Healthilicious Dishes: Salmon Cakes


I love – & also hear of the healthiness of – salmon . . .  Salmon that is “Alaskan,” “sockeye,” or bright-red in color is healthy; here is a healthy, (no/low grain/sugar,) feast-type breakfast – tasting great to me – fit for a King:

.: Salmon Cakes :. 

1. Ingredients:

For each cake desired:

4-5 ounces of  “Alaskan”/”sockeye”/etc salmon

2-4 tablespoons (tbls) of (organic) mayonnaise

1 (organic, pastured,) chicken egg  (If your cake comes apart too easily when flipping it, you can add 1 to 1 1/2 more egg(s), per cake)

2 tablespoons (tbls) of (organic) chopped, fresh onion

amount to taste of (organic, fresh) lemon juice (for example: 1 tablespoon (tbls)), Sriracha hot sauce, (Himalayan/sea) salt, black pepper (lots, goes good with salmon), (dill,) (parsley,) (house seasonings)

desired toppings; i like tartar sauce, sriracha, cut-up traditionally fermented dillpickles, and/or wasabi

2. Instructions:

2.1 Start heating (non-“nonstick”) frying pan with cooking(/coconut) oil on medium-heat.

2.2 Mix every ingredient except the salmon & the toppings into a bowl.

2.3 Optionally saltpress (press salt into) the shredded salmon, then add it to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients & mix together.

2.4 Pour the mixed ingredients into pan; flatten into pancake shape (about 1 1/2 inches thick).

2.5 Cook until medium-brown underneath, then flip & cook till medium-brown on other side. (A guesstimated 3-5 minutes frying for each side of the cake).

2.6 Add toppings.

Eat! =D

– Joe Valentyn

A Friendly Word Re: Our Peer, China

This write-up was created October 27th, 2015.

I don’t hate China;

I don’t hate their heads of state;

& I don’t hate the Chinese people;

At all.

I try to remember the last time China made a loving, caring, or kind move toward us, that I heard. I can’t remember, in my experience.

I wish for both their & our communal happiness, prosperity, & other good, right things.

I would ask them to work with us & us to work with them in reciprocal friendship. =)

Thank you, An American Citizen (Joe)

After Not Allowing Women To Own Property, Vote For Who They Want, Marry As They’d Want, & Paying Them 25% Less, Maybe It’s Time To Treat Them To Free College, Instead Of Paying For Big Oil’s Doings

Yesterday on my Twitter account, I said this:

Here, I would just add: we could’ve taken the Big Oil corporate welfare subsidies – which pay for too likely of a risk of making our Mother Earth uninhabitable – & invest in this much better thing here?

=) Take care.

Why My Political Oratory Has Stayed To The United States, Most Often

I wanted to say something, so those who get this message know why I’ve spoken on things I have & not on other things:

I have stayed until now to the United States’ politics because I wanted to stick to what I knew: seen, tasted, touched, & felt — with my own two hands — first hand; personally.

I will listen to leaders, their governments & representatives, & people themselves, but I cannot fly over there & help . . .

There will be other people like me who rise to their place where you are, there. Look for them; find them; be a helpful type yourself & help others who are helpful gain traction. Every bit helps & everyone has something to contribute — EVERYONE.

“Vote for me” is not the end of this political speech; help others & let others help you, too; together we can do this; divided we fall. Everyone work together. We know Love is the true basis of Life well-lived. Let’s be a community via Love.

Thank You; God, Bless Us, Please –
– Joe Valentyn The First

The Spanish-Speaking World & Its Romantickness

(First drafted in the beginning of October, 2015.)

The Hispanics truly impress me.

Of course Spain was leading world power for over a century; & is still in the top 10 for a quality of life —

but the Spanish-speaking people have been given something otherworldly I truly love: a very passionate romantic character;

The inextinguishable, half-madd desperado – the fully-maddening, ‘seeing-red’ kaleidoscoping of the tango; & how could I forget the dreamy, infinite beauty of every Latina . . . at least that’s the way it seems . . . these erogenic, romantic lovers’ way of life is the way to be: interested in love – not war; passion – not payback; women – not wine; romance; not rape.

