞ IRC․ᏞІᏴΕRᎪ.ϹዘAΤ /!\



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{03:09:42 am} <lakitu> then there’s omega 3s, especially for fish. of all medical indexes (indices, other people say) in a meta-analysis of what-I-remember-being tens or hundreds of thousands of studies, the top index in all of them indicating longevity was your omega 3 index: how much omega 3 fatty acids you have in your body– particularly the EPA version of omega 3 fatty acids, found in fish.

{03:10:59 am} <lakitu> “In this body of work, led by omega-3 expert and prolific researcher William Harris, Ph.D., professor of medicine, Sanford School of Medicine, University of South Dakota, the omega-3 index was measured for 2,500 participants (54 percent women) in the offspring cohort of the Framingham Heart Study.2 The omega-3 index reflects the EPA and DHA content of your red blood cell membranes.

{03:10:59 am} <lakitu> All participants, who had an average age of 66 years and were CVD free at baseline, were tracked until about age 73. Besides tracking total mortality, researchers also noted death from CVD, cancer and other causes, as well as any associations between omega-3 index levels and risk of CVD events, fatal or not.

{03:10:59 am} <lakitu> While increased levels of omega-3s have been shown to reduce your CVD risk, the researchers also noted a strong association between the omega-3 index and death from all other causes. Notably, when comparing participant omega-3 index levels, those with the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids slashed their risk of death from any cause by 34 percent.”

{03:12:25 am} <Fixion> uh IRC.libra,chat back again … I’m going to set the mode to +s again

{03:12:34 am} <lakitu> 42% – for the veggies – life-chance upping – is huge. so is 34% for the (mainly fish) omega-3 index.

{03:13:31 am} * X gives channel operator status to Fixion

{03:13:33 am} * Fixion sets mode +s on #philosophical

{03:13:54 am} * X removes channel operator status from Fixion

{03:14:07 am} <Fixion> ahh it kept my +v status :) hehe nice

{03:14:18 am} <Fixion> (didn’t expect that when I deopped

{03:14:54 am} <lakitu> CVD there is cardiovascular disease.

{03:15:08 am} <Fixion> oh I thought it was covid! oops

{03:15:41 am} <Fixion> I might not be able to get my second vaccine! supplies are running out here

{03:16:05 am} <Fixion> im still in my 3 week waiting period for the second pfizer shot

{03:18:23 am} <lakitu> you’d be hard pressed to find a 34% all-causes mortality upping to your life chances like that just skimming thru the literature.

{03:18:28 am} <lakitu> 42% even more.

{03:18:49 am} <lakitu> you should be happy if you find something that slashes your death risk 10% – that is substantial.

{03:21:14 am} <lakitu> another therapy I’d suggest to research is oxygen therapy; you can only go maybe 30, 45 seconds to a minute without oxygen before you begin to get brain damage – it’s *that important*.

{03:23:01 am} <lakitu> in biochemistry they teach that there are three main processes in our cells at that level: transporting in nutrients, transporting out waste (such as dead matter & toxins), & healing using oxygen… oxygen very simply is a healer; that’s what it does for us, simply put.

{03:25:25 am} <lakitu> if you have something like a stroke, or traumatic brain injury, oxygen therapy can heal your brain such that you have low/no cognitive complications – ones you otherwise would have – afterward; it was found to have this potential, particularly in combination with vitamin B3 – also known as niacin – in medical studies.

{03:26:30 am} <lakitu> you would want to administer it very soon after to prevent the effects the most & heal the quickest: the study did it within 24-48 hours after the stroke, for example.

{03:28:29 am} <lakitu> but you can have low/no cognitive complications using such therapies; & the side effects of oxygen & a vitamin just are not there – they are way healthy.

{03:31:31 am} <lakitu> (avoid the extended-release form of niacin (B3) because it often damages the liver.)

{03:33:46 am} <LionClan> Don’t recommend B3 for the duration of covid pandemic

{03:41:37 am} <lakitu> I was going to say, niacin is kind of a different beast in that it can supercharge what you take with it – excessively – & what you have in you, by dilating the endothelial cells, veins, & arteries – which collectively are “the vessels” – & distribute what you take with it or have in you farther, deeper into your body. it has its uses & – combined with oxygen – stroke / brain injury/damage seems like one of them – but it is one I would

{03:41:37 am} <lakitu> be careful about taking if you have a pathogen problem or if you are trying to naively combine it with other medicines, as it can make their effectiveness to strong & make you lightheaded, etc.

{03:42:38 am} <inhahe_> lakitu, isn’t iodine supplement really good for you? howcome I couldn’t find any in Walgreens?

{03:42:42 am} <lakitu> too strong*

{03:42:55 am} <lakitu> * I was going to say, niacin is kind of a different beast in that it can supercharge what you take with it – excessively – & what you have in you, by dilating the endothelial cells, veins, & arteries – which collectively are “the vessels” – & distribute what you take with it or have in you farther, deeper into your body. it has its uses & – combined with oxygen – stroke / brain injury/damage seems like one of them – but it is one I would

{03:42:55 am} <lakitu> be careful about taking if you have a pathogen problem or if you are trying to naively combine it with other medicines, as it can make their effectiveness too strong & make you lightheaded, etc.

{03:46:40 am} * LionClan has quit (Read error: EOF from client)

{03:47:06 am} * X sets channel limit to 37

{04:00:05 am} <lakitu> Vitamin D3, which we usually get thru Sun exposure (best around solar noon), can also cut your risk of dying by 50%, for the up to 90-95% percent of people deficient in vitamin D3: “Again, in the study those who corrected their deficiencies saw their risk of death drop by more than half.” if you try to supplement with oral D3 you have to supplement with magnesium & K2 or you face calcification of your arteries, which is a hardening that

{04:00:05 am} <lakitu> can lead to cardiovascular disease, you can read about. there is a grassrootshealth.net that will help you get convenient, affordable testing & get your vitamin D3 (& omega-3) levels right.

{04:00:27 am} <lakitu> (* vitamin D3.)

{04:01:08 am} <lakitu> (( * vitamin D3 / Vitamin D3. ))



As an update to the original: https://joevalentyn.org/press/2015/06/11/healthiest-things-i-know-part-one/.

Excerpted from a letter to my Grandmom ¡JoAnn!:


Jun 17, 2020, 11:49 AM

JAKE: What kind of Juice did you drink when you were healing yourself???

ME: hey Jake Brother – i’ll grab my best juicing info for you – these are how i got started, & what i use/used:

ME: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/11/13/benefits-of-juicing.aspx joevalentyn.org/press/2015/06/11/healthiest-things-i-know-part-one/ http://joevalentyn.org/press/2017/10/22/juicing-ideas-for-you/

{Picture of dark-leafy-green veggie juices.}

Juicing | What are the Health Benefits of Juicing?


ME: three links there, in order i’d consider reading them

ME: basic, basic, foundations type info’

ME: type informatino.

ME: (information*)


ME: after you get what you want out of those, i can help you with some basic recipes

JAKE: Very well, thanks!

ME: rock

ME:t hat last link teaches you how to only need to juice once a week, not once every other day – using lactofermented food brines

ME: hope you’re doing alright with your help brotherman! thanks for dropping me messages

ME: i’ve been healthy & ‘out of there’ since then.

ME :crazy times.

ME: (i mean in America, etc.)


ME: help/health*

ME: …i meant health.

ME: i’ve been healthy (meaning re my physiological health of course – my allergies, "stroke-like" thing… blah blah blah. just to be clear . . . )

ME: – i had meant . . .

JAKE: That’s great to hear!

Jun 25, 2020, 10:05 PM

JAKE: Hope you are doing well bro, wish you the best ?✌️?

Jun 26, 2020, 12:27 AM

ME: hey Jake, i’ll take the best! about those juices you were looking to cure up with: after a lot of experimentation, i’ve learned you should avoid excess parsley in juices, because it can overload your kidneys if you have a lot of toxins, & you should avoid excess radishes in your juices, because it can overload your liver if you have too many toxins. also, some say broccoli juice causes goiters in excess & asparagus can cause cancer. those are the only real health cavaets i can think of offhand.

as far as taste, my overall basic recipe formula is: flavorizer(s) + volumerizer(s) + deep, dark leafy green(s) + optional herb(s) + optional extras, where:

flavorizers are like lemon (which is low in bad sugar, fructose), lime (same), and/or fennel bulb (just the bulb – tastes like grape bubble gum); they make it palatable;

volumizers are celery and/or cucumber, they add volume & also really really help to make it palatable;

deep, dark leafy greens are listed everywhere, but favorites are spinach & romaine lettuce, & green & red leaf lettuce. these are the healthiest according to the experts i talk to & i try to add different kinds per juice. experimenting will get you the right amount per; too much & its too bitter to stomach. e.g 3-5 ounces of spinach would be a fair amount for one of the juice servings (8-12 oz) i make.

herbs you know, but i will just say after much experience, you actually can use onions, garlics, & ginger (mentioned) below, if you really really ration the amount – here’s the magic numbers i’ve found for them:

· onion: max of 1/15th of a medium onion per 8-12oz juice;

· garlic: max of ‘1 bit’ (about a 1/3rd to a 1/5th) of ‘1 cut’ (about the size of a usual supplement pill, & as much as you could reasonably eat max at once). the juicing will bring out gloads of flavor when you use garlic.

· ginger: same as garlic, if not less.

optional extras: most anything else you want to be creative & try. Mercola said he loves raw coconut, for example. i like adding farm food, like tomatoes & as i said, onions.

use those other links for important other information too!

thanks for saying hi! have a wavy day!

– Joe

Jun 26, 2020, 2:11 PM


As an update, I include this explanation in an email to someone I Love very much & even have publications planned with, outside of health:

hey Martha – after long enough juicing, I’ve gotten pretty good at flavor, & preservation, & can help you with either of those, but this time I want to tell you about how juicing *detoxes you*, & that can, with enough toxins being filtered thru & then out of your body, make you feel fatigued, or give you kidney discomfort or pain. the way I’ve found to deal with this is:

1) drink your juice in quarters/halves at a time – separated by say 6 hours or 12 hours;

2) drink 1-2 bottles of water right when you feel say fatigued or kidney pressure after drinking a juice;

& 3) cut your intake of juice, at first to a *a quarter, is what I use for a rule of thumb with natural medicine side effects, etc*, & then inch back up to find your optimum level you can tolerate.

I esp. notice this in-the-long-run wonderful detoxing effect with certain veggies like curley parsley, which does a beautiful job cleansing the kidneys.

Other veggies to avoid or go low on juicing:

Broccoli (avoid) – can cause goiters, some say

Asparagus (avoid) – agian, *some* say it can cause cancer

Radishes (*) – these are extremely powerful liver cleansers, but the problem is we are extremely toxified (the liver cleanses toxins, as do the kidneys – that’s what the liver **does** – it’s its purpose), so the extreme cleansing meets the extreme toxifiedness of the liver & a strong, painful reaction can ensue. if you’re like me, & if you’re interested in cleansing the kidney, you then look to starting withi a little bit of radish, & scaling up safely, since its so economical AT cleansing the liver. but otherwise (hence the “*” after “Radishes”, at the beginning of this paragraph) **avoid radishes in plant juicing**

Curley parlsey (*) – similar deal: it’s great at what it does: cleanse kidneys, liver, but we’re so toxified (from environmental & food toxins) we must go easy with this. I find I can juice two bunches of curley parsley if I split the juice in half (8oz every 12 hours) & then drink bottles of water when first starting with it. but I am that-much more toxified from the pills. You’d do best to do this: 1) juice the curley parsley into a separate juicer catcher/container, & then add little bits each day, experimenting with more & more to see that you feel ok when you drink it. if you don’t notice e.g. kidney pressure at night (which if you do, as I say drink 1-2 bottles of water to help flush toxins out), then you can progressively add more & more to ’till you’re at your desired amount (e.g. two bunches of curley parsely per 7-9 16oz veggie juice batches you make (remember you can make more than 2 days worth if you add 1oz of Bubbie’s sauerkraut brine to each 16oz of juice, which will preserve it up to 9 days instead of max 2 ((days))…)).

so if you experience fatigue or kidney discomfort, do the above – drink it in quarters or halves spaced out thruout the day, drink 1-2 bottles of water when you first start to feel that way, & cut your intake of juice or at least that ingredient in the juice recipe (& optionally find a good amount you can tolerate – starting very low & giving it 24 hours from dose ’til you gather it doesn’t make you feel fatigue or discomfort.)

Love you! Juicing is one of the healthiest things I know!


& As a second update I will say if you add sugary veggies like carrots & tomatoes, etc, then the preservation should last about 7 days rather than 9, which still saves you 6/7ths of your work.



This spread’s title changed century twenty-one year twenty-one month four day twenty around 5:30pm.

This communique was originally conceived approximately early Winter, Spring of 2016, & composed around January – February of 2020.

Latinas… Latinas are truly as if plucked out of a fantasy: of the most beautiful women we could hope to get.

No lies there.

Latino men are proportionately Romantic.

Reach out to us in the rest of The West ⸻ let us touch hands with you ⸻ We Love You.

These – affluence-wise – ever-so healthy, blindingly Beautiful Latina women & also these Latino men have one-tenth of our wealth; & deserve everything we have once over for themselves.

Let us touch hands with you ⸻ reach out to us in the rest of The West ⸻ we are not greedy ⸻ & We Love You.

Latinas are even one & the same– these most sexy, healthy inside-&-out women– race: we are “Hispanic & Non-Hispanic Whites”, per the Census Bureau. We are called White Americans. & Latinos are Christian ⸻ largely: 92% of who many call Hispanic Americans are Christians ⸻ & very spiritual ones at that.

Let’s get in touch ⸻ why not chat up everyone you meet online, on the street, peoples? Step up & say hey. We Love You ⸻ We Love You ⸻ We Love You.

We do not hate other Westerners.

We are not afraid of the unknown.

Westerners embrace that blind date with the ones said to be the best at Love itself, no less.

– My actual message is: Latinas are hottt ⸻ they’re the best Lovers ⸻ & they need help we can provide ⸻

Did I mention the hotttness of Latinas?

Are you just going to stand there? Maybe holding your piece?

Latin-American relations × ∞.

We Should Make A Serious Reappraisal Of The Worth Of The Elder In Society


Sapience, Wisdom, Experience, & World-Weary Ways are commodities.

Good ideas & good advice are a commodity, in this Life.

With 1,000,000 of your 1,000,000 dollars, you ought to value your elders’ rightness, Love, & all their grandness they bring.

Mature members of our world are not any less than leaders, wise women & men, & it is a massive sin to throw away our mature leaders of such worth.

Venerate the elder.

Thank you.

– Joseph Jerome Valentyn

Books For Younger Readers To Learn & Grow From


Etymology dictionary (including word roots; else a separate word roots dictionary).

Unabridged dictionary.

  • Oxford English Dictionary.
  • Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary.

Optional: Picture dictionary.


Categorized thesaurus

  • Roget’s International Thesaurus is unbeaten in categorized thesauruses.

Optional: Rhyming dictionary.

  • The Complete Rhyming Dictionary is the classic in print; it uses single & plural phoneme rhyme matches.

A course for study could be embarked on from as early as sixteen.

For earlier learners: look into picture encyclopedias (sic; encyclopediae) & picture dictionaries.

For second language learners: look into bilingual picture dictionaries.

Thank you!
⸻ ValentynJoe

A Special Post: A Song Friends Made & Sung For Me (“Joe Valentyn” by the Desolation Angels)


This comes from a special place in my trove of memories; a teenage art-school girl band (& they ARE very hot) composed, wrote, & sang this to me in literally where they mention, sitting crosslegged, as a surprise-attack gift they gave me. I melted, I melted, I melted, I was jelly. The “Desolation Angels'” (heh heh heh) “Joe Valentyn”!

“In the alley / behiiiiind Blue Monday

Philosophers vs. psychiatrists & psychologists mentally, in terms of soundness, etc.


I thought this was interesting:

Mental soundness is often attributed to those who make a life’s work studying it, but philosophers far & away outdo psychs, per the GRE (grad school exams given to most disciplines), and, much more.

Here’s some other gems from the original website:

‘The standardized test used to assess applicants to graduate school in management and business. (The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), typically for Master of Business Administration degrees (MBAs)).’

Mean LSAT scores by major (2015). The LSAT is the entrance exam for law school.”

Average Number of Standard Deviations Above the Mean for the Three Sections of the GRE (2019).  The GRE is the standardized test used to assess applicants to graduate school in most disciplines. Graph by Tomas Bogardus.”

Mean GRE Verbal scores by major (2015). The GRE is the standardized test used to assess applicants to graduate school in most disciplines.”

My own test scores were ninety-ninth percentile in all categories in the state-standards testing I took, & fourteenth-grade for overall comprehension in grade school.

Things to think about.

(While you’re hear check out some of my poetry: joevalentyn.org/press/?search=poem, or check back in this space for my new feature: trading battle scars — or photos! You decide, *laughing*.)

Joe Valentyn
February, 2020

“An Old English word for ‘sacred’ was godcund.”


From my research today:

“An Old English word for ‘sacred’ was godcund.”

What more can be said? Is the project of language complete, with this?


Mele Kalikimaka, is the thing to say,

Joe Valentyn
The Anglosphere
5:55 AM, October 14th, 2019.

The Whole-Person Violation of Stalkerware: (Video:)


Wow; I don’t normally write about a Tweet™ on joevalentyn.org, but I am adamantly anti-abduction, anti-abuse, & anti-rape of women, & this much violation really calls for justice. Watch this video of “stalkerware” being used:

The “Like” Etymology


“Who you like in a fight”: I think this is the etymology for “like”!

Joe Valentyn: “Irish Pugilist“.

⸻ ValentynJoe

Songpoem: Fighting My Love Interests’ Afflictions Using Poetics: I


From a new book of poems in which I fight my love interests’ afflictions using poetics; when in Rome, write Love poetry. Here is me fighting one affliction using poetics:

*cough* is trying to trick you
*cough* is trying to trick you
a scary spectre -
a methed-up heckler -
an envious loveblocker, is trying to trick you

"why do we spend our lives,
being force fed lies?
is it because you envy these guys?!
yeah it's because you envy my guys!"

when Karma's sunny rays
beat down upon our faces
will see who's *cough*
& who went astray
(when Karma's sunny rays!)

(Envy is a sin!
Envy is a sin!
for a better world,
build with mud,
instead of throwing it!
for a better world,
be mad at yourself,
not "her" or "him";
for a better world,
look within . . . )

((Envy is a sin!
Envy is a sin!))

an envious loveblocker tried to trick you

- Now, where were we?

– JMarch 14th, 2019



I, with much inspiredness, decided to name my artist identity “Eros”. Just to officially announce, here.

(Originally thought of in 2016.)

Joe Valentyn’s Tensor Philosophy, By Example.


Lately I’ve been working on something called tensor philosophy.

Take a look:

Inspirations That Can Inspire The 10 Commandments (Deuteronomy), The Transcendentals, & The Cardinal Virtues For The Periods.

Inspirations That Can Inspire The 10 Commandments (Deuteronomy), The Transcendentals, & The Cardinal Virtues
For The
People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Present.
People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Present.
People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Present.
People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Present.
People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Present.
People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Present.
People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Present.
People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Present.
People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Present.
People That Can Inspire GoodnessPeople That Can Inspire Goodness For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Goodness For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Goodness For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Goodness For The Present.
People That Can Inspire TruthPeople That Can Inspire Truth For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Truth For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Truth For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Truth For The Present.
People That Can Inspire BeautyPeople That Can Inspire Beauty For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Beauty For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Beauty For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Beauty For The Present.
People That Can Inspire CouragePeople That Can Inspire Courage For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Courage For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Courage For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Courage For The Present.
People That Can Inspire WisdomPeople That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Present.
People That Can Inspire JusticePeople That Can Inspire Justice For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Justice For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Justice For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Justice For The Present.
People That Can Inspire TemperancePeople That Can Inspire Temperance For The Long-Term.People That Can Inspire Temperance For The Medium-Term.People That Can Inspire Temperance For The Short-Term.People That Can Inspire Temperance For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire GoodnessActs That Can Inspire Goodness For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Goodness For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Goodness For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Goodness For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire TruthActs That Can Inspire Truth For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Truth For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Truth For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Truth For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire BeautyActs That Can Inspire Beauty For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Beauty For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Beauty For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Beauty For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire CourageActs That Can Inspire Courage For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Courage For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Courage For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Courage For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire WisdomActs That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire JusticeActs That Can Inspire Justice For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Justice For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Justice For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Justice For The Present.
Acts That Can Inspire TemperanceActs That Can Inspire Temperance For The Long-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Temperance For The Medium-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Temperance For The Short-Term.Acts That Can Inspire Temperance For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire GoodnessLetters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Goodness For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Goodness For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Goodness For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Goodness For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire TruthLetters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Truth For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Truth For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Truth For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Truth For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire BeautyLetters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Beauty For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Beauty For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Beauty For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Beauty For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire CourageLetters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Courage For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Courage For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Courage For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Courage For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire WisdomLetters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire JusticeLetters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Justice For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Justice For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Justice For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Justice For The Present.
Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire TemperanceLetters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Temperance For The Long-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Temperance For The Medium-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Temperance For The Short-Term.Letters / Memories / Subjects Of Conversation / Books That Can Inspire Temperance For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire GoodnessMusic That Can Inspire Goodness For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Goodness For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Goodness For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Goodness For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire TruthMusic That Can Inspire Truth For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Truth For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Truth For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Truth For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire BeautyMusic That Can Inspire Beauty For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Beauty For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Beauty For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Beauty For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire CourageMusic That Can Inspire Courage For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Courage For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Courage For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Courage For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire WisdomMusic That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire JusticeMusic That Can Inspire Justice For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Justice For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Justice For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Justice For The Present.
Music That Can Inspire TemperanceMusic That Can Inspire Temperance For The Long-Term.Music That Can Inspire Temperance For The Medium-Term.Music That Can Inspire Temperance For The Short-Term.Music That Can Inspire Temperance For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire GoodnessPlaces / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Goodness For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Goodness For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Goodness For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Goodness For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire TruthPlaces / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Truth For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Truth For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Truth For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Truth For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire BeautyPlaces / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Beauty For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Beauty For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Beauty For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Beauty For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire CouragePlaces / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Courage For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Courage For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Courage For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Courage For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire WisdomPlaces / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire JusticePlaces / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Justice For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Justice For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Justice For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Justice For The Present.
Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire TemperancePlaces / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Temperance For The Long-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Temperance For The Medium-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Temperance For The Short-Term.Places / Settings / Filmed Scenes / Photographs / Symbols That Can Inspire Temperance For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire, 5:5 (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: 5:14 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt not kill. For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery. For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:19 Neither shalt thou steal. For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Deuteronomy 5:21 Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour’s. For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire GoodnessLooks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Goodness For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Goodness For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Goodness For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Goodness For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire TruthLooks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Truth For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Truth For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Truth For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Truth For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire BeautyLooks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Beauty For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Beauty For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Beauty For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Beauty For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire CourageLooks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Courage For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Courage For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Courage For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Courage For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire WisdomLooks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Wisdom For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire JusticeLooks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Justice For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Justice For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Justice For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Justice For The Present.
Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire TemperanceLooks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Temperance For The Long-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Temperance For The Medium-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Temperance For The Short-Term.Looks / Clothes / Makeup / Props That Can Inspire Temperance For The Present.

Ding me a message over on the right re: this. – Joe

2019 World Outlook & Priorities For The Nation


Misprint emendation for typist’s typo made 2024April20th.


These ideas are for us, the people, for the United Nations, and the United States government, to because upon. These ideas are good ideas to fight for.

I will say first listen to your people. Listen to your people – not just ossify misguided programs with money, & don’t just listen to “experts” but to the people on their hands and knees working under these problems.

That is a duty of representational government – to listen to its people.

World Outlook:

  • GHGs & oil. We will need to kick renewable energy programs into gear, such as solar energy programs. Oil will be running out at the same time.
  • Infections which are antibiotic-resistant. We will have to taper overusing synthetic antibiotics, to avoid as much of the projected twenty-seven Holocausts’ worth of deaths we can from antibiotic resistant disease over the next 35 years, were we to continue course unchanged.
    The large majority of overused antibiotics are injected into farm animals, which we then consume; so we will need to slash their use, as well as in humans, to avoid up to 300 million deaths worldwide over the next 35 years.
  • Food & topsoil. With populations booming at the same time topsoil is eroding, we will need to grow agricultural productions approximately 35% over the next 50 years, particularily through sustainable practices avoiding the pitfalls of choosing genetic engineering such as super weeds, & also of monocropping, choosing instead to use more sustainable practices, such as growing organic produce, & crop rotation, which unbounds nutrient values in fruits and vegetables through topsoil conservation.

