Oh OK: One More Political Gesture While On Vacation: Women’s Equality? How About Women Doing The Ruling.

I was pretty beat up yesterday, too beat up to produce an article.

& Tho’ I’m on vacation from politics – speaking & writing – late last nite I decided to just comment on this . . .

What I regard as one of the most important, millenial-long causes: the offensiveness against the more sapient (“enlightened”) sex: Womenkind.

In September of 2014, as well as this bygone March, I blew out some hugely powerful punctures in the case for men having — read: women not having, more power.

I encourage you to read those links – here’s the list again if you just want to quickly get it:

90% of guilty homicides verdicts in the United States are spoken of Men.

& Tho women are 51% of our population, they still make up only twenty-percent of the US Government Senate & House, & a diminutive “none” in the list of presidents.

I read a (specifically-chosen) book, about the women of ancient Egypt: they had several — not just Cleopatra — “more enlightened,” female rulers.

To get back to “representative,” we’d have to get as many women as are in power in America MORE, & then another half that group.

What my message today is: Yesterday was National Women’s Equality Day; Who do we want in charge of our society: the <positive stereotyping:> not just more practical, but more sensitive, more Loving, better-at-communicating, more family-centered – in a word, more social, kind?

Of course we do.

Beyond a doubt.

Remember those stats? Even tho 9/10ths of how we leave this Earth is from disease, our government spends, led by men, 20:1 on “military security” what we spend on health . . .

“Security?” 9/10ths of murders that are committed are committed by men – I know who we have to defend ourselves from: Men worldwide in power – the 10:1 more violent tending ones.

Good day, Sir.

Among All Our Challenges, A Good Word For Feel-Good Music


I have appreciated music & made music for a long time – I just wanted to share some choice, very careful, meticulous, GRUELING! words, on music.

’60s Folk & descended genres 4 ever.

Art Rock like Velvet Underground and The Pixies 4 ever.

Indie like Cocteau Twins’s positiver songs & My Bloody Valentine’s Loveless & Neutral Milk Hotel’s In the Aeroplane Over the Sea 4 ever.

& All good music, like
The Beatles
Bob Dylan
Bob Marley
Velvet Underground
Woody Guthrie
Django Reinhardt
Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World
Landslide by Stevie Nicks
Soul (the musical genre)
Classical Spanish / Desperado (I have a song.. well, nevermind.)
Sing, Sing, Sing (1938 performance at Carnegie Hall)
Erik Satie’s Gymnopedies
The Cure
Carole King
Smokey Robinson
Sarah McLachlan
Chuck Berry
Lauryn Hill

& all the rest —

Mega blisterly feverishly hard to not Love these & the alike.

Thom Yorke said I remember, once, “How the *bleep* did I end up a rock star?” I wonder sometimes how I did not end up eventually doing music, for my Life’s path.

Thank you.
– JOe

Sexual Healing —- For Real


Pretend your Loved-&-cherished is of course unspeakably beautiful to you *but she once said in her mind she is 30 pounds overweight* –

Tell her sexually that

“30 pounds is nothing. You are beautiful.”

Then proceed to f*** her brains out until ‘her eyes ain’t moving, now’ ((they just lay there in their climb…))

=D That is one way to cure a hang-up your lover has.

I would love to leave it at that, but it is best I also say I would do this mostly or only in a strategic, very thought thru way, saying precisely what you planned to – not improvising at all. (Receive your lover’s response & respond as or *if* needed, minimally.)

Do this because it’s needed, not just because you want to without thinking.

(If someone does this ‘imperfectly’ for you, forgive them. They meant well, of course.)

We call this sexual “healing” but actually ‘personal-growth’ as it is called could easily be slipped in.

This might be a little brave. I will leave it here to not destroy the very fabric of society. ^_^

Happy Trails.
Joe Valentyn

Like A Great Year For Wine, 1997 Was A Great Year For Us In Culture


Some say 1997 was the best year for different wines – like a vintage wine itself, I’ve already uncorked my belief that 1997 was a particularly fine year for culture on some of my communication media; so as much as I’d love to work this up more, today I thought I’d pour us a glass or two of 1997 culture daydreaming:

Remember “Life Is Beautiful?” – Roberto Benigni’s infant-like perfection – like a serenade to the world – something truly, to the point of happy… beautiful tears, beautiful itself, Life Is Beautiful is without a doubt my favorite movie I’ve ever happened across.

