How Best To Politically Help What Kills 9/10ths Of Us

9 out of 10 deaths are from health problems, per W.H.O.;

But only 1% of our budget is spent on medical & health research.

A popular phrase often attributed to “The Father Of Medicine,” Hippocrates, says we should:

“Let food be thy medicine;”

We spend 00.04% of our budget on nutrition research.

“Prevention is the best medicine” is the time-tested, accepted wisdom about lifestyle choices influencing health; we spend 6.8 billion dollars, or 00.19% – about 2 tenths of 1% – researching “prevention” with our budget.

If you did invest in these with proportion to the problem — losing 9/10ths of soul-bereaving losses of family & friends to disease — one of the first things that would be obvious is vegetables particularly are incredibly, miraculously-almost, healthy for us, as a species;

In fact, 7 servings of vegetables & less-so fruits a day were recently found to lower our death risk by almost half – that’s all-causes mortality.

Here’s the crucial part: that is not reflected in our present farming or food subsidies at all —

Less than 2% of our 300 million acres of cropland here in our beautiful America are used for vegetables & fruits

That has a lot to do with less than 1% of food subsidies going toward vegetables & fruits.

Let me help you:

9 out of 10 people die from health problems.

Vegetables & less-so fruits a day were recently found to lower our death risk by almost half;1

But we spend less than 1% of farm subsidies on vegetables & fruits.

Further, we forage understanding for the long-haul with only .04% of our budget spent on researching healthy nutrition, the main cure to presently kills 9/10ths of us; & spend only 0.19% of our budget on prevention of this huge problem in general.

This is what I’ll say:

Invest; but do something even more valuable than investing alone:

Listen to the farmers who’ve grown these organic, non-GMO, & environmentally-sustainable foods: understand their successes we can model on, & help solve their challenges they’ve recognized thru years – sometimes generations – of experience.

Listen to the doctors who’ve understood preventative nutrition, exercise, & natural health interventions are essential to our health, not synthetic treatments “as dangerous as being in a war zone”; & who’ve have cultured their ideas to a highly progressed level. Joseph Mercola of Chicago is one such person; he lays out his ideas & research clearly on his website

& Listen to the researchers, who, at some point, chose health for all, over money for one, that one being them, & researched natural medicines & other natural health interventions, & have put on solid ground the healthiness of Nature’s bounty, the healthiness of food over chemical.

Finally, listen to the bajillions of success stories of juicing & other natural healings of average people, that pharmaceuticals didn’t, couldn’t heal, & in way too many cases caused in the first place.

Let’s Invest In Natural Health, In Our Quality & Quantity Of Life, & Our Descendents’ Future.

Let me this communique this way:

Today, in 2015, you would have to work for 45 minutes, at minimum wage, to earn 2 cucumbers – I mean of course organic cucumbers. That is dehumanizing, that is not safe & smart as far as our health – it is outrageous on too many levels;

Let’s turn ourselves right around, & fix our health & inequality problems; let’s make vegetables a staple, affordable, & let’s understand them & other natural, important aspects of health, so we may have, as a country, a success story of our own, to tell our grandchildren someday.

Thank You.




(1): I have an article for everyone, not just government, on my recommendations for exploiting this fact to live a long, healthy life. I will post it soon. Thanks.

2015 June: That post is now up, at this location.

Antibiotics Overuse Projected To Kill 100 Million In The World In The Next 15 Years

This was originally written about a week or so ago.

For the last couple weeks I’ve been talking about drug resistance due to antibiotics, in my circles of friends & family.

Did you know agriculture accounts for about 80 percent of all antibiotics used – & that the continuous low dose used for the majority of antibiotic dosing is what causes bacteria to survive & become increasingly hardy & drug-resistant?

Here’s what this means for our bottomline: within just the next *15 years*, 100 million people will die, due to antibiotic resistant diseases (according to a new report commissioned by The Prime Minister, David Cameron, of England;)

— If we do not change policies & their executions smartly & strongly.

As much as I am a fan of gradual, meticulous, diversely-experimented-on,-then-rolled-out, political betterment, I also take into account the severity of a threat, & its urgency —

& Tailor my political response to that, beforehand.

— & Here’s what we’re looking at: about 10 Holocausts worth of deaths over just the next 15 years, globally, from diseases we are creating for ourselves.

Let’s really drive this home by putting this wicked, horrific, blight upon our Earth into perspective:

Let me preface the following list by saying I’m sorry to present this part, but, again, hopefully it brings home the point strongly & resoundingly:

If we do not politically change course, in the next 15 years alone we’ll be holding this:







In fact we’re talking about 100 million dead in 15 years, without change —

That’s 7 people.

Scroll down ’til you get the idea:
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