Songpoem: “Art Thief”


Here’s two versions of a poem I wrote earlier this year, the second is still in pieces.

It’s called Art Thief.

(For some reason my WordPress changes the formatting after I have published posts, sometimes; apologies – impresario’s note (ha-ha.))

* * *

in this area, there’s a man who houses
the prized Mona Lis’

did i get that she was pining for me –
the Art thief?

O, he’s fond of saying,
she entitles he to infinite rank;

. . . mm, tell me this, Kind Sir:
do you cherish her, & worship her,
all night & all day?

— do you serve her as a General,
executing the wishes of Your Queen?

— would you cut yourself,
if you thought that that would
bring you in more closely?

when blackness sets,
or bitternesses seize,
do you turn to her being mean?

Sir –– tonight will you feelst passion for her,
or will you feel like having another beer?

—- Someday, you might find,
while you’re hoarding your liqueurs, EP’s, or salted cures . . .

that i am stealing A New Heart,
in a camisado,
rappelling down from the window sill.

Xxx An Art Connoisseur & The Mona Lis’

 * * *


Here’s the ragamuffin, undone 2nd version, with lots of clutter & outtakes.


Songpoem: “Sex Positive (The F-Bomb) ((The Female Element)) (((Make Love Not War)))”


Here’s a new version of the poem I’ve been working on this month, I mentioned & posted an earlier version of, a bit ago.



.: Sex Positive, A.K.A. The F-Bomb ((Make Love Not War)) :.

“Don’t you want somebody to Love
Don’t you need somebody to Love
Wouldn’t you Love somebody to Love –
You’d better find somebody to Love . . .

. . . Love. ”
{:Fade out}

in the nineteen sixties the Love Generation did more than protest
‘threw panties at Paul, their Mary Tyler’s got a lot of Dick
they blew-out our understandings of what being feminine is
’cause hundreds of millions of females were sex positive

(sex positive . . . )

(sex positive . . . )

{Old, Vietnam Age Father Figure Voice:}
“& Don’t lose faith in that female element, son . . .  ’cause–”

’cause in the middle a’ brutish Vietnam
those Love chicks dropped The “Fuck Me” Bomb
said “Psst; over here son, wouldn’t you rather we be making some Love?
— go bury your guns in the ground,

& Fuck Me till i cum ——–

inside . . .

See, don’t you know where you come from, son?
you come from Two Lovers making Love – – –

Yeah, ’cause Love is Special – ‘specially when Love is True
& anyway, Love is Beautiful – Loving’s gotta be The Most Beautiful Thing We Do

& Love makes us Happy, we’d do it all the time, if we could —
Really, Love is The Best — the Ultimate Good —

& one more tidbit is true:
Loving is a Miracle – *LOVE* *MADE* *YOU*.

. . . so which one will it be:

stalk & kill some guy in the jungle,

or come & fuck me . . .

come & fuck tiiiiiiiiii–ny little me”

& with come hither eyes she leaned forward & gave a fatal look at her tits . . .  & with a little kiss, she said,

I Will Make So Much Love To You YOUR DICK WILL FALL OFF . . .

. . . . . .

& she appeared to him as a sex goddess, well

right then & there, his Life was changed
he quit being a G. I. & couldn’t help falling in Love with Jane
provided her a house & name,
always kept up, his Father’s faith,

he strove to provide her cruises & glamour
built her confidence up poundin’ her like a hammer

& when she felt that house had become a Home,
she said after reviewing her budget planner

let’s have a baby,
i want to turn us into a family

— i want THREE
one for you, *TWO* for me

raised up Three Kids, all the right way;

made them upright & happy, thru teaching & thru play

& yknow, each kid thrived, each in their own way

& he told her he Loved her almost every day . . .

& Jane always Loved to hear him say,

“I was blown away by a booby trap, that day . . .
in the middle of ‘Nam – never was the same;
they dropped the F-Bomb
Nineteen Sixty-Seven
Summer of Love
blew us all to Heaven”

& there was news headlines, & news announcements, & news segments, & news conversations:

*LOVE* had won The War On The War.

{Predominantly-Females Chanting:}
“Make Love,
Not War!

Make Love,
Not War! . . .

Make Love,
Not War!

Make Love,
Not War . . . ”


One Two Three FOUR!

Well she was
& you know
what i mean,
& the way she looked
was way beyond compare

so how could i dance with another – oooh

when i saw her standing there . . .

* * *

Updated (late) September, 2015.