* * *

An Informal Communique: I’m Taking A Vacation From Political Oratory For A Go-Round Or Two

Written up first on August 10th, 2015.

& With that, I am taking a vacation from speaking on politics for a stretch; *I hope* to return to a lean, mean, campaign finance, senate debate rule, climate change, inequality fighting political system, but until I do, I name these people as current with politics, aligned to the same direction as me, & super responsible:

Senator Bernie Sanders:

Senator Elizabeth Warren: 

(Former) Secretary Of Labor Robert Reich:

& The great Bill Moyers:

Another candidate incredibly worthy of mention is Doctor Joseph Mercola, particularly on political health issues & also environmental ones: 

To a happier, more prospering state;

Updated August 14th, 2015.

A(nother) Last Legislative Thought: Romance In Schools: Beyond — Or Perhaps More Foundational Than — Sex, To Love


Hey there. I think & have said the government may want to consider working us less; we must balance striving for the economy with the enjoyability of our lives, in the interest of “the pursuit of happiness” (as, for example, measured in the gross national happiness index);

& This balancing of work with play, play with work, also goes for schools.

I have shared my ideas for new classes/classroom-focuses in the past – some of those ideas, thru whichever means they did, did get traction – but today I’m flipping ahead to a brand new one.

Some of us would say it is the most important one, & one that doesn’t really exist in the way I think we would like, in our highest desire.

Let me put it this way: what I remember of sex ed, was watching a video of an already-pregnant woman giving birth, & us putting a condom on a banana.

What I am envisioning is something more inclusive, & more cultivated: a Dating & Relationships class – personal romantic relationships shared 1-on-1 with rotating teachers — for all intents: “Love gurus” — strictly — *strictly* — voluntarily, & general imagery (with parents’/guardian’s permission per student,) love story movies, (such as Life Is Beautiful,) books of classic romance stories, magazines of teen (& perhaps all-ages) romance topics & advice, etc, as well as oral history &/or documentaries, & love songs & poems, etc – taken to their deepest romantic conclusions, in discussion, for the general gather-together class, perhaps with a special (since Love *is* so special,) class made up of those interested in each other, possibly with rather frequent (as dating is frequent) dates / alone time in parks, at movies, or wherever the kids are hep on, as voted on by them, completely consensually, as field trips.

If the venereal diseases, films of pregnant women giving birth of “sex education” are our “talking about the birds & bees,” this would be our “talking about the birds, & the bees, & butterflies, & the trees, & (…), & (…), & (…), & (…), & (…) … & (∞)” talk, indefinite & as everywhere-touching of topics as Love itself.

I have to say the momentous, really ‘solar’ significance of Love would make it way difficult; it is hallowed but important, so these would be important, good experiences to have for them, done right.

I would take *a long time* to formulate, experiment, & re-formulate the guidelines for our society’s desired teaching of this; but I think Love goes beyond sex, & this therefore has a place in education, given the gravitas of Love in Life.

From old couples coming in & talking about what kept them together, what kept them loyal, what kept them coming back in some cases; to edgier cultural movements like sex positivity, such as in magazines like Playboy, at the right age, we should focus on Love qua quintessential Love: Romance.

Thank You!

P.S. & I just have to say it: maybe, where appropriate — say on the dates — we could “allow kissing in school.” It’s not exactly evil =)

To a better world;
Thank you.
Joe Valentyn
August 9th, 2015

Most recent update August 10th, 2015.

The Value Of Positive Examples In The Mass Consciousness

I always remember this news story – one about a photographer who was surrounded by uncountably many butterflies — & took pictures.

(Here’s my favorite:


How many things like that happen every day?

I say let’s be more positive – in politics, not who fell in the mud; one idea here is being more solutions-based: who proposed, or heard, some great new idea. ((I should say, without forcing solutions before they’re ripe.))

Lastly, what I’ll say here: use models of journalism that lifted us all – even small rejuvenating stories – ones placing us in touch with the reality of Life: its Goodness- are better than a laundry list of the worst things that happened in the world. Think of telling news stories perhaps as being around a fire, telling stories: if you have some great story, idea, commentary, we need it; if you have some beef, maybe Sally Lou can pull you aside & talk to you, &/or have drinks at her house, most of the time.

