Synergy In Cooperation In All Its Forms: A Conversation From Today

From a public political discussion, today:

Dec 14 14:19:51 <Passpatout>    okay.. someone got a topic?
Dec 14 14:20:02 <lakitu>    i do.
Dec 14 14:20:04 <sevenless>    BillyTheKid: I did not know that. Thank you!
Dec 14 14:20:11 <Passpatout>    go for it lakitu
Dec 14 14:20:13 <sevenless>    So were Dusenburgs easy to build?
Dec 14 14:20:16 <lakitu>    Passpatout: thanks
Dec 14 14:20:48 <lakitu>    — i’ve been thinking about cooperation, in all its forms. synergy is the topic i wanted to bring up today – we are more together than apart
Dec 14 14:20:54 <lakitu>    we can do more together
Dec 14 14:21:03 *    Gauntlet has quit (Quit)
Dec 14 14:21:09 <lakitu>    one old example i used to use was of needing a penny –
Dec 14 14:21:15 <lakitu>    say in line at a store
Dec 14 14:21:15 <BillyTheKid>    no they may be the best car ever built sevenless . and rare hand built maybe 200 over a 8 yr period
Dec 14 14:21:18 <deadbeat>    I’m all for that if we can continue to bitch at one another during lunch/cig breaks
Dec 14 14:21:35 <sevenless>    BillyTheKid: I’ve heard of them.
Dec 14 14:22:05 <lakitu>    if you’re short a penny, you might not be able to get your chicken for tonight’s meal.  but with a little effort from someone else . . .   a very small, inconsequential effort that we could not do for ourselves, in all practicality,
Dec 14 14:22:05 <sevenless>    I thought “it’s a doozy” meant “it’s easy” though
Dec 14 14:22:08 <Passpatout>    lakitu.. I think for things to get done you need both the energy of a group and the creative process of the individual
Dec 14 14:22:11 *    The_M ([email protected]) has joined #political
Dec 14 14:22:12 <lakitu>    i thrive & it’s little loss for you
Dec 14 14:22:27 <BillyTheKid>    aurburn cord haqd front wheel drive tech in its autos in the 1920s and 30s
Dec 14 14:22:28 <Passpatout>    but we need both
Dec 14 14:22:31 <lakitu>    good contrib’ Passpatout
Dec 14 14:22:36 <lakitu>    good ‘trib
Dec 14 14:22:43 <lakitu>    — we thrive at little cost, is all i was saying there
Dec 14 14:22:54 <lakitu>    the stronger we are


Dec 14 14:23:36 <lakitu>    ants are a great example
Dec 14 14:23:39 <lakitu>    ant colonies
Dec 14 14:23:51 <Passpatout>    makes me think of that commercial lakitu about changing your oil filter.. you could do it for $6.96 (old commercial) or you could have some mechannic doing major things.. and the line was “you can pay me now or pay me later”
Dec 14 14:23:55 <lakitu>    other social species. they are inspiring
Dec 14 14:24:04 <lakitu>    right
Dec 14 14:24:06 <lakitu>    exactly


Dec 14 14:24:15 <lakitu>    something we both know about, Passpatout, actually
Dec 14 14:24:22 <lakitu>    exactly passpat
Dec 14 14:24:24 <BillyTheKid>    90% of all brass band instrumments sold in world up to 1960 were produced in elkhart indiana
Dec 14 14:24:26 <lakitu>    Passpat*
Dec 14 14:24:38 <Passpatout>    its this penny wise and pound foolish thing
Dec 14 14:24:41 <lakitu>    nice
Dec 14 14:24:47 <sevenless>    Tzara: excellent
Dec 14 14:25:06 <lakitu>    even after compassion, empathy, goodness, morality — there is the bare economic betterness, too
Dec 14 14:25:25 <lakitu>    for the straggler darwinian– um what are they called?
Dec 14 14:25:38 <Passpatout>    it costs less to have an educated and healthy population but the inputs are upfront
Dec 14 14:25:39 *    LilyJack ([email protected]) has joined #political
Dec 14 14:25:39 *    X sets ban on *!*@65.25.107.*
Dec 14 14:25:39 *    X has kicked LilyJack from #political ((danie4) permaban)
Dec 14 14:25:39 <lakitu>    darwinian something, — oh social darwinist
Dec 14 14:25:51 <Passpatout>    I don’t know why
Dec 14 14:25:51 <lakitu>    which has a very strict/specific meaning
Dec 14 14:26:00 <lakitu>    Passpatout, right
Dec 14 14:26:01 <Passpatout>    you’d think it would be obvious


Dec 14 14:26:49 <Passpatout>    I think in some places it is more obvious and you see it in their societies and in their policies
Dec 14 14:27:01 *    LionClan ([email protected]) has joined #political


Dec 14 14:28:20 <lakitu>    it just is a higher “self-“– or really ‘social-actualization’
Dec 14 14:28:29 <lakitu>    what we’re talking about, too
Dec 14 14:28:44 <lakitu>    i know this is a political room, but there is more to life than politics as we both know
Dec 14 14:28:53 <Passpatout>    I dunno.. there’s always someone who wrecks it for everyone else


Dec 14 14:29:25 <lakitu>    your point is a solid ‘rockbed’/bedrock for the straggler type, i mentioned (Passpat)


Dec 14 14:29:33 <lakitu>    to fall back on
Dec 14 14:29:56 <lakitu>    if they are missing the synergy/compassion/’social-actualization’ point – & in fact it just shows goodness is most expedient.

Thank you!
