Living Together As Brothers

“We must learn to live together as brothers, or else perish together as fools.” ~ MLK

We’re going to have to start working together, whether or not this was Barack Obama’s bill, your bill, or my bill we’re going to have to catch up because we’re starting to falter a little tiny bit – we owe it to America & its striving for excellence ala the greeks – let’s come together in our time of need, like every good community does, & treat the causes of our problems the right way – apply the politics of our time to the problems of our time in a diligent & proper way, & let’s use whichever solutions to the threats to our democracy & economy fit best, not red solutions or blue solutions.

unless the health of our democracy or the health of our economy are a democratic issue or a republican issue – amending the constitution to forbid Citizens United is a bipartisan issue;

unless security of american citizens is a democratic issue – giving america a raise so they earn a livable income is a bipartisan cause.

unless the health of the planet is outside any man’s best interest, it is a bipartisan need to deal with climate change properly – like Hippocrates or Mercola would administer medicine – that is what i indicate.

we have to come together as brothers, as King said, or die together as fools.

Cheerio, take care.