Priorities for the Nation:

  • Women in Power. Only one in ten in government are women. We need the 50/50 campaign & other social motions to put our highly communicative, highly empathetic, very reasonable, & very sensible women, who are better with people often times, in equal ranks of the ship of state, & let them in on peace negotiations, on budget talks & into the forbidden leadership roles for women. As the largest meaningful grouping on Earth, they should not be under represented to this poor of a degree. Consider this their knocking.
  • Population. We need to grow our population; we are smaller than other comparable countries. See my October 22nd 2018 communique, titled, “The New American Dreamers.” For the sake of life in this country, we need to have more sex & reproduce via that, man’s delight.
    People are most important, & we will be better off living with more, more sustainably. Please read my carefully written communique from October 22nd, on this same site.
  • Natural health. Ninety one percent of all deaths are from health problems the statistics say. Optimal health we have come to learn is best served with first doing no harm, letting food be thy medicine, & with natural healthy lifestyle approaches since we know prevention is the best medicine. The last refuges of harmful synthetics are burning in the rear view mirror – synthetic antibiotics are projected to kill 300 million people, 27 Holocausts worth, continuing course unchanged; & daily low dose aspirin was found to cause excessive stomach bleeding. Omega-3s, dropping inches from your waistline, 7+ servings of veggies & fruits a day, & frequent motion all slash your all-causes mortality risk 40% or more, each. Natural health works – lets show it with our best physical science.
  • Election interference. We have the national intelligence agencies citing a “high confidence index” – Russians are pursuing active measures campaigns to interfere with our electing our leaders – which could disrupt future elections of leaders systemically, too.
  • Campaign-finance reform. This is another systemic problem. “Dialing for dollars,” as Bernie Sanders talks about, this involves super PACs’ unlimited spending, thanks to Citizens United, wherein we used ideas like Money is Speech, & Corporations are People! Since we have an economically unequal democracy, standardizing dollar donations is a way we can restore democracy rather than plutocracy to the artwork of our form of government, & we must restore democracy in this way, through campaign finance reform, for the free and fair systemic electing of leaders in The United States here & now..
  • GHGs & oil. Same as above.
  • Infections which are antibiotic-resistant. Same as above.
  • Sperm motility rates plummeting 50% in the west in 40 years.
  • Fifty percent of all wildlife killed in 40 years.
  • Ninety-one percent of plant varietals vanished in 90 years.
  • Thirty-three percent obesity rate increase.
  • Methylmercury poisoning of fish.
  • Seventy-five percent of flying insects dead in 40 years.
  • Air pollution.
  • Ocean acidification.
  • Super weeds from genetically engineered produce.
  • Plastic in the oceans.

Clearly we have an addiction to synthetics, both synthetic compounds used in about everything, & the synthetic medicines, as well as severe Natural conservation mismanagement approaches, with the only 2%-phytochemically-studied 400,00 species of plants on this Earth, & so we will need some wise, even sapient sustainable enviromental practices becoming our way of life.

  • Human Trafficking. We need to kick down the door on this bad dream for millions of tormented people & their loved ones. Without infringing on other liberties, we should crack more criminal sex & slavery rings across the Nation, & this could be broadened to a global scope even.
    Free our girls! Free slave laborers!
  • inequality. 44-families own half of the wealth. The top tier are, in the United States, currently taking in 95% of new income gains. From reducing corporate influence to a trickle, to estate taxes, to minimum wage raises, to employee-owned & co-op business models, this will be a main cause for disorder & discontent until we get this massive disproportioning under control. The national dialog on this was severely disrupted by 2016’s election & we will need to pick up where we left off from, keeping a vigilant torch on this issue.
  • A “Grand Bargain” for entitlements. Social Security will be insolvent by 2033 &  Medicare by 2026, according to their trustees. The Baby Boomer generation & the Millenials will need to bargain over things like slowing cost-of-living adjustments & increasing taxes to make Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security solvent again. Without Social Security, fifty percent of our wisest members would be living in poverty – just one in ten are so stricken, with Social Security.
    We need to make Social Security contributory, where each generation is paying their own way toward retirement. Look for such a generational-equity solution, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt originally envisioned for Social Security.
  • Equal pay for equal work. We need to balance the 75% only that women get on average of men’s pay, so we have “equal pay for equal work.”
  • Debt. Another area where elders have somehow bequeathed us a bill, we are currently at a level near 100% of our GDP. The second-highest “spending” we do is on interest for the American debt. Largely we owe China  for our debt. our solution will have to come from finding some mix of magic numbers for things like increases to income, employer, & corporate taxes, & magic-number-cuts to entitlements & national defense spending – our top sources of revenue & non-interest expenditures, unless we can generate a new means of income to pay down our debt & get rid of the ‘money sink’ debt-interest cost we pay currently.
  • Draconian confinements. From drug sentences to locking up gays in so-called mental hospitals, we need to stop with Draconian judgements & live in  a world of pluralism and respect, not Draconianism and prejudice.
  • Internet privacy. I would like in-the-know women & female ethics philosophers particularly to have a lot of say & the lead in a national dialog about how we should address communications  & information technology information privacy, against the slithering siphoning of private & personal information, including photos & videos, by capitalist data – miners often working hand in hand with Madison Avenue’s Marketers.
  • Minimum wage. Workers need a living wage. Right now we subsidize Wal-mart – owned by one of the richest families in the world – to have their employees require government assistance. We must stop corporate welfare here & elsewhere, we have too many money problems as it is.
  • Refugees. Refugees need refuge. Many Middle Easterners in Syria are Christians, & denying the helping hand we can afford to give them of shelter and food until bigger militant forces have settled down in their home Country.
  • Yemeni humanitarian-crisis aid. If children are very sick at a party, and you can pay a fairly paltry sum to help save so many, it would be a derelictness to not save them.Millions are starving in Yemen thanks to again proxy battles, & Allies or not we will have to help stem the mass starvation & malnutrition happening in the worst humanitarian crisis we have seen since World War II.

    Help the Yemeni. Say yes to Yemen.

  • Micro-trading. Hundreds-or thousands-of-fold faster stock & other finance trades are happening with micro-training, which is rapid automated trading of stocks & other securities. Some have forecast a potential 2nd recession from these lacking regulations. Very likely they need to be regulated to keep the markets at a human pace of volatility.

These were all I thought of off the top of my head.

I would like to cite many, many statistics, & in general better my information, but right now I am falsley held in confinement and not allowed to have access to a computer, write, or even talk to my loved ones over the phone for all and most of the day, respectively.

But these are my sincerestly held beliefs. Thank you very much for your listening to me.

Joe Valentyn
November 25th, 2018
Minnesota, U.S.A



Love. Magical Lovesong. Tearbreaking gifts of the heart. Sopping wet dolls of us throwing ourselves into something specialer than the last head-over-heels moment. Fireside hot chocolates. Deer. Bunnies. Pendants. Diamonds. Love. The only thing we know on this Earth so Holy is Love. Lovers. Us watching the deer, two by two, bunnies also, two by two. Ovid & Corrina . . .  e.e. cummings & marion morehouse . . .  Casanova & Bettina . . .  Jack Kerouac & Sandy Kerouac. All of us . . .  two by two . . .  or was it three by three . . .











The New American Dreamers


{This post acquired many misprints – very many actually; due to having to transcribe it over the phone while being falsely imprisoned; when I went to correct them, being worried by Matthew Yglesias’s recent book promotion, podcast, articles, & posts for “1 BILLION AMERICANS”, due out 9/15/20, but which neglects to mention me, caused me to lose every completed correction. I will begin again: ‘bless my wonderful typist, My Dad, Scott Thomas Valentyn (Valentine), Son of Shirley neé Wayne Valentyn & Jerome Edmund Valentyn, (as My Grandpa always ordered His Wife & himself):

I blame the misprints verily on the prison & their horrible communications systems.

{Update: I had to do the full thing again over a 3rd time now. Uncharacteristic text loss, disappearance required it.}

Do enjoy!:}

The country is stags & virgins: stags & virgins who need to reproduce – by man’s delight: by having sex. We must throw off the chains of our indoctrination & reproduce – two by two; 242 years after our conception we are small, smaller then comparable countries; we must reproduce. & This is no burden – women want Love, men want sex, and we have the funds to go ’round. We must make a armistice, by the rich, on the poor, that we need all our great-traited men and women from every rank of society– I myself am only titled a peon– to be worthy of our pool now, & for our epoch: & what a fuck of an epoch it will be: The American Dream is not dead: The American Dreamer is the man with his movie reeling after its showing, showing his ultimate cherishment: His Wife, beautiful, buck naked, tittering in concupiscent laughter.

What greatness can this wring in the world but to inspire other countries to follow in our footsteps & have copious amounts of sex for the beautifulest thing: to create more of our big bright eyes, long lashes, pouty lips – & by the baker’s dozen they shall! Our American Dream is The World Dream – & it is The Life Dream. Have a gigantic family? Then learn how – sustainably – to provide for them. Have a thriving species? Then learn how – sustainably – to provide for them. Have sex with me – it’s our– upon backs broken defending us & backs broken providing for us– New American Dream. Forever in Love, forever having intimate sex I fantasized about, again, & again, & again, & again.

Joseph Jerome Valentyn
Minnesota, U.S.A
October 20th, 2018

Originally conceived on paper May-June, 2018.


New Song: Chattel


Song about FBI / Interpol raids of female abduction / human trafficking victims.

The genre is romantic hardcore.

One version already recorded.




to k***

no prisoners

’cause CHATTEL!!


so we must SECURE



Again, that was against human trafficking – about the raids to save abducted women from those who “stealeth” women, as the Bible talks about in the Books of Moses, after receiving the 10 Commandments at Mount Sinai, & describing similar laws to the tribes of Israel.

The guitar work really pushes it over the edge.

Healthcare: On The Philosophy Of Medicine, Today


One of my main focuses, I have been waiting on, is to introduce Health – which is very different from Medicine – into our political dialogue.

Of all deaths, 91% are from disease – non-communicable & communicable diseases.

Here is a thinkpiece written in bed from late 2016 or so, that I wanted to share now, as an addition to my pro vegetable & fruit communiques.

Without further ado:

If you heat up ammonia, & force people to to take what is produced by it, charge an exorbitant rate for this, & specifically target people you don’t like with this, this is called “healthcare.”

If you omit studies saying how harmful it is, we are then doing medical science.

& If you replace the normal produce used for medicine over tens of thousands of years, with these byproducts, you are then doing conventional medicine, as opposed to alternative medicine.

& If you recommend vegetables, fruits, roots, herbs, nuts, pastured eggs, organic cheese, grass fed beef, oils, syrup & honey & exercise, you are ‘a quack.’

That is my report on Earthly healthcare today.

Signing off,
Joe Valentyn
March 28, 2018
Owatonna, Minnesota, U.S.A

Updated 8 P.M. March 28, 2018

Big Pharma Is A Human Rights Violator: Deadly Poisons, Electroshocks, & Lobotomies, Forcibly, For Millions Of People Who Are Just Like You & Me


Big Pharma, we need to have investigations you wicked Godless Antichrists…


Electroshock therapy?

Why is it that if you heat up ammonia, & force people to take what you produced by it, charge an exponential rate for this, & specifically target people you don’t like with this, this is called “health care”?

Forcing lobotomies, electroshock therapy, & deadly poisons is “health care”?

I’m watching you!,
Joseph Jerome Valentyn

Juicing Ideas For You


This post acquired a number of typos – the “word gnomes” of IRC all over again. I have corrected a number of small typos as of today, June the 3rd (2021).

Vegetable juicing is one of the healthiest things I know – literally.

After juicing for years – beyond using a masticating juicer ((or better)); beyond using fresh, organic produce; beyond juicing dark leafy greens because they’re usually healthiest; beyond storing it for 24 hours or less preferably-in-glass in the fridge; beyond using volumizers like celery and cucumber to make the bitter greens tastier; I came up with 3 of my own ways of making juicing healthier, tastier, & easier:

Juicing Idea #1: Extend the life by adding fermented brines.

I don’t have lab equipment, but you can taste when a juice has gone bad usually, & I was able to extend the life of my juices by about 3x by adding 1oz of lactofermented brines like homemade pickle juice or homemade fermented cherry tomatoes with basil leaves’ brine per serving of juicing I kept in the fridge. This helps quite a bit when you otherwise have to juice every day or every other day.

It’s also pretty healthy.

Idea #2: Extend the life & deliver more nutrients into your cells by adding Himalayan salt to your juices, & make your juices taste better.

Sodium is an important electrolyte, & it helps deliver more nutrients into your cells. 

It also is one of the world’s oldest preserving agents, & Himalayan salt is all natural (as is sea salt).

Adding to that, this makes your juices taste better, when salted    to taste. That is one of the barriers to juicing often.

Which brings me to: 

Juicing Idea #3: Make your juice palatable *healthily* by adding mint. 

I just tried this. My juices go from about a 7 for flavor to about a 9 or 10.

That’s it! 
Enjoy your 50% life-chance increases!


Survival For All Disaster Situations: Ideas Drawn From Our Basic Needs, by Joe Valentyn



The recent hurricane activity provides us a grounds for gathering some of the necessities of life for ANY kind of foreseen or unforeseen disaster.

I have studied the philosophy of life enough to have some basics familiar to me, that are used by possibly every person I’ve ever known.

Things like bodily health & also heartfelt happiness are needs & therefore interests of possibly every person I’ve ever met; actualizing those basic desires with food & principles, respectively, are arts that are some amount known. This is my collection of obvious essentials meeting our desires. Copying this checklist or browsing a shopping site at the same time is probably a good idea.

A water filter & water. “LifeStraw” makes a family unit that serves a family of four 3 years’ worth of filtration for clean, drinkable water. There is a “community” one for about 22 people for 3 years, for 429 dollars. The family water system is 75; water jugs can also be delivered & stored for drinking, washing up & doing dishes.

A generator & enough fuel. Store your fuel safely, some fuels require certain procedures for safe storage, such as gasoline.

Money. A supply of money will help pad & in some cases wholly protect against problems.

Transport & fuel supply for it stored safely. You would need water, food, fuel, & health supplies that will not always be nearby.

Fuel. From generators to transportation to furnaces, fuel would be in demand.

Seeds, long-term storage food (such as rice, canned soups & vegetables), grocery money, & even chickens & fishing poles (& lures & hooks) & mushrooms are also potentially lifegiving things in the event of a catastrophe. Sprouts & herbs can be grown indoors in inarable climates. A greenhouse could be like Mecca were you able to pony up the fuel. Hens can each produce up to 300 eggs per year. It is possible a fish farm would be viable. A wise investment also could be a manual vegetable juicer (one you turn with your hand, say) for keeping healthy.

Portable heaters, and/or fans, and/or blankets, and/or ifrestarter, and/or firewood, and/or tinder. Warmth, or in air with heat, soothing cool, is basically a necessity for us. The generator & fuel (stored safely) show up here too.

Health supplies like oral care products, soaps & cleaners, band-aids, birth control & tampons, natural antibiotics, fermented probiotic foods, anti-inflammatories & pain pills, disinfectants, medications, stress relievers & sunblock, as well cosmetic tools like scissors & razors, are mostly-all cheap & in the case of helping us prevent & treat tooth abcesses & kidney infections, essential.

Lights, such as flashlights, lamps, & candles, & fuel for them as well as lighters and/or matches, and/or firestarter.

Clothes & bedding. Warm; cool; washable & durable. Consider bedding & pillows that are easier to wash, such as those made from certain synthetic materials, were washing to become difficult.

Books, data, communications, & paper.goods Survival handbooks would be great to keep 2 copies of: one for you & one for a friend. Computers – & if internet, power were down, data and/or power – radios & phones offer a backbone of resistance against disasters & needs created thereby. Paper, pens, files & the like can be used for budgeting, garden plotting, medical records, communications & recreational thinking. The software organization “Kiwix” offers up Wikipedia, Wikinews, medical media, & advice forums for topics offline. Having these books, communications technologies & data would mean you wouldn’t be shut off from many strangely-needed items of knowledge. The data would be great as a harddrive (for sale).

Data backups of survival, personal, & other valuable information across drives, offline & also off-site is advised. Consider M-Disc technology & also micro- or normal print-offs.

the Bible or preferred religious work. Tempests require great – & also smart – strength & wisdom. Some of the most time-tested wisdom is a great resource for any man, woman, or child.

Having a plan to make money in the event of an extended disaster, & other sketches of plans to cope without power or other essentials, would probably be a reasonable investment of your time.

Condoms, scents, & make-up may be life essentials we are accustomed to that with a rapid forethought & preparing, you do want.

Community teaching supplies – paper, pens, white or chalk board, to teach others survivalism methods & discuss ideas are extra-curricular that some people, somewhere would have to take up. That is something you’d know, & could prepare for: having something to share.

Prioritize, invest, & take a minute to get your ducks in a row. Your family & even community could thank you.

I appreciate your reading.

Kicking Down The Door On 21 Million People’s Horrifying Human Trafficking Torment



As discussed, lately, & something I had been planning to add to my platform planks, “human trafficking” steals the lives of 21 million people, on Earth.

That fact is haunting. It is ferociously nauseating. & I will break ice to stop it.

This real-life horror is something I had given thought to back in 2015, & produced this idea.

Here is an idea on how we could quite literally kick down the door on 21 million people’s bad dream they live:

I’m not saying “Do this”, but I just had the idea & wanted to ask: Do you think we have the responsibility & self-control to implement infrared body heat monitoring (with anti-circumvention measures) that only powers on when someone is abducted – say a teenage girl – so to do a “headcount” via number of residents registered (invasive, but read on,) per household: if someone is found to be missing, turn on the infrared scope, & do a headcount per household – even if James is sleeping on your couch for a short while & is not normally a resident, how disturbing could it be to go where this extra person is sensed, & ask them: “You know someone was abducted recently, & we just have to account for extra household members – can I see everyone here?”

I would insure our infrared counts & household counts were accurate, were we to do this.

As I say we would want to prevent circumventions as well as abuse (abuse at police, et al levels).

It blinds me, this crime, & knocking on the rare house which is housing extra house members seems non-invasive enough.

((I would not even bust other petty crimes you find this way . . .  Else you’re getting too far from the point: rescue e.g. young women from abductions.

Please consider stopping abductions via satellite & headcounts this way, or refinements made to this, & also all tenable ways.

Thank you.


Remember To Prioritize Our Interests Amid The Bustling, Sensational News Cycles


Amid the bustling daily news cycle jumbling up one new sensational story in the stead of another national or international priority, *sustained effort* is important. Just like when you start to build a house, only seeing it thru gets the reward; building a house halfway & stopping is wasteful. Similarly, We must see our high priorities thru, & not bounce around all the new news stories like a pinball in a pinball machine, lifeless to urgency & importance.

*As news readers, viewers, & listeners,* make a list, prioritize it, put it somewhere you will look over it every day, probably.

We have things we need to tend to, & not merely be pushed less than gracefully thru one door then the next, leaving important things behind, unfinished. Politically, I suggest we prioritize, rather than get juked out by a flurry of sensational but at the end of the day, not our highest desires for helping people in need, resolving situations, & answering the goings on using the best practices extant to bring about our best lives.

Lastly, let’s also not forget the most important, timeless “goods” of Life: Goodness, Truth, Beauty, Happiness, & all the infinite rest should be commemorated in our Parthenons eternally.


Closer To Home: Little Things That Help Make The Holidays Special At Home


Here’s an offhand list of little things we found enjoyable during this most-often sentimental, cozy time of year:

  • fireplaces
  • Christmas songs, like Jingle Bell Rock
  • going sledding
  • peppermint candy canes, ornaments & other decorations
  • Christmas movies (A Christmas Story & National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation are some favorites my family loved, growing up)
  • hot chocolate
  • giving to Salvation Army bellringer charities
  • ice sculpture displays
  • having fun with extended family

What do you do? Maybe you could share some of them with family & loved ones this year.=D

Have A Beautiful Christmas.
Joe V.=D

creme & heaven ((goodnitekiss))


normally i wait a couple weeks after i write a poem to post it – but my sense is i will lose my place, forget – forget… forget i was here, mentally & everything else will seem unreal later – the feeling of now, the reality – the true sobriety . . .

of things we can’t say because certain people.

so under the fear i would never put this up — under the drunkenness of sober forgettenness – forgetting why we’re here, for this — here is a just-written ‘songpoem,’ fawr ewyoo:

you are wine
& chocolate
heaven & pearls,
heaven & pearls,

drink, & whirling
thru mystical twirls
’round the mystical world!

& as i gush – i am gushing –

for you . . .

i never want to see
your naked backside bounce,
with you playing someonelse’s girl


cause you’re creme
& velour,
you’re better than, the rest of the world!

so commmmmmmmmmmme across the sky dark country
step on it – step on it
for me

don’t lee–ee–eeave me, you’re Air
when i inhale, you’re all i want

to breathe – & penile, doesn’t begin,
doesn’t begin to describe me
& you, becoming

creme & pearls –
you are heaven
atop a mystical world

see-ee-ee-king you

seeking you – you’re the truuuu

. . . this is fun . . .
never really leave me, pudding-chomper,
never really stop making lover hearting lover be one



. . . & punkin’, next time you see me

just kiss my lips
unveil your pearlesence
creme & heaven
let your skirt lift

a mystical world . . .

& then i want you to give me a sweet goodnitekiss


– Joe =D
December 11th, 2015.

(Inspired by girls simply, Jenny Lewis’s I Never, & a female pop star.)

=D Goodnite.

Previews: A 2nd Poster Pairing Well With The 1st



This post was a lot more exuberant, appreciative, & things like this – but then the November 13th, 2015 massacre happened, & so I will save that message – which goes with this poster – for another time. Thanks =)

Here’s a poster peek of a one that pairs well with my first. We are mostly familiar with the first 2; ‘Growth’ here is mainly in the sense of personal growth.

Learn it, Love it, Grow with it ;)



Positive Enterprises: The Freedom Half Of Freedom & Responsibility


Isn’t it great looking at the Pyramids at Giza — The Sphinx? — Or listening to a favorite or fitting song?

The question is, what problem did these solve?

The answer is, none, people created them because they felt like it —

& I would encourage us, with a history of death & destruction, negativity & guilt, to jump with all our weight sometimes into such positive enterprises; we don’t always have to be cleaning up after some problem; the abilities granted to us by having ‘free will’ are so full of opportunity, you’re as limited as your imagination in what you can do.

Build. Make. Create.

Have Fun With It.

Love & Peace —–

Two Ideas For Political Feminism


In early September, I got the spark of an idea for a political policy & scribbled it down in the margins of a daily newspaper — around the “cryptogram,” no less — since it was the only paper handily available . . .  I independently thought this policy direction up, myself – it was before “parental leave” was in the news or anything alike was on my radar.

Since, I’ve hatched a second plan idea along these lines, & will tie together the two strands in a single ponytail of a speech =)  

Without further ado —

I am a well-branded believer in the women of the world; I’ve partially identified as being a “feminist” since my mid-teens. have had very deep, strong female romances, friendships, & kinships; I have long admired Joan Of Arc, Mother Theresa, Hypatia, Pythagoras’s school’s female teachers; & I’ve even written about the dignifiedness & honorability of ruling-women & read up about female kings.

. . . . — Did you know there were only 6 Queens of England who inherited their father or uncle’s crown over 500 years? There were only 3 female kings in 2500 years of dynastic Ancient Egypt we know of for sure.

Lastly I am no expert; I am a man, with ‘the other facet’s view’ of all of you lovely lovable ladies; I am here working on a more understanding, loving, respectful — in what little my little man mind can provide — espousal of my personal ideas for feminist political thought that – you must also realize – are from a position where I can say some of the things you’d get a 2-ton anvil brought on you in terms of society’s response – because I’m a man & you women’re not.

I also would like to say that while I’d say put women in charge of women, not a man like me, I have a unique vantage point, like when you tell me about ‘the gossiping of women’ as a woman – I have the mirror privilege with men, & can call them on & out about things you may not be able to even know are actually, really done.

Lastly you also have a doubly-good friend in me, for this reason: I am sympathetic with both women wanting to be treated the same as men, in certain ways —

You’re a person just like I’m a person just like every other guy is a person — we’re all people & not too, too different, afterall —

& I’m also conversant with wanting to be respected & appreciated – maybe even admired, fondly — for your raw differences;

‘Like — for those interested in this — how getting pictures of yourselves dressed up in classée fashion fancifulnesses, on a ‘girls’ nite in,’ or getting a loud, psychedelic print, breve cut clubbing outfit on & losing yourself in the music, for a spell, are far removed from sitting in a dark basement smoking cigarettes & listening to bodily function sounds on the arm of your male friend for what seems like half the night.