& This is deep in the Spanish-speaking world: the geopolitically-unifying enchantingness of Isabella The First holds to this day: a day blessed with the ridiculous pageant beauty & talent of the one & only Eva Longoria; centuries old legends of Don Juan reach around to the few lovesongs we have left of Ritchie Valens, another Latino American;

. . . – Some even say “Spain,” the word for “Spain,” comes from “the island of the bunnies” – it’s true the first Roman coin pressed there was even of a woman… with a coney ((a bunnie)) at her feet; & it seems like truly they’re all fantasmally gorgeous conejitas . . . Indescribable fairness of face, these women . . . Really thee most flourishable personalities, too; in my slice of experience —

& Those speaking the mother tongue – the language of romance; the whole culture holding the pearls of romance & seductiveness, desire & desirableness, love & lovableness, writ large, is also part of a lineage from one of our forecultures: Latin Rome; in fact Latin Rome had such a large influence that the Spanish-speaking peoples are the most populous Romance-language-speaking group living on Earth; half ‘a billion people speak Spanish, here in the world – half ‘a billion people; & this world of Spanish-speakers – her culture, her peoples, her nations, are an intimate friends of ours; a serious actor on the world’s stage, & to be not only remembered for their sapient, glorious past, but in their bright, beaming future, relished & honored.

Thank You.

Positive Enterprises: The Freedom Half Of Freedom & Responsibility


Isn’t it great looking at the Pyramids at Giza — The Sphinx? — Or listening to a favorite or fitting song?

The question is, what problem did these solve?

The answer is, none, people created them because they felt like it —

& I would encourage us, with a history of death & destruction, negativity & guilt, to jump with all our weight sometimes into such positive enterprises; we don’t always have to be cleaning up after some problem; the abilities granted to us by having ‘free will’ are so full of opportunity, you’re as limited as your imagination in what you can do.

Build. Make. Create.

Have Fun With It.

Love & Peace —–

I Appreciate Good, Progressive Ideas Like Income Justice, Global Warming, & Campaign Finance Reform Getting The Traction They Have, & They Are Mandated By Actualities

I wanted to say, I am thankful for the good ideas of progressives getting traction among us; ideas various groups have been saying for years, in one form or another, are being borne out by the facts.

In this age of statistics, communication, we are finding that the Princeton study bears out the need for campaign finance reform, among other reforms needed; this chart speaks for itself re income & wealth justice; & 97% of climate scientists – the people studying this closest – believe global warming is real AND man-made; it is a huge danger we must deal with with the utmost diligence & care.

I am pleased & grateful — immensely grateful — for these ideas getting the traction they have in our nation’s political life.

Thank You;

Two Ideas For Political Feminism


In early September, I got the spark of an idea for a political policy & scribbled it down in the margins of a daily newspaper — around the “cryptogram,” no less — since it was the only paper handily available . . .  I independently thought this policy direction up, myself – it was before “parental leave” was in the news or anything alike was on my radar.

Since, I’ve hatched a second plan idea along these lines, & will tie together the two strands in a single ponytail of a speech =)  

Without further ado —

I am a well-branded believer in the women of the world; I’ve partially identified as being a “feminist” since my mid-teens. have had very deep, strong female romances, friendships, & kinships; I have long admired Joan Of Arc, Mother Theresa, Hypatia, Pythagoras’s school’s female teachers; & I’ve even written about the dignifiedness & honorability of ruling-women & read up about female kings.

. . . . — Did you know there were only 6 Queens of England who inherited their father or uncle’s crown over 500 years? There were only 3 female kings in 2500 years of dynastic Ancient Egypt we know of for sure.

Lastly I am no expert; I am a man, with ‘the other facet’s view’ of all of you lovely lovable ladies; I am here working on a more understanding, loving, respectful — in what little my little man mind can provide — espousal of my personal ideas for feminist political thought that – you must also realize – are from a position where I can say some of the things you’d get a 2-ton anvil brought on you in terms of society’s response – because I’m a man & you women’re not.

