Courting & Relationships: How I Find Women Beautiful On The Inside, Too (A Sketch At A List By Joe Valentyn)

Beauty is an Intense Good, but it isn’t all-important. As a (femisexual – in Love with Women) man, you can be attractive by stuff other than looks – a lot like you can be fair of face & breast – you can be Beautiful On The Inside by many character traits… Read on!:

Lilacs are pretty enough, and are hostess to very potent aromatic fragrances; this then makes them a Loved Flower of many – including me!

(“Beauty of Moscow” lilac variety, courtesy

  • being fun / being playful / being brave / being adventurous / being exciting;
  • charming with charisma – jocking with wit – cunning with art;
  • being a ‘Love Scion’ or ‘Love Prodigy’ or ‘Love Genius’ (talented and/or skilled in “dating & relationships”);
  • having Luvable Favorites in music, politics, movies, & other arts; & even being a good judge of character;
  • being high-society, being a socialite;
  • being very sensual, being concupiscent, having nymphomania;
  • having abilities with music, literature, acting, etc;
  • having vivacity, life, being quirky, literal mania;
  • being passionate for something, maybe a good cause you like or people you Love, maybe even being good at your passion;
  • being real responsible re family; being good with kids, even your younger brothers or sisters if you’re young enough; caring, compassionate, empathetic, like say with animals… or the differently abled;
  • being wholesome, good-natured, well-rounded;
  • being ready to take a nap (ha ha) . . .

This list is not exhaustive; it is a personal sketch of how else to get attraction than what we all overappreciate, perhaps: fairness of face & breast.

I think this should be open to dialogue – something that will change, go thru phases, & get outgrown & missed all over again, as we live our lives.

Thank you for reading! =)

A gangly, smelly, hairy creature am I: a man; & alike my form my expressions also too sometimes get in the way of my what I’m really saying: these things & others make you Beautiful, in your looks, to uswe SEE your Beauty, then, more truly. All people are Beautiful; if ‘he’ doesn’t see it, maybe he is lacking in that department – not you.

Thank You Much,
– Joe

This spread grew some more Sunday May Twenty-first, Twenty-first Century, Twenty-third Year!