The Intense Sense That Is Intense Fucking, Seeing Colors, & Hearing Pitches: The Period

In `Discord`’s `The Philosophy Cafe`’s `#general-chat` 2024May26th in the later evening.

joe valentyn (lakitu)
Can someone help with a expression I am looking for?:

What is a pure time term (Like “future” or “when”) for time travel forward in time – & ideally then back?
Today at 4:22 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
consider “when”, “past”, “later”, & the Like.
Today at 4:24 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
in cinematography there is the “jump cut”
Today at 4:27 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
for one shot cutting directly to a later shot . . .
Today at 4:27 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
what is the combining form time analog to “tele-“?
Today at 4:42 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
Today at 4:43 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
Today at 4:43 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
Today at 4:50 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
hey @AltF4.
Today at 4:51 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
Today at 4:52 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
jog is pretty good.
Today at 4:52 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
a “jog dial”. “jog to the next track”.
Today at 4:52 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
Today at 4:53 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
my housemate was close with “jump” . . .
Today at 4:58 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
Today at 5:03 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
“skip ahead”. “skip a grade” . . . “skipping to the good parts . . . ” . . .
Today at 5:05 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
“flash forward”.
Today at 5:30 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
my computer is suddenly freezing.
Today at 5:30 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
⸻ that’s a pretty good one.
Today at 5:31 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
⸻ “flash” is a cool word . . . hahahahah:
Today at 5:33 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
Girls “flashing” Guys . . .
Today at 5:33 PM

joe valentyn (lakitu)
“plan”. my FAVORITE etymology: “plan” is a extension from / derivative from / cognate with “plant”: “I planned that” :: “I plant that”!!!

“to plan” :: “to plant” . . .
Today at 5:52 PM

{stricken by a 1 hour ban (with no prior chat for months nor interleaving chat . . . )}


Today at 7:17 PM
untrue; derived from latin planus ==> “plane” (mathematical, geometric), “plain” (flat/”great plains”, also “plainly”~=”clearly”, ie conceptually unobstructed), “explain”. “plan” (flattened view for construction, eg blueprints) developed into “plan” (conceptual layout for next steps, generalized).

latin planta (plant) and planus are considered to be derived from the same PIE root, with the meaning being ~~”, eg seeds onto/into the ground”, explaining why (for example) the flat of your foot is referred to as “plantar fascia” and not “planus fascia”, as well as the general connection between plain ~ plan ~ plat (ie plateau, platform) ~ flat. “field” is also possibly descendent from this PIE root considering its hypothetical sound and general farminess in use case

Today at 7:18 PM
on break at the hill?
joe valentyn (lakitu)

Today at 7:25 PM
well, I can chat now . . .

@tav: not per the’s Douglas Harper. I read it on years prior.

“latin planta (plant) and planus are considered to be derived from the same PIE root” is the definition for etymology( sic; etymological) “cognates”.

if you can’t see the connection between “plant” & “planned”, I’m sorry, you might not have thought re this topic as much as I have . . . engineering agenda/calendar/schedule software for 8 years where you plan for example.

Today at 7:29 PM
joe valentyn (lakitu)

Today at 7:31 PM
I wrote a timekeeping device software appliance that has practically unlimited (timekeeping device) “complications” . . . I’m not sure we have seen that power before . . . re computers for tool sophistication.
you can literally plan for millennia out with this timekeeping device . . .
Brethren Gord

Today at 7:36 PM
Panopticism is a real eye-opener.
It speaks to the society of today, conformity, normalization of the individual.
I see this type of normalization, and the same behavior between peoples/individuals.
joe valentyn (lakitu)

Today at 7:39 PM
pass it down thru your heritage . . . “Gramma learned that Netherlands has wonderful farming in urban areas . . . I could go there & learn from them – a century later or however long . . . ” . . .
Brethren Gord

Today at 7:39 PM
The survelliance of the individual and the suppression of the individual through the dynamic called normalization.
joe valentyn (lakitu)

Today at 7:40 PM
it’s years from release – at best. other programs have been developed . . .
Brethren Gord

Today at 7:40 PM
It speaks to the transformation from physical authority to psychological authority.
over the century.
The key instrument of this transformation of the individual is through surveillance. Conformity. So, people start to think and act the same.
joe valentyn (lakitu)

Today at 7:42 PM
“Visit the ocean every two years.”

stuff like that.

Today at 7:49 PM
@Codin Joined!
joe valentyn (lakitu)

Today at 7:52 PM
periods are good for us. . . . the etymology for “frequent” was in the carried on in “Do you frequent this establishment?”

that was in the 1600s. then in the 1800s quantum mechanics theoretical physicists took that word & used it for “frequency”: “rate”.

each color: red orange yellow green blue indigo violet: is periodic – is a frequency; each pitch: C D E F G A B (C): is periodic – is a frequency.

periodicity – frequency – makes intense sense to us.

thus: “Visit the ocean every two years.” for example: that periodicity makes sense to us.
joe valentyn (lakitu)

Today at 8:07 PM
my timekeeping device is different from most calendaring software . . . mine lets you make a schedule formula versus a placed time & date for each item . . . more important items have more frequent periods – when they come up, you say Do you want to do this? to yourself from when you originally scheduled the schedule formula . . . were you to not, then you can catch the chance next time . . .