I also would like to say that while I’d say put women in charge of women, not a man like me, I have a unique vantage point, like when you tell me about ‘the gossiping of women’ as a woman – I have the mirror privilege with men, & can call them on & out about things you may not be able to even know are actually, really done.

Lastly you also have a doubly-good friend in me, for this reason: I am sympathetic with both women wanting to be treated the same as men, in certain ways —

You’re a person just like I’m a person just like every other guy is a person — we’re all people & not too, too different, afterall —

& I’m also conversant with wanting to be respected & appreciated – maybe even admired, fondly — for your raw differences;

‘Like — for those interested in this — how getting pictures of yourselves dressed up in classée fashion fancifulnesses, on a ‘girls’ nite in,’ or getting a loud, psychedelic print, breve cut clubbing outfit on & losing yourself in the music, for a spell, are far removed from sitting in a dark basement smoking cigarettes & listening to bodily function sounds on the arm of your male friend for what seems like half the night.

Or an Ironman trek thru a cold mountainous region;

For many women, they notice both the lack of being treated the same in ways they should & also the honest-to-Goodness differences from men . . .  Like a haute look vs.a detractive sound effects, or clubbing vs. expeditions we may or may not return from.

These two are called “equality” & “difference” feminisms – if I had to translate it into pop songs: they’d be “I’m Just A Girl” & “Natural Woman,” each.

Let’s do my idea on difference feminism, (the “Natural Woman” one,) first:

. . . The dream – earning influence, wealth, glamour, via a thriving career; family maybe or maybe not being in the cards – or maybe ruled out completely . . .

Cleopatra . . .  Liliane Bettencourt (of L’Oreal) . . .  Gwen Stefani . . .

Because see, not all women feel like robotically making babies even if they’re of age . . .  Talent, desire,  wanderlust — having the chance of a lifetime within reach — a wide array of interests can lead you to walk a different lifepath than the asaid –

Just like enough men.

Here’s the ‘sticky widgets’ you might run into, tho, purusing these:

It is bred into our culture to oppose this libertine flourishing; the controllingness of pre-arranged marriages to being disallowed to own property, to being uncounted in voting — there *are* real reasons in Nature & history for some of women’s dependence on men, but these show some serious misogyny that our loving, wise, socially-adept, sensitive, realistic fairer companions should feel the power of intervention on their side correcting this that they do not deserve – whichever way you look at it.

(Forced) pre-arranged marriages, being kept from owning property, & not being able to vote are serious, grave historical transgressions; beyond these basic facts there is the culture created thereby – the atmosphere of upbringing, of the life you live, of “where you hang your hat” — a rather man-centric way of speaking, itself — typical of that that has affected – disaffected – like curling of ingrown toes’ nails – literally billions of women thruout history – from our huntergather origins to the present;

As I say, there are some natural reasons for this: foraging, hunting, building favored men. But we have civilized beyond this – praise the Heavens.

But repairing this damage done – from preventing from voting, now allowing to women own property & arranging their hands in marriage – repairing this history of damage takes more than just us having changed these & other, hopefully less egregious unacceptable laws to ones more aligned with Goodness, etc —

If we’re playing an endless game of “Monopoly” & I restrict half the players’ flow of resources for 50 rounds – just letting you now attain “equality” does not make it OK – we need to repair the damages from all the time we restricted.

& That is how I feel about that!

Changing gears now to my idea for your 2nd, more traditional, ‘Natural Woman’ interests:

I feel that it is an embarrassment – we as a people don’t provide for our women – our families . . .

– Income inequality is part of the reason why;

But I feel we have lost, in my view, the historical fact – a historical fact of Life – that someone has to nurture the kids, & someone has to provide the family’s food & valuables that could be exchanged for material things & services desired —

We have lost track of that to some degree in the great gear turns of our form of capitalism.

What is more important, men & women raising a family, or manufacturing “Blammo Logs” — for our civilization?

