Closer To Home: Little Things That Help Make The Holidays Special At Home


Here’s an offhand list of little things we found enjoyable during this most-often sentimental, cozy time of year:

  • fireplaces
  • Christmas songs, like Jingle Bell Rock
  • going sledding
  • peppermint candy canes, ornaments & other decorations
  • Christmas movies (A Christmas Story & National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation are some favorites my family loved, growing up)
  • hot chocolate
  • giving to Salvation Army bellringer charities
  • ice sculpture displays
  • having fun with extended family

What do you do? Maybe you could share some of them with family & loved ones this year.=D

Have A Beautiful Christmas.
Joe V.=D

Christmas Season Spins: Bing Crosby singing “White Christmas”

I already put up “Holiday Road” on the Twitters – here’s another flavorite =D

Happy Merriness, Everyone . . .  Snow, or no snow, I believe all our Christmases are somehow white. Merry Christmas, Everyone.

– Joe

Synergy In Cooperation In All Its Forms: A Conversation From Today

From a public political discussion, today:

Dec 14 14:19:51 <Passpatout>    okay.. someone got a topic?
Dec 14 14:20:02 <lakitu>    i do.
Dec 14 14:20:04 <sevenless>    BillyTheKid: I did not know that. Thank you!
Dec 14 14:20:11 <Passpatout>    go for it lakitu
Dec 14 14:20:13 <sevenless>    So were Dusenburgs easy to build?
Dec 14 14:20:16 <lakitu>    Passpatout: thanks
Dec 14 14:20:48 <lakitu>    — i’ve been thinking about cooperation, in all its forms. synergy is the topic i wanted to bring up today – we are more together than apart
Dec 14 14:20:54 <lakitu>    we can do more together
Dec 14 14:21:03 *    Gauntlet has quit (Quit)
Dec 14 14:21:09 <lakitu>    one old example i used to use was of needing a penny –
Dec 14 14:21:15 <lakitu>    say in line at a store
Dec 14 14:21:15 <BillyTheKid>    no they may be the best car ever built sevenless . and rare hand built maybe 200 over a 8 yr period
Dec 14 14:21:18 <deadbeat>    I’m all for that if we can continue to bitch at one another during lunch/cig breaks
Dec 14 14:21:35 <sevenless>    BillyTheKid: I’ve heard of them.
Dec 14 14:22:05 <lakitu>    if you’re short a penny, you might not be able to get your chicken for tonight’s meal.  but with a little effort from someone else . . .   a very small, inconsequential effort that we could not do for ourselves, in all practicality,
Dec 14 14:22:05 <sevenless>    I thought “it’s a doozy” meant “it’s easy” though
Dec 14 14:22:08 <Passpatout>    lakitu.. I think for things to get done you need both the energy of a group and the creative process of the individual
Dec 14 14:22:11 *    The_M ([email protected]) has joined #political
Dec 14 14:22:12 <lakitu>    i thrive & it’s little loss for you
Dec 14 14:22:27 <BillyTheKid>    aurburn cord haqd front wheel drive tech in its autos in the 1920s and 30s
Dec 14 14:22:28 <Passpatout>    but we need both
Dec 14 14:22:31 <lakitu>    good contrib’ Passpatout
Dec 14 14:22:36 <lakitu>    good ‘trib
Dec 14 14:22:43 <lakitu>    — we thrive at little cost, is all i was saying there
Dec 14 14:22:54 <lakitu>    the stronger we are


Dec 14 14:23:36 <lakitu>    ants are a great example
Dec 14 14:23:39 <lakitu>    ant colonies
Dec 14 14:23:51 <Passpatout>    makes me think of that commercial lakitu about changing your oil filter.. you could do it for $6.96 (old commercial) or you could have some mechannic doing major things.. and the line was “you can pay me now or pay me later”
Dec 14 14:23:55 <lakitu>    other social species. they are inspiring
Dec 14 14:24:04 <lakitu>    right
Dec 14 14:24:06 <lakitu>    exactly


