Healthiest Things I Know, Part One – Juicing, To Be Healthy





My Grandfather was, & My Mom still is today, obsessed with vegetables – & to a lesser degree, fruit. That is one of the best things I have learned from My Mom & My Grandfather, & I am wanting to spread that Love to you, here & now, if it pleases you.

Your death risk is slashed – 42%! – if you manage to eat 7 servings of vegetables & fruits a day.

That’s amazing.

How Can You Best Get 7 Servings?
I would say, making fresh, preferably organic, mostly-vegetable juice, especially largely from sprouts, is probably the best way.

(Varied salads are a close 2nd, but you’d have to eat 14 cups (the measuring unit) of leafy greens to get 7 servings of veggies, they say.)

Why Juicing?

According to Stanford Medicine Cancer Institute, 1 cup (8 oz) of celery juice contains most nutrients found in 5 cups’ worth of munched-on celery. (I have heard really only the fiber is missing; that means 2 things: for one, my understanding is that you will absorb more nutrients from the freshly juicered vegetable juice & faster, ((because fiber is so difficult to digest,)) but it also means, you need fiber from other sources – i.e. juicing alone is not enough. Salads, nuts & seeds are good sources of fiber.)1

A smaller amount of fruit – a lemon or lime, for example, juiced fresh into your plant juice – will make it taste great; importantly this makes it much more likely you will drink it often, if it tastes good, thereby slashing your overall risk of death by almost half.

The best thing I have heard tho, I’d like to tell you, is juicing vegetable sprouts – hemp, if it is legal where you are, or watercress sprouts are the top 2 I know of I will give for examples, tho I have never tasted hemp sprouts themselves personally –– only heard of their powerhouse nutrition  –– juicing sprouts like these gives anywhere from 10 to 100X the nutrition, pound for pound, of their healthy adult versions.2

I would have at least 2, &, ideally, I would estimate *4* mostly-vegetable juices a day to be pretty wonderful for your health.

When considering whether to start juicing, you might think of it this way: What better thing to invest in than more Life & better Life, for me or my family, or people?

If you DO want to juice, then, this “report” has a good recipe / recipe system for starting off – one that is both very tasty & very healthy: 3

The last thing I’ll say is I’ve read what seems like thousands of anecdotes, & there’s scantly a condition I have heard of that people have not testified that juicing is helpful for

If you like Life, or have a health problem already, I would say most often juicing fresh organic vegetables will help tremendously.4

To see results, give it a few weeks or longer.

Therefore, I suggest juicing – meaning juice which is mostly fresh organic vegetables – as the best general thing you can do for your health & longevity.

(((I did say general.)))

Bottom’s Up! — To Your Health.
Joe Valentyn

The next part, on the healthiest things I know for happiness  the largest part of emotional health  is now at

(1) On salads: I believe moderately indulgent dressings – but still kicking MSG to the curb & also healthy fish, poultry & eggs are fine on salads. I also believe in (the healthiest you can get) salt, black pepper (peppercorn), butter, sour cream, & even cream cheese, if you’re using it to hook someone on, or lure them to, amazingly healthy foods.

(2): Sprouts are not hard to grow & you can grow them indoors year-round, with a couple easy-enough daily maintenance jobs. They’re 1/10th the cost of buying them at the grocery store, & you can grow organic seeds with organic soil at a very affordable cost.

(3): in general is a massively good site for health information, in my opinion. Joseph Mercola was an early critic of Vioxx, for example, a drug that killed 60,000 people & in the long run got banned.

(4): I would not use it as my only tool against cancer: check on Dr. Mercola’s advice, in that case in particular;

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s “antineoplastons” may be good;

Also, cannabis oil is renowned to be effective for some/all types of cancer; I will have to do a lot more reading before I have good recommendations, but those are two leads I have found, that I feel reasonably comfortable giving as ideas.

For people with immune-system-related problems, such as you’re developing allergies, have dysbiosis of the gut & therefore acid reflux or other belly issues, or have an infection of some kind, I would recommend lacto-fermented foods made at home, which are up to 200X as strong as even the strongest probiotic pills; they are about as easy to make as hot chocolate. Use starter cultures. Body Ecology is the brand I use.

Take probiotics long enough apart from, if you are taking them, antibiotics.

Thank You.
– Joe

Disclaimer: The FDA has not reviewed these statements. Please consult a reliable health care professional for any health care decisions.