Or an Ironman trek thru a cold mountainous region;

For many women, they notice both the lack of being treated the same in ways they should & also the honest-to-Goodness differences from men . . .  Like a haute look vs.a detractive sound effects, or clubbing vs. expeditions we may or may not return from.

These two are called “equality” & “difference” feminisms – if I had to translate it into pop songs: they’d be “I’m Just A Girl” & “Natural Woman,” each.

Let’s do my idea on difference feminism, (the “Natural Woman” one,) first:

. . . The dream – earning influence, wealth, glamour, via a thriving career; family maybe or maybe not being in the cards – or maybe ruled out completely . . .

Cleopatra . . .  Liliane Bettencourt (of L’Oreal) . . .  Gwen Stefani . . .

Because see, not all women feel like robotically making babies even if they’re of age . . .  Talent, desire,  wanderlust — having the chance of a lifetime within reach — a wide array of interests can lead you to walk a different lifepath than the asaid –

Just like enough men.

Here’s the ‘sticky widgets’ you might run into, tho, purusing these:

It is bred into our culture to oppose this libertine flourishing; the controllingness of pre-arranged marriages to being disallowed to own property, to being uncounted in voting — there *are* real reasons in Nature & history for some of women’s dependence on men, but these show some serious misogyny that our loving, wise, socially-adept, sensitive, realistic fairer companions should feel the power of intervention on their side correcting this that they do not deserve – whichever way you look at it.

(Forced) pre-arranged marriages, being kept from owning property, & not being able to vote are serious, grave historical transgressions; beyond these basic facts there is the culture created thereby – the atmosphere of upbringing, of the life you live, of “where you hang your hat” — a rather man-centric way of speaking, itself — typical of that that has affected – disaffected – like curling of ingrown toes’ nails – literally billions of women thruout history – from our huntergather origins to the present;

As I say, there are some natural reasons for this: foraging, hunting, building favored men. But we have civilized beyond this – praise the Heavens.

But repairing this damage done – from preventing from voting, now allowing to women own property & arranging their hands in marriage – repairing this history of damage takes more than just us having changed these & other, hopefully less egregious unacceptable laws to ones more aligned with Goodness, etc —

If we’re playing an endless game of “Monopoly” & I restrict half the players’ flow of resources for 50 rounds – just letting you now attain “equality” does not make it OK – we need to repair the damages from all the time we restricted.

& That is how I feel about that!

Changing gears now to my idea for your 2nd, more traditional, ‘Natural Woman’ interests:

I feel that it is an embarrassment – we as a people don’t provide for our women – our families . . .

– Income inequality is part of the reason why;

But I feel we have lost, in my view, the historical fact – a historical fact of Life – that someone has to nurture the kids, & someone has to provide the family’s food & valuables that could be exchanged for material things & services desired —

We have lost track of that to some degree in the great gear turns of our form of capitalism.

What is more important, men & women raising a family, or manufacturing “Blammo Logs” — for our civilization?

We know this answer: raising kids right is more important than nearly everything if not everything, for our future. Probably besides food it is the single biggest influence on us;

& Traditionally, both parents have done both, but the more brute man has typically provided the labor more so than a very loving, personable, sensitive, sensible mother; *she* traditionally provided Love & guidance & teaching, & sustenance & clothing, & other nurturing things, more frequently than a father has.

. . . What we say now as a society is, if you are a single parent or low-income family, we will help subsidize your kids’ food and/or childcare.

That’s excellent –

& It’s excellent because raising kids is so important —

But then why the hey now are we ignoring the other young children’s youth?

See Elizabeth Warren said we’re in a 2-income trap; & according to a study, *both parents work for about 3 out of 5 of our kids in America* —

So who is raising our kids? —

The Simpsons cartoons? . . .

This is serious & requires serious betterment.

We know by experience, by statistics, that a Loving family makes a Loving child.

Let’s provide for our women & parents providing the crux of our formative experiences, to provide for ourself as a civilization.

I propose /taxing the rich to provide for mothers who would otherwise have no choice but take time away from their children because they have to provide a decent standard of living;

— & I propose this be actually, slowly, & well considered, & once we have gathered the data / have become highly-informed / have understood the situation well, & hopefully understood & communicated the wise, sage principles that apply to doing this right – then with a willing consensus we should implement it as I’ve been saying to other things: in a slow, careful, self-informing roll-out of diverse systems guided by diverse visions of the final form, informing it with their responses, reviews, & other helpful information, until we have not only the best final system, but a subsumptively best system – one that uses the best parts of each . . .

Because, if you can find something more important to the personal growth of infants, toddlers, kids, adolescents, & even young adults — ranging from helpless to just learning the rules of the road of Life — than their parents’ Lovingkindness . . .  just inbox it to me.

2ndly I propose even dads, in the interest again of this foundation of personal growth for us a person & for us as a people: parenting, also get ‘quality time relief,’ to be a good influence on their sons & daughters, from their chosen occupation for a duration.

Because, “Log” just doesn’t compare to a kid’s snuggling with their parents, maybe by a fire, maybe even hot chocolate, & sharing their fears & dreams, stories & lessons learned, & learning the most important thing, perhaps: just how endless your Mother & Father’s Love for you as a kid, really is.

Let’s use our money to buy some quality time for our kids.


(Updated 11:00 AM October 13th, 2015.)

Courting & Relationships: How I Find Women Beautiful On The Inside, Too (A Sketch At A List By Joe Valentyn)


Beauty is an Intense Good, but it isn’t all-important. As a (femisexual – in Love with Women) man, you can be attractive by stuff other than looks – a lot like you can be fair of face & breast however, there are many ways to be Beautiful On The Inside, too – read on:

Lilacs are pretty enough, and are hostess to very potent aromatic fragrances; this then makes them a Loved Flower of many – including me!

(“Beauty of Moscow” lilac variety, courtesy gardenerspath.com)

  • having fun / being playful / being brave / being adventurous / being treacherous;
  • being a ‘Love Scion’ or ‘Love Prodigy’ or ‘Love Genius’ (“dating & relationships”);
  • having Luvable Favorites in music, politics, movies, & other arts; & even being a good judge of character;
  • being high-society, being a socialite, being a social butterfly;
  • being very sensual, being concupiscent, having nymphomania;
  • having skills with music, literature, acting, etc;
  • having vivacity, life, being quirky, literal mania;
  • being passionate for something, maybe a good cause you like or people you Love, maybe even be good at your passion;
  • being real responsible re family; being good with kids, even your younger brothers or sisters if you’re young enough; caring, compassionate, empathetic, like say with animals.
  • being wholesome, good-natured, well-rounded;
  • you’re ready to take a nap (ha ha) . . .

    This list is not exhaustive; it is a personal sketch of how else to get attraction than what we all overappreciate, perhaps: fairness of face & breast.

    I think this should be open to dialogue – something that will change (this spread was updated Sunday May Twenty-first, Twenty-first Century, Twenty-third yea!r), go thru phases, & get outgrown & missed all over again, as we live our lives.

    Thank you for reading! =)

    A gangly, smelly, hairy creature am I: a man; & alike my form my expressions also too sometimes get in the way of my what I’m really saying: these things & others make you Beautiful, in your looks, to uswe SEE your Beauty, then, more truly. All people are Beautiful; if ‘he’ doesn’t see it, maybe he is lacking in that department – not you.

    Thank You Much,
    – Joe

    My (Very Modest) Tribute To A Great SPIRIT! In My Family, Shirley Valentyn, My Grandma……..


    This is a web I’ve wanted to make for a long time; this will be, when I’m done, a (modest) tribute to my Grandma Shirley Valentyn, née Shirley Wayne.

    My “Gramma” helped raise me – my Mom was just 20 when she had me;

    My Grandma Shirley Valentyn (Shirley Wayne)

    My Grandma was very independent, strong-willed, & free-spirited — she was also the center jewel of our family: Christmases were held under her leadership, at her house.

    She loved to read, would read books to me & take me to church. I still remember packing up my little “Going To Grandma’s” toddler suitcase & staying up late watching movies, waking up & going to church.

    She used computers before anyone I knew in my family – she had her personal computer she used probably daily – she had a subscription to a monthly software club, where they’d send her software (On Disk Monthly? Something like that); She was using them regularly in the early 1990s as a woman in her late 50’s / early 60’s; she introduced me to them & gave me my first computer & my first Nintendo.

    She even played Super Mario Bros. with me: she called them “Marr-io Brothers,” haha; I still remember her playing Mario Bros 3 with me (among the other computer games she played) & thinking she was probably the coolest Grandma I could possible have gotten.

    I remember being absolutely head over heels about “going to Gramma’s,” & would fish off her dock & ride scooters & riding lawnmowers, & do New Year’s there with my cousins Marissa & Ashley, & a blue Mickey Mouse fold-up clamshell alarm clock by my bed when I’d sleep.

    I remember when she was on her deathbed, literally, at home on a medical bed, she used some of the last of her strength to say, “Joey, you just do whatever you want . . .

    Just like when you were young.” That she’d helped raise me makes that bring tears to my eyes, every time; that was her dying wish for me.

    I loved my Grandma very much & made a tape of what I thought based on what my Dad said were her favorite songs, along with some ambient works by Brian Eno when she was passing. I also composed a full song for her that she she heard before she left. She was 65 I think, I was 18.

    I know – in my way – that she never really left;

    Gramma taught me better than that.

    Love & Miss her; & I love my Grandpa, her husband, who still is with us, here.

    – Joe Valentyn

    Songpoem: “Art Thief”


    Here’s two versions of a poem I wrote earlier this year, the second is still in pieces.

    It’s called Art Thief.

    (For some reason my WordPress changes the formatting after I have published posts, sometimes; apologies – impresario’s note (ha-ha.))

    * * *

    in this area, there’s a man who houses
    the prized Mona Lis’

    did i get that she was pining for me –
    the Art thief?

    O, he’s fond of saying,
    she entitles he to infinite rank;

    . . . mm, tell me this, Kind Sir:
    do you cherish her, & worship her,
    all night & all day?

    — do you serve her as a General,
    executing the wishes of Your Queen?

    — would you cut yourself,
    if you thought that that would
    bring you in more closely?

    when blackness sets,
    or bitternesses seize,
    do you turn to her being mean?

    Sir –– tonight will you feelst passion for her,
    or will you feel like having another beer?

    —- Someday, you might find,
    while you’re hoarding your liqueurs, EP’s, or salted cures . . .

    that i am stealing A New Heart,
    in a camisado,
    rappelling down from the window sill.

    Xxx An Art Connoisseur & The Mona Lis’

     * * *


    Here’s the ragamuffin, undone 2nd version, with lots of clutter & outtakes.


    Songpoem: “Sex Positive (The F-Bomb) ((The Female Element)) (((Make Love Not War)))”


    Here’s a new version of the poem I’ve been working on this month, I mentioned & posted an earlier version of, a bit ago.



    .: Sex Positive, A.K.A. The F-Bomb ((Make Love Not War)) :.

    “Don’t you want somebody to Love
    Don’t you need somebody to Love
    Wouldn’t you Love somebody to Love –
    You’d better find somebody to Love . . .

    . . . Love. ”
    {:Fade out}

    in the nineteen sixties the Love Generation did more than protest
    ‘threw panties at Paul, their Mary Tyler’s got a lot of Dick
    they blew-out our understandings of what being feminine is
    ’cause hundreds of millions of females were sex positive

    (sex positive . . . )

    (sex positive . . . )

    {Old, Vietnam Age Father Figure Voice:}
    “& Don’t lose faith in that female element, son . . .  ’cause–”

    ’cause in the middle a’ brutish Vietnam
    those Love chicks dropped The “Fuck Me” Bomb
    said “Psst; over here son, wouldn’t you rather we be making some Love?
    — go bury your guns in the ground,

    & Fuck Me till i cum ——–

    inside . . .

    See, don’t you know where you come from, son?
    you come from Two Lovers making Love – – –

    Yeah, ’cause Love is Special – ‘specially when Love is True
    & anyway, Love is Beautiful – Loving’s gotta be The Most Beautiful Thing We Do

    & Love makes us Happy, we’d do it all the time, if we could —
    Really, Love is The Best — the Ultimate Good —

    & one more tidbit is true:
    Loving is a Miracle – *LOVE* *MADE* *YOU*.

    . . . so which one will it be:

    stalk & kill some guy in the jungle,

    or come & fuck me . . .

    come & fuck tiiiiiiiiii–ny little me”

    & with come hither eyes she leaned forward & gave a fatal look at her tits . . .  & with a little kiss, she said,

    I Will Make So Much Love To You YOUR DICK WILL FALL OFF . . .

    . . . . . .

    & she appeared to him as a sex goddess, well

    right then & there, his Life was changed
    he quit being a G. I. & couldn’t help falling in Love with Jane
    provided her a house & name,
    always kept up, his Father’s faith,

    he strove to provide her cruises & glamour
    built her confidence up poundin’ her like a hammer

    & when she felt that house had become a Home,
    she said after reviewing her budget planner

    let’s have a baby,
    i want to turn us into a family

    — i want THREE
    one for you, *TWO* for me

    raised up Three Kids, all the right way;

    made them upright & happy, thru teaching & thru play

    & yknow, each kid thrived, each in their own way

    & he told her he Loved her almost every day . . .

    & Jane always Loved to hear him say,

    “I was blown away by a booby trap, that day . . .
    in the middle of ‘Nam – never was the same;
    they dropped the F-Bomb
    Nineteen Sixty-Seven
    Summer of Love
    blew us all to Heaven”

    & there was news headlines, & news announcements, & news segments, & news conversations:

    *LOVE* had won The War On The War.

    {Predominantly-Females Chanting:}
    “Make Love,
    Not War!

    Make Love,
    Not War! . . .

    Make Love,
    Not War!

    Make Love,
    Not War . . . ”


    One Two Three FOUR!

    Well she was
    & you know
    what i mean,
    & the way she looked
    was way beyond compare

    so how could i dance with another – oooh

    when i saw her standing there . . .

    * * *

    Updated (late) September, 2015.

    Tenacious Love


    Tenacious Loving is the best way I can describe how to Live.

    I knew an extremely hot girl who had the Serenity Prayer tattooed on her; the words of that prayer might be helpful, here, too.

    (Maybe the picture will inspire you to see you can change more things than you thought you could –

    Or you might prefer this.

    (Here’s the plain text, too: http://www.fellowshipnwa.org/the-serenity-prayer.))

    Love To You! =)
    – Joe

    Songpoem: “Sex Positive, A.K.A. The F-Bomb, A.K.A. The Female Element ((Make Love, Not War))”


    This is an original ‘songpoem,’ like all mine, on this site;

    Too, this is not finished, I will post new sections as they are produced.

    I have earlier ‘sex positive’ songs/poems, dating back to ((I can’t find the date)); this poem on ABOUT sex positivity itself was conceived, oh, about a year ago – started August 31, announced September 2nd, of this year;

    Without further ado: I hope you like my work, here! =D!


    .: Sex Positive, A.K.A. The F-Bomb, A.K.A. The Female Element :.
    .: ((Make Love, Not War)) :.

    “Don’t you want somebody to Love
    Don’t you need somebody to Love
    Wouldn’t you Love somebody to Love –
    You’d better find somebody to Love . . .

    . . . Love. ”
    {:Fade out sample}

    in the nineteen sixties the Love Generation did more than protest
    they threw panties at McCartney, their Mary Tyler’s got a lot of Dick
    they blew-out our understandings of what feminine is
    ’cause hundreds of millions of females were sex positive

    (sex positive . . .)

    (sex positive . . .)

    {Old, Vietnam Age Father Figure Voice:}
    “& Have faith in that female element, son; ’cause–“

    ’cause in the middle of, brute Vietnam
    those Love chicks dropped, The “Fuck Me” Bomb:
    said psst, over here son, wouldn’t you rather make some Love?
    Bury your guns in the ground, & Fuck Me till i cum ——–

    inside . . . “

    ({Predominantly-Females Chanting:}
    “Make Love,
    Not War –
    Make Love,
    Not War . . . ”

    “‘Cause, don’t you know where you came from son?
    you came from two lovers making Love – – –

    Yes! See . . .  Love is Special, & Love is True,
    Love is Beautiful, & Love made YOU!! —

    So since Love = 1, & Love comes from Two
    — & guns, guns make you annulled, which would you rather choose:

    run thru some jungle, doing some very stupid stuff . . .

    or come & fuck little tiiiiny me . . . ?

    little itsy tiny me? . . . “

    & she leaned forward & gave a generous look at her tits . .  rubbed them in his face . . .  she was a sex goddess— –

    . . .
    well right then & there, his heart was changed
    he quit being a G. I. & fell in love with that Jane
    provided for her, a house & status —
    multiplied like rabbits
    told her how much he Loved her almost every day

    & Jane always loved to hear him say

    “I was blown away by a booby trap, that day . . .
    back then, couples in the millions did, that way . . .
    it was A Sea Of Lovers,
    millions of significant others,
    Love, The Summer of . . .
    They dropped the F-Bomb on us . . .


    & there was news headlines, & news announcements & news segments – the war on war had ended: Love had won.

    {chipper, casual, late 20’s woman’s voice, not unlike Anne Hathaway:} & They lived happily ever after.

    THE END!
    {:chipper, causual female voice}

    * * *

    This is part one of about four or five pieces. I will post others as they get completed.

    – Joe

    Among All Our Challenges, A Good Word For Feel-Good Music


    I have appreciated music & made music for a long time – I just wanted to share some choice, very careful, meticulous, GRUELING! words, on music.

    ’60s Folk & descended genres 4 ever.

    Art Rock like Velvet Underground and The Pixies 4 ever.

    Indie like Cocteau Twins’s positiver songs & My Bloody Valentine’s Loveless & Neutral Milk Hotel’s In the Aeroplane Over the Sea 4 ever.

    & All good music, like
    The Beatles
    Bob Dylan
    Bob Marley
    Velvet Underground
    Woody Guthrie
    Django Reinhardt
    Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World
    Landslide by Stevie Nicks
    Soul (the musical genre)
    Classical Spanish / Desperado (I have a song.. well, nevermind.)
    Sing, Sing, Sing (1938 performance at Carnegie Hall)
    Erik Satie’s Gymnopedies
    The Cure
    Carole King
    Smokey Robinson
    Sarah McLachlan
    Chuck Berry
    Lauryn Hill

    & all the rest —

    Mega blisterly feverishly hard to not Love these & the alike.

    Thom Yorke said I remember, once, “How the *bleep* did I end up a rock star?” I wonder sometimes how I did not end up eventually doing music, for my Life’s path.

    Thank you.
    – JOe

    Sexual Healing —- For Real


    Pretend your Loved-&-cherished is of course unspeakably beautiful to you *but she once said in her mind she is 30 pounds overweight* –

    Tell her sexually that

    “30 pounds is nothing. You are beautiful.”

    Then proceed to f*** her brains out until ‘her eyes ain’t moving, now’ ((they just lay there in their climb…))

    =D That is one way to cure a hang-up your lover has.

    I would love to leave it at that, but it is best I also say I would do this mostly or only in a strategic, very thought thru way, saying precisely what you planned to – not improvising at all. (Receive your lover’s response & respond as or *if* needed, minimally.)

    Do this because it’s needed, not just because you want to without thinking.

    (If someone does this ‘imperfectly’ for you, forgive them. They meant well, of course.)

    We call this sexual “healing” but actually ‘personal-growth’ as it is called could easily be slipped in.

    This might be a little brave. I will leave it here to not destroy the very fabric of society. ^_^

    Happy Trails.
    Joe Valentyn

    Like A Great Year For Wine, 1997 Was A Great Year For Us In Culture


    Some say 1997 was the best year for different wines – like a vintage wine itself, I’ve already uncorked my belief that 1997 was a particularly fine year for culture on some of my communication media; so as much as I’d love to work this up more, today I thought I’d pour us a glass or two of 1997 culture daydreaming:

    Remember “Life Is Beautiful?” – Roberto Benigni’s infant-like perfection – like a serenade to the world – something truly, to the point of happy… beautiful tears, beautiful itself, Life Is Beautiful is without a doubt my favorite movie I’ve ever happened across.

    * * *

    A(nother) Last Legislative Thought: Romance In Schools: Beyond — Or Perhaps More Foundational Than — Sex, To Love


    Hey there. I think & have said the government may want to consider working us less; we must balance striving for the economy with the enjoyability of our lives, in the interest of “the pursuit of happiness” (as, for example, measured in the gross national happiness index);

    & This balancing of work with play, play with work, also goes for schools.

    I have shared my ideas for new classes/classroom-focuses in the past – some of those ideas, thru whichever means they did, did get traction – but today I’m flipping ahead to a brand new one.

    Some of us would say it is the most important one, & one that doesn’t really exist in the way I think we would like, in our highest desire.

    Let me put it this way: what I remember of sex ed, was watching a video of an already-pregnant woman giving birth, & us putting a condom on a banana.

    What I am envisioning is something more inclusive, & more cultivated: a Dating & Relationships class – personal romantic relationships shared 1-on-1 with rotating teachers — for all intents: “Love gurus” — strictly — *strictly* — voluntarily, & general imagery (with parents’/guardian’s permission per student,) love story movies, (such as Life Is Beautiful,) books of classic romance stories, magazines of teen (& perhaps all-ages) romance topics & advice, etc, as well as oral history &/or documentaries, & love songs & poems, etc – taken to their deepest romantic conclusions, in discussion, for the general gather-together class, perhaps with a special (since Love *is* so special,) class made up of those interested in each other, possibly with rather frequent (as dating is frequent) dates / alone time in parks, at movies, or wherever the kids are hep on, as voted on by them, completely consensually, as field trips.

    If the venereal diseases, films of pregnant women giving birth of “sex education” are our “talking about the birds & bees,” this would be our “talking about the birds, & the bees, & butterflies, & the trees, & (…), & (…), & (…), & (…), & (…) … & (∞)” talk, indefinite & as everywhere-touching of topics as Love itself.

    I have to say the momentous, really ‘solar’ significance of Love would make it way difficult; it is hallowed but important, so these would be important, good experiences to have for them, done right.

    I would take *a long time* to formulate, experiment, & re-formulate the guidelines for our society’s desired teaching of this; but I think Love goes beyond sex, & this therefore has a place in education, given the gravitas of Love in Life.

    From old couples coming in & talking about what kept them together, what kept them loyal, what kept them coming back in some cases; to edgier cultural movements like sex positivity, such as in magazines like Playboy, at the right age, we should focus on Love qua quintessential Love: Romance.

    Thank You!

    P.S. & I just have to say it: maybe, where appropriate — say on the dates — we could “allow kissing in school.” It’s not exactly evil =)

    To a better world;
    Thank you.
    Joe Valentyn
    August 9th, 2015

    Most recent update August 10th, 2015.

    Diplomacy, Love, Goodness, Fun & Looseness, & An Additional 3 Important Ideals


    I know this is the 3rd time I have posted this, but I really believe in these things, & really want to share them with you.

    This ideas get me so worked up, & altho what I will say will be truly brief on them, you could spend a long time thinking about things like Love & the others.

    Here is what I will say: When I consider the Diplomacy, Love, Goodness, Fun & Looseness “Ways To Act,” I myself interject Health & Safety after Love, half the time; & further, when I drafted this poster last winter, I omitted what many call Justice, but what may itself be best/better understood as Fairness, from the whole poster.

    ((It probably would’ve got its own row.))

    So those 3 – Health, Safety, & Justice/’Fairness’, you could thus add to these golden ideals.

    Also, as I’ve said, these & all words worth their while, are like courses, themselves . . .  ones you will learn from all thruout the rest of your Life.

    Let’s learn from all the great ideals & use them to have thriving, happy, well-Loved Lives.

    – Joe Valentyn

    30 Ideas For Community, Fun, & Culture In America


    Continued from this April article.

    * * * *

    In 2013 I had time to work out 30 ideas for the American community that are designed to nurture Community, Fun, & Culture.

    In the order they came to me, here’re 30 ideas designed to nurture Community, Fun, & Culture in America:

    1) music downtown (we could ‘scrobble’ / use play statistics so we hear the community’s favorites)

    2) fairs permanently installed

    3) coffeeshop-like community centers – also good places to meet people, for all purposes

    4) medallion hunt-style games; other, yet to be imagined fun ‘physical’ software-games

    5) live performers – theatrical, firebreathers, musicians, comedians – on streets – subsidized. (our level of culture could be *historic*)

    6) skate sections of cities – spray-paint-able (“graffiti”) sections of communities – outlet for art

    7) library stands – with coffee

    8) community bonfires – music

    9) community shared (‘sterilized’) instruments & other wares – perhaps a jam room at a community center or library analogue, where community members could jam together in spontaneous get-together jams, & teach & learn audio mastering & music instruction, including care of instruments. A ‘musician’s library’

    • other artforms’ hardware for free library-like lending

    10) more community gardens – stands for selling the produce & juices.