Dec 14 14:24:15 <lakitu>    something we both know about, Passpatout, actually
Dec 14 14:24:22 <lakitu>    exactly passpat
Dec 14 14:24:24 <BillyTheKid>    90% of all brass band instrumments sold in world up to 1960 were produced in elkhart indiana
Dec 14 14:24:26 <lakitu>    Passpat*
Dec 14 14:24:38 <Passpatout>    its this penny wise and pound foolish thing
Dec 14 14:24:41 <lakitu>    nice
Dec 14 14:24:47 <sevenless>    Tzara: excellent
Dec 14 14:25:06 <lakitu>    even after compassion, empathy, goodness, morality — there is the bare economic betterness, too
Dec 14 14:25:25 <lakitu>    for the straggler darwinian– um what are they called?
Dec 14 14:25:38 <Passpatout>    it costs less to have an educated and healthy population but the inputs are upfront
Dec 14 14:25:39 *    LilyJack ([email protected]) has joined #political
Dec 14 14:25:39 *    X sets ban on *!*@65.25.107.*
Dec 14 14:25:39 *    X has kicked LilyJack from #political ((danie4) permaban)
Dec 14 14:25:39 <lakitu>    darwinian something, — oh social darwinist
Dec 14 14:25:51 <Passpatout>    I don’t know why
Dec 14 14:25:51 <lakitu>    which has a very strict/specific meaning
Dec 14 14:26:00 <lakitu>    Passpatout, right
Dec 14 14:26:01 <Passpatout>    you’d think it would be obvious


Dec 14 14:26:49 <Passpatout>    I think in some places it is more obvious and you see it in their societies and in their policies
Dec 14 14:27:01 *    LionClan ([email protected]) has joined #political


Dec 14 14:28:20 <lakitu>    it just is a higher “self-“– or really ‘social-actualization’
Dec 14 14:28:29 <lakitu>    what we’re talking about, too
Dec 14 14:28:44 <lakitu>    i know this is a political room, but there is more to life than politics as we both know
Dec 14 14:28:53 <Passpatout>    I dunno.. there’s always someone who wrecks it for everyone else


Dec 14 14:29:25 <lakitu>    your point is a solid ‘rockbed’/bedrock for the straggler type, i mentioned (Passpat)


Dec 14 14:29:33 <lakitu>    to fall back on
Dec 14 14:29:56 <lakitu>    if they are missing the synergy/compassion/’social-actualization’ point – & in fact it just shows goodness is most expedient.

Thank you!


creme & heaven ((goodnitekiss))


normally i wait a couple weeks after i write a poem to post it – but my sense is i will lose my place, forget – forget… forget i was here, mentally & everything else will seem unreal later – the feeling of now, the reality – the true sobriety . . .

of things we can’t say because certain people.

so under the fear i would never put this up — under the drunkenness of sober forgettenness – forgetting why we’re here, for this — here is a just-written ‘songpoem,’ fawr ewyoo:

you are wine
& chocolate
heaven & pearls,
heaven & pearls,

drink, & whirling
thru mystical twirls
’round the mystical world!

& as i gush – i am gushing –

for you . . .

i never want to see
your naked backside bounce,
with you playing someonelse’s girl


cause you’re creme
& velour,
you’re better than, the rest of the world!

so commmmmmmmmmmme across the sky dark country
step on it – step on it
for me

don’t lee–ee–eeave me, you’re Air
when i inhale, you’re all i want

to breathe – & penile, doesn’t begin,
doesn’t begin to describe me
& you, becoming

creme & pearls –
you are heaven
atop a mystical world

see-ee-ee-king you

seeking you – you’re the truuuu

. . . this is fun . . .
never really leave me, pudding-chomper,
never really stop making lover hearting lover be one



. . . & punkin’, next time you see me

just kiss my lips
unveil your pearlesence
creme & heaven
let your skirt lift

a mystical world . . .

& then i want you to give me a sweet goodnitekiss


– Joe =D
December 11th, 2015.

(Inspired by girls simply, Jenny Lewis’s I Never, & a female pop star.)

=D Goodnite.

You Guys Don’t Even Understand: It’s Us. We Are ‘What’ To Love (With A Spin Of “I Never” . . . ) — Happy Friday =D

This is a little delayed, but . . .

A few months ago I overheard part of a cartoon talking about meaningless items traveling at light speed, & one thing resonated very loud:

You guys don’t even get it:

It’s us.

We are ‘what’ to love . . .


Maybe it’s ’cause you had “never, never, never, never / never, never. never, never . . . ”



Happy Friday, Everyone Everywhere =D
– J.V.

Response To Paris Talks On Climate Change

Greetings; I have a number of points to make but I will be biting my tounge, save a few.

Without official access, getting up to speed a medium amount has granted me the following selection of responses:

We will ****not**** be saving the world, in the end result, on the honor system of voluntary action. This has been said but I was thinking it. We should be overshooting – with humanity’s future hanging in the balance – our commitments, not limp.