Remember: Good positive things are something we can & actually do use; finger wagging about bad things doesn’t provide as much as positive, good examples in the mass consciousness.

Which do you prefer: Goodness, or —

Ah, good choice. =)
– Joe

Are We Making Enough Progress On Climate Change & Inequality? (A Following-Up) ((& A Tracing Back Of Some ‘Early-Bird Gettings’ Of Mine))

I just want to ask this question:

Are we making enough progress on climate change & inequality – the 2 biggest political issues I know of?

Antibiotic-resistant disease from using antibiotics too much is another large threat300,000,000 people are projected to die from it in the next 35 years. That’s about 27 Holocausts worth of deaths.

We must understand this problem, our options & situation, & choose among them in accordance with what is best in all terms, but especially the long-term — that is the one we will be feeling the longest.

Thank you for all the leaps & bounds we are making, we will not only be reaping the bounties of all this hard, smart work, in our time now, but we WILL be an inspiration for a long time to come.

Thank You Everyone.




The last post’s follow-ups can be traced back something like this, for the record:

* * *

in 2010 I began talking about something I didn’t know anyone to be talking about: this link has got a sample you really should read from, especially the ideas in philosophy forums there.

* * *

Even President Barack Obama eventually said two things I had previously said:

After that 2010 floe just shared, just before the U.S. elections in 2012, I had been hammering this graph from our emerging culture, included in a Mother Jones page – something that, altho not part of popular culture when I had had that floe of rhetoric, above, economists like Robert Reich had already been talking about:

& had been mentioning the idea of hammering this graph in a letter I sent to a handful of my favorite political players of the time, including Barack Obama.

Barack Obama put forward the same idea here, in Dec. 2013, for the first time . . .

* * *

I crystallized this & another issue as central issues here: the 2nd being Climate Change; I projected it like a ray into our culture: deep, & also strongly; & like the miracle of a seed that produces the first shoot in Spring, he said similarly here, about 5 months later.

* * *

Going back a bit further, even before these caught flames & Occupy Wall Street emerged, I went further: I was the first person I knew to be citing The Gettysburg Address (Abraham Lincoln’s renowned speech) again, when fighting for increased democracy in a time tending toward oligarchy & improved communications media – 2010:

From IRC Undernet #political logfile, July 12th, 2010:

[17:19:28] <lakitu> a fourth american government branch with equal power as a check & balance: The People
[17:20:23] <lakitu> poguemahone: we built a good gov, possibly the best in history: the american government
[17:20:46] <poguemahone> lakitu…   sure.. in 1776 it was very good.
[17:21:26] <lakitu> it is a good gov – but we could improve it now that a better more people’s-choice,-people-powered government is as-neverbefore feasible: direct democracy using the internet
[17:21:36] <lakitu> it at least stands suggestion, & contemplation
[17:21:47] <lakitu> at least blog about it on your facebook ;)
[17:22:01] <human810927> Let a state try it lakitu
[17:22:38] <lakitu> sure – i say let it run on “training wheels” as a website, without any power: trial run.  doing a pretend “prototype” would be the best way to tell if it’s practicable
[17:22:41] <lakitu> & worth the change
[17:24:28] <lakitu> i.e., a website where you read senate & congress literature, & other government literature (including bills), discuss them, & vote freely for them; this with no real legislative power, as a pretend trial run mock 4th Branch (The People), & see if it’s sensible & barcleared worthwhile
[17:25:48] <lakitu> Lincoln called this A Government Of The People, By The People, & For The People. what could be more coherent with his philosophy

I didn’t know of anyone proposing government sites, especially ones giving The People much more voice in government.

& Then after that – say what you will, in late 2011, “WeThePeoplewas introduced. I must say it is important to note: my idea reaches farther than the site that was made.

* * *

In this vein, & I am overjoyed that the currently leading presidential candidate – leading by miles & miles, last I heard – said what I had mentioned as an idea, & later pushed as a bit more important idea here & here & here, within the last month: http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/07/16/profit-sharing-makes-good-business-sense-hillary-clinton-says/?_r=0.

In fact it’s a centerpiece of the leader’s economic platform, according to The New York Times.

* * *

(I am not trying to toot my own horn, but: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WFs76IQnOw . . . )

Thank You; & Good Day.
Joseph Jerome Valentyn
Owatonna, Minnesota, The United States Of America