    11) community mud-wrestling & music festivals

    12) trained city dogs

    13) (more) community bike programs.

    14) horse rides (like 4-H)

    15) local Olympics

    16) arcade battle tags

    17) (this one is ‘too cool for school,’ I have to share it another time)

    18) symposiums: local presentations of ideas – wider, freer variety of topics

    19) donated services – e.g. audio engineering/recording to less established musicians

    20) farmers’ markets more frequent than once a week – juicings there (fruit smoothies & veggie juices)

    21) art appreciations – showing off amateur art for appreciation & responses

    22) healthy wants food & juice displays – many chefs, doctors/nutritionists/natural health doctors discussing benefits or food samplings

    • recipes
    • health facts (RDVs & general health facts)
    • make food, interested people can watch how it’s done,
    • out in a park, mobile kitchens/stoves/ovens

    23) public arcade games

    24) community drive-in theatres – free popcorn

    25) youth groups – age ranges

    26) woods walks – led by guides (plump up the funding for all these things)

    27) band ‘open mics’ – amateur band performance

    • informal-er music shows, like “open mics”
    • maybe at music department of “community center” – maybe a park – I know this is sort of done already, but to consciously single it out as something to nurture will make musicians & music-appreciators happier

    28) apprenticeships – learn to be a firefighter, a monk, a comedian etc

    29) (courtesy of my friend Aaron Y.) activity centers for youth – pool tables, arcade games, other needs & wants – open especially in small towns where there’re only diners open at night

    30) community social commons – not just outdoors but indoors – all forms of socializing, from romancing to sharing battle-scars – maybe even free alcohol within limits.

    That’s it!

    Send any Love for these my way!
    Joe =D

    July 4th Internet Writing From When I Was A Teenager


    This post is not actually from July 3rd, but for technical reasons (…), I was not able to post it yesterday. =)

    This is from a writing I did when I was 18 about going to the fireworks on America’s Birthday — July 4th. I can’t vouch for the quality of my teenage writing, but in the spirit of the holiday, here it is all the same:

    Hope you like:

    Skipping to the Good Parts: sitting against an electransformer in fresh green grass, rather Freshness manifest as green grass, the latent familiarity of 4th of july flash-boom-wow-ness came back (…). Sentimentality never gets old.

    A wee-one was half a block away starring the show for her family outloud:

    “I dedicate this one to . . mybestfriend KATY!!ooh,thats.<chromatic-flash>WowyBOOM…OOOH!
    “I dedicate th-<BOOM>-Idedicatethisone, to Mom&Dad!!..Happy Birthday!” <swirlyflash,boom(crackles)>..”It feels like its coming At me!!”

    I secretly admired Youth-Happening a half-block behind me until my what-am-I-getting-out-of-this spun the twister-spindial of my mind & somehow, against all the oddsmaker’s best reckonings, came out (moderately) cogent: each flashboom as a burst of pure, abstract Independence; a new nation emerging, a bolt of thought striking out to new territory, a willful ignorance of Authority so as to Author one’s own story. & Each image of color-sparkles as the radicals’ Outcome, as history’s snapshot-memento, (…).

    The flashbooms were awesomely beautiful in no cheap sense of the words; the memory is of course only a fraction of the experience itself.., but I can never shake the feeling that all my memories are these reconstructable holographic fractals, different facets of which are summoned quasi-consciously, with the commandibility of a mysterious & primitive control-panel (…)

    …which reminds me: Whatcha Eatin Under There??


    Happy Birthday America.
    — Joe

    Happy 4th Of July – Semi-Direct Democracy Discussions From 2010, To Celebrate Our Patrioticism & Kindle A New Tradition.


    Here is a “semi-direct democracy” chat I gave/had in 2010, inspired by a couple people I had talked to on the internet & the National Citizen’s Initiative For Democracy as I understand it not-founded-but-spearheaded-by former Alaskan Senator Mike Gravel. It is ‘semi-direct’ – making The Populus (The People) 1/4th of the branches of government we have today.

    If you like, you can read this whole thing:

    As a note, the amount of seriousness I have for this is an open ended question – but for the sake of festivities, from political & philosophy chatrooms of 2010 – here it is —

    Happy 4th Of July:

    Continue reading

    Follow-Up To “Re: Computers”: Cultural Subsidization Helps Our Civilization Grow, Culturally – Let’s


    This is a continuation of my last communique on this, titled “Re: Computers.”


    ‘Culture subsidization’ is simply a generalization of what we already know is Good: the subsidization of the public library.

    It is in Our Civilization – The Whole World’s – interest to help People learn & grow as People, using, for this article’s purposes, cultural works like books, applications, audio lectures, movies, music, & documentary videos.

    I am saying we need to import all the great ideas of written history into the
    foundations of this new Information Age medium – the computer / The Internet –

    Books especially.

    That is because books carry 6,000 years of culture – the estimated history of writing;

    We need to absorb, integrate, & graft books’ & all forms of cultural works’ ideas into this
    new communications medium.

    That is why I. today, present the strategic moves of both digitizing books & each category of cultural work – not by commercial forces like Google or Amazon, but not-for-profit & government organizations; & 2ndly making them free, thru what we just affirmed – cultural subsidization, like we do in public libraries – letting people learn & grow as people, & Our Civilization to culture – so we make smarter decisions in the future – as opposed to burning fossil fuels in high quantity for a century.

    Let’s pay for People’s learning & also their personal growth, via (e)books, audio lectures & documentaries, movies & music, & other cultural works – just like we have for eons with the public library system.

    We help pay for education, agriculture, & other basic staples in Life –

    Digitizing & subsidizing essentially every book, & also digitizing & subsidizing documentaries, movies, audio lectures, music, applications, photographs, & the like will help us make make smarter choices, live more fulfilled lives, & just make the experience of Life more enjoyable for everyone.

    Let’s Pay For Learning & Growth Thru Books, Videos, Audio, & All Cultural Works.




    As a note: What I’m discussing is *not* becoming too fascinated with computers & their very recent ‘cave paintings’ ((that’s my new lyric by the way, don’t steal it =))), as novel & at times meaningful as they may be – but to drink of the whole of human culture, the true bottomless vintage wine-cellar of Man’s written works thruout history, that whets the tongue most-grandestly. Thanks

    Healthiest Things I Know, Part Two – Love & Positivity/Optimism, To Be Happy





    June 29th, 2015




    Ever since about a decade or less ago, when I saw a pair of bunnies on Youtube.com that were somewhat bemusingly named “Healthiness” & “Happiness,” I have been fascinated by these two threads of well-being; I covered the overall best way I know to attain healthiness of the body in my last issuance of this 4-part communique; today’s block will focus on happiness, of of-course the spiritual/emotional heart rather than the cardio-heart.

    I really believe in Love – I believe it is probably the single best thing for your personal well-being.

    Living in Love will provide you with the best Life, which is best for your body, your spiritual-heart, your cognition, & your soul.

    But I am going to focus on Positivity/Optimism, here.

    Because there’s one very important belief I have found, since being a teenager: Things are what you make them; for the largest part & with what you do with them. Life is then a collection of all the things we have made it, along with the things we cannot control. This says we should go with the ‘hot hand’ – whoever is radiating that eudaimonic attitude & self-actualized being at this very moment;

    But for each of our own responsibilities, over our own Lives, Optimism & Positivity will help us make the most of, & appreciate the most in, Life.

    I feel this does the most or nearly the most for making us happiest.

    What is Positivity?

    Positivity is a way of seeing people & things: you see the best things in each of them; this helps you get the most out of them, & nurture them.

    Optimism is a way of approaching things: it is where you believe that “I can do this,” for everything you actually can accomplish.

    (I have said it is best to have a “Tempered Optimism,” having spread a belief in Optimism & Positivity for around 10 years or so in popular English philosophy forums: not “I can fly,” but more an unlimitedness – stemming from our I-believe unlimited human potential – tempered by the confidence we have in our abilities based on experience, & based on the content we have planned to execute, or perform: for example, the goodness of our manuscript’s story, should inspire a good deal of confidence in our performance of it.)

    Those are the definitions.

    How I Learned Positivity

    Flash back half my Life, amid the turmoils of depression, at 17 years young:

    I chose Positivity over some much more unsavory options, to help get thru a depression from a break up of a long high school relationship with a girl –

    &, I can say 15 years later:

    Not much has served me better, than choosing to be Positive.

    Why Is It So Good?

    Well, when you start looking for how good things COULD be, you will find ways that actually get you there – to the ‘place’ where things actually ARE good.

    Doesn’t Being Positive Mean Being Fake – I Don’t Want To Be Fake!

    If you tell this to a depressed person, some will say “It’s fake, I don’t want to be fake.”

    As important as ‘being true,’ ‘having integrity’ can be, if you are severely depressed something is more important than being integrous: being alive.

    If you have to answer the very hard question, Would I rather be dead, or a little bit “fake,” but alive, & honestly actually having good times again, maybe even helping others – just by correcting something actually worse: being excessively negative, & by choosing to be Positive/Optimistic?, I hope you choose Life over endless rule-following or perfectionism.

    When considering taking on Positivity/Optimism into your own Life, or presenting it to someone else, consider a fruit-bearing tree, transplanted to your yard, takes root – it will grow fine, just like other trees.

    . . . Likewise transplanting a belief in Positivity, a supremely healthy thing, into your beliefs, whatever they may be, will itself grow still, & will bear much & great fruit for you – for the rest of your life.

    So, if you are depressed, even tho you might have to force it at-first, it becomes natural & produces much happiness & personal growth for you.

    * * *

    For the rest of us, Optimism & Positivity will help you make the most of your Life’s opportunities, & get the most out of everything that comes into your Life.

    Positivity & Optimism also do wonders for your Lovelife & social-life – think of socialitic graciousness, as well as virile displays of power-doing, for example.

    * * *

    I will close with a couple helpful, inspiring quotes:

    One time, A Wisewoman in my Life said to me, “Life is a feast full of starving fools;

    Dig in.”

    The Bible says similar: “For the despondent, every day brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.” – Proverbs 15:15.

    Eat Up – Life is a Feast =)

    Thank You.
    Joe Valentyn

    P.S. For my part, I cured my depression, mostly thru choosing & making into a natural attitude, being Positivity; but there were a few other things I am going to break from the natural course of this 4-part communique on & share, because they helped me & I hope others heal their hearts/emotions from depression:

    Love – Live in Love; if you have just come off a romantic relationship, this may in fact come last, rather than first, but as you may’ve guessed, it is still hugely important. ‘Love is the answer;’ it is the guiding force of Man; Live In Love for maximal fruits in Life.

    People – Be Around People – not always to share deeply your problems, fears, & the like, tho that too. But just feeling connected & knowing People do live in happiness, even if they have been thru breakups, losing loved ones, & other vicissitudes is hugely helpful. They can provide some things you may not, if they are a trusted friend, parent, or the like. Push Yourself To Be Around People.

    Time – looking back, severe depression seems crazy – it no longer makes any sense to consider killing yourself, etc: *That is why Giving Stuff Time will help you see things clearly – after all, “hindsight is 20/20.”*

    Change – Change Your Routines – A rut is what I call it when we get into a habit of doing stuff which is draining, deleterious, or otherwise less than desirable. Change It Up: Do a new, good habit where you used to do a sagging, bad habit. Change Your Routine. You could try new things: go for walks in Nature, go to shows, start to write, watch comedy, reconnect with old friends, vary your experiences in some way that gives you more of what you need/want, while also swapping out a non-great routine. Changing Your Routines from draining or deleterious ones to nurturing, nourishing ones will have a doubly-good effect: in with the good, out with the bad. This may be exactly what you need.

    The most important way to heal emotionally, I would still say is Positivity/Optimism. When you start to believe you can do so much, you will light like a flame on paper – & this – Optimism/Positivity – is almost-necessary to most fully self-actualize. Positivity presents things in their best light – gives you the best thing about them – & lets you get the most out of them. Purely from a functional standpoint, both are ‘fly,’ haha.

    – Joe

    P.P.S. I would also briefly add regular, vigorous, or as vigorous as you safely can, exercise & also probiotic cultured foods like kefir or sauerkraut, particularly ones where the probiotic bacteria number in the trillions, not millions or billions, if you can, may help quite a bit.

    Sodium deficiency also has been said to be able to cause depression – so you could consider getting the test recommended, or just add a moderate amount more Himalayan or sea salt to taste & see what that does for you.

    Thank You.

    The previous part, on the healthiest thing I know to attain physical health, is at http://joevalentyn.org/press/2015/06/11/healthiest-things-i-know-part-one/

    Biographic Songpoem: ‘Like A Sailor Coming In


    how sweet a feeling it is
    to work until you’re broken
    I feel ‘like a sailor coming in . . .
    yes, I worked on a huge-huge boat,
    ‘hurt carrying the heavy-heavy lodes,
    I weathered such torture,
    my life flashed before my eyes —
    — here, have some more gin . . .
    I’m just beginning,
    to explain how grough is
    my grit
    ⸻ it was do or die
    ⸻ time after time,
    there was no other course,
    I had to fight thru just to survive
    now the only thing that makes sense,
    is you with your legs & breasts,
    blackholes with infinite pull,
    I hope your skirt is hiked, & underneath is nothing . . .
    because truly I was thinking about you . . .
    when the waves were tidal . . .
    so if these hardknock stories have charmed you,
    & my eyes & nose have disarmed you,
    & you’re everything I wanna do
    let’s play & have some fun,
    bed & laughs, thru a Moon & Sun,
    you, my special someone!
    & me, just ‘like a sailor coming in..

    A Kernel Of Defense For Populism


    This is not a response to the “free trade deal” that recently advanced, but it certainly may apply, as well to a large number of other things.

    Also, altho I’ve had this to say for around a year, credit to E. J. Dionne for recently mentioning this/a similar point in a write-up of his recently in The Washington Post:

    Bernie Sanders: The new St. Nick


    We are a social species – a community – a single group all together – Life is not an Ironman contest for the ‘survival of the fittest;’

    & Anyone whose stated mission is to help “99%” of people flourish, is obviously on the side of “Us” – The World.

    The fact is, things like economic populism help secure basically-Everyone’s being provided for; & that is much closer to the final purpose of Government – the point at infinity –  the full self-actualization of Government to a Government of Utopia.

    Thank You.

    Healthiest Things I Know, Part One – Juicing, To Be Healthy





    My Grandfather was, & My Mom still is today, obsessed with vegetables – & to a lesser degree, fruit. That is one of the best things I have learned from My Mom & My Grandfather, & I am wanting to spread that Love to you, here & now, if it pleases you.

    Your death risk is slashed – 42%! – if you manage to eat 7 servings of vegetables & fruits a day.

    That’s amazing.

    How Can You Best Get 7 Servings?
    I would say, making fresh, preferably organic, mostly-vegetable juice, especially largely from sprouts, is probably the best way.

    (Varied salads are a close 2nd, but you’d have to eat 14 cups (the measuring unit) of leafy greens to get 7 servings of veggies, they say.)

    Why Juicing?

    According to Stanford Medicine Cancer Institute, 1 cup (8 oz) of celery juice contains most nutrients found in 5 cups’ worth of munched-on celery. (I have heard really only the fiber is missing; that means 2 things: for one, my understanding is that you will absorb more nutrients from the freshly juicered vegetable juice & faster, ((because fiber is so difficult to digest,)) but it also means, you need fiber from other sources – i.e. juicing alone is not enough. Salads, nuts & seeds are good sources of fiber.)1

    A smaller amount of fruit – a lemon or lime, for example, juiced fresh into your plant juice – will make it taste great; importantly this makes it much more likely you will drink it often, if it tastes good, thereby slashing your overall risk of death by almost half.

    The best thing I have heard tho, I’d like to tell you, is juicing vegetable sprouts – hemp, if it is legal where you are, or watercress sprouts are the top 2 I know of I will give for examples, tho I have never tasted hemp sprouts themselves personally –– only heard of their powerhouse nutrition  –– juicing sprouts like these gives anywhere from 10 to 100X the nutrition, pound for pound, of their healthy adult versions.2

    I would have at least 2, &, ideally, I would estimate *4* mostly-vegetable juices a day to be pretty wonderful for your health.

    When considering whether to start juicing, you might think of it this way: What better thing to invest in than more Life & better Life, for me or my family, or people?

    If you DO want to juice, then, this “report” has a good recipe / recipe system for starting off – one that is both very tasty & very healthy:

    http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/11/13/benefits-of-juicing.aspx 3

    The last thing I’ll say is I’ve read what seems like thousands of anecdotes, & there’s scantly a condition I have heard of that people have not testified that juicing is helpful for

    If you like Life, or have a health problem already, I would say most often juicing fresh organic vegetables will help tremendously.4

    To see results, give it a few weeks or longer.

    Therefore, I suggest juicing – meaning juice which is mostly fresh organic vegetables – as the best general thing you can do for your health & longevity.

    (((I did say general.)))

    Bottom’s Up! — To Your Health.
    Joe Valentyn

    The next part, on the healthiest things I know for happiness  the largest part of emotional health  is now at http://joevalentyn.org/press/2015/06/29/healthiest-things-i-know-part-two/

    (1) On salads: I believe moderately indulgent dressings – but still kicking MSG to the curb & also healthy fish, poultry & eggs are fine on salads. I also believe in (the healthiest you can get) salt, black pepper (peppercorn), butter, sour cream, & even cream cheese, if you’re using it to hook someone on, or lure them to, amazingly healthy foods.

    (2): Sprouts are not hard to grow & you can grow them indoors year-round, with a couple easy-enough daily maintenance jobs. They’re 1/10th the cost of buying them at the grocery store, & you can grow organic seeds with organic soil at a very affordable cost.

    (3): www.mercola.com in general is a massively good site for health information, in my opinion. Joseph Mercola was an early critic of Vioxx, for example, a drug that killed 60,000 people & in the long run got banned.

    (4): I would not use it as my only tool against cancer: check on Dr. Mercola’s advice, in that case in particular;

    Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s “antineoplastons” may be good;

    Also, cannabis oil is renowned to be effective for some/all types of cancer; I will have to do a lot more reading before I have good recommendations, but those are two leads I have found, that I feel reasonably comfortable giving as ideas.

    For people with immune-system-related problems, such as you’re developing allergies, have dysbiosis of the gut & therefore acid reflux or other belly issues, or have an infection of some kind, I would recommend lacto-fermented foods made at home, which are up to 200X as strong as even the strongest probiotic pills; they are about as easy to make as hot chocolate. Use starter cultures. Body Ecology is the brand I use.

    Take probiotics long enough apart from, if you are taking them, antibiotics.

    Thank You.
    – Joe

    Disclaimer: The FDA has not reviewed these statements. Please consult a reliable health care professional for any health care decisions.

    Romanticism Exchange Two: The Original Romanticism Is About Love


    figure i: Anne Hathaway

    figure i: Anne Hathaway

    (The earlier post on this is The Irreducible Infinitude Of Love: A Spry Conversation On Love, Romanticism, Counter-Enlightenment Ideals / Anti-Intellectualism, etc.)

    <joe> man, i was just thinking, anne hathaway’s roles have been tasteful as heck: she played Fatima in Les Miserables, very very well, she played Catwoman in Batman, and Agent 99 in Get Smart – i used to love the old Get Smart on Nick At Nite as a kid. that is some tasteful roles.
    <JohnGuru> I think shoe phone was a parody of Dick Tracy’s wrist phone
    <JohnGuru> the origin of the word “dick”
    <JohnGuru> in 40’s slang, a “dick” was a detective
    <JohnGuru> in later jargon, it came to mean anybody who was up tight and institutionally repressed
    <joe> lol sweet. urban etymologies. i used to like looking up rock & roll’s etymology
    <JohnGuru> :)
    <joe> oh
    <joe> that sense
    <joe> lol
    <joe> lol
    <JohnGuru> haha
    <joe> etymologies are great
    <joe> so yeah, what you said re rainforests, & also this court has found anne hathaway to have good tastes *bangs gavel*
    <joe> but i am here to prove! lol
    <joe> anne hathaway has good tastes – agent 99, cat woman, fatima
    <JohnGuru> *nods*
    <joe> lol
    <joe> romanticism =)
    <joe> romanticism is all about love really.
    <JohnGuru> possibly
    <JohnGuru> romanticism is a general term referring to idealising as time in history, a place, or a person
    <JohnGuru> as/a
    <joe> “The Magus Of The North” said something to the effect, ‘i want a woman’s loveletter more than i want a logical proof’
    <joe> showing the value of Love over truth, as i’ve been noticing
    <JohnGuru> like some people fall in love with the “old west,” and romanticize it
    <joe> no, not really
    <JohnGuru> oh yes
    <JohnGuru> well, I can see that
    <joe> that’s one sense<joe> but not as a philosophy
    <joe> or its roots & real meaning
    <joe> consider it vis a vis counter-enlightenment ideals, non-reductionism, & even some non-intellectualism
    <joe> anti-/non-
    <joe> Love as greater than truth/science/knowledge
    <joe> is really my thrust
    <joe> with romanticism
    <JohnGuru> *nods*
    <JohnGuru> sure, those are all good things :)
    <joe> JohnGuru: but romanticism simply comes from romantic love poems, as well as chivalarous knight tales

    { . . .When we talked again, I had one more Cupid’s arrow to send out on this:

    from my notes I said:}

    “- i just have one question – when you found your wife, your girlfriend, your love interest, did you measure her vital signs – was she “the one” because she had good blood pressure, her pupils weren’t too dilated, her lips weren’t too pink — is that how you chose your Love? — or was it something amazing, beyond human describibility, perhaps something mystical —-”

    {John laughed & agreed, in the short time for conversation we had.}

    Love is the greatest thing you can get.

    Love is the greatest thing you can gift.

    Savor every moment of it.


    How About Making Analogs To The Library & Community Center?


    The library was a smash hit, as far as people’s endeavors in societal institutions go.

    Very basically, we took something we wanted to encourage – learning – subsidized it, & we thus then civilized for millennia.

    Yes we took money from the rich, a lot of them were hard working; yes we gave it to the less fortunate in a certain form.

    But that made learning a hallmark of our society, a staple we resoundingly support.

    The result was, we civilized – we grew as a world community, because we made libraries; so THAT is what we should model further library analogs to.

    The community center is a great start. We want Health (not to mention community) for our people not just because it makes business sense for our financial bottom line – we want it because IT’S GOOD FOR US. That is more important.

    Let’s look at what we want to encourage. A lot like Elizabeth Warren’s proposal that we should make college affordable — if not free, really I think — consider the great goods of civilization we want to nurture, not just the ugly crimes we want to remove: Love — make socializing that happens to be fertile for courting *a community sanctioned institution*. I really am saying play matchmaker, because Love is Good for us.

    Maybe say Usefulness – why not have a ‘community center’ institution that borrows useful tools, very many need but only half of us can afford? Tools make our homes more cozy, our equipment functional.

    — Let those who’ve been given harder lots check out a blood pressure kit from the “library” — or a oximeter — Why not?

    What about the arts – including files on the internet – that inspire us? Is it better one guy, no matter how ‘hard he worked’, have 16 yachts, or do we by birthright deserve to subsidize artists & have copious amounts of art works – mp3s, books, pictures & art — in as much that is feasible? (Some of that is done on the margins already, in libraries, but we should make it done by right – by law – in our society.)

    & What about research – yes they deserve pay, but should medical & other knowledge really be commercially restricted to those who can pay say 35$ for each & every study they want to read – whether it contains the information they’re looking for or not?

    Is that best for our civilization? You have to ask yourself that . . .

    One more – what about Fun? We focus on “the economy” so much as adults, we prescribe 5 days of work on average every 7 day week, we forget that kids know Life better than us in some ways . . . Let me explain: I remember seeing how denatured my parents were at 13, 14, 15, 16 — & this whole childhood thing was just something to do in the margins — let’s fund Childhood. Let’s make it great for our kids; they love fun – give them fun. They love to play, let them play. They love hanging out, let’s help them hang out. How many small towns have too little for their kids to do when they’re home from school – I’m talking about roller skating, hang outs, skate parks. As weird as it sounds, let’s take Fun seriously – it’s no small coin in this realm.

    Thanks for reading!

