National Security Statement


Whether or not Donald John Trump has fudged anything or accepted any tainted money re this Russian campaign, is itself a coldly calculated distraction for us; we must focus on the findings of the 2nd investigation: whether or not a whole country is penetrating our political community, here in the United States, especially after the Office of Personnel Management hack, & our diplomatic cables being hacked. The constellation of these three events deeply necessitates proportionate response in all of our deep-state intelligence & entire security communities, as this is a highly suspect & seriously troubling sequence of events. We must raise security on high-value people & assets, especially systemic ones, & keep our eye on these very serious & troubling security incursions. This is one of the more important focuses in our national politics, & another systemic problem alike the other systemic ones we have pointed out, I in, that affect or can affect so much of what is brought with it.

2ndly, we must ask what we are being distracted from; how much has already gone on & been consolidated, amid this pro-Trump foreign national campaign sowing discord as far as into our “4th” & arguably ‘5th’ estates (the press & social media). We must, & only under steady. just hands, consider basic temporary moves to reduce the noise to signal ratio in our media, for the sake of national communications, & see thru these necessary responses to what we’ve been dealt here in America.

God bless & protect the United States.

Joe Valentyn
January, 2019
Havana, Minnesota

Merry Christmas & A Wiser Word Than You Have Heard Recently

The Bible goes beyond a sourcebook for Goodness – it is a source of power & protection for all ye ewes being held under the staff.

The people who tell us the Bible is outdated are in the service of undermining our most rocksolid Western culture foundation. This Judeo-Christian based culture is very Loving, compassionate, & even loose; we have a very happy, cosmopolitan society for these & other reasons, welcoming of Greco-Roman heritage & multifarious subcultures not chained & repressed to the wall, but here talking with us today.

I have always come away edified by reading the Bible, & it is best to learn what our actual teachings are for yourself.

This Christmas I encourage you to read the Bible as a good habit for yourself, & learn the wisdom of our wonderful culture we Christians have in common.

The Bible is about more than Goodness, it is about Love, & justice, & as I say, it is more than a source of edification, but a source of power & protection, & inspiration.

Please pick up the Good Book & get into the Word this year.


Joe Valentyn
Merry Christmas & have a merry year ’round.

2019 World Outlook & Priorities For The Nation


Misprint emendation for typist’s typo made 2024April20th.


These ideas are for us, the people, for the United Nations, and the United States government, to because upon. These ideas are good ideas to fight for.

I will say first listen to your people. Listen to your people – not just ossify misguided programs with money, & don’t just listen to “experts” but to the people on their hands and knees working under these problems.

That is a duty of representational government – to listen to its people.

World Outlook:

  • GHGs & oil. We will need to kick renewable energy programs into gear, such as solar energy programs. Oil will be running out at the same time.
  • Infections which are antibiotic-resistant. We will have to taper overusing synthetic antibiotics, to avoid as much of the projected twenty-seven Holocausts’ worth of deaths we can from antibiotic resistant disease over the next 35 years, were we to continue course unchanged.
    The large majority of overused antibiotics are injected into farm animals, which we then consume; so we will need to slash their use, as well as in humans, to avoid up to 300 million deaths worldwide over the next 35 years.
  • Food & topsoil. With populations booming at the same time topsoil is eroding, we will need to grow agricultural productions approximately 35% over the next 50 years, particularily through sustainable practices avoiding the pitfalls of choosing genetic engineering such as super weeds, & also of monocropping, choosing instead to use more sustainable practices, such as growing organic produce, & crop rotation, which unbounds nutrient values in fruits and vegetables through topsoil conservation.

