We Need Economic Security, Too

don’t we want security in our national economy, too? the Depression era lack of regulation upended our economy – regulation secured it.

let’s not throw our fate to the wind, & ‘let the chips fall where they may’ when it comes to supplying everyone’s much-needed resources —

think of what a livable income, respectable shelter, healthy food & drink, safe & respectable transportation, high-quality education, safe & effective medical care, & good work mean to you —

what would you do without the money to pay for a home, or the openings to get employment?

should those be left to completely unmoderated, “free market forces”? — in our own time, millions of people lost their homes & their jobs, due to a handful of powerful corporate lobbyists de-regulating recklessly, eliminating key consumer protections that were like keystones for our economy;

we got greedy, & things gave out.

that’s why i’m saying we should insure economic security in our own time — as real a security as homelessness or not being able to put food on the table — & give up the ghost on “trickle down” economics, & hang back on “free market” economics — ‘let the chips fall where they may’ is a horrible, horrible strategy when it comes to supplying everyone’s much-needed resources – turn us all into beggars for our money, shelter, food & drink, transportation, education, healthcare, & work . . .

& anyway: why are we all living on a budget, anyway, when the top 1% & those securing the almost infinitely secure 1% are directing 95% of the gains to those who need it least?




Thank You For Reading. Truly.

– joe