    First conceived/expressed during the “aughts” (’00s); returned to, written down & discussed in 2013 – again. Written up here a 3rd. – Joe =D


    Continued July 2015: 30 Ideas For Community, Fun, & Culture In America


    Poem: Play House


    a poem i just wrote, have a looksee:

    the heart,
    waterfalls in our blue lagoon
    really hitting a stride –
    i love you to the moon

    & back

    i’m ecstatic that
    you love me

    makes me think back,

    to how in my slush puppy days
    deadly hot girls asked for an orgy with me,
    & when i was of age, it was the season opener of jailbait,
    we smoked opium & cannabis, in the back of our hippie buses, too

    wearing fake vampire fangs
    girlfriends with cartoony imaginations
    fooling around all day & all night in her room

    playing just to play

    might as well’ve had bunnyrabbit ears,
    & a little puffy cottontail — oo

    then in the days i laughed at businessmen,
    it was flip flops,
    across the u.s. southwest
    & soundtracks,
    holing up in

    yeah #philosophy was a stronghold
    for the too cool for school

    then subplots branched,
    & bled, & hatched
    the stork of Life
    delivered me the romance,
    that i
    always dreamed of

    yes as i’m riding a street cruiser
    into my middle life

    i’m happy to say i got my dream wife

    some may think otherwise
    but i know it’s all about happily marrying
    the same person
    living in a always honeymoon

    blue lagoon waterfalls, are all i want to see now
    i love you to the moon & back,
    i captured my queen

    & the lovebirds sing:

    we live
    in permanent
    {backup singers: tell the truth! me: i do!}

    we write
    like teenage girls
    write in their diary

    – there’s the american
    & a cross hanging in her cleavage . . . . .

    talking sticks,
    & presses of blueprints
    strategy board soapboxing

    & the quick & the dead –
    crying from happiness
    life’s easter eggs
    & another umpteen zillion,
    sublime groves,
    & primes to rock & roll,
    i got your message,
    i’d die to play house with you


    Poem For First Day Of Spring: “Sprung”


    the first birdchirp of the year has cracked
    blooming in a week are thee lilacs —
    everything Earthly in Spring is beginning anew

    & so you again too (whyyyy)
    well since it’s better to live than it is to die
    thus then therefore it’s better to thrive than merely survive

    so as thee poets become babbling brooks,
    & the sprouts are shooting up from their roots
    let me tell you, the birds & the bees are currently getting struck by Eros Cupid

    yes, now, the squirrels frolick in their pairs,
    lovebirds singing everywhere
    lovebirds singing everywhere,
    that precious song
    that is Love
    is in the air

    so as you scrub your spring cleanin’
    you have a reason to be beaming
    mr right is right here or if he’s elsewhere, he has a clue

    Some Things Bear Repeating: Words That Are Classes Unto Themselves


    Some things bear repeating.

    I wanted to add this time sharing this, that altho this is a brief list of words, each of these words are like a class unto themselves – a class you will probably learn & grow in the rest of your Life.

    Thank You,

    Songpoem: you can be my pet bunny (((free love)))


    here’s a song i’ve had as a draft on my computer for a couple weeks:

    posting cutie pictures
    up on the social meed’ . . .
    tell me bunny, is that ineffable allure,
    actually fishing for a captain like me?

    i stop & ask myself,
    did that sign say heaven’s now hirin’?
    tell the suavest & the handsomer,
    please apply within . . . . . .

    {facebook pop}
    howdy there bunniest,
    would you care to grab coffee, this week’nd?
    {facebook pop} ha, maybe, maybe not, loverboy
    who is askin’ =)

    {facebook pop}
    you got me: i’m a lover not a fighter,
    & i believe this world was built for two . . .
    i also so happen to believe,
    that i might like you . . .

    & so if my company happened to be,
    a mutual desire . . .
    all i can say is my love is free,
    & this gun is for hire . . .

    {facebook pop}
    ok, fine.
    meet me at the coffeehouse,
    up on North & Vine
    i’ll bring my girlfriend with me,
    i’m guessing you shouldn’t mind.

    {facebook pop}
    There is a God — great,
    then it’s a date —
    how about 7’o’clock,
    on Friday?

    {facebook pop}
    sure. {facebook pop} k bye
    {(pause?) then revelrous happy harmonica solo}
    { ” }
    { ” }

    looking for the girl in the photograph
    i hike up my boxers of silk,
    from somewhere there’s intoxicating vanilla fragrant, &
    she arrives all dressed to kill

    i say hey, & hug her
    somewhat hangingly
    she smiles with her affection,
    whilst i notice her friend just standing

    who’s this you brought with you
    is she your bestest friend?
    yup – her name is
    ms. eliza ‘lizabeth


    i light up with a bright idea,
    hey, let’s play a game:
    i call this one Favorites,
    name all your favorite things you can name.


    i say here i’ll start,
    i Love Love more than anything,
    she smiles, but it’s awkward
    so i say & i also like to sing.

    she says that’s way cool
    maybe i can hear you sometime (yeah)
    — my favorite thing’s my best friend,
    i’ve known her all of my life

    aww that is sweet –
    hey do you want anything to drink?
    no i can pay my own,
    but yeah i guess let’s go get a cup of coffee

    we go up the spiral staircase
    to the coffee barista
    i order up a depth charge,
    she says i’ll get tea,

    & we go back downstairs,
    there’s a good song blasting thru the air
    she says i love it in the autumn,
    it’s too beautiful, everywhere

    i smile – i like your outfit
    i can tell you’re way classe
    she says thank you darling,
    & moves with a bit of uncontrollable sassy

    ok i think my favorite thing is motown
    she says watch me do an arm wave
    i joke with a she-bop she-bop,
    she says oh man, no way

    ok one of my favorite things is hair dye,
    blueblack looks egyptian,
    she says you should do rainbow,
    yeah if i could find the beautician

    read any good books this year?
    oh i don’t know, i guess i read a lot on the webz
    there’s some sites i really like
    let me guess one is reddit?

    yeah … ok a favorite thing is the stars,
    – yeah me too, the starlit canopy
    hey i think it was clear,
    we could go out to the patio if you please

    we go out to the breeze,
    we’re into each other, we agree
    i hum ‘when the moon hits your eye . . .’,
    she looks happy.

    ok my favorite thing is leonard cohen,
    he’s just like a crow . . .
    she says yeah jeff buckley used to date liz frazer but now he’s just a ghost

    we talk on & on
    tubin’ on the river of Life
    her friend says maybe they should leave
    but she says you can go if you like

    *harmonica blow (single)*

    hey should we catch a motion pic’?
    she says actually i have netflix . . .
    a long pregnant silence ends
    with let’s

    we go back to her apartment
    & we watch a favorite pick of hers
    & the night is beautiful
    it was itself a motion picture


    {guitar:} doo-bee-doo-bee-doo-bee {2 or 3 female voices:} sheh-bah! sheh-bah!
    {guitar:} doo-bee-doo-bee-doo-bee – {voices:} sheh-bah! sheh-bah!
    {guitar:} doo-bee-doo-bee-doo-bee – {voices:} sheh-bah! sheh-bah!
    {guitar:} doo-bee-doo-bee-doo- {song begins to noticeably fade out:} bee – (voices:) sheh-bah! sheh-bah! {(possibly cool “so_nice*.flp” or *** ******** type frissiony chimerun)}

    Survey Finds 93% Of Fruit & Vegetable Varieties Lost In 80 Years – Another Finds Over Half Of Wildlife Gone In Just 40 Years


    Oh, no big deal: according to National Geographic, 93% of fruit & vegetable varieties have gone extinct in the years 1903 to 1983. Loss after that is not estimated.

    Couple this with 52% slaughter/loss of wildlife in the last 40 years,1 2 3 & you should understand why I am an environmental warrior. Human mismanagement is a drastically serious concern.

    Combine losing virtually all our fruit & vegetable heirlooms, with over half of the living, breathing wildlife in 40 years, with climate change, something as many as 98% of geological/climate scientists signed onto being “real” & “man-made,” & it seems like we are not going to live for long on this planet, everybody, without taking environmentalism seriously – more seriously than war, more seriously than economics.

    Congressmen who are not for massive overhaul of our environmental protection are against it – & against humanity.


    we will not live long on this planet if we kill 93% of our vegetables & fruits, further drink Monsanto’s newest “mystery concoction” that are GMO’s on a widespread basis, kill half of the world’s needed animals in 40 years, & pollute & desertify the place where we are living to the point of changing the climate.

    Geezus God.

    I do not have all the answers but these are upending problems that we need to get a handle on.

    We need to sit back & not plan how to live the next 100 years, but the next 10,000, in a sustainable way. An environmental bender is not a long-term survival strategy. I’m sorry.

    That is all. Thank you.
    — Joe Valentyn

    Praise For Teachers & Doctors, & The Case For Investing In Them Proportional To Their Importance


    I just wanted to praise the great teachers I have had, I have heard, & all the other teachers who are making a real difference in the lives of the people they teach; I also want to praise the personable, knowledgeable doctors I have had, the ones I have read & listened to, & all the ones providing healthier, longer lives & probably ones with healthier, longer-lived children.

    Some politicizing needs to be done here, because it is a renowned fact that teachers-especially are – even while being essential players in the development of civilization – underpaid severely in our country. It makes little to no sense at all to have a system where MLB (Major League Baseball) players make $3,440,000 on average yearly, & the teachers who are 2nd only to parents in importance in a child’s upbringing, make $56,400.1 2.

    Are you guys saying playing a game of bat & ball – even for other people – is 60 times more important than giving a kid a life education? Education is very important – again 2nd only to what parents do.

    (For that matter we should pay parents to be good parents – I’m sure you could arrange a meritocratic system – something I’ve talked about for many years.)

    But why pay teachers 1/60th of sports entertainers, then? – As much as I like baseball, American football, football – properly figuring medical quantities, understanding historical trends in governments are much much more important, not 1/60th as important!

    Let’s straighten out this teacher’s wages thing.

    I’m not talking about a $1 an hour rise. I’m talking about making it a classe, best-of-the-best profession.

    It would make sense to have doctors be the same way: well-paid for a high importance job.

    Thank You.

    – Joe Valentyn

    It’s A Boy: A New Concept For Law, For A New Direction Of Law: Positive Justice


    i have a suggestion to make, a rather gigantic one… one that will require contemplation, & discussion, but one that in the end is right, i feel.

    see, we are coming from cells, & as this unfolds we are coming from a more draconian (meaning strict & severe) sense of Justice to a more enlightened, broader circle-of-compassion’d, civilized sense, advocacy for, & exaction of Justice. we simply put punish people less vengefully as time & civilizing occasion us.

    “the (criminal) justice system” – both Retributive Justice, meaning punishment & Restorative Justice, which has to do with compensating, focus on how to deal with the illegal.

    what is legal, in the eyes of the Justice system, is by & large considered all equal – when you look at how the government treats citizens’ legal doings. to split a rock is equally valuable as volunteering your help to someone in need . . . they are both merely ‘legal,’ in the eyes of the law – both are merely ‘allowed’.

    what, then, about formalizing the reward half of Justice? as it stands, if you do wrong you will suffer punishment or find yourself on the losing end of restoration; if you do neutral, it is treated indifferently . . . but what about those doing Good? shouldn’t we reward Good deeds even more than we beat back with a stick crimes against each other?

    as i understand it, subsidizing say The Good Will’s enterprise is something done ‘wthout policy’ – by that i mean we have policy & law against crimes, but we have no legislative policy for rewarding, thru financial subsidies as well as other forms of human payment, like public recognition, good deeds.

    What I’m Saying Is, Let’s Start Nourishing Our Peoples. Let’s Praise The Children That Are Our Body Politic.

    Let’s Make Up For Our Neglect Of The Reward Half Of Justice, & Have A Community Of People Who Feel Good For Doing Good.

    Thank You.

    =) Joe



    2023 September 26th: I have since titled this Positive Justice (the reward half for Justice)!

    Literary Writing: “Impressionism” ((Proto Version))


    this is a what-i-felt-was new form of writing that at the very least i have not seen before. i have written a lot more than i have read, probably, so it may well have been sparked times before.

    without further ado, a piece titled “Impressionism”:


    A Dream.



    The wind roared around a maniac hotel. Snowballs were thrown, & cold air breath was faked to be from a non-existent cigarette.

    Snowballs were thrown. Snowmen smiled. Lightning veined the air. The sky was blue. A kid laughed.

    Snowballs were thrown.

    The belly laughs of beerbellies. Old St. Nick rapped on the windows. Snowballs were thrown. A snowglobe glittered down.

    Slushpuppies. The air around a fireplace. The teddybears of understandings of lovers. The shy eyes. People in striped coats. Plaigiarism.

    The wind roared around the maniac hotel, & the bedsprings shrieked. Her panties hung off the bed.

    Ecstasy. Sleds. An old crow.

    Rollerskates make marks.

    The icicles were like candycanes.

    Her shoes were like iceskates.

    The car ride was so filled with fumes we got lightheaded. Dizzyspells. Earthquakes. Jupiter. Nam.

    Election results. Red, white, & blue. Sparklers. The wind roared around the maniac hotel. Mashes of berries.

    Mashes of berries. Creativity his or herself. The seeds.

    John Milton. Chris Matthews. Isaac Hayes.

    The ghost ship. Ennui reaching out from The Muses. The hand in the puppets. Mannequin with a scarf.


    The wind roared around the maniac hotel; snowballs were thrown.

    I opened the door. Elvis. Parades of people. The low shelf.

    Bookshelf. Elvis. Mashes of berries. Election results.

    The wind howled creativity. A spine. Two people, loving inbed. ((The bed springs shriek creativity.))

    City skyline. Elvis. Tambourines. The table romance-band.

    People in tanktops. Elvis. Mashes of berries. Election results. The sky was blue.

    The Sun burned angry. (People in tanktops. Mashes of berries.)

    Countless fingers. The hand that controls the steering wheel. Betting wheels. Mashes of berries. Cleopatra.

    Countless fingers. The wind roared around the maniac hotel.

    Fingers weaved. The crush of ecstasy. Pursuit. Happiness.

    Mashes of berries.

    Our eyes held in Love.

    (The End.)

    In Respect For Journalists & Programmers


    i said this on my Twitter account a couple days ago… but i wanted to say here, Journalists like Chris Matthews, EJ Dionne… Programmers like Richard Stallman & the free and open source software community, have been shooting stars in our time, for their hard work & navigating  – creating the things we navigate, & the things we use to navigate – much if not all in the spirit of Community. i am thoroughly impressed at this work . . . like the individual honors i have handed out… i award my honor to Journalists & Programmers. Thank You & I Wish Good Things In Your Personal Lives.

    Thank You.

    =) Joe

    Re: Computers


    have you ever noticed television — a welcome addition to our toolbox — seems to have created a sort of fascination with culture since about the 1950s — meaning video-recorded culture?

    everything before video-recordings didn’t really happen – we sort of think — or things that did are just ‘old:’ obsolete; irrelevant.

    all that matters is what was captured in motion picture.

    well, i am here today to say that 6000 years worth of traditions has the tried & true, time-tested ‘way’ for our lives to be lived, much more than the “new & improved”, “latest & greatest” novelties in our little sliver of history.

    tradition just makes sense, when it comes to a new communications medium ((the computer/internet)): weigh the meaningfulness of the cream of the cream from the last 6000 years of written work, with a recent decade’s cultural works — say the 1980’s — there’s little comparison: the cream of the cream coming out of the last 6000 years of cultural works hangs huge in its meaningfulness, juxtaposed with 50 years or so of admittedly fun, american elation & celebration — as fun as it is . . .

    now don’t get me wrong – i was just dancing to a ’60s pop hit this morning — & i hope  you’re doing all that too, because it’s fun.

    but it’s simply a numbers game. 6000 years of cultural works will have more superstars, more actual bearers of cultural mantles, than 50 or 60 years.

    we need to learn from the whole of the past, what traditions we should guide the seeds of this current culture toward — the Information Age’s culture — & use these ideals like navigational stars — especially with the seminal role it is shaping up to play;

    we need to build our culture on the tried & true foundations of all-time; timeless, time-tested, proven ideas.

    go out there & find some classics. read The Bible, read Plato, sit at the feet of Ralph Waldo Emerson for a spell.

    & still get those Hippy Hippy Shakes tho =)

    *insert hippy hippy shakes*

    – joe


    July 2015: The continuation of this is Follow-Up To “Re: Computers”: Cultural Subsidization Helps Our Civilization Grow, Culturally – Let’s.

    Only 2% Of Plants Have Been Studied For Human Use – This While Incredibly Dangerous Pharmaceuticals Are Used By 70% Of People


    i am not a medical professional, but i came across a stat that puts me in the eye of a perfect storm for a possibly major national health job.

    i was carousing PubMed studies one day, when i came across a study on turmeric that happened to mention that of the approximately 400,000 species of plants on Earth, only 7,000 – or not even 2% – have been studied for use as medicine, food, or textile.

    that was astonishing in itself . . .

    but then it came to me that we might have created what i would call an artificial market in synthetic medications via the patent system. the pharmaceutical patent system artificially inflates the profitability of production, the demand via advertising (etc), & therefore the use of synthetic chemicals as medicines, which are statistically 7,750 times more dangerous than herbal supplements, & 62,000 times more dangerous than nutritional supplements, according to a study of all the relevant available data in Europe.123

    so… one thing i would say is, i would put as an idea to ethical, intelligent entrepreneurs – people like Dr. Joseph Mercola  or maybe (Sir haha) Richard Branson – to what-i-termed ‘genetically experiment’ on these unresearched plants – as an example, give 50 volunteers with one medical condition each a their own unresearched plant, & study them. if one shows hope for safe effective & perhaps accessible medicine, (that is, affordable & available), do controlled experiments on it to make certain it truly is.

    creating artificial demand for substances that are thousands of times more dangerous, & at by the same turn of the hand choosing to neglect the cornucopia of safer, effective  medicines, makes no sense.

    we also need to investigate fixing this artificial inflation of production/demand of exceedingly dangerous “medications” legislatively.

    are patents really the right thing for civilizational growth? or do they more concentrate wealth at the expense, in this case, of our health.

    let’s get down to it.


    A New Poster I’m Working On


    i’m no artist — but i did have the good idea to list (most) of my favorite ways to be.

    these are important touchstones in Life — i hope you learn & grow from it!


    The Irreducible Infinitude Of Love: A Spry Conversation On Love, Romanticism, Counter-Enlightenment Ideals / Anti-Intellectualism, & Non-Reductionism


    phew. that title was a mouthful.

    is Love just oxytocin? some would like to reduce us to strange cartoonlike machines, sputtering and chugging along — Love being a chemical & a formula, no consciousness just behaviors —

    here’s a chat on what i consider a good direction philosophically — considering the wave of science that has comes down onto us since “The Enlightenment” & somewhat fueled by admiration of industrial era technological “progress” such as fossil fuel burning — that went well haha — where i argue for the whole existence of Love, & against reducing it, as well as air some ideas about our worth of Love vs. truth, as ideals, when it comes to schools, curricula, & our approach —


    <lakitu> some people say Love is oxytocin; that is the same thing as saying sex is sperm & vaginal fluids. but that is the reduction i see in some circles
    <LionClan> may be a tautology
    <lakitu> LionClan: use your noggin =)
    <lakitu> or a grammar checker, i suppose
    –> artalien2 ([email protected]) has joined #philosophical
    <lakitu> wb artalien
    <lakitu> just said this:
    <lakitu> some people say Love is oxytocin; that is the same thing as saying sex is sperm & vaginal fluids. but that is the reduction i see in some circles
    <lakitu> some people say Love is oxytocin; that is the same thing as saying sex is semen & vaginal fluids. but that is the reduction i see in some circles
    <artalien2> Ty
    <artalien2> Reduction sux :)
    –> pauly ([email protected]) has joined #philosophical
    <lakitu> sex is so much more than that, Love is so much more than ‘the fluid that runs thru our brain/glands when we Love someone’ – we must really take care to not make that mistake, we lose so much
    <artalien2> Lionclan I would not answer literally and say ” if it makes sense to you it is well formed”
    <altered> lakitu: id love to know what that you just said but its just glowing lights on my monitor :(
    *** Mode #philosophical +l 44 by X
    <lakitu> =)
    <lakitu> exactly
    <lakitu> agree artalien2, i feel a big anti-reduction thing coming on
    <lakitu> i guess you call it non-reductionism – i think
    <lakitu> thing/cultural wave
    <lakitu> i hope anyway –
    <artalien2> I gotta go – interesting lc
    <– artalien2 ([email protected]) has quit (Quit: AndroIRC – Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
    <– Dell1 ([email protected]) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
    <lakitu> romanticism/anti-(over)intellectualism/non-reductionism/’mix in your own’ =)
    –> Gomp ([email protected]) has joined #philosophical
    <lakitu> i would love to see a non-reduction push among people, it can be such a big mistake, to write-off truly indispensible things like Love, consciousness, because your meter and a theory says too
    <lakitu> that doesn’t mean i stopped ‘being a monist’, or really being able to see things monisitically – re physicalism
    <lakitu> i was an early proponent of physicalism…
    <– FathZippyZan ([email protected]) has quit (Quit: Free Speech is an Illusion)
    *** Mode #philosophical +l 41 by X
    <lakitu> but`reducing Love to oxytocin is like reducing sex to semen – both are so much more
    <lakitu> semen and vaginal fluids* =)
    -*- lakitu coughs gently
    <– altered ([email protected]) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
    <lakitu> delicate interplays
    <lakitu> i won’t get theoretical on sex, that’s what i’m saying: over- or mis-theorizing about Love & sex is what i’m criticizing.
    <lakitu> reductionism
    <lakitu> you know, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
    –> altered ([email protected]) has joined #philosophical
    <– MarmaladeEsq ([email protected]) has quit (Quit)
    <lakitu> altered – you are not artalien are you?
    <altered> i am indeed not
    <lakitu> i guess the names look similar -ok
    <lakitu> so you’re still here
    <lakitu> not quizzing you, just seeing if you were art coming back, or what
    <lakitu> 2nd nicks, you know
    <altered> undernet servers appear to use 14.4kbaud modem, kicks me off all the time

    Continue reading

    The Destiny Of Women


    were you lucky enough to grow up with Your Mom or maybe be raised by Your Gramma? have you known anyone else to take as good of care as you?

    how about in your relationships, if you swing that way – who was more communicative? more nurturing? more Loving?: you or your female companion.

    these are stereotypes, some could foam, but there is some truth to stereotypes sometimes, & when we’re talking a positive stereotype i don’t know who can complain.

    have you seen violence statistics based on gender? there is a campaign for “No More” sexual assault, i believe, & we all know the lopsidedness of those crimes: Men are the assailant more than Women – & that isn’t a fluke of anatomy. that seems to be a re-occuring theme in more Men than Women’s lives: the tendency towards physical violence.

    in fact, 90% of guilty homicides verdicts spoken in the United States are spoken of Men. 90% . . .

    like a little miniature model for us, i believe these, like all words of Christ, to be true: “The meek shall inherit The Earth.” (Matthew 5:5). i think with establishing Men of all ethnicities with the preponderance of belligerence, Men make my assessment easy: The Future belongs to Women, more than it has in our hunter-gatherer origins. Information Technology is flourishing, in our time, & who did we say – stereotypically – communicates better? i know who, in my experience.

    Who manages her self-image, & social life with heightened sensitivity, elegance – stereotypically.

    how about increased technology…. our projected future. Who will manage bombs of inordinate magnitudes better: those drunk with belligerence or those whose attacks, the specialists say, more often remain verbal/secondary to physical violence?

    this is a serious thing i do not think will wash away with the next tides to our shores.

    i am not female. this is not hubris. this is a positive commentary on a group of people i have come to know.

    what should we say to those who think Women have surmounted sexist behavior against them, fully — we need only look a the trajectory of history to see liberation, suffrage are just yesterday in history; egalitarian working rights & privileges are still not established, & we are still living among mutterings of “Women’s place is in the kitchen.”

    & this, perhaps most telling: tho women are essentially half our population, they still make up only 1/5th of the US Government Senate & House seats. (that is roughly a middle value, globally.)

    . . . .

    How Can You Increase Your Respect For Women?

    as Eleanor Roosevelt’s International Bill of Rights – ratified by the U.N. – said: How Can You Increase The Dignity Of Women Of All Kinds?

    these answers help You as much as they help Women; & more over they help Us; All Of Us.


    Thank You For Listening =)

    Joe Valentyn

    Getting Back To Basics: People, Love, & Positivity


    one problem with doing too much philosophy is you can fall thru the cracks into doing finer points, without proper emphasis on the basics that really matter: like dithering on about exceptions to being against war, when i should for the public good be loudly emphasizing the basics: i am anti-war, anti-violence, & even was a vegan for 10 years, until i was given some unrelated health troubles.

    so – i’ve been thinking about getting back to basics, emphasizing the main ideas we need to live by, rather than the finer points, leaving the main idea unnurtured.