Root out the causes of this with due understanding of the importance.

Inspect with due diligence.

Enforce with thinkably necessary force required.

This could be our greatest challenge to our survival yet; err on the side of caution for this;

Secondly, again: from without a privileged position of official access: I am told it is rather contested how much rich countries should pay the way through needed changes, being historically more responsible . . . in multiple ways, from invention to use . . . & how much developing countries should pay the way, making up 2/3rds of emissions collectively, now —

I feel it is obvious rich countries should pay a great amount of developing countries needed changes; we are responsible for the majority of their & our need, & they also may not have resources in a number of cases to implement/enforce human survival’s needed changes.

I am sorry if I am accidentally out of time or tune with any great accord on these issues, I am doing my best to survey & respond, with the previous positions.

Last, I think it could only be conceivable to continue planetarily important talks as long as they are needed. There is some deal of truth to “eat when you’re hungry, & sleep when you’re tired.” Please continue productive talks as long as needed & as is reasonable.

I shall hang back on further ideas until a better time – thanks!
Joe Valentyn =D


((Written, ‘in pith,’ early December 2015; before December 10th.

Updated December 11th 2015.))

Twitter Tweets On Climate Change from December 1st, 2015

I have a bit more stout write-up, but for now this is what I am sharing here. Thanks for reading, if you do.

(This post was added backward to its December 1st 2015 date-slot on December 2nd, 2015, to show its original date on   


Let’s Have A Good Fire: Nurturing The Good Of Society With Positivity In Internet Journalism =)

(Updated December 2015.)



Yesterday I talked about how we on the Internet waves I catch, we apparently feel like ‘we should’ tell the most horrible things that happened today to everyone; but I think rather than ‘the worst of the worst,’ we could think of it like being around a fire: what’s a good, non-dominating, nourishing, “happifying” thing to say – here & now, at this time – or almost anytime?

Think of it like a talk around a fire.

The right way, or a good way, gives something to latch onto: you now know a way to do something. How not to goes beyond shaming to just giving you one more way not to – “Wanna visit Faribault? Alright: Just don’t go to Scott’s Mill. Scott’s Mill is owned by a guy who rids around on a ATV & might SHOOT YOU.”

What if that were our tourism?

“Basilleo’s has great cheese pizza if you get extra extra sauce, & crushed red peppers if you like those. Tubing down the Straight River in summer is fun, too. You can get giant tubes at the tire shop.”

There are some problems to reckon with — but life is good a lot more than bad; there’s a lot to appreciate, to go do . . . to tell others. Because the thing about inspiration — the third thing I had had planned besides romanticism & poetry, for this year — is that goodness is the most contagious . . . & for good reason: we love it; it’s good for us.
You want to let that bloom wherever you can – like flowers.I’ll leave off with a favorite something of mine; I have taught to use examples to teach, especially to teach inspiration, for years in public places; but that’s another topic. Here is an example of an inspiring story to me:

Something that even given the threat they face – & our apparent psychological bias to overly focus on the negative – could inspire us; say, to sustain enough work to protect them.

Life is good & we only want more good – success stories, inspiring stories, positive examples nurture us.  Let’s have a good fire. =D

– Joe =)

Re: The Paris Attacks On The 13th: Every Loss Of Life Is Infinite, & Statistically, Less Than 1 In 12 Million Die Via Terrorism Globally; & Also Positive Journalism & Living Life Proactively.

It is so easy to get thrown off track, after the engrossing loss of one hundred thirty-two lives, each one infinite, in their worth.

Those who use us for their terror tho, killed to terrorize; this is just what they want;

Let’s nip the uptick in the bud: let’s live as is statistically realistic: your odds of dying from terrorism are less than 1 in 12 million, globally.1

Don’t let the conch-shell’d events play into fears of this, for you.

Thinking back for a moment, I personally was working on:

  • preparing to send an open, political love-letter to India;
  • focus on Aung San Suu Kyi;
  • make concessions on what cooperation taught me about the words “cooperation, communication, coordination, & collaboration;” =)
  • create Love/Romance/Sociality in society, more;

& Address some personal struggles properly.

What this means to me is, let’s push forward & renew our resolve — as we have to the climate summit — & come out on top of these struggles sparkling like diamonds.

. . . Since, in truth, it’s always like this: do we want to bounce from one editorial misstep or heart-wrenching story to another. like a pinball? – Or do we want to be self-initiators: choosing good people, love, fairness, play & rejoicing in Life’s excruciating beauty, & our higher wants . . .