Priorities for the Nation:

  • Women in Power. Only one in ten in government are women. We need the 50/50 campaign & other social motions to put our highly communicative, highly empathetic, very reasonable, & very sensible women, who are better with people often times, in equal ranks of the ship of state, & let them in on peace negotiations, on budget talks & into the forbidden leadership roles for women. As the largest meaningful grouping on Earth, they should not be under represented to this poor of a degree. Consider this their knocking.
  • Population. We need to grow our population; we are smaller than other comparable countries. See my October 22nd 2018 communique, titled, “The New American Dreamers.” For the sake of life in this country, we need to have more sex & reproduce via that, man’s delight.
    People are most important, & we will be better off living with more, more sustainably. Please read my carefully written communique from October 22nd, on this same site.
  • Natural health. Ninety one percent of all deaths are from health problems the statistics say. Optimal health we have come to learn is best served with first doing no harm, letting food be thy medicine, & with natural healthy lifestyle approaches since we know prevention is the best medicine. The last refuges of harmful synthetics are burning in the rear view mirror – synthetic antibiotics are projected to kill 300 million people, 27 Holocausts worth, continuing course unchanged; & daily low dose aspirin was found to cause excessive stomach bleeding. Omega-3s, dropping inches from your waistline, 7+ servings of veggies & fruits a day, & frequent motion all slash your all-causes mortality risk 40% or more, each. Natural health works – lets show it with our best physical science.
  • Election interference. We have the national intelligence agencies citing a “high confidence index” – Russians are pursuing active measures campaigns to interfere with our electing our leaders – which could disrupt future elections of leaders systemically, too.
  • Campaign-finance reform. This is another systemic problem. “Dialing for dollars,” as Bernie Sanders talks about, this involves super PACs’ unlimited spending, thanks to Citizens United, wherein we used ideas like Money is Speech, & Corporations are People! Since we have an economically unequal democracy, standardizing dollar donations is a way we can restore democracy rather than plutocracy to the artwork of our form of government, & we must restore democracy in this way, through campaign finance reform, for the free and fair systemic electing of leaders in The United States here & now..
  • GHGs & oil. Same as above.
  • Infections which are antibiotic-resistant. Same as above.
  • Sperm motility rates plummeting 50% in the west in 40 years.
  • Fifty percent of all wildlife killed in 40 years.
  • Ninety-one percent of plant varietals vanished in 90 years.
  • Thirty-three percent obesity rate increase.
  • Methylmercury poisoning of fish.
  • Seventy-five percent of flying insects dead in 40 years.
  • Air pollution.
  • Ocean acidification.
  • Super weeds from genetically engineered produce.
  • Plastic in the oceans.

Clearly we have an addiction to synthetics, both synthetic compounds used in about everything, & the synthetic medicines, as well as severe Natural conservation mismanagement approaches, with the only 2%-phytochemically-studied 400,00 species of plants on this Earth, & so we will need some wise, even sapient sustainable enviromental practices becoming our way of life.

  • Human Trafficking. We need to kick down the door on this bad dream for millions of tormented people & their loved ones. Without infringing on other liberties, we should crack more criminal sex & slavery rings across the Nation, & this could be broadened to a global scope even.
    Free our girls! Free slave laborers!
  • inequality. 44-families own half of the wealth. The top tier are, in the United States, currently taking in 95% of new income gains. From reducing corporate influence to a trickle, to estate taxes, to minimum wage raises, to employee-owned & co-op business models, this will be a main cause for disorder & discontent until we get this massive disproportioning under control. The national dialog on this was severely disrupted by 2016’s election & we will need to pick up where we left off from, keeping a vigilant torch on this issue.
  • A “Grand Bargain” for entitlements. Social Security will be insolvent by 2033 &  Medicare by 2026, according to their trustees. The Baby Boomer generation & the Millenials will need to bargain over things like slowing cost-of-living adjustments & increasing taxes to make Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security solvent again. Without Social Security, fifty percent of our wisest members would be living in poverty – just one in ten are so stricken, with Social Security.
    We need to make Social Security contributory, where each generation is paying their own way toward retirement. Look for such a generational-equity solution, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt originally envisioned for Social Security.
  • Equal pay for equal work. We need to balance the 75% only that women get on average of men’s pay, so we have “equal pay for equal work.”
  • Debt. Another area where elders have somehow bequeathed us a bill, we are currently at a level near 100% of our GDP. The second-highest “spending” we do is on interest for the American debt. Largely we owe China  for our debt. our solution will have to come from finding some mix of magic numbers for things like increases to income, employer, & corporate taxes, & magic-number-cuts to entitlements & national defense spending – our top sources of revenue & non-interest expenditures, unless we can generate a new means of income to pay down our debt & get rid of the ‘money sink’ debt-interest cost we pay currently.
  • Draconian confinements. From drug sentences to locking up gays in so-called mental hospitals, we need to stop with Draconian judgements & live in  a world of pluralism and respect, not Draconianism and prejudice.
  • Internet privacy. I would like in-the-know women & female ethics philosophers particularly to have a lot of say & the lead in a national dialog about how we should address communications  & information technology information privacy, against the slithering siphoning of private & personal information, including photos & videos, by capitalist data – miners often working hand in hand with Madison Avenue’s Marketers.
  • Minimum wage. Workers need a living wage. Right now we subsidize Wal-mart – owned by one of the richest families in the world – to have their employees require government assistance. We must stop corporate welfare here & elsewhere, we have too many money problems as it is.
  • Refugees. Refugees need refuge. Many Middle Easterners in Syria are Christians, & denying the helping hand we can afford to give them of shelter and food until bigger militant forces have settled down in their home Country.
  • Yemeni humanitarian-crisis aid. If children are very sick at a party, and you can pay a fairly paltry sum to help save so many, it would be a derelictness to not save them.Millions are starving in Yemen thanks to again proxy battles, & Allies or not we will have to help stem the mass starvation & malnutrition happening in the worst humanitarian crisis we have seen since World War II.