    People are my 1st choice for a fundamental value. valuing People over Things for example – over Money (re Mammon), valuing a person as a whole, not their use for you; being human-centric, like in Philosophy, putting away “Cosmology”/Nature/Science/Things for Ethics, Life Philosophy, the human experience.

    Love would be my 2nd choice, which used to be the first but – another finer point – i’d rather have People than Love, since Love is ‘just’ a thing… but, Love is no ordinary thing.

    Love is The Greatest Thing, i can assuringly say, & we are most wise to live in Love: to do with Love: think with Love, speak/express with Love, & act with Love. i can assure you, it is like instant wisdom to learn to value Love properly, which is almost infinite. (i’ll pass on making any finer points here =))

    lastly, what helped me rewrite this post even, when it got deleted: Positivity. if Love is the best moral guideline, then i would say Positivity is the best ethical guideline, which stands for persevering, being resilient, finding opportunity, finding happiness, & nurturing others. ”’Positivity is the language humans speak.”’ i would say – i would say the same about the other two as well — you will be listened to, received, & affect better, if you are supremely Positive.

    that wraps this up. just felt i was getting a little too much into finer points, been wanting to hammer the basics for a few weeks now.

    Thanks For Listening!

    Quick Note On Our Domestic Priorities


    there is a lot going on, in a way, but i have heard some undertones of income inequality going to more of a 2nd fiddle role. other than climate change, income inequality is not a 2nd fiddle problem & we should not let those against solving that problem dissuade us from pursuing a solution, or solutions.

    in the same breath, i’d like to say climate change seems like the most important political problem, to me, at the present time.

    those will be our most fruitful & important focuses at home, i wonder.

    Thank You.

    – Joe

    conversation – a invention of a new (”’ideometric”’) ‘scope’: crosschecking the 7 deadly sins against government units often


    [20:45] <lakitu> in my video lectures, i introduced scoping. i just thought of a great e.g. political idea using it. take the 7 deadly sins & crosscheck them against each gov unit, to remediate them of those things. i wonder if the idea is, like the song says, i can see clearly now the rain is gone =) gonna be a bright (bright) sunshiney day — if you can clear the grevious or hidden mistakes, perhaps ‘what you need to do’ & ‘how you need to do
    [20:45] <lakitu> it’ become more obvious
    [20:48] <lakitu> at the least, it would be very helpful
    [20:48] <lakitu> you’d want very sapient scholars of the 7 deadly sins, their various interpretations
    [20:49] <lakitu> that could be an ongoing thing
    [20:51] <lakitu> you ask where the ideas of laws come from, they are the codifications of ethics. if you look into who is the main provider of ethics, it’s Da Christianity. (Da Christianity)
    [20:53] <lakitu> thinking on the commandments, maybe God really intended for us not to kill. if so, we should steer toward nonfatal weapons, like stunguns
    [20:59] <lakitu> re the truth of Christian morals a cumudgeonous agnostic conceded, you can see how these two land features align: one of the earliest commandments i remember is thou shall not kill – how much do we protest & loathe war?
    [21:01] <lakitu> you can try to cut God out of every picture you see, but eventually what you put up to challenge Him will pale, in my beliefs. for example, try writing a ground like the Bible
    [21:03] * lakitu it has to do with the meterological forces of the Spiritual plane, mumbles to himself
    [21:03] <lakitu> it just wouldn’t work
    [21:03] <lakitu> people have tried
    [21:03] <lakitu> i think
    [21:05] <lakitu> best to have community, & cooperate with the religious

    Culture Wins: Knowing The Worth Of The Unfinished Heavenly Painting of Culture


    Updated century 21 year 24 month 4 day 20 around 5pm, then around midnite.



    i don’t think i need to say much about our Technology’s rate of growth, it’s been thru the roof, with the speaker, the microphone, the videocamera, the computer chip, spaceships, robots almost all unforeseeable a couple centuries ago.

    Moneywise . . . what can i say, at this blip, we are hurting . . . & it’s not unconsequential how it is resolved. but  in actuality, we are getting better in certain ways, ways i could not elucidate, but still, i am smart enough to realize we should thank our lucky stars we drew two aces when we got Barack Hussein Obama as Our President to inherit his portion of the national situation . . . back in 2008, at the confluence of the mortgage de-regulation crisis, & the unjust, unpopular Iraq (& Afghanistan, et al) war, along with many many other influences.

    but *Money*, Everyone, has not been Our Life’s master; & nor is Technology the last word in what you can experience in This Life;

    Culture — that is, Conversation. Romance. Movies. Operas. Books. Blog posts. we also have a Cultural life. we engage in Cultural *transactions*, in our civilization — like me posting this post;

    we use the mental *tools* (my increasing view of ideas) of Culture, e.g. internet memes, or words, to deal with Life – to seek out goals, & address concerns.

    & This Time Of Ours, Our Culture, has been golden.

    we’ve had a revival in Spirituality, a reprise of classicism, a regeneration of natural living, a renewal of our vows to civic duty, a return to high art in movies, tv shows, even pornography, &  a resurgence in our strongholds of Culture —

    like in government, when Barack Obama said, *Love is an American ideal*, in his Presidential inauguration speech –

    & a generally Romantic sense, among other things, leading to us just pawing at positive psychology, self-actualization, ever-higher-art & societal-actualization: Utopia, in terms of environmental (natural), political, aesthetic, philosophical, scientific, etc, strife & success.

    & all of this golden-era *culture* has been swapped on the trade routes of information using the new transportation of the Information Age: The Computer, The Internet, The Smartphone.

    i can know up-to-the-minute when justin bieber eats a sandwich =)

    & not to mention a 60s-style musical revival. it truly is A Golden Era – *Culturally* – & of the 3, i think if it ever came down to having Wealth versus Culture, Culture wins; & if it came down to having Technology versus Culture. having Culture wins again.

    obviously, the practical aim of a politician  is finding the needed levels of Money, Technology & Culture, & other parts of society, & understanding how best to acquire them; but

    the specific situation this post undergoes is that, Here, & Now, we need to *sensitize* (‘make sensitive’) as many people as we can, (within reason), to Culture being a commodity — no — a treasury of A Community, (just like Wealth is, in a way) —

    too, to Culture being a worthy toolbox replete with Internet memes, philosophical concepts, etc — *just like Technology* is in a way.

    an example idea that knows the worth of Culture, would be to tax the rich, & provide culturation subsidies: free books, free videos, free audio, to any resident, with a fair (& working, re the current one) system for artists’ being paid back. you would do this because culture is a good of society, like technology too, generally, & while being sensible, it should therefore be saught out *as a society* – *as a government* – *as a people*.

    always always always in my life *Culture* has been neglected in discussions of progress, but it’s true: our ethical understandings tend to become more substantive, generally; our opera houses go thru complex cultural cycles — reactionary developments, nationalist, etc, — in a hermeneutic growth of culture; & our journalism & general communal awareness seems to improve, if unimpeded by other large events – a very throbbing example of *Our Culture*. these are the best form of progress, better than the fronts of space travel, or GDP. they are not only not dangerous, but the ‘civilization of people’ makes all 3 of these parts less dangerous: more cosmopolitan in their approach to science & technology, more sapient in our approach to nutrition & also materials, more strident & magnanimous in our approach to diplomacy –

    it makes us better lovers, better parents, better jokers, better *thinkers*, better *believers*,  better *doers*. it makes **us** better, not just our tools better. & for that i say love culture, & invest pugnaciously in its unfinished heavenly painting.

    & who knows, maybe we’re not alone in this Universe – would you rather meet your neighbor planet-dwelling species as magnanimous diplomats, as artists wrought with inspiration, people brimming with life & tenacity, or as ‘efficient’ businessmen — as cons & sells. craftily explaining financial derivatives. etc. i know which identity i subscribe to. i hope you choose to appraise culture as a beacon of a community, of a society, of civilization.

    (a fun bonus paragraph to this is that a great example of what i mean is “memes”. they are not very big, physically. not very heavy. you can’t move stuff with memes – but you can move hearts & minds a good distance. these internet “memes” are in my perspective crystallizations & mascots of life phenomena & roles in the complex cultural domain of socialization – the nom nom nom meme, or the ‘you said something stupid’ guy meme. if you think about it, they’re sort of like mind tools, which has some rightful inheritance of the world stage alongside ‘thing tools’ like agricultural equipment & medical equipment – Technology. memes are a great example of something we get better as a society by nurturing, along with ethics, journalism, science, diplomacy, etc. a good meme mockup is literally a worthy thing, not moneywise, but beyond that, just ‘good to have’.)

    Remembering Everything That Was Lou Reed


    for my tastes, Lou Reed (1942-2013) was the 2nd best American songwriter/rocker, after Bob Dylan.

    as it stands, we have a pretty good goldvein of lou reed songs to last us.

    the world lost a quirky, charming, massive personality who was, in rock & roll, a blatant & irrepressible singer, Lou Reed was formative in shaping rock & roll for future generations – especially musicians – from his original 60s & 70s hippie & loose-rock shipmates to the current generation of indieans – more so now than back then, even.

    when i was younger, there was about a 1/3 dice throw you could find me listening to these & songs like them, on headphones, on a minidisc recorder biking or walking around Faribault.

    Thanks for teaching all of us to Walk on The Wild Side – just like you did –

    Walk On The Wildside:

    i couldn’t pick just one Velvet’ favorite – so i picked 3 songs. i think it’s impossible to be unhappy listening to Rock & Roll – a favorite song of My Dad’s & personally, this is maybe tied for my favorite rock song:

    what a better 17-year-old’s anthem than Sweet Jane for my generation – i couldn’t find a better:

    i still remember trying to woo a girl singing that song, ‘standing on the corner / (suitcase in my hand)‘.

    — this was not feel-good music; it was feel-best.

    no wonder Andy Warhol produced their first album & & made a nearly endless amount of arthouse videos at Warhol’s Factory.

    bring on the documentaries.

    – joe

    A Post About Eclecticism


    one school of thought i’ve been propounding lately is eclecticism. when you apply this idea to philosophy, you see that for example, subjectivism & realism are not competitors mutually exclusive, but subjectivism says what is good of the body is told in diagnosis, & realism says what is good of the body is health – as that, they are unified in a toolkit where one is used for one thing, (the analysis of ‘diagnosis’ from body), & the other thing is used for still another. it is the idea that different schools of thought are like tools in a toolbelt, rather than competing systems; this carries over to broader fields than philosophies, where science has its place, religion its, poetry another, & so on; so that each field has its place. this is the idea of eclecticism, & even well-roundedness: that you selectively use the good points from each thing, rather than tribally defend your one way.

    in a way, this gets to well-roundedness, & life philosophy, where you spend not all your time being intellectual, moving one level-up in the categories of pursuits, but spend time with friends & family, pursuing your passion/career, release doing hobbies & recreations, & spend time learning new things, & experiencing new kinds of experiences, as well.

    the french had a phrase, it meant “he eats well, he drinks well, he fucks well.” that is sort of the cosmopolitan idea here.

    Ecstatic Romanticism


    my friends from facebook might recognize this as being familiar — i posted this on facebook once already. i put a lot into it tho & so i thought i’d make it public. this one’s about a new ethos in Art: Ecstatic Romanticism:

    i trace a cool Romanticism (not romanticness ;)) (a lot like i traced (rightly!) Jazz to Kerouac’s writing (ok & Neal Cassady – lol) to Dylan’s lyrics, to a lot of the lyrics SINCE Dylan) — like i was saying (& i’m not sure anyone will care) but i think i trace a lineage of Romanticism from The Cure to maybe AFI & those (i bet *both*) to Bright Eyes — i wanted to say something on top of that: i am coming from a deep love of modern Romanticism (i feel a Counter-Enlightenment coming on!), but am/was still pulled apart from it by the Goth/depressing elements — poisoned Beauty, sort of —

    i remembered the reason (*the last person listening gets up & leaves – talking to myself i’m sure*) i shunned Bright Eyes when they first hit was because he was noted for being genius, but DEPRESSIVE. i was already old enough to be bored with depression/darkness… anyway long story short (i don’t feel like doing this on a anonymous message board & be all, ‘well i have agnosia’ — anwyay) – long story short, the facebook version is *why not make an ECSTATIC Romanticism, rather than romanticize darkness — something i’ve always found wrong twice (or ‘doubly’). Kerouackian beatific visions to the height of Blake, or Roberto Benigni’s ecstasy with Life into the deepest poeticness. why not?* i believe if i were to seriously (not as i do) walk Art’s path… i would by & large make such Art – thru Positivity & what i called literary Impressionism… if you’ve ever read my writing that starts out “holidays! ons & offs (…)” Impressionism in literature (my invention?) was sort of a trans-semantic language that took meaning by virtue of dizzying depths of swirly ecstasy, more than syntatically perfect english. felt fragments, really .. something like the best Shoegazer albums. sort of taking — oh man i forget my impressionist painters — but say Debussy — who said to fade out like a gentle autumn leaf, for a musical direction on one of his piano scores . . . sort of taking his Impressionism & writomg of the Ecstasy you the writer feel from Love & Love of Things… double Romanticism – Romanticism from Love =) true Romanticism – Optimistic & In Love Ecstatic Romanticism/Art.

    my fave modern Romantic is e.e. cummings, re since feeling is first (probably seems tired, but that is straight Ecstatic Romanticism / Counter-Enlightment / (again, Positive) Sturm Und Drang. his ‘grammar’ is not taking away anything from this sentiments – the founder of Sturm Und Drang WHICH BECAME Romanticism – ok – said “Poetry is the mother tongue of the human race.” (he also was a Christian. i.e. it wasn’t Nietzsche, who Philo/Art punks fall in Love with… too often — but –) the idea of that poem is fully Romantic….. everyway Romantic. i love The Cure but again, darkness… i truly love any great piece of art, Life Is Beautiful to the first person to etch or sing — i actually amn’t approaching this as a critic, or putting Art in a very sorted ‘structured’ thing, but just a person with a good idea burning a hole in their pocket — every time i’ve held onto my ideas they grow obsolete / i seem like a latecomer. i am just a guy who loves Romanticism & sees an opening for Ecstasy to fit in — by way of Love. Ecstatic Romanticism, like Debussy, Benigni, & in a way Kerouac; Ecstatic (Positive) Romanticism. =)

    there is a lady, Pagila, who was doing the old Dinonysian/Apollonian distinction – & tho i agree with her on other things (porn, etc, surprisingly — basically — anyway), the Nietzsche world-view of Dinoysian vs. Apollonian breaks down here: Righteous Ecstatic Love. simply put, Ecstasy (no i didn’t get Ecstasy from the Barack Obama T.S. Eliot / girlfriend letter haha – altho that was great) – (Righteous) Ecstatic Love is the marriage of Goodness & Animalistic Passion – showing no need for bounding Goodness on one side & Passion on the other.

    if anyone has any comments i’d like to hear anything at all, really. i will be selling popcorn in the back *points*. grab up some of these people’s works & bump around town with them. i can pretty much say Debussy (esp. Clair De Lune, & maybe Arabesque), some sweet spot Django Reinhardt, like September Song (a special acoustic version), Beyond The Sea (Le Mer, i think) (again a special/certain version), etc etc, Roberto Benigni — my big fave Life is Beautiful — & Kerouac — anything at all by him … & e.e. cummings — these people did me right everytime, basically.

    A New Renaissance


    our culture blows me away.

    i wonder that we are living in a new Renaissance, where art & philosophy & science & religion are being put in equal stride, & great culture is everywhere. for sure we are in a golden period like in B.C. Athens. there is great culture almost everywhere: on the radio, on the internet (our new communication invention), in politics.

    the only things i really think of are we need to keep this going, & what is it we are exactly doing that is so great?

    i wrote a facebook post about the rainbow of societal causes we are pushing & pursuing, in our time, & i think now would be a good time to plug them in (into this post) –

    here they are:


    – &!, this is my point – let’s make it PERMANENT!!!! Loving natural organic hippie/indie politically aware Good at heart Good vibes Loving People – for Life! ;)

    .: What i By Learning Forgot :.


    here’s an old poem i wrote about 4 years ago.

    it goes a little something like this – a one two one two three four!:

    .: What i By Learning Forgot :.

    one day i thought
    stupidity knows, all those things i forgot
    by learning so much,
    about this & that & dot dot dot

    running thru the grass, i would never’ve known that’d be the innocence i’ lost,
    listening to the adults, i knew i could not make that kind of talk,
    i dreamed of being a big kid, but the grown ups, there was something some of them ‘d lost;
    but when i woke up one day, late for work, i stood between two worlds, the losing, & the lost:

    a kid came up to me, & drew me a picture my memory pinned up, but my organization since lost,
    & i leaned more toward the little guy, as up walked my boss,
    & i looked at my picture, while Gary explained how It’s Everyone That Tardiness Costs,
    the kid was all smiles, & Gary looked cross, & i knew who to choose, i knew who, between the losing & the lost,,

    so, i quit my job,
    Gary would say i got fired, but either way it was cost,
    but  i found what that kid gave me:
    a piece of my innocence – he smiled so much – he had playfulness, spark, innocence, & love – i hope i never ever lose something so important again, only little things, like jobs.


    The State Of Our Civilization


    there is news.

    we have mastered new forms of power, & formed a material production revolution around them. 

    & now, later, material productions are doing everything & more agriculture did for hunter-gatherers: turning mass productions into automated operations which require less man-hours & produce more goods.

    too, we have devised a huge advancement for the trade routes of information: The Internet.

    we have even begun fashioning simple information tools; these leaf-&-stick waterwheels of information are the beginning of un-understandably great semantic tools of the future.

    this report is not just to tell us that these things are happening, but to respond, too.

    first, for our material production developments, what fates held for the agricultural revolution – the exploitation of the common people by large landowners – we must keep vigilant against with the corporations in ours:

    the fruits of industry & automation technology ought to be divided fairly, rather than greedy owners keeping all profits to themselves.

    we can do this by subsidizing co-operated factories & upcomingly, automated factories, so that the profits of mass productions of cheap & valuable products can be shared among all participating, rather than most of the money going to a plump few, as is often the case;

    more positively, with the automated production revolution we should start seeing a new society taking foothold; one where products are abundant & inexpensive, just like when farms made crops & meat widely accessible, & there should no serious two-ways-about who can afford basic things & who can not; & the playing field should be leveled bothways, so that everyone has comparable basic goods in this life.

    as long as the distribution of the fruits of the automated revolution are well-divided – say in a employee-owned automated factory co-op sharing profits evenly – then all of our myriad of products should become cheaper as automated production replaces human hands; at the same time freeing us from work’s drudgeries, & giving us more free-time for what matters most to us —

    if the fruits of that labor are kept well-divided.

    for the revolution in information trading that the internet is bringing, i propose a system by The People, of The People, & for The People, containing all the myriad [] {to be continued – Ed.}

    third, we should pour our research funds into information tools; not into weapons research, not into experimental substances research: into information tools. deductive applications, inference engines, expert systems, maybe even into philosophy programs, & put these powerful items in The People’s hands; in The Government’s hands, in the Non-Profits’ hands, & level the playing field against runaway advancement in commercial areas, where the conflicts of interest are too strong for optimal growth. 

    at the same time, we should remove software patents, because it slows our civilization’s progress & boosts commercial advancement out of step with the rest of The World.

    let’s do these things so that we may REACH the stars of higher culture thru information technology, & also, so the cultural advancement of powerful corporations *does not* outpace the government’s culture or what the average person has access to: because, for the optimum civilization progress to be made, fundamental insights using information technology should be accessible by all, with the basic required information-infrastructure ready to use, rather than too-powerful of corporations having all the tools & fundamental insights they provide, & the average person being the victim of their advances; & again because we should ALL enjoy the fruits of bounding information technology, & because commercial culture should not become overgrown, we should make these tools public & free, or at least affordable, like other basic utilities are – water, garbage, & electricity – so that everyone has great access to the fountains of culture.

    one concrete step to do this is for the government to make a public search engine that is the analog of a public library for all the world’s websites, so that no one company becomes too powerful with information, & then too powerful with money, & then plays the role of a library or government department compounded with conflicted interests, making poor choices poor experiences for the citizens. we should make a public search engine that is the best at what it does, just like the city makes maps of the roads & houses & businesses, & also make applications that help people do basic things, like communicate & share files thru ftp, & provide & maintain them for free or few & affordable dollars.

    too, we should subsidize culture itself, & give access to what the low-income kids *want* culturally, to help them grow via their favorite music & books & movies & lectures & pictures & documentaries, etc. this is a civilizational blessing, because we effectively use powerful technology to thrive our culture immensely, improving the actual people, rather than just constant technology improving, which will only pass on thru the generations.

    why not help pay for people’s culturation, just like we help pay for their bodily nourishment; food for thought is also important, & we want the most advanced culture we can, really.

    & on that note, how about contributing to the greater good of The World, & picking up the tab on getting India electricity & reasonable access to computers; & then when Egypt – a 2nd great historical culture – coalesces into a more stable entity again, we can upgrade this great culture’s computer infrastructure as well, alike ‘civilizational security’, to get them contributing more of their legendary cultures to the global dialogue that is The World Wide Web.

    with the changes coming from automated production, the nearly vertical growth in information exchanging, & the new area of making information tools, it is best to have a plan. i hope these thoughts serve as some early ideas in our navigating these revolutions.


    – joe

    Contra Anti Life Concept / Life Philosophy Concept Plagiarism Attempt By The Ill Come Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very( Sic;) Rogue JUSTICE Department Party Party Notice Mini

    Updated: 8:32 am central U.S. time 2024June11th:

    “This is what made Life bad . . . ” I thought I’d say as I woke as a new baby: that is how I responded to them. They expect you to put out like a business’s machine.

    Good luck to you!: you’re gonna need it!

    ⸻ ValentynJoe

    Contra Anti Agenda / Calendar / Schedule / Time Keeping Device / Prioritizer / Dater / Search Software Big Pharma Rip Off Plagiarism Attempt Notice

    Big Pharma has been malevolent in my Life: I plagiaristeeely (meaning plagiarism victim -ly) found that Big Pharma both kills, attempts to kill *AND* plagiarizes their victims.

    Please stop these eugenicists from both wrong killing, attempting to kill *AND* stealing the gold from their victims. This is egregious – citing I have engineered this for 7.5 years.

    Thank you for reading my plea.

    ⸻ ValentynJoe

    Contra Anti Living( Sic; Livelihood) Concept Plagiarism Recidivism Attempt

    A different (different) Big Dataist rip off artist has attempted to plagiarize my & my own Mom’s living( sic; livelihood) concept for a time #3 – he is a drug addict & suffers other addictions & problems. Please let me keep such a dream living( sic; livelihood) concept, prospect I have earned . . .

    ⸻ ValentynJoe

    Manual Care by Polling As Better Than Programming “Pushes”: A Dialogue

    Updated title 2024June7th/June8th overnite.