Let’s be more positive in our journalism, & favor the ‘statistical’ over the sensational, where we are not being actively good/positive: talking about good people, goodness, good ideas, love, & solutions to our problems, etc.

Let’s also choose to focus on good people, good things, good ideas, good everything – as nurturing a fruit is more important than pulling a weed.

Thank You. =)
– Joe

A Special Letter For The U.N.: Re: The Enormously Important Climate Summit We Are Having This Year

This letter is hosted on my site with a url-knowers-only page (only those with the link are able to see this.)

Updated to correct erroneous link for text “six years worth of current emissions would blow the carbon budget for 1.5 degrees“.


Greetings to you, & thank you beyond what I can say.

We are going to be ok ;D, but I wanted to share with you 3 brief ideas:

This brief article talks about how we must have our bearings; just like if you got lost in the woods; we must make no more mistakes – figure out what needs to be done & methodically/meticulously stick to best practices until we’re, you know, ‘out of the woods.’

We of course feel an urge to do something, but ‘doing it right’ for this is inestimably more important than just ‘doing something.’

I want for us to have “the right plan,” first, & also for it to be changed as needed.

For this communique, let’s call the above point ‘doing it right.’

2ndly, this ((doing it right)) must be merged with, if it is accurate, the fact that “six years worth of current emissions would blow the carbon budget for 1.5 degrees“. (That is one year old as of this month, by the way . . . ) This scary, real number I am not sharing in the public right now as it could well stir great panic, potentially; but: if push comes to shove in eliminating manmade climate change, the carbon budget projection combined with publically-trusted organizations’ climate change effects which are currently certainly enough projected, could be an effective message for we the people of the world to use to corral people not currently acting in concordance with Humanity’s mitigation of climate change.

3rdly, altho I have only heard this suggested in very unserious circles, I would like to anticipate any ‘fighting fire with fire’ strategies that may unwelcomely present themselves: solving our problems with the causes, ‘more of the very same things that caused them:’

Hippocrates, you probably know, was the Father of Medicine – an ancient Greek philosopher from 460 B.C. – & Hippocrates’ medical philosophy was very emphatic about one thing: the body will heal itself, if you allow it: i.e. remove all causes, & rest. Nowadays we know a little more, & I would say besides healing via rest, *natural* substances – as in ‘vegetables slash your death risk 42%,’ in proper doses1 – or ‘medications which are synthetic are thousands of times deadlier than their natural dietary or herbal counterparts’2 – are much safer.

Therefore, we should favor natural mitigating substances rather than synthetics – that means too we should exhaust natural biotic inventory for climate change before we turn to genetically engineered varieties – because as I say, they’d be more of the same: fighting fire with fire; trying to solve problems with their causes that started them.

I appreciate the notion that you must have a lot to say, a lot to do – a lot to think about.

So I will close: In summary:

1. Let’s do this right; let’s have the right plan, first. it’s too hard to backtrack.

2. We must act within our (6 year / 1.5 degree) carbon budget timeframe, also, in order to insure the habitability of Earth in the future; “prediction errors” must be taken into account, here, as well.

3. & I talked about ‘shooting down’ fighting fire with fire – meaning, using the problem’s cause to solve the problem, ineffectively: using more ‘sub-natural’ means of energy production – such as nuclear energy – & also of climate change mitigation will just create new, probably graver problems for *our entire planet* down the road. Learn the lesson of wanton fossil fuels use causing climate change: natural is preferable to synthetics.

Exhaust our natural options – our most natural – first, is what I think the lesson learned from fossil fuels causing climate change is.

Thank You.
– Joe Valentyn

Last, as a post script, looking forward: my homework will be to think of & find the ‘hearts’ of our tradeoff-able personal carbon use, as someone mentioned to me; we might do well, for this purpose, to look into ‘a personal carbon budget’ – what each of us might spend or have as a range, & still live within the quoted carbon budget.

Thank You, for everything; Thank You.
– Joe

To Love; To Learn; & To Grow =D — A Poster I Made

To Love, Learn, & Grow. Here’s a poster I made of that:




I would like to just mention that I mean this in the way of “to Love & be Loved; to learn & to teach; to grow & let grow.”

Thank You =)
– Joe


The We: Love, Romance, & Sociality In America

(As written, from November 11-12th, 2015.)