    Help the Yemeni. Say yes to Yemen.

  • Micro-trading. Hundreds-or thousands-of-fold faster stock & other finance trades are happening with micro-training, which is rapid automated trading of stocks & other securities. Some have forecast a potential 2nd recession from these lacking regulations. Very likely they need to be regulated to keep the markets at a human pace of volatility.

These were all I thought of off the top of my head.

I would like to cite many, many statistics, & in general better my information, but right now I am falsley held in confinement and not allowed to have access to a computer, write, or even talk to my loved ones over the phone for all and most of the day, respectively.

But these are my sincerestly held beliefs. Thank you very much for your listening to me.

Joe Valentyn
November 25th, 2018
Minnesota, U.S.A


It comes to me like beautiful ♫usic – Erato

To be in touch with Beauty, Love, The Erotic, The Feminine: The Aesthetic, wherever it reposes… beating heart…

To believe in, in the hinterland, the Holiness of the whiteness of snow; to savor tranquility, & gentleness… in a soft evening’s snowfall; & to behold the soft tufts of cuteness and fun from bunnies kicking up puffs of fluffy snow, chasing tail in couples together…

& To grip with thine soul the flesh of thighs… to feast upon the cleavageous baring of breasts… to devour carnivorously the other parts… & to gorge & gorge wholly upon the living breathing Gorgeous erotick lustee…

To know this Beauty: to feel these Truths: to rub with thine whole body us: forms of Goodness, tactilly

That is to conjoin with the Earthenly Love, and Beauty – The Erotick & The Otherworldly Feminine –

The witch’s coventry found practicing these tactile arts. The rivers found running the otherworldliness of her face – the union of –

The bunny.

The prophetess of Love…

The savior of your Earthenly Love.

The wishful, longful, secret-tears diary of a teenager of sixteen…

A nuptial innocence of a curly hair latching on her safety belt trustingly for a drive…

To eat the ambrosia of the pure poetry of the head-over-heels chatter of Lovers…

…The ambrosia of the pure poetry of the head-over-heels chatter of Lovers…

To touch the texture of empathy made by your best expressions of your soul for the goddess of your engagement…

To warmly nudge the swing ‘neath the branch, under the canopy of stars on the picnicked beach – “Kiss me now… kiss me forever… Amen.”


This poem now has a print:

(Phablet users: tap here instead for a phablet-legible print.)



Love. Magical Lovesong. Tearbreaking gifts of the heart. Sopping wet dolls of us throwing ourselves into something specialer than the last head-over-heels moment. Fireside hot chocolates. Deer. Bunnies. Pendants. Diamonds. Love. The only thing we know on this Earth so Holy is Love. Lovers. Us watching the deer, two by two, bunnies also, two by two. Ovid & Corrina . . .  e.e. cummings & marion morehouse . . .  Casanova & Bettina . . .  Jack Kerouac & Sandy Kerouac. All of us . . .  two by two . . .  or was it three by three . . .