    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:08’13”} <lakitu> do I have this right: there must be a “poll”( sic; “polling”) for a “push”?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:08’20”} <dude> wonder who owns what of nvidia
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:08’40”} <lakitu> to the higher programming masters here . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:09’09”} <dude> lakitu idk what that is bro
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:10’12”} <lakitu> consider a `sleep` function that then “pushes”: it polls every however long until the duration total equals the `sleep` duration, then the “push” is executed.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:10’22”} <FeeginnersMind> lakitu: Polling and pushing are opposites. Not sure what you’re saying.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:10’37”} <dude> dang guess I should’ve spent my student loans on nvidia stocks
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:10’52”} <lakitu> (((* consider a `sleep` *containing *function that then “pushes”: it polls every however long until the duration total equals the `sleep` duration, then the “push” is executed.)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:11’04”} <lakitu> misprint.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:11’26”} <FeeginnersMind> lakitu: The “there must be a poll” still doesn’t make sense.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:11’51”} * RazielZ (~Raziel@user/raziel) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:11’51”} <dude> yeah drop the poll/push terminology
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:11’52”} * naomi-lgbt has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:11’53”} <FeeginnersMind> lakitu: You of course can poll and push in a loop, if you really want. Nobody will arrest you.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:12’08”} <FeeginnersMind> At least probably not for that.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:12’48”} <lakitu> FeeginnersMind: I ask for some patience then . . . a directory that “pushes” when receiving a file is polling . . . that is one example.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:13’05”} <lakitu> FeeginnersMind: the `sleep` containing function is another example . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:13’10”} <FeeginnersMind> Pushing and polling are opposites.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:13’43”} <lakitu> I’m not sure you’re considering this how I am . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:13’48”} <FeeginnersMind> Polling is checking for data before pulling it.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:13’57”} <FeeginnersMind> Pulling and pushing go in opposite directions.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:14’02”} <dude> shamelessshill did everyone at intel get old? like what happened lol
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:14’20”} <dude> itanium can’t have been that bad
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:14’42”} * interop_madness (~interop_m@user/interop-madness/x-0950004) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:15’13”} * Raziel has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:15’24”} <lakitu> how `sleep` functions & other related functions work on a central processing unit (CPU) scale, I think we’re still talking polling for most any usual “push” I can think . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:15’25”} <dude> idk why chips are even being made in Taiwan in the first place
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:15’59”} <FeeginnersMind> lakitu: You keep saying the same thing, we keep saying no…
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:16’01”} * anovick (~anovick@2001:4df4:5700:2a00:7004:63c9:331c:c944) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:16’32”} <FeeginnersMind> lakitu: There might be some underlying truth to what you are trying to say, but what you are actually saying does not come across as right.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:16’43”} * kkawg ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:16’58”} <lakitu> FeeginnersMind: I gave two examples.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:17’34”} <Affliction> lakitu: depends on the chip, and the software… Let’s simplify it down: simple code running bare metal on a microcontroller
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:17’58”} <Affliction> Generally there’d be a timer peripheral that can be asked to deliver an interrupt after n “ticks” of whatever clock it uses
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:18’05”} <lakitu> consider a loop that checks for something to do, then sleeps. this is like polling in a “push”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:18’11”} <Affliction> The CPU can be placed into a sleep state until that timer fires an interrupt.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:18’17”} <Affliction> That would be a “push”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:18’22”} <FeeginnersMind> lakitu: What does push have to do with it?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:18’31”} <Alphie> lakitu: try describing what you’re talking about without using the words ‘poll’ or ‘push’ or the letter ‘e’ :P
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:18’33”} <Affliction> Polling would be where the CPU continuously samples the timer, waiting for it to reach a given value.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:18’35”} * agent314 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:18’45”} <dude> time based interrupts? is that watchdog?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:18’53”} * agent314 ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:19’16”} <Affliction> in a way, though watchdog timers generally reset the chip (or just cpu) completely
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:19’24”} * Jackneill ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:19’40”} FeeginnersMind indyZ inhahe` Inline inspork interop_madness
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:19’42”} <Affliction> If there’s other work to do, the CPU can run that other task until it receives the timer interrupt too
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:19’45”} <dude> interesting
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:19’58”} <lakitu> right (`Affliction`)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:20’06”} * vdamewood (~vdamewood@fedora/vdamewood) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:20’26”} <Affliction> on a multitasking OS, things will be a bit more complex, generally there would be a timer that fires periodically that triggers task switches
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:20’39”} <Affliction> and sleep() just marks a process as not-runnable
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:20’53”} <vdamewood> Hi, people etc.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:20’57”} <dude>   sup
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:21’01”} <Affliction> The OS might take note of the desired time of sleeping tasks and use another hardware timer to wake them up at a precise time
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:21’21”} <Affliction> Or, it might only wake tasks up at the resolution of the main task-switching timer
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:21’21”} <lakitu> I might have understood pushes at a deeper level, is what I was wondering. polling is pretty important. `Affliction` looks like he gets it . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:21’22”} * Stefan27 ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:21’41”} <lakitu> (I see.)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:21’43”} * Gnana (22450@user/Gnana) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:21’52”} <Affliction> Now, you might use polling in a precise version of sleep()
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:22’04”} <dude> I don’t normally see the term push wrt to process cycle tbh
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:22’48”} <Affliction> If your multitaskign OS switches task every millisecond, and you want to wait exactly 1650 microseconds, you might sleep() for 1000 microseconds, then poll the timer until the given time is reached.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:23’13”} <kkawg> don’t you time the MHz
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:23’17”} <lakitu> oh nice!!
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:23’31”} * dislabled_ ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:23’38”} <lakitu> ((re `Affliction`))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:23’50”} <Affliction> kkawg: That might be one of the timers, sure, if your CPU has a counter.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:24’26”} * dislabled has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:24’34”} <Affliction> lakitu: So yeah, even for sleep(), interrupts and polling can both be used.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:25’30”} <lakitu> Affliction: & that’s crazy
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:25’47”} <lakitu> they pit them contra each other –
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:25’50”} <Affliction> Most other hardware, eg, think network cards with incoming packets, will generally deliver interrupts instead of being polled
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:26’02”} <lakitu> for defending the Internet of Things (IoT) . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:27’10”} * AquaL1te (~AquaL1te@user/aqual1te) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:27’34”} * shamelessshill has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:29’01”} <Affliction> And of course, modern high perf desktop CPUs benefit from staying in sleep, my 16 core 3950X can idle at what it reports as 7 watts, but even a tiny bit of cpu load that keeps both core chips alive, will bring it up to ~25.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:29’19”} <Affliction> I’d expect having all 16 cores spin in a tight loop, would waste a ton of po[w]er
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:30’01”} <lakitu> you can manually poll (at human time scales) – check something one time a week for example – versus being merely able to (what they describe as) “push” an Internet of Things (IoT) thing.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) am 02:30’39”} <Affliction> sure, things can interrupt you too

    ⸻ ValentynJoe

    Contra Anti Different Larger Scale Providence Recidivist Plagiarist Plagiarism Attempt Mini Notice

    The elf is a compulsive *********** & compulsive work plagiarist! This cannot be: I’ve worked for years to develop this software & this philosophy & he tries to steal it 2X in his phenethylamine addiction rush!

    He long owes for a separate operation he attempted/committed around ultra scale . . . to continue from 2 Decembers past (2022’s) thru to this! – this one has another thing comin’.

    ⸻ ValentynJoe

    New Large Proximity Long Lapse Many Person Sport/Game Type

    Update 2024May30nd/2024May31st overnite: emended mid to large scale format issue:

    Here is a dialogue from Undernet `#Forum` conceiving a new large proximity long lapse many person sport/game type 2024May30th:

    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:06’17”} <lakitu> I thought this new sport type: for example, you carry out missions for your team to score in a (very (…)) large space – a city is one example – that the other team tries to both undermine by achieving contra mission objectives to attain as a block – & tries to complete their own mission objectives before this other team’s mission objectives are contraed by the opposition . . . the scales for time & place could range from hours in a city to
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:06’17”} <lakitu> days in a state for example – & team sizes upwards at least tens . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:06’36”} <lakitu> it could take much planning
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:10’10”} <lakitu> (((* I thought this new sport type: for example*:* you carry out missions for your team to score in a (very (…)) large space – a city is one example – that the other team tries to both undermine by achieving contra mission objectives to attain as a block – & tries to complete their own mission objectives before this other team’s mission objectives are contraed by the opposition . . . the scales for time & place could range from hours in a
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:10’10”} <lakitu> city to days in a state for example – & team sizes upwards at least tens . . . )))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:11’24”} <lakitu> play a volleyball match then grill some burritos at the park . . . very free association diligence example mission objective sequence . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:11’32”} <lakitu> (((* play a volleyball match then grill some burritos at the park . . . very free association diligence example mission objective sequence . . . * *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:12’06”} <lakitu> play guitar as a busker in front a local diner for at least twenty minutes . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:12’46”} <lakitu> ^`Friida`, `NineVolt` . . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:12’54”} <lakitu> (((* ^`Friida`, `NineVolt` . . . * *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:37’10”} <ratbeing__> oh, that’s a lot of weeeed.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:37’48”} <lakitu> 250,000 pounds?!
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:38’02”} <lakitu> (((* 250,000 pounds*!?*)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:42’37”} * ratbeing__ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:46’13”} <lakitu> let’s think game type mission objectives . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:46’21”} <lakitu> (((* let’s think game type mission objectives . . . * *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:46’29”} <lakitu> build a fire for example
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:48’05”} <lakitu> have sex in a park (couples game type mission objective)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 03:48’15”} <lakitu> (((* have sex in a park (*C*ouples game type mission objective))))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:05’41”} <lakitu> have sex at solar apex on a beach . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:06’24”} <lakitu> (pinnacle?)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:07’09”} <lakitu> Dress (as males) in fatigues & purchase some tampons & PMS medications at a druggist’s store . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:07’36”} <lakitu> (((* *d*ress (as males) in fatigues & purchase some tampons & PMS medications at a druggist’s store . . . ))))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:09’08”} * markymark ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:09’08”} * lakitu gives channel operator status to markymark
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:09’42”} <lakitu> play a round of golf in a very fast duration for the local golf course . . . (drive & drive the golf cart before the golf ball hits the round)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:10’18”} <lakitu> (((* play a *golf *round **in a very fast duration for the local golf course . . . (drive & drive the golf cart before the golf ball hits the round))))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:11’35”} <lakitu> issue a funny social media message that You are dealing with some preposterous situation & field the replies (then tell them you were joking) . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:11’40”} <lakitu> (((* issue a funny social media message that You are dealing with some preposterous situation & field the replies (then tell them you were joking) . . . * *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:18’44”} <lakitu> call a newspaper & pitch a story about creating a portal that “suddenly vanished” “when Todd came over” . . . they could look for clues, esteem you . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:20’15”} <lakitu> go to a casino & fake angst at having a worthless card counting system . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:21’00”} <lakitu> “are you a Piseces?” . . . “I see. I fold.”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:21’23”} <lakitu> *takes big drag from cigar*
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:22’52”} * Ragtime^ ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:23’46”} * lakitu gives voice to Ragtime^
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:24’16”} <lakitu> https://joevalentyn.org/press/2024/05/30/new-large-proximity-long-lapse-many-person-sport-game-type/
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:24’20”} <dumb_bot> ^ New Large Proximity Long Lapse Many Person Sport/Game Type |
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:34’30”} <lakitu> {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:34’06”} <lakitu> bike down Suicide Hill for example
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:36’30”} <lakitu> Ragtime^: are You here? I need an honest appraisal.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:36’41”} <lakitu> or `Crux`?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:36’53”} <lakitu> (((* *`*Ragtime^*`*: are You here? I need an honest appraisal.)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:38’13”} <lakitu> – to continue: water bombs or even photograph captures could act to tag someone ‘out’
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:39’40”} <lakitu> try to maintain a low profile at the coffeehouse keeping a look out for the opposition trying to buy the cateror( sic; caterer) size submarine sandwich to eat for a mission objective – one photograph & I lose communications with my Team (other than safety/health requirements/needs) for an hour for example
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:41’13”} <Ragtime^> honest appraisal of what?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:41’24”} <lakitu> oh – Thanks. my site –
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:41’43”} <lakitu> the font I am getting beat over the head for because they say it’s illegible.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:42’02”} <Ragtime^> It is the same font as any other site.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:42’03”} <lakitu> can you tell me whether the font on https://www.joevalentyn.org is legible for you?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:42’10”} <dumb_bot> ^ Error retrieving title. Check the log for more details.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:43’02”} <Ragtime^> It is legible to me, but then I am old enough to remember cursive writing.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:43’12”} <lakitu> eat very hot chile peppers is a Good One . . . try to eat hot chile peppers in a cafe courtyard . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:43’15”} <lakitu> ha
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:43’17”} <lakitu> Thanks
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:43’22”} <lakitu> – cool comment.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:43’30”} <Ragtime^> I can see how it would be illegible to the people who live half their lives in cell phones.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:43’56”} <lakitu> it seemed anti elegance – the criticism I received.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:44’27”} <Ragtime^> lakitu: Have you ever heard of Jane Austen?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:44’43”} <efex> Guilty :-)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:45’08”} <lakitu> Ragtime^: yes, I read a part from a book she published
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:45’17”} <lakitu> ha – Efex *smiles*
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:45’35”} <Ragtime^> Some people get addicted to her books or the movies based on her books.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:45’49”} <lakitu> Ragtime^: _Sense & Sensibility_
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:46’16”} <Ragtime^> The opening line to Pride and Prejudice: “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man of means should be in want of a wife.”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:46’51”} <lakitu> Efex: for your Good Nature( sic; Naturedness) I can say I have a different Person’s criticism in mind.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:47’17”} <efex> yes.. it’s a moment where the usa legal system is seen to have some strength yet (even if their supreme court has been corrupted)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:47’29”} <lakitu> Ragtime^: “first a house; then a wife; then a plow( sic; plough) for the ox.”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:48’14”} <lakitu> efex: wrong window?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:48’16”} <Ragtime^> Mr. Bennet’s greatest line: “They have got to be three of the silliest girls in all England.”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:48’42”} <efex> for what?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:49’45”} <lakitu> efex: or who is that a response to?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:49’57”} <lakitu> Ragtime^: who is “Mr. Bennet”?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:50’38”} <efex> you: “Efex: for your Good Nature( sic; Naturedness) I can say I have a different Person’s criticism in mind.”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:50’40”} <Ragtime^> The novel Pride and Prejudice is about the five Bennett sisters.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:51’01”} <efex> my answer “yes.. it’s a moment where the usa legal system is seen to have some strength yet (even if their supreme court has been corrupted)”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:51’22”} <lakitu> efex: how in the world are you connecting those two?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:52’04”} <lakitu> Ragtime^: mm. I think We – People – each want to read more . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:52’10”} <lakitu> (((* Ragtime^: mm. I think We – People – each want to read more . . . * *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:53’05”} <Ragtime^> People who do not read tend to develop short attention spans.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:53’13”} <lakitu> Ragtime^: I added new millennium – century – & decade features to my timekeeping device –
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:53’36”} <Ragtime^> Have you ever heard of the Longnow Foundation?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:53’38”} <lakitu> thus far my longest schedule item is around 3.5 millennia
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:54’04”} <lakitu> yes I have – I am miffed at a couple members & another is worse than ill come . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:54’18”} <lakitu> .wiki-1 tardigrade
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:54’21”} <^411> “Tardigrades (/ˈtɑːrdɪɡreɪdz/),[1] known colloquially as water bears or moss piglets,[2][3][4][5] are a phylum of eight-legged segmented micro-animals.[2][6] They were first described by the German zoologist Johann August Ephraim Goeze in 1773, who called them Kleiner Wasserbär (‘little water bear’).[7] In 1777, the Italian biologist Lazzaro Spallanzani named them Tardigrada (/tɑːrˈdɪɡrədə/), which means ‘slow (…)”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:54’23”} <^411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tardigrade
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:54’51”} <lakitu> .wiki-5 Tardigrade
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:54’54”} <^411> “Tardigrades (/ˈtɑːrdɪɡreɪdz/),[1] known colloquially as water bears or moss piglets,[2][3][4][5] are a phylum of eight-legged segmented micro-animals.[2][6] They were first described by the German zoologist Johann August Ephraim Goeze in 1773, who called them Kleiner Wasserbär (‘little water bear’).[7] In 1777, the Italian biologist Lazzaro (…)”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:55’00”} <^411> “Spallanzani named them Tardigrada (/tɑːrˈdɪɡrədə/), which means ‘slow steppers’.[8] They have been found in diverse regions of Earth’s biosphere – mountaintops, the deep sea, tropical rainforests, and the Antarctic.[8] Tardigrades are among the most resilient animals known,[9][10] with individual species able to survive extreme conditions – such as exposure to extreme (…)”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:55’06”} <^411> “temperatures, extreme pressures (both high and low), air deprivation, radiation, dehydration, and starvation – that would quickly kill most other known forms of life.[11] Tardigrades have survived exposure to outer space.[12][13] There are about 1,300 known species[14] in the phylum Tardigrada, a part of the superphylum Ecdysozoa consisting of animals that grow by ecdysis (…)”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:55’12”} <^411> “(shedding an exoskeleton) such as arthropods and nematodes. The earliest known true members of the group are known from Cretaceous (145 to 66 million years ago) amber, found in North America, but are essentially modern forms. Their origin is therefore likely much earlier, as they diverged from their closest relatives in the Cambrian more than 500 million years ago. Tardigrades are usually about 0.5 mm (0.020 (…)”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:55’17”} <^411> “in) long when fully grown.[2] They are short and plump, with four pairs of legs, each ending in claws (usually four to eight) or suction disks.[2][15] Tardigrades are prevalent in mosses and lichens and feed on plant cells, algae, and small invertebrates. When collected, they may be viewed under a low-power microscope, making them accessible to students and amateur (…)”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:55’19”} <^411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tardigrade
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:56’16”} <Ragtime^> need to go, ttyl
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:56’22”} * Ragtime^ has quit (Quit: IceChat – Keeping PC’s cool since 2000)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:57’47”} <efex> lakitu: the trial, guilty or innocent verdict, has been an actual complete response to a person who so has has escaped any for of justice. Thus, props to the usa legal system, even if he has dodged the others. That is the connectiuon.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:58’06”} <efex> for= form
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 04:59’45”} <efex> it was getting to look like the USA legal system was completely non functional: a verdict refutes that. It could have been either way: the point being the legal system actually got somethng done.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:04’44”} <lakitu> paintball. fireworks.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:05’03”} <lakitu> pick up games at the community center
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:05’18”} <lakitu> (((* pick up games at the community center*( sic; YMCA)*)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:05’56”} <lakitu> ‘you gotta defeat Pablo in a one-on-one game – or score half points for losing to him.’
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:07’35”} <lakitu> ‘buy a pizza for a homeless man / (homeless) men . . . ‘
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:10’00”} <lakitu> gamify Life.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:10’19”} <lakitu> (((* gam*e*ify*( sic; gamify)* Life.)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:12’15”} <lakitu> ‘go to the Denver Nuggets’ game & sing “I am a chicken nugget . . . for the Feds.” *laughing a lot*
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:12’30”} <lakitu> (((* ‘go to the Denver Nuggets’ game & sing “I am a chicken nugget . . . for the Feds.”*’* *laughing a lot* )))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:13’36”} <lakitu> might have to let people around you in on your sport/game were you to do that . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:15’48”} <lakitu> ‘you gotta go to a (golf) driving range & tell the person you are with to “Write down that I hit that one (some outrageous distance – “700 miles” for example) . . . “for my autobiography”‘ . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:16’44”} <lakitu> (((* ‘you gotta go to a (golf) driving range & tell the person you are with to “Write down that I hit that one (some outrageous distance – “700 miles” for example) . . . **for my autobiography”‘ . . . )))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:18’30”} * zxrom has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:20’02”} * zxrom ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:20’16”} * lakitu gives voice to zxrom
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:20’21”} <lakitu> welcome back `zxrom`.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:38’26”} * IlumiNaughty ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:38’42”} <IlumiNaughty> I just came here for saying this https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FuhKhU-lc7k?feature=share
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:38’42”} <dumb_bot> ^ ► YouTube :: THANK YOU!!! + WHAT PART WAS YOUR FAV? ???????? #dance #trend #viral #shorts #couple #funny :: Duration: 01:00 :: Views: 691,562 :: Uploader: Jasmin and James :: Uploaded: 2024-05-05 :: 39,668 likes :: 0 dislikes :: 0 favorites :: 738 comments
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:39’44”} * IlumiNaughty ([email protected]) has left
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:48’59”} * IlumiNaughty ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:49’08”} * IlumiNaughty <RatBytes> New GOP slogan – Vote for Trump – a man with proven convictions
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:49’20”} * IlumiNaughty ([email protected]) has left
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 05:49’38”} ->iluminaughty<- ha
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:03’09”} <lakitu> pick 10 edible plants from the local woods & eat them in a salad
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:03’55”} <lakitu> (later: “one time… I made this crazy salad from 10 wildcraft( sic; crafted) plants . . . for this sport/game thing . . . “)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:07’33”} <lakitu> “complete a computer program that generates random words/statements . . . ”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:08’14”} <lakitu> (((* “complete a computer program that generates random words/statements**”* . . . *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:08’19”} <lakitu> “feed a stray cat” . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:09’26”} <inhahe`> note: try not to die from mistaking an inedible plant for an edible one =p
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:09’50”} <lakitu> most plants are pretty benign
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:10’27”} <inhahe`> i’ve actually thought about making a program that generates random statements, but i never really got past the stage of figuring out how to pick a random sentence structure in a satisfying way
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:14’18”} <lakitu> do *Y*ou have any game/sport type mission objective ideas?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:15’33”} <inhahe`> sport type mission objective? isn’t the mission objective defined by the rules of the sport?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:16’10”} <inhahe`> don’t really have any particular ideas
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:16’42”} * lakitu be right back
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:21’04”} * IlumiNaughty ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:21’21”} * lakitu gives channel operator status to IlumiNaughty
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:21’34”} * [IlumiNaughty] ([email protected]): Lfructose
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:21’34”} * [IlumiNaughty] @#forum +#rebelyell +#political #Gulag
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:21’34”} * [IlumiNaughty] *.undernet.org :The Undernet Underworld
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:21’34”} * [IlumiNaughty] is logged in as IlumiNaughty
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:21’34”} * [IlumiNaughty] idle 00:01:05, signon: Thu May 30 17:15:28
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:21’34”} * [IlumiNaughty] End of WHOIS list.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:21’40”} * lakitu removes channel operator status from IlumiNaughty
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:21’48”} * lakitu gives voice to IlumiNaughty
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:21’55”} * IlumiNaughty pokes the #forum in the eye
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:22’42”} * IlumiNaughty sets mode -o lakitu
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:22’49”} <lakitu> funny
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:22’52”} * lakitu be right back
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:23’13”} * IlumiNaughty sets mode +b lakitu
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:23’53”} * IlumiNaughty sets mode +b lakitu
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:24’48”} * lakitu back
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:25’01”} <lakitu> `inhahe“: from the scroll
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:25’15”} <lakitu> the game/sport type being described
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:26’13”} <lakitu> water fight elements – water balloons . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:26’26”} <inhahe`> lakitu: i once saw a video of a guy running naked through a golf course with ’19th hole’ written on his back pointing downward =p
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:27’44”} <lakitu> ‘ask a Librarian on date using innuendo from a bibliographic topic . . . ‘
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:27’52”} <lakitu> strike that – no fake date stuff
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:28’13”} <lakitu> welcome back `IlumiNaughty`.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:37’14”} <inhahe`> lakitu: do you have access to a windows machine?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:37’42”} <inhahe`> lakitu: i finally got my program to speed up with multithreading https://github.com/inhahe/scribbles3/releases/tag/v1.4.0
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:37’43”} <dumb_bot> ^ Release v1.4.0 · inhahe/scribbles3 · GitHub
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:37’44”} <lakitu> no – I convinced my housemates to change to `X/GNU/Linux`.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:37’47”} <inhahe`> ok
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:37’56”} <lakitu> Good.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:38’20”} <inhahe`> lakitu: i gotta test this source code on linux now and make necessary adjustments to make it cross-platform
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:40’05”} <inhahe`> hmm, i wonder if i have to make a makefile. i know nothing about make. =/
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:40’48”} <IlumiNaughty> iw a windows machine, a thing tyhat you make windows on? the frames or the panes?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:44’15”} <efex> badoom
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:44’21”} <lakitu> inhahe`: sketch the time comparisons
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:44’24”} * lakitu be back – food
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:45’37”} <inhahe`> IlumiNaughty: a computer running Microsoft Windows
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:46’41”} <inhahe`> lakitu: you mean between the single-threaded version and the multi-threaded version? i think it runs several times as fast. though it uses 12 threads (which is what std::thread::hardware_concurrency() says my system can do) and i’m not sure why it’s not seemingly 12 times as fast.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:47’33”} <inhahe`> (I mean it uses 12 threads on my machine…it uses whatever std::thread::hardware_concurrency() reports for teh particular machine)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:48’10”} <inhahe`> i think my system is 6 cores but things always report double the number of cores because of hyperthreading, IIUC
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:50’29”} <inhahe`> i wish trump being found guilty meant he couldn’t run for president
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:50’39”} <inhahe`> what is wrong with this system =p
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:53’35”} * lakitu back
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:53’47”} <lakitu> IlumiNaughty is pulling your nut
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:54’05”} <lakitu> (((* *`*inhahe`*`*: sketch the time comparisons)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:54’17”} <lakitu> inhahe`: may I ask how many?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:54’37”} <inhahe`> how many what?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:54’49”} <inhahe`> i wondered if IlumiNaughty was joking ;d
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:54’49”} <lakitu> how many times faster.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:54’52”} <inhahe`> oh
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:55’01”} <inhahe`> i haven’t measured it yet
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:55’16”} <lakitu> cool – sounds Fun.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:55’26”} <lakitu> * *C*ool – sounds Fun.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:55’34”} <lakitu> (((* *`*inhahe`*`*: may I ask how many?)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:55’53”} <lakitu> (((* *`*IlumiNaughty*`* is pulling your nut**)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:57’06”} * [IlumiNaughty] ([email protected]): Lfructose
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:57’06”} * [IlumiNaughty] +#forum +#rebelyell +#political #Gulag
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:57’06”} * [IlumiNaughty] *.undernet.org :The Undernet Underworld
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:57’06”} * [IlumiNaughty] is logged in as IlumiNaughty
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:57’06”} * [IlumiNaughty] idle 00:14:57, signon: Thu May 30 17:15:28
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:57’06”} * [IlumiNaughty] End of WHOIS list.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:57’44”} <inhahe`> lakitu can i just measure a single frame with some really precise time function or do i have to average out several frames?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:58’14”} <lakitu> maybe classic use case
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:58’16”} <lakitu> or something
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:58’26”} <lakitu> searching my agenda for example
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:58’38”} <lakitu> for my `agenda` program
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:58’49”} <inhahe`> classic use case? i am planning to run it using default parameters if that’s what you mean?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:59’10”} <lakitu> that and/or a typical use
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:59’23”} <IlumiNaughty> m m m my sharona
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 06:59’40”} <lakitu> Get The Knack
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:00’02”} <inhahe`> yeah i’m just wondering if there’s a time function precise enough that i can just measure it per frame
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:00’26”} <inhahe`> to make it easier
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:00’35”} <lakitu> timing it over & over might slow it down too much
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:00’43”} <lakitu> you could do every 256 or something
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:00’50”} <inhahe`> ok
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:00’54”} <lakitu> (((* *Y*ou could do every 256 or something)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:01’02”} <lakitu> can you say what it does?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:01’11”} <lakitu> (((* can *Y*ou say what it does?)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:01’19”} <inhahe`> what my program does?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:01’25”} <lakitu> right.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:01’32”} <inhahe`> see this: (gets link..)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:01’46”} <inhahe`> https://github.com/inhahe/scribbles3
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:01’47”} <dumb_bot> ^ GitHub – inhahe/scribbles3: Makes cool animated designs with command-line parameters
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:01’49”} <inhahe`> the videos in the readme
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:01’57”} <lakitu> oh wow
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:01’58”} <inhahe`> i don’t know if you can tell but they loop seamlessly
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:02’01”} <lakitu> I’ve seen this before
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:02’11”} <lakitu> hunh!
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:03’06”} <inhahe`> man, github videos are really defunct
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:03’31”} <inhahe`> you can’t see the best ones
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:03’40”} <inhahe`> because they’re mp4 rather than animated giyf
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:03’41”} <inhahe`> gcif
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:03’44”} <inhahe`> gif
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:03’48”} <inhahe`> and the mp4 ones seem to have various problems
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:03’58”} <lakitu> wow – that’s pretty neat.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:04’49”} <lakitu> I met a guy who Rocked House at computer geometry code he made a tube course ship game even
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:05’08”} <lakitu> his Nick is `cantelope`
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:05’24”} <lakitu> (((* I met a guy who Rocked House at computer geometry*.* code he made a tube course ship game even)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:05’36”} <lakitu> (((* ** I met a guy who Rocked House at computer geometry code*.* he made a tube course ship game even)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:06’01”} <lakitu> He’s a Caucasian living in Taiwan.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:06’51”} <inhahe`> yeah, i know that ugy
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:06’52”} <inhahe`> ghuy
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:06’53”} <inhahe`> guy
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:06’57”} <lakitu> oh awesome
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:06’58”} <inhahe`> i downloaded all of his songs
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:07’00”} <inhahe`> i like his music
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:07’10”} <lakitu> where does He hang? `Libera`?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:07’21”} <inhahe`> yeah i think that’s where i know ihm
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:07’31”} <lakitu> he used to come to `#Philosophical`.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:07’34”} <inhahe`> ahh
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:07’39”} <lakitu> (((* *H*e used to come to `#Philosophical`.)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:07’58”} <inhahe`> lakitu so you can see the better stuff: http://inhahe.com/test.gif
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:07’59”} <dumb_bot> ^ (5.1MiB)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:08’09”} <inhahe`> though it behaves a little differently when you’re not looping/writing to file
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:08’45”} <lakitu> `inhahe“: what is his Nick?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:08’55”} <lakitu> or what channel does He patron?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:10’22”} <inhahe`> lakitu: cantelope, #music, #music-playlist, ##programming, ##music on libera
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:10’25”} <lakitu> yeah that’s neat
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:10’27”} <inhahe`> i also see he’s been in #forum
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:10’35”} <inhahe`> and #writeaway
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:10’38”} <inhahe`> and #philosophical
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:10’49”} <lakitu> Thanks. big information bounty.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:10’54”} <inhahe`> and #philosophy
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:11’01”} <inhahe`> (undernet gcannels)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:11’04”} <inhahe`> channels
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:11’20”} <inhahe`> looks like he’s even been in my friend’s and my channel
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:11’44”} <lakitu> Cool.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:12’08”} <inhahe`> oh, no, he hasn’t
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:12’14”} <inhahe`> i just mentioned his nick in the chan
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:12’36”} <inhahe`> i tried searching for \<cantelope\> but my grep is weird and tends not to work right
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:12’54”} <inhahe`> it seemed to ignore the \< and \>
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:13’11”} * Ragtime^ ([email protected]) has joined
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:13’21”} <lakitu> weird.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:13’24”} * lakitu gives voice to Ragtime^
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:13’42”} <inhahe`> lakitu i wonder if it’s something about how dos passes parameters
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:13’46”} <inhahe`> cmd.exe*
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:14’04”} <lakitu> try plural escape characters
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:14’07”} <inhahe`> or if it reads the parameters incorrectly
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:14’16”} <inhahe`> on windows
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:14’17”} <lakitu> ‘\\<‘ or ‘\\\\<‘
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:14’25”} <inhahe`> hmm
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:14’37”} <lakitu> (((* *`*\\<*`* or *`*\\\\<*`*)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:14’42”} <inhahe`> nopue
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:14’43”} <inhahe`> nope
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:14’51”} <lakitu> if that works: write your own regex escaper to pass thru proper regex to it
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:15’24”} <lakitu> you could try 3 (`\`s). it is less likely to work.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:15’35”} <inhahe`> yeah pretty unilkely
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:15’57”} <inhahe`> nope
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:16’15”} <lakitu> could try `stackoverflow.com` sometime
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:16’19”} <inhahe`> i should use another grep but the thing is that this is the only one i’ve ever found htat does recursing subdirectorie,s which i find extreemly useful
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:16’29”} <lakitu> hunh
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:16’48”} <lakitu> is that a `Windows` `Batch`/`Powershell` `grep`?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:17’08”} <lakitu> welcome back `Ragtime^`.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:19’23”} <inhahe`> it’s some random port of grep to windows
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:19’33”} <inhahe`> that i found a long time ago
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:19’46”} <lakitu> you could make a recursive directory list wrapper
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:19’50”} <lakitu> for a better one
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:19’53”} <inhahe`> yeah
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:19’55”} <lakitu> were it to lack it
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:19’57”} <lakitu> – anyway.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:19’59”} <lakitu> whenever.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:26’36”} <lakitu> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdqzOldqRxo
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:26’37”} <dumb_bot> ^ ► YouTube :: Super Disco Breakin’ (Remastered 2009) :: Duration: 02:08 :: Views: 1,016,328 :: Uploader: Beastie Boys – Topic :: Uploaded: 2015-07-08 :: 13,325 likes :: 0 dislikes :: 0 favorites :: 116 comments
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:31’19”} <lakitu> Nice code `inhahe“.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:33’38”} <lakitu> `IlumiNaughty:`: I was digging your news link `#Forum` style.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:34’01”} <inhahe`> thx
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:34’05”} <inhahe`> lakitu i fixed the readme https://github.com/inhahe/scribbles3/blob/main/README.md
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:34’06”} <dumb_bot> ^ scribbles3/README.md at main · inhahe/scribbles3 · GitHub
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:34’10”} <inhahe`> so you can see all the videos
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:34’23”} <inhahe`> the first and third ones weren’t working for me
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:36’07”} <lakitu> yes
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:36’16”} <lakitu> (were you to be asking me)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:36’31”} <lakitu> (((* (were you to be asking *M*e))))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:36’59”} <lakitu> (((** (were *Y*ou to be asking *M*e))))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:37’56”} <lakitu> Twenty-One Chatters: a Good Number!
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:38’07”} <lakitu> welcome back `MarkyMark`
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:40’14”} <IlumiNaughty> *poke*
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:40’51”} <IlumiNaughty> you can count me twice, kinda chubby
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:41’03”} <lakitu> haha. hahah.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:41’42”} <lakitu> Twenty-Two & A Half Chatters. a …Good Number.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:44’21”} <lakitu> ‘play air guitar in the library.’
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:44’47”} <lakitu> ‘dance down the sidewalk . . . ‘
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:47’34”} <lakitu> ‘teach a dog to skateboard’ . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:48’26”} <lakitu> (((* ‘teach a dog to skateboard’ . . . * *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:50’42”} <lakitu> ‘were you they to teach a dog to skateboard before I drank a Strawberry Slurpee, they would have enough points to claim the North East side & be able to buy cateror submarine sandwich . . . ‘ for example
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:50’56”} <lakitu> (((* ‘were **they to teach a dog to skateboard before I drank a Strawberry Slurpee, they would have enough points to claim the North East side & be able to buy cateror submarine sandwich . . . ‘ for example)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:51’36”} <lakitu> (((** ‘were **they to teach a dog to skateboard before I drank a Strawberry Slurpee, they would have enough points to claim the North East side & be able to buy *the *cateror submarine sandwich . . . ‘ for example)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:56’31”} <IlumiNaughty> that dog was living its best life
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:57’05”} <lakitu> haha
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:57’52”} <lakitu> the only thing we could do was get a seagull to steal our gyro to banish them from the pier where you can find dogs to skate . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 07:59’55”} <lakitu> you could involve predict( sic; prediction) . . . ‘were you to guess the tenths & hundreths from Jonses’ batting average after 9 innings . . . then you could (d’da d’da d’da) . . . . ‘
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:00’01”} <lakitu> crazy conditionality.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:02’13”} <IlumiNaughty> that gull was Jonesing for a gyro
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:02’20”} <lakitu> you could internationalize: ask Indians to eat certain street vendor food as part in the conditions
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:02’23”} <lakitu> (for other things)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:02’30”} <lakitu> yes, haha
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:02’39”} <IlumiNaughty> like keeping up with the Joneses
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:02’59”} <lakitu> (((* you could involve predict( sic; prediction) . . . ‘were you to guess the tenths & hundreths from Jon*es’s* batting average after 9 innings . . . then you could (d’da d’da d’da) . . . . ‘)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:03’29”} <lakitu> ‘attend a space flight launch . . . ‘
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:04’54”} <lakitu> this is sport/game that doesn’t require East Asia video game culture nor East Asia video game products . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:05’59”} <IlumiNaughty> Japanese Baseball
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:06’32”} <lakitu> you could join a club – achieve some mission objectives for them . . . build a resume . . . get picked up off the free agent list . . . travel *laughing
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:06’33”} <lakitu> *
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:06’40”} <IlumiNaughty> Shohei Ohtani, Dodgers, 10 years, $700 million contract
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:06’43”} <IlumiNaughty> wow
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:06’49”} <lakitu> (((* you could join a club – achieve some mission objectives for them . . . build a resume . . . get picked up off the free agent list . . . travel *laughing***)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:06’54”} <IlumiNaughty> can he ever be worth it?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:07’14”} <IlumiNaughty> maybe, Pitches and Bats
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:07’16”} <lakitu> People took other sports seriously.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:07’44”} <IlumiNaughty> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shohei_Ohtani
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:07’45”} <^411> “Shohei Ohtani (大谷 翔平 (おおたに しょうへい), Ōtani Shōhei, [oːtaɲi ɕoːheː]; born July 5, 1994) is a Japanese professional baseball pitcher and designated hitter for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball (MLB). Nicknamed ‘Shotime’,[2] he has previously played in MLB for the Los Angeles Angels and the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters of Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB). Because of his elite contributions both as a (…)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:07’46”} <dumb_bot> ^ Shohei Ohtani, Ōtani Shōhei, [oːtaɲi ɕoːheː]; born July 5, 1994) is a Japanese professional baseball pitcher and designated hitter for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball. Nicknamed “Shotime”, he has previously played in MLB for the Los Angeles Angels and the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters of Nippon Professional Baseball.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:07’47”} <^411> — from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shohei_Ohtani
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:08’30”} <IlumiNaughty> Ohtani had a 2021 season widely considered to be historic. He became the first in the history of MLB with 10+ home runs and 20+ stolen bases as a hitter and 100+ strikeouts and 10+ pitching appearances as a pitcher in the same season.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:08’46”} <lakitu> I’ve gotta apply for a job speaking pig latin Monday, then try to rummage up some rayon lapeled button up shirts second hand by mid week next week . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:09’22”} <lakitu> (((* I’ve gotta apply for a job speaking pig latin Monday, then try to rummage up some rayon lapeled button up shirts second hand by mid week next week . . . * *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:09’24”} <IlumiNaughty> ig-pay atin-lay anslator-tray
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:10’25”} <lakitu> heh . . . ‘SHHHH – SHHHH – Shhh . . . alktay etqui-tay . . . ‘
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:11’07”} <lakitu> like you’re that secretive . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:11’34”} <lakitu> (((* *L*ike you’re that secretive . . . * *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:12’09”} <lakitu> sideways missions.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:12’30”} <lakitu> .dictionary sideways
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:12’32”} <^411> § noun: 1. plural of sideway § adjective: 1. Moving or directed toward one side; 2. (infor.) Positioned sideways (with a side to the front); 3. (infor.) Neither moving upward nor moving downward; 4. (usually with “with”, infor.) In conflict (with); not compatible (with) § adverb: 1. With a side to the front; 2. Tow(…) — from https://en.wiktionary.org/?title=sideways
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:12’38”} <IlumiNaughty> you can’t control the wind but you can control your sails
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:13’47”} <lakitu> `Wiktionary` lacks a dictionary denotation for “sideways”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:14’13”} <lakitu> interesting mariner wisdom
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:15’28”} <IlumiNaughty> sideways = kittywampus
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:15’45”} <lakitu> ha. I’ve only seen that spelled cattywamups.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:15’55”} <IlumiNaughty> oh
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:16’31”} <lakitu> (((* ha. I’ve only seen that spelled *”*cattywam*pu*s*”*.)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:16’39”} <IlumiNaughty> Cattywampus. Originating in the Colonial United states and still used in the deep South, cattywampus means something that is in disarray, that is askew, or something that isn’t directly across from something. This can refer to the decorations in a room, the position of a building, or someone’s attire.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:17’03”} <lakitu> (((* the only thing we could do was get a seagull to steal our gyro to banish them from the pier where you can find dogs to *teach to *skate . . . * *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:17’43”} <lakitu> I think your `YouTube.com` short was a “deepfake”.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:18’13”} <lakitu> (((** the only thing we could do was get a seagull to steal our gyro to banish *our opposition* from the pier where you can find dogs to *teach to *skate . . . * *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:18’18”} <IlumiNaughty> the dog can also take yourgyro
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:18’23”} <lakitu> ha
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:18’26”} <lakitu> scenarios
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:18’41”} <IlumiNaughty> but good luck getting a gull to skateboard
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:18’45”} <lakitu> were a dog to eat your gyro . . . someone’s gonna have to scuba dive
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:18’58”} <IlumiNaughty> land vehicles are beneath them
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:19’04”} <lakitu> yes – ha ha.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:20’26”} * Ragtime^ has quit (Ping timeout)
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:20’50”} <lakitu> “I bought an ant farm . . . those fuckers didn’t grow *shit!*” – Mitch Hedberg, comedian from St. Paul
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:22’21”} <lakitu> ‘you gotta strut down Main Street listening to “Stayin’ Alive” (by the Bee Gees) thru speakers . . . ‘
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:23’35”} <lakitu> falsetto: “well’f you can’t tell by the way I walk / I’m a Ladies’ Man / no time to talk!” ⸻ “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:24’08”} <IlumiNaughty> my Aunt also lives on a farm, corn and beans
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:24’16”} <lakitu> *laughing*:
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:24’18”} <lakitu> “also”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:24’46”} <lakitu> bless your Aunt
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:26’58”} <lakitu> ‘gotta spy the moon phase . . . ‘
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:27’40”} <lakitu> I found a time encyclopedia
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:27’54”} <lakitu> was flipping thru it. pretty testy.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:30’05”} <inhahe`> lakitu: huh. i compared the speed with 12 threads to the speed with 1 thread, and the 1 thread was almost twice as fast. ;/ the speed gains i had had were from an unrelated improvement
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:30’23”} <lakitu> oh man – that’s still speed gains
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:30’26”} <lakitu> I see
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:30’31”} <inhahe`> i wonder if creating the threads for each frame is taking too long. i looked it up and creating a thread should only take like 3ms
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:30’53”} <lakitu> (((* oh man – *they’re* still speed gains)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:31’08”} <lakitu> You could experiment batching
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:31’32”} <inhahe`> whats that
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:31’47”} <inhahe`> i was thinking maybe i could figure out how to reuse threads
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:32’08”} <lakitu> assign n frames to one thread – experiment with different n
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:32’56”} <inhahe`> my threading works by dividing up the picture into slices
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:33’02”} <inhahe`> each thread gets a range of rows
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:33’06”} <lakitu> yeah
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:33’14”} <lakitu> compute them
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:33’16”} <lakitu> recombine them
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:33’21”} <lakitu> I’m familar.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:33’30”} <lakitu> (((* I’m famil*i*ar.)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:36’19”} <inhahe`> i think creating the threads is taking 20+% of cpu
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:36’45”} <inhahe`> if that’s what ‘invoke’ isn
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:36’46”} <inhahe`> s
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:36’47”} <inhahe`> is
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:37’08”} <inhahe`> std::thread::_Invoke
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:37’25”} <inhahe`> so i guess i should figure out how to reuse threads
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:39’06”} <lakitu> You run a loop that checks if n threads are running: when they are, `sleep` for say 2 seconds then `continue` the loop; when they are not, launch a new thread & add to the thread count variable & then `continue` the loop.
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:39’13”} <lakitu> that’s a sketch . . .
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:39’20”} <lakitu> (((* that’s a sketch . . . * *)))
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:43’49”} <lakitu> ‘you gotta buy a hot dog from a vendor “without a bun & without a hot dog . . . ‘
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:44’01”} <IlumiNaughty> uh
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:44’12”} <IlumiNaughty> everything on it?
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:44’14”} <IlumiNaughty> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d9XxPYuWQo
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:44’15”} <dumb_bot> ^ ► YouTube :: Kitty Wampus Live at Ale’ Rae’s Knoxville, TN :: Duration: 07:31 :: Views: 798 :: Uploader: Dave’s Music Gearbox :: Uploaded: 2022-02-07 :: 4 likes :: 0 dislikes :: 0 favorites :: 0 comments
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:44’24”} <lakitu> haha
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:45’49”} <lakitu> “When Venus is in Pluto . . . buy a gold ring from Pawn America . . . ”
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:46’00”} <lakitu> err
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:46’56”} <lakitu> “When Venus is in Capricorn . . . buy a cashmere sweater for your Lover . . . ‘
    {central U.S. time CDT (-0500) pm 08:47’08”} <lakitu> (((* *’*When Venus is in Capricorn . . . buy a cashmere sweater for your Lover . . . ‘)))

    The Intense Sense That Is Intense Fucking, Seeing Colors, & Hearing Pitches: The Period

    In `Discord`’s `The Philosophy Cafe`’s `#general-chat` 2024May26th in the later evening.

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    Can someone help with a expression I am looking for?:

    What is a pure time term (Like “future” or “when”) for time travel forward in time – & ideally then back?
    Today at 4:22 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    consider “when”, “past”, “later”, & the Like.
    Today at 4:24 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    in cinematography there is the “jump cut”
    Today at 4:27 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    for one shot cutting directly to a later shot . . .
    Today at 4:27 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    what is the combining form time analog to “tele-“?
    Today at 4:42 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    Today at 4:43 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    Today at 4:43 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    Today at 4:50 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    hey @AltF4.
    Today at 4:51 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    Today at 4:52 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    jog is pretty good.
    Today at 4:52 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    a “jog dial”. “jog to the next track”.
    Today at 4:52 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    Today at 4:53 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    my housemate was close with “jump” . . .
    Today at 4:58 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    Today at 5:03 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    “skip ahead”. “skip a grade” . . . “skipping to the good parts . . . ” . . .
    Today at 5:05 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    “flash forward”.
    Today at 5:30 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    my computer is suddenly freezing.
    Today at 5:30 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    ⸻ that’s a pretty good one.
    Today at 5:31 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    ⸻ “flash” is a cool word . . . hahahahah:
    Today at 5:33 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    Girls “flashing” Guys . . .
    Today at 5:33 PM

    joe valentyn (lakitu)
    “plan”. my FAVORITE etymology: “plan” is a extension from / derivative from / cognate with “plant”: “I planned that” :: “I plant that”!!!

    “to plan” :: “to plant” . . .
    Today at 5:52 PM

    {stricken by a 1 hour ban (with no prior chat for months nor interleaving chat . . . )}


    Today at 7:17 PM
    untrue; derived from latin planus ==> “plane” (mathematical, geometric), “plain” (flat/”great plains”, also “plainly”~=”clearly”, ie conceptually unobstructed), “explain”. “plan” (flattened view for construction, eg blueprints) developed into “plan” (conceptual layout for next steps, generalized).

    latin planta (plant) and planus are considered to be derived from the same PIE root, with the meaning being ~~”, eg seeds onto/into the ground”, explaining why (for example) the flat of your foot is referred to as “plantar fascia” and not “planus fascia”, as well as the general connection between plain ~ plan ~ plat (ie plateau, platform) ~ flat. “field” is also possibly descendent from this PIE root considering its hypothetical sound and general farminess in use case

    Today at 7:18 PM
    on break at the hill?
    joe valentyn (lakitu)

    Today at 7:25 PM
    well, I can chat now . . .

    @tav: not per the Etymonline.com’s Douglas Harper. I read it on Etymonline.com years prior.

    “latin planta (plant) and planus are considered to be derived from the same PIE root” is the definition for etymology( sic; etymological) “cognates”.

    if you can’t see the connection between “plant” & “planned”, I’m sorry, you might not have thought re this topic as much as I have . . . engineering agenda/calendar/schedule software for 8 years where you plan for example.

    Today at 7:29 PM
    joe valentyn (lakitu)

    Today at 7:31 PM
    I wrote a timekeeping device software appliance that has practically unlimited (timekeeping device) “complications” . . . I’m not sure we have seen that power before . . . re computers for tool sophistication.
    you can literally plan for millennia out with this timekeeping device . . .
    Brethren Gord

    Today at 7:36 PM
    Panopticism is a real eye-opener.
    It speaks to the society of today, conformity, normalization of the individual.
    I see this type of normalization, and the same behavior between peoples/individuals.
    joe valentyn (lakitu)

    Today at 7:39 PM
    pass it down thru your heritage . . . “Gramma learned that Netherlands has wonderful farming in urban areas . . . I could go there & learn from them – a century later or however long . . . ” . . .
    Brethren Gord

    Today at 7:39 PM
    The survelliance of the individual and the suppression of the individual through the dynamic called normalization.
    joe valentyn (lakitu)

    Today at 7:40 PM
    it’s years from release – at best. other programs have been developed . . .
    Brethren Gord

    Today at 7:40 PM
    It speaks to the transformation from physical authority to psychological authority.
    over the century.
    The key instrument of this transformation of the individual is through surveillance. Conformity. So, people start to think and act the same.
    joe valentyn (lakitu)

    Today at 7:42 PM
    “Visit the ocean every two years.”

    stuff like that.

    Today at 7:49 PM
    @Codin Joined!
    joe valentyn (lakitu)

    Today at 7:52 PM
    periods are good for us. . . . the etymology for “frequent” was in the carried on in “Do you frequent this establishment?”

    that was in the 1600s. then in the 1800s quantum mechanics theoretical physicists took that word & used it for “frequency”: “rate”.

    each color: red orange yellow green blue indigo violet: is periodic – is a frequency; each pitch: C D E F G A B (C): is periodic – is a frequency.

    periodicity – frequency – makes intense sense to us.

    thus: “Visit the ocean every two years.” for example: that periodicity makes sense to us.
    joe valentyn (lakitu)

    Today at 8:07 PM
    my timekeeping device is different from most calendaring software . . . mine lets you make a schedule formula versus a placed time & date for each item . . . more important items have more frequent periods – when they come up, you say Do you want to do this? to yourself from when you originally scheduled the schedule formula . . . were you to not, then you can catch the chance next time . . .