We know this answer: raising kids right is more important than nearly everything if not everything, for our future. Probably besides food it is the single biggest influence on us;

& Traditionally, both parents have done both, but the more brute man has typically provided the labor more so than a very loving, personable, sensitive, sensible mother; *she* traditionally provided Love & guidance & teaching, & sustenance & clothing, & other nurturing things, more frequently than a father has.

. . . What we say now as a society is, if you are a single parent or low-income family, we will help subsidize your kids’ food and/or childcare.

That’s excellent –

& It’s excellent because raising kids is so important —

But then why the hey now are we ignoring the other young children’s youth?

See Elizabeth Warren said we’re in a 2-income trap; & according to a study, *both parents work for about 3 out of 5 of our kids in America* —

So who is raising our kids? —

The Simpsons cartoons? . . .

This is serious & requires serious betterment.

We know by experience, by statistics, that a Loving family makes a Loving child.

Let’s provide for our women & parents providing the crux of our formative experiences, to provide for ourself as a civilization.

I propose /taxing the rich to provide for mothers who would otherwise have no choice but take time away from their children because they have to provide a decent standard of living;

— & I propose this be actually, slowly, & well considered, & once we have gathered the data / have become highly-informed / have understood the situation well, & hopefully understood & communicated the wise, sage principles that apply to doing this right – then with a willing consensus we should implement it as I’ve been saying to other things: in a slow, careful, self-informing roll-out of diverse systems guided by diverse visions of the final form, informing it with their responses, reviews, & other helpful information, until we have not only the best final system, but a subsumptively best system – one that uses the best parts of each . . .

Because, if you can find something more important to the personal growth of infants, toddlers, kids, adolescents, & even young adults — ranging from helpless to just learning the rules of the road of Life — than their parents’ Lovingkindness . . .  just inbox it to me.

2ndly I propose even dads, in the interest again of this foundation of personal growth for us a person & for us as a people: parenting, also get ‘quality time relief,’ to be a good influence on their sons & daughters, from their chosen occupation for a duration.

Because, “Log” just doesn’t compare to a kid’s snuggling with their parents, maybe by a fire, maybe even hot chocolate, & sharing their fears & dreams, stories & lessons learned, & learning the most important thing, perhaps: just how endless your Mother & Father’s Love for you as a kid, really is.

Let’s use our money to buy some quality time for our kids.


(Updated 11:00 AM October 13th, 2015.)

Idea: Scale-Tuned Theremin With Spiritual Exercise Use Ideas =)

the theremin is neat – theoretically we could tune either the horizontal or vertical direction to a tuned musical scale, alike an idea i put up on on an inventions website in 2002, & was actually made by Korg in 2007 called “The Korg Kaossilator,” where you do similar with a touchpad. a theremin might be funner, & i could see, possibly with composer/musician directed note options (at different times in the song), replacing the scales, using for a sort of spiritual exercise – especially where you activate acoustic notes with it – wherein you center your soul with music by moving your hands – say symmetrically – & controlling your harmony with the music around you.

theoretically you could use colors of light in the air to relate which note options you have & choose how the accompanying music unfolds based on your choices; for this purpose, the other musical idea i shared there: a ‘rainbow piano:’ the alignment of the 7 colors of the rainbow to the 7 notes of a major or minor scale, in 12-tone music, could be used – e.g. a blue fourth degree tone — i reverse the order of colors, so that it is violet : ^1, indigo : ^2, etc, by the way — in a 4th measure could activate a transition to a Phyrgian (iii) part, say iii IV V V(?), in the music to be centered with.

you could also play other brief ‘flourish’ notes – e.g. 3rds of the chosen note – by moving about in the note area with a left foot actuator pressed;

you could activate a transition to a new part at the next musical bar, now touching those new notes which transition to the new part during the later measures just before, with a right foot actuator.

some of these you may be able to do in the other axis/axes, say if you use height for pitches, you could use depth for flourishes on that pitch, & perhaps wide length for signaling transitions.

if you do make this i’d love to hear from you; i would love to hear someone get a handle on playing acoustic / electric sounds with this.

. . . reminds me of another idea i had as a teenager in Faribault, Minnesota: Get a trainwhistle-organ installed where Wilderness Park opens up into a valley, & control it with a midi keyboard about a mile & a quarter away, hahah =)

apply for that permit, haha. might take awhile.

hope you like the ideas here =)

e. e. cummings tweet =)

Updated with a later emended version October 2015.

Courting & Relationships: How I Find Women Beautiful On The Inside, Too (A Sketch At A List By Joe Valentyn)


Beauty is an Intense Good, but it isn’t all-important. As a (femisexual – in Love with Women) man, you can be attractive by stuff other than looks – a lot like you can be fair of face & breast – you can be Beautiful On The Inside by many character traits… Read on!:

Lilacs are pretty enough, and are hostess to very potent aromatic fragrances; this then makes them a Loved Flower of many – including me!

(“Beauty of Moscow” lilac variety, courtesy

  • being fun / being playful / being brave / being adventurous / being exciting;
  • charming with charisma – jocking with wit – cunning with art;
  • being a ‘Love Scion’ or ‘Love Prodigy’ or ‘Love Genius’ (talented and/or skilled in “dating & relationships”);
  • having Luvable Favorites in music, politics, movies, & other arts; & even being a good judge of character;
  • being high-society, being a socialite;
  • being very sensual, being concupiscent, having nymphomania;
  • having abilities with music, literature, acting, etc;
  • having vivacity, life, being quirky, literal mania;
  • being passionate for something, maybe a good cause you like or people you Love, maybe even being good at your passion;
  • being real responsible re family; being good with kids, even your younger brothers or sisters if you’re young enough; caring, compassionate, empathetic, like say with animals… or the differently abled;
  • being wholesome, good-natured, well-rounded;
  • being ready to take a nap (ha ha) . . .

This list is not exhaustive; it is a personal sketch of how else to get attraction than what we all overappreciate, perhaps: fairness of face & breast.

I think this should be open to dialogue – something that will change, go thru phases, & get outgrown & missed all over again, as we live our lives.

Thank you for reading! =)

A gangly, smelly, hairy creature am I: a man; & alike my form my expressions also too sometimes get in the way of my what I’m really saying: these things & others make you Beautiful, in your looks, to uswe SEE your Beauty, then, more truly. All people are Beautiful; if ‘he’ doesn’t see it, maybe he is lacking in that department – not you.

Thank You Much,
– Joe

This spread grew some more Sunday May Twenty-first, Twenty-first Century, Twenty-third Year!

Long-Term Planning In Climate Change Is Exceedingly Necessary

I was pushing the idea of long-term planning, solutions we can sustain conscionably hopefully forever, to climate change / global warming, & I had made a couple points explaining what I mean that I’d like to share, here & now.

One point was the Long Now Foundation & similar enterprises which I have not happened across, may be useful / helpful / good for us, here, as the focus is the “Long-Term” itself: all applications & facets in general of the long-term, e.g. millenia, not a year or two, for us & our future.

The second point was some things I said explaining why investing time into planning —for the longest haul we can get a handle on — is better for many facets of this problem than simply swinging into action; because altho we feel an urge to ‘do something’ for our constituents, for our descendants, for the journalists naturalists scientists letter-writers & our own selves – ‘doing it right’ is inestimably more important for this massive problem than simply doing something.

Say you’re walking down a natural park’s path – perhaps the Boundary Waters of northern Minnesota – & you realize you’re lost – i.e. your problem has an uncertain solution; you could walk whatever way your mind told you to capriciously . . .  maybe you’ll get stinging nettle for walking somewhere you shouldn’t’ve, or get wet or fall in mud; now even if you knew how to resolve this problematic situation right now it would cost you dealing with the problems from going wrong way capriciously – in error — i.e. it is not just a matter of ‘switching over to the right way.’ Also you have to backtrack  when you could’ve just got your bearings, figured out your best option – say follow a river south using your compass or the sunset. You can drink water (possibly). You can bathe. You can catch fish. you won’t walk in circles & lose precious time finding help/civilization again – finding your way when you’re lost.

It’s similar to our situation; we are uncertain of our solutions. aee are at the beginning of this journey – stopping climate change. We could bet it all on what seems like ‘the ticket’ today, just like GHG-emitting carbon-based fuels seemed like a safe thing when we first scientifically discovered, shared the discovery & innovated engineering to use GHG-emitting carbon-based fuels — but say we do that: invest 50% of resources we throw at this problem toward our one rider in the blue; another 5 years of interested parties’ thought & research, research & thought might gift us a much superior solution: problem is you spent 50% on an underplanned, under-thought-out solution; we have 50% less resources – not counting what will be spent UNDOING the first action (remember the stinging nettles?), 5 years less time, AND you have to convince THE WORLD *AGAIN* that **despite being wrong the first time,** ‘this time we’re right.

Good Luck!

Much better to invest time FIRST planning as hardest core as you can; then reap the rewards of knowing what you’re doing when it comes to such a problem as this.

Thank You – Let’s Do This Right The First Time & Be Done With Anything Like This, For Good.

Thank You,
Joe Valentyn

Catching Myself Saying Some Funny Things

Catching myself saying some funny things around the house, lately:

“You’re not my father” to the umpteenth not-the-thing-(piece-of-paper)-i-was-looking-for.

“How’s it gonna be . . .  when you don’t know me . . .  anymore.” re wondering how a table would look in a somewhat rearranged place.

Something like metaphors so hyperbolic they’re absurd.

Yes indeedy, pilgrim. =)

My (Very Modest) Tribute To A Great SPIRIT! In My Family, Shirley Valentyn, My Grandma……..


This is a web I’ve wanted to make for a long time; this will be, when I’m done, a (modest) tribute to my Grandma Shirley Valentyn, née Shirley Wayne.

My “Gramma” helped raise me – my Mom was just 20 when she had me;

My Grandma Shirley Valentyn (Shirley Wayne)

My Grandma was very independent, strong-willed, & free-spirited — she was also the center jewel of our family: Christmases were held under her leadership, at her house.

She loved to read, would read books to me & take me to church. I still remember packing up my little “Going To Grandma’s” toddler suitcase & staying up late watching movies, waking up & going to church.

She used computers before anyone I knew in my family – she had her personal computer she used probably daily – she had a subscription to a monthly software club, where they’d send her software (On Disk Monthly? Something like that); She was using them regularly in the early 1990s as a woman in her late 50’s / early 60’s; she introduced me to them & gave me my first computer & my first Nintendo.

She even played Super Mario Bros. with me: she called them “Marr-io Brothers,” haha; I still remember her playing Mario Bros 3 with me (among the other computer games she played) & thinking she was probably the coolest Grandma I could possible have gotten.

I remember being absolutely head over heels about “going to Gramma’s,” & would fish off her dock & ride scooters & riding lawnmowers, & do New Year’s there with my cousins Marissa & Ashley, & a blue Mickey Mouse fold-up clamshell alarm clock by my bed when I’d sleep.

I remember when she was on her deathbed, literally, at home on a medical bed, she used some of the last of her strength to say, “Joey, you just do whatever you want . . .

Just like when you were young.” That she’d helped raise me makes that bring tears to my eyes, every time; that was her dying wish for me.

I loved my Grandma very much & made a tape of what I thought based on what my Dad said were her favorite songs, along with some ambient works by Brian Eno when she was passing. I also composed a full song for her that she she heard before she left. She was 65 I think, I was 18.

I know – in my way – that she never really left;

Gramma taught me better than that.

Love & Miss her; & I love my Grandpa, her husband, who still is with us, here.

– Joe Valentyn

Songpoem: “Art Thief”


Here’s two versions of a poem I wrote earlier this year, the second is still in pieces.

It’s called Art Thief.

(For some reason my WordPress changes the formatting after I have published posts, sometimes; apologies – impresario’s note (ha-ha.))

* * *

in this area, there’s a man who houses
the prized Mona Lis’

did i get that she was pining for me –
the Art thief?

O, he’s fond of saying,
she entitles he to infinite rank;

. . . mm, tell me this, Kind Sir:
do you cherish her, & worship her,
all night & all day?

— do you serve her as a General,
executing the wishes of Your Queen?

— would you cut yourself,
if you thought that that would
bring you in more closely?

when blackness sets,
or bitternesses seize,
do you turn to her being mean?

Sir –– tonight will you feelst passion for her,
or will you feel like having another beer?

—- Someday, you might find,
while you’re hoarding your liqueurs, EP’s, or salted cures . . .

that i am stealing A New Heart,
in a camisado,
rappelling down from the window sill.

Xxx An Art Connoisseur & The Mona Lis’

 * * *


Here’s the ragamuffin, undone 2nd version, with lots of clutter & outtakes.


Songpoem: “Sex Positive (The F-Bomb) ((The Female Element)) (((Make Love Not War)))”


Here’s a new version of the poem I’ve been working on this month, I mentioned & posted an earlier version of, a bit ago.



.: Sex Positive, A.K.A. The F-Bomb ((Make Love Not War)) :.

“Don’t you want somebody to Love
Don’t you need somebody to Love
Wouldn’t you Love somebody to Love –
You’d better find somebody to Love . . .

. . . Love. ”
{:Fade out}

in the nineteen sixties the Love Generation did more than protest
‘threw panties at Paul, their Mary Tyler’s got a lot of Dick
they blew-out our understandings of what being feminine is
’cause hundreds of millions of females were sex positive

(sex positive . . . )

(sex positive . . . )

{Old, Vietnam Age Father Figure Voice:}
“& Don’t lose faith in that female element, son . . .  ’cause–”

’cause in the middle a’ brutish Vietnam
those Love chicks dropped The “Fuck Me” Bomb
said “Psst; over here son, wouldn’t you rather we be making some Love?
— go bury your guns in the ground,

& Fuck Me till i cum ——–

inside . . .

See, don’t you know where you come from, son?
you come from Two Lovers making Love – – –

Yeah, ’cause Love is Special – ‘specially when Love is True
& anyway, Love is Beautiful – Loving’s gotta be The Most Beautiful Thing We Do

& Love makes us Happy, we’d do it all the time, if we could —
Really, Love is The Best — the Ultimate Good —

& one more tidbit is true:
Loving is a Miracle – *LOVE* *MADE* *YOU*.

. . . so which one will it be:

stalk & kill some guy in the jungle,

or come & fuck me . . .

come & fuck tiiiiiiiiii–ny little me”

& with come hither eyes she leaned forward & gave a fatal look at her tits . . .  & with a little kiss, she said,

I Will Make So Much Love To You YOUR DICK WILL FALL OFF . . .

. . . . . .

& she appeared to him as a sex goddess, well

right then & there, his Life was changed
he quit being a G. I. & couldn’t help falling in Love with Jane
provided her a house & name,
always kept up, his Father’s faith,

he strove to provide her cruises & glamour
built her confidence up poundin’ her like a hammer

& when she felt that house had become a Home,
she said after reviewing her budget planner

let’s have a baby,
i want to turn us into a family

— i want THREE
one for you, *TWO* for me

raised up Three Kids, all the right way;

made them upright & happy, thru teaching & thru play

& yknow, each kid thrived, each in their own way

& he told her he Loved her almost every day . . .

& Jane always Loved to hear him say,

“I was blown away by a booby trap, that day . . .
in the middle of ‘Nam – never was the same;
they dropped the F-Bomb
Nineteen Sixty-Seven
Summer of Love
blew us all to Heaven”

& there was news headlines, & news announcements, & news segments, & news conversations:

*LOVE* had won The War On The War.

{Predominantly-Females Chanting:}
“Make Love,
Not War!

Make Love,
Not War! . . .

Make Love,
Not War!

Make Love,
Not War . . . ”


One Two Three FOUR!

Well she was
& you know
what i mean,
& the way she looked
was way beyond compare

so how could i dance with another – oooh

when i saw her standing there . . .

* * *

Updated (late) September, 2015.

Bohemian Painter Alfons Mucha

I really like Alfons Mucha’s sensibility.

Skimming thru a biographical sketch, it says he is best known for paintings of women;

Also, he is legitimately Bohemian, as in from Bohemia.

I gotta find me this girl =D (A select favorite Xx:)




(This is way insignificant, but if anyone takes interest, I went to post this a little before midnite, but the webrowser hiccuped. So I fudged the time to correct for this.

Pretty unimportant, probably;

Anyway, take care. 

Joe Valentyn )

Thank You To All Of You

I just want to thank Everyone for everything, & express my fantasy: that each of you’s  greatest fantasies are consummated with the tang of the fruit of their actual, in-motion enterprises.

Thank You Tonnes.

Idea: Remote Paintbrushes & Rasps

In 2005 or so I made a script for a program that drew symmetrically – say an “X” instead of a straight line, or a four-leaf clover instead of a circle (when placed in the right way).

It was really fun – something like a “Spirograph” that drew all at once & you controlled.

Well last year, I advanced that design, in a way, to robot brushes. Actual physical remote controlled paintbrushes, (using  perhaps a drawing tablet combined with other joystick, etc, parts), & actually painting in say formulaic (i.e., you enter/choose/graphically design a formula, & it paints in that way) or really, imagination’s-the-limit ways, under the direction of the controller. You could wield many at once, blending your direction & formulas for material designing.

The result would be real pigment-&-cloth paintings. Also, these would be people controlled, so there would still be an art to it, just like wood-&-hair paintbrushes.

(Theoretically you could sculpt this way too, using small remote controlled robo tools.)

I really like Art, & think this is neat. I am choosing to share this idea; hoping someone doesn’t race out & patent it or something silly like that.

Maybe open source 3d printer/constructer models would be more in the spirit of what I have in mind, altho I guess if it were necessary, e.g. to fund it, perhaps patents could happen, consensually. If no one had invented it before.

Anyway neat idea, I love Art inventions, seems a very cultured, basically harmless way to make Life more lovely & more fun, too.

Enjoy Yourselves =)

A Mid-Sized Communique On Climate Change

I thought this:

was interesting – as long as we don’t try to continue our harmful use — ‘abuse’ — broadly of carbon based fuels. In fact, last go-round I had written & struck this from my statement:

(Slightly edited:)

You are addicted to carbon based fuels; & it is killing mankind.

It is time to pay the piper: because we’ve been racking up a bill – the bill from selling & using jeopardizing emissions – jeopardizing emissions which are right now in the main contributing to too likely of a possibility of extinction for Man, via climate change.

& I believe it is alike an addiction; the useful analogy we can draw from these similarities is this: How can we ween ourselves off this addiction to oil, which in the end analysis, does us much more harm than good, climate scientists & geologists broadly assure us?

Now, I have my own ideas on how people can break a bad habit, be it one with physical or without physical dependence – but I think we as a community can do better than me as a community-member:

How — & the only thing I will say is I believe in ‘doing everything’ for a concrete problem  – do it all, use a multipronged approach — how can we break our addiction to / our planet-destroying – not just bad – habit of using, fossil fuels & the like?

I think it will be a case of finding ‘what’s good for the gander,’ for our carbon based fuels addiction, if we find what works for addictions in community members themselves — microcosms, basically.

Either way: Let’s do this: Let’s carefully, *thoroughly,* pains-takingly, almost meticulously — & with the full Love The World begets from us — gather our data – get informed – understand the problem & our options, & when we have formed our wisest plan, communicate, coordinate & cooperate the retaking of our Earth for a lasting future-Humanity without end.

. . . & A last muttering I will make is – ‘ Turns out Greed was bad afterall;

Some of us are saying I really don’t like to say I told you so . . .


Yours –
Joe Valentyn


Spins: “Deep Blue Day,” by Brian Eno, Daniel Lanois, & Roger Eno

This is one of my favorite songs I found crawling the web as a teen;

I used to introduce this with, ‘If we were going to have music for tourism to Earth, this song could do it . . . ‘ Brian Eno’s “Deep Blue Day.”

Here’s a looping version if you like – this song ‘loops well’ =):