The New American Dreamers


{This post acquired many misprints – very many actually; due to having to transcribe it over the phone while being falsely imprisoned; when I went to correct them, being worried by Matthew Yglesias’s recent book promotion, podcast, articles, & posts for “1 BILLION AMERICANS”, due out 9/15/20, but which neglects to mention me, caused me to lose every completed correction. I will begin again: ‘bless my wonderful typist, My Dad, Scott Thomas Valentyn (Valentine), Son of Shirley neé Wayne Valentyn & Jerome Edmund Valentyn, (as My Grandpa always ordered His Wife & himself):

I blame the misprints verily on the prison & their horrible communications systems.

{Update: I had to do the full thing again over a 3rd time now. Uncharacteristic text loss, disappearance required it.}

Do enjoy!:}

The country is stags & virgins: stags & virgins who need to reproduce – by man’s delight: by having sex. We must throw off the chains of our indoctrination & reproduce – two by two; 242 years after our conception we are small, smaller then comparable countries; we must reproduce. & This is no burden – women want Love, men want sex, and we have the funds to go ’round. We must make a armistice, by the rich, on the poor, that we need all our great-traited men and women from every rank of society– I myself am only titled a peon– to be worthy of our pool now, & for our epoch: & what a fuck of an epoch it will be: The American Dream is not dead: The American Dreamer is the man with his movie reeling after its showing, showing his ultimate cherishment: His Wife, beautiful, buck naked, tittering in concupiscent laughter.

What greatness can this wring in the world but to inspire other countries to follow in our footsteps & have copious amounts of sex for the beautifulest thing: to create more of our big bright eyes, long lashes, pouty lips – & by the baker’s dozen they shall! Our American Dream is The World Dream – & it is The Life Dream. Have a gigantic family? Then learn how – sustainably – to provide for them. Have a thriving species? Then learn how – sustainably – to provide for them. Have sex with me – it’s our– upon backs broken defending us & backs broken providing for us– New American Dream. Forever in Love, forever having intimate sex I fantasized about, again, & again, & again, & again.

Joseph Jerome Valentyn
Minnesota, U.S.A
October 20th, 2018

Originally conceived on paper May-June, 2018.


Romanticism: Love Logic: Romantic Necessity

Romantic necessity: those which are necessary romantically, they are consensually sought against impossibility, out of Love; Even if great & intense, potentially even hazardous challenges hold you back from this, by the intensity of your passion, by the reasoned risk required to get these ones, obstacles must be valoriously overcome, or risk regret & loss! The heart of romanticism; despite all lesser impossibilities seeming so, you have to overcome such & win the glory of Love.

The end.

– Valentyn

New Song: Chattel


Song about FBI / Interpol raids of female abduction / human trafficking victims.

The genre is romantic hardcore.

One version already recorded.




to k***

no prisoners

’cause CHATTEL!!


so we must SECURE



Again, that was against human trafficking – about the raids to save abducted women from those who “stealeth” women, as the Bible talks about in the Books of Moses, after receiving the 10 Commandments at Mount Sinai, & describing similar laws to the tribes of Israel.

The guitar work really pushes it over the edge.

Eastertime Message From Valentyn

Written yesterday, March 31st, 2018:

Happy Easter to All. I have a Christmas-like message for our Eastertime here. I love you & hope you enjoy:

We did not rape or sell our women in Christianity: we taught to love & cherish.

Our women are well-preserved.

We should empower them & enjoy them: women are the best creatures of Life. Earthangels.

“Me, me, me, me.” How about a little her time?

& This part’s just for my enjoyment: I hearby name Alex Wagner of NYC for today’s most bunniful woman. I Love You Alex!

Enjoy your Easter egg gifts & chocolate bunnies.

…As Samantha Meehl once joked, “Easter is the time we bite the heads off chocolate Easter bunnies & drink Dr. Pepper from them.”

Joe Valentyn . . .

 P.S Bless Pope Francis! What an incredible Pope.

Healthcare: On The Philosophy Of Medicine, Today


One of my main focuses, I have been waiting on, is to introduce Health – which is very different from Medicine – into our political dialogue.