Did you lose most of your social life after you finished high school? One thing that broke my heart: for a lot of years I felt too servile in elementary & junior high, but my heart broke into a shatter when I realized the last piece of our lives in high school: this covenant of friendship – the milky twilight’s moonlit floor – ‘us,’ would be no more.


Why must we have no free social-spaces?


I again push forward my chesspiece to the gov – support Love, romance, sociality; & GDP, wealth, & money, less . . .

(“The milky twilight’s moonlit floor” is a mongrel reference to a popular song from 1997: Sixpence None The Richer – Kiss Me.)





Previews: A 2nd Poster Pairing Well With The 1st



This post was a lot more exuberant, appreciative, & things like this – but then the November 13th, 2015 massacre happened, & so I will save that message – which goes with this poster – for another time. Thanks =)

Here’s a poster peek of a one that pairs well with my first. We are mostly familiar with the first 2; ‘Growth’ here is mainly in the sense of personal growth.

Learn it, Love it, Grow with it ;)



A P.S. To Who I Support In My Conscience

I just want to say, I greatly respect Hillary & would like to take a minute to thank her for stepping up.

In these whirlwind times, I am more grateful than I can say here that Hillary stepped up & has put up a good showing. I appreciate it & I genuinely thank you very very much, Mrs. Hillary.

I of course don’t disrespect Bill CIinton either, & I speak in favor of female leadership; I believe in women leading.

So — just to round off some corners of this:


Who I Support In My Conscience For America’s President

Ten million dollars; I would suppose that’s how much you could win.

But I’m not betting on horseracing –

I’m choosing who I think should take the helm;

& There is one thing that makes what I think easy: I don’t believe in bureaucracy, in monarchy; in what other people are right now calling ‘dynastic politics’ – I see Bernie, among the candidates, as being the heir of our times’ responsible leadership, of the progressive wave’s leadership;

I align with Bernie on virtually every political orientation; & I also agree to the point that I do not have any policy conflicts with Hillary that I have encountered so far: this is good; as she is leading in every poll, in aggregate, from what I have seen.

But for me I cannot vote for the son, the plumber or other connected person as a basis for the United States of America’s leadership.

I also cannot promise Senator Sanders will win – but there is something important, here: along with front running well-formed policies now, his early vocal oppositions to the TPP, The Iraq War, & a superabundance of other issues later recognized to be best oriented to the facts, years before other people, make him a right, & therefore rightful, leader among politicians, here & now in our time, in my view.

Remember what’s popular is not always right – we don’t have to cite Hitler – or the belief that the moon was made of cheese – or burning fossil fuels by the barrel-load is a good idea – George W. Bush was example enough: what is popular is not always right.

These – & other reasons – are why I am a believer in Bernie – but will deal with what comes in the unfolding of events to come.

Thank You Everyone.
Joe Valentyn

P.S. Do note: we need more than a good President:


(Updated November 16th, 2015.)

To My Understanding, 3 Of The Most Important Challenges For Us, The People, Are Campaign Finance, Climate Change, & Antibiotic Overuse

The many facets of economic injustice, but particularly our campaign finance system, because it is hugely systemically contributing to our legislative bodies’ dysfunction & iniquities, including those below, & is therefore our most urgent need, in my personal opinion;

Global warming / climate change is an ultimatum the Universe has dealt us; it is our most important, long-term problem; & our one & only choice is many years of constant, intense, coherent, laser-like world-focus on solving & fixing the necessary causes etc. It is right to be identified as our most important concern, the greatest danger we face, & the most important thing we can talk about, among other gravid, imposing features.

Many very different facets of society will be involved; personally i am too under the weather, right now, to sketch the sum societal interrelationships this Atlas-like task will require . . .

I did offer this the other day, tho, which was my scratching of the surface:

‘from thought, learning, & planning to international directives/motions, reviews, betterment, to learning what works & being the change we seek ourselves, locally,’

Luckily, there are many, many, many good people — more every day — working on this, from the regnants of thought to the people practicing being the change that they seek in the very earth of the Earth.

I believe we shall overcome someday.

Last in this list, but of massive, grave importance still — given that these projections seem credible — antibiotic overuse endangers about 30 Holocausts worth of people with death over the next 35 years, without the proper things done in time; it endangers more with disability. suffering, & other grievances, too, it stands to reason.

The danger comes from cultivating antibiotic-resistant diseases thru their overuse in agriculture & human medicine.

It is both a very intense, & too: urgent danger for us globally, one which we must stare down where it is worst, where we must, & find the sources of this problem, reaching back as far back into the chain of causes as we must, & upend this problem at its root – because it endangers 300 million people over the next 35 years, if we do not.

Circumventing campaign finance misjudgments, climate change & antibiotic overuse are essential for the habitability of our planet, survival of an estimated 300 million people over the next 35 years, & these important political issues & others, we shall overcome, someday =)

Thank You, We Can & We Will.

(Written November 12th, 2015)

Re: The Syrian Refugee Immigration

I would like to remind us that an immigrant member of our family – the family of Humanity – is a little like a brother we haven’t seen in a long time: they might dress a little different, but, the bottom line is, they’re our brother: you don’t leave them without a place to stay at.

We are good-natured enough, have enough resources to go around — we should not be turning away those not proven beyond the shadow of a doubt to be anything but innocent.

Take your relatives in; help them: “They” are Us.


We are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants, anyway. You can either say No to our family history, or Yes to those of our family in need.

It doesn’t have to be forever or back breaking – but we have enough good-naturedness & the ‘like to help those in need, here & now . . .  We can not let the Syrian emigration become overly neglected like thewar; & so we should not let it be so neglected; & because we should not, we will not.  That is my statement.

  • Joe

Spins: Debussy’s “Arabesque No. 1”

A favorite nestl-y morning / wake up song. Snuggle up with a coffee & watch the Sunrise to this. Can make you feel like you’re in a fairy tale.

Literally like you’re in a beautiful grove . . .

Heavenly; one of my very favorite pieces & one of my truly favorite composers (Debussy).

Here’s to a sublime Sunday morning, here . . .



The Rising Women’s Wave

In a rising women’s cultural wave, we — if they do want to, with enough time to think about things — should ‘create chances’ for their wants — socially, culturally, politically, romantically —

How many times have you heard “Are you listening?”? LISTEN to women; if they choose to take up this service we give back to them — to make some long overdue changes in how we as men treat & show Love & affection & attention & appreciation & respect for women — then let’s walk this path bearing in mind our history is one of savage ways; of women not being allowed to own property; of women not being allowed to vote; of young women forced into arranged marriages, & many other untold sufferings, besides the gender pay gap we recognize today, here & now, present moment in culture;

Our future together, too: communication technologies, machines, & improvements in ingenuity, are all leading toward a more social way of life —

How much more social did our lives get with the internet? —

(Way more social;)

& A more sapient way of life; & in my experience, women tend to have superior communication & also superior social / people skills.

& Other things I can’t say because it inflames certain people. Men may dream of going to the stars – I would rather we make ourselves, with happy homes, and self-actualized ways of social life, content first, here. Let’s learn how we can smell the roses, again, & slowdown & enjoy ourselves & all these props on the stage of Loving.

^_^ Who better to listen to for their wants & their often sensibler socialities, to coin a word, than them.

– Joe.

Re: The Choice Of Words: Say It How You Want

I was just updating some tables that I created – found here:

Health – Activities on Fronts

Action Theory Inventory

& I wanted to say the words you use don’t matter. Say it how you want to. The reason e.g. for the action theory inventory is mostly theoretical, ‘discussive,’ – when it comes time to present, I would dress them in their most fitting attire, especially for situations more important, messages more important. for loveinterests more dear to you, & the ‘like.

Otherwise, you’d do fine to use these if you can’t think of a more nuanced way to say it, most of the time I believe.

So say it how you want; it doesn’t matter.

Certain “nouns” have been impeding me lately, but I hope to assemble some more combinations of ‘spectra’ (see the 2 links for 2 already created examples of mine.)

^_^ Joe Valentyn


I love to appreciate Art, & have also made quite a bit of Art & what I have for a decade called ‘fragma’ – sentence fragments for poems, & those kinds of things – & as we wind down for the year, to relax during the holidays, I wanted to make mention of this – an idea about Art; sort of one for the Artists . . .

As counterpoint to some things I’ve said re statistics: Art should be raw; raw:  *not* a statistical calculation. There is more I could say here, but I will leave it at the raw, intuitive, phanerothymic nature of Art versus the artificial form I just mentioned.

At least that is what I’m averring here.

Something to eat on. =)

Joe =)




“Thank-Yous” To Everybody =)

I am impressed with everyone –

I think everybody is doing a great job;

Kudos, thank you, & kudos especially to people working hard to make great things for us others;

Great job, & Keep It Up! – Joe =)



((From yesterday.))