Of all deaths, 91% are from disease – non-communicable & communicable diseases.

Here is a thinkpiece written in bed from late 2016 or so, that I wanted to share now, as an addition to my pro vegetable & fruit communiques.

Without further ado:

If you heat up ammonia, & force people to to take what is produced by it, charge an exorbitant rate for this, & specifically target people you don’t like with this, this is called “healthcare.”

If you omit studies saying how harmful it is, we are then doing medical science.

& If you replace the normal produce used for medicine over tens of thousands of years, with these byproducts, you are then doing conventional medicine, as opposed to alternative medicine.

& If you recommend vegetables, fruits, roots, herbs, nuts, pastured eggs, organic cheese, grass fed beef, oils, syrup & honey & exercise, you are ‘a quack.’

That is my report on Earthly healthcare today.

Signing off,
Joe Valentyn
March 28, 2018
Owatonna, Minnesota, U.S.A

Updated 8 P.M. March 28, 2018

Communique of Diplomacy

Stop fighting.

Stop fighting. You win so much more by working together, like tribes forming a collective; & by building, like the man who builds an adobe, rather than facing his neighbors with mud.

Stop fighting!

The black became white,
& the white staywithed white:

that is the chess move we seek.


May diplomacy reign; bountifully.

– Joe Valentyn
Owatonna, Minnesota, The United States of America

Updated March 6th, 2018

Communique of Diplomacy


We are all one collective.

The mainly accurate quality-of-life statistics do not lie – & their comparison serves as enough defense of democracy; & too: The Internet is good: I think many of us, now, have found that to be true; just like a letter or telephone is itself not a ‘thing of filth or gratuity’ – so is The Internet, & the communications & information tech is more blessing than curse, proportionate to our own goodness, & its fidelity to us… Many, so may the fruits be, of just civilizing.


To all our collected thriving;
May diplomacy reign, bountifully.

Joe Valentyn

Merry Christmas!

Here is a favorite Bible passage of mine & many’s.

Merry Christmas to Everyone. Merry Christmas & may you have a Christ-like year =D.

Matthew 7

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?

10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?

11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

28 And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:

29 For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

Big Pharma Is A Human Rights Violator: Deadly Poisons, Electroshocks, & Lobotomies, Forcibly, For Millions Of People Who Are Just Like You & Me


Big Pharma, we need to have investigations you wicked Godless Antichrists…


Electroshock therapy?

Why is it that if you heat up ammonia, & force people to take what you produced by it, charge an exponential rate for this, & specifically target people you don’t like with this, this is called “health care”?

Forcing lobotomies, electroshock therapy, & deadly poisons is “health care”?

I’m watching you!,
Joseph Jerome Valentyn

Very, Very Thankful

Appreciate all things given to me & done for me, here, now.

Thank you.

Juicing Ideas For You


This post acquired a number of typos – the “word gnomes” of IRC all over again. I have corrected a number of small typos as of today, June the 3rd (2021).

Vegetable juicing is one of the healthiest things I know – literally.

After juicing for years – beyond using a masticating juicer ((or better)); beyond using fresh, organic produce; beyond juicing dark leafy greens because they’re usually healthiest; beyond storing it for 24 hours or less preferably-in-glass in the fridge; beyond using volumizers like celery and cucumber to make the bitter greens tastier; I came up with 3 of my own ways of making juicing healthier, tastier, & easier:

Juicing Idea #1: Extend the life by adding fermented brines.

I don’t have lab equipment, but you can taste when a juice has gone bad usually, & I was able to extend the life of my juices by about 3x by adding 1oz of lactofermented brines like homemade pickle juice or homemade fermented cherry tomatoes with basil leaves’ brine per serving of juicing I kept in the fridge. This helps quite a bit when you otherwise have to juice every day or every other day.

It’s also pretty healthy.

Idea #2: Extend the life & deliver more nutrients into your cells by adding Himalayan salt to your juices, & make your juices taste better.

Sodium is an important electrolyte, & it helps deliver more nutrients into your cells. 

It also is one of the world’s oldest preserving agents, & Himalayan salt is all natural (as is sea salt).

Adding to that, this makes your juices taste better, when salted    to taste. That is one of the barriers to juicing often.

Which brings me to: 

Juicing Idea #3: Make your juice palatable *healthily* by adding mint. 

I just tried this. My juices go from about a 7 for flavor to about a 9 or 10.

That’s it! 
Enjoy your 50% life-chance increases!


We, The World, Are Going Thru Some Growing Pains By Infighting

We, the countries infighting, are just doing a thing – as partners in a loving relationship might say, we are working thru a challenging time – it is a time of personal growth for us.


P.S. I can just hear a grace-filled fellow person say, because I want more jewels in my crown, I must earn, not take, them.

Such is acquirement.



(Updated October 24th, 2017.)

Christopher Columbus Day, 2017

America; my favorite country:

Land of  Joseph Mercola. Of Bob Dylan. of e.e. cummings . . .  Of Helen Keller. Of Jack Kerouac.  Of Thomas Edison. Of Martha Stowe. Of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Of hippies & bohemians . . .

Land of New York City. ‘Frisco Bay. Boulder, Colorado.

Land of democratic republicanism. Land of rock & roll. Land of freedom of religion, land of freedom of the press, land of free love.

Land of cars, planes, power, phonographs, phones, washing machines, computers, internet, social media, pizza.

& The land of thousands of years to come. Bless us & bless the world.  

Happy Columbus Day.

Survival For All Disaster Situations: Ideas Drawn From Our Basic Needs, by Joe Valentyn



The recent hurricane activity provides us a grounds for gathering some of the necessities of life for ANY kind of foreseen or unforeseen disaster.

I have studied the philosophy of life enough to have some basics familiar to me, that are used by possibly every person I’ve ever known.

Things like bodily health & also heartfelt happiness are needs & therefore interests of possibly every person I’ve ever met; actualizing those basic desires with food & principles, respectively, are arts that are some amount known. This is my collection of obvious essentials meeting our desires. Copying this checklist or browsing a shopping site at the same time is probably a good idea.

A water filter & water. “LifeStraw” makes a family unit that serves a family of four 3 years’ worth of filtration for clean, drinkable water. There is a “community” one for about 22 people for 3 years, for 429 dollars. The family water system is 75; water jugs can also be delivered & stored for drinking, washing up & doing dishes.

A generator & enough fuel. Store your fuel safely, some fuels require certain procedures for safe storage, such as gasoline.

Money. A supply of money will help pad & in some cases wholly protect against problems.

Transport & fuel supply for it stored safely. You would need water, food, fuel, & health supplies that will not always be nearby.

Fuel. From generators to transportation to furnaces, fuel would be in demand.

Seeds, long-term storage food (such as rice, canned soups & vegetables), grocery money, & even chickens & fishing poles (& lures & hooks) & mushrooms are also potentially lifegiving things in the event of a catastrophe. Sprouts & herbs can be grown indoors in inarable climates. A greenhouse could be like Mecca were you able to pony up the fuel. Hens can each produce up to 300 eggs per year. It is possible a fish farm would be viable. A wise investment also could be a manual vegetable juicer (one you turn with your hand, say) for keeping healthy.

Portable heaters, and/or fans, and/or blankets, and/or ifrestarter, and/or firewood, and/or tinder. Warmth, or in air with heat, soothing cool, is basically a necessity for us. The generator & fuel (stored safely) show up here too.

Health supplies like oral care products, soaps & cleaners, band-aids, birth control & tampons, natural antibiotics, fermented probiotic foods, anti-inflammatories & pain pills, disinfectants, medications, stress relievers & sunblock, as well cosmetic tools like scissors & razors, are mostly-all cheap & in the case of helping us prevent & treat tooth abcesses & kidney infections, essential.

Lights, such as flashlights, lamps, & candles, & fuel for them as well as lighters and/or matches, and/or firestarter.

Clothes & bedding. Warm; cool; washable & durable. Consider bedding & pillows that are easier to wash, such as those made from certain synthetic materials, were washing to become difficult.

Books, data, communications, & paper.goods Survival handbooks would be great to keep 2 copies of: one for you & one for a friend. Computers – & if internet, power were down, data and/or power – radios & phones offer a backbone of resistance against disasters & needs created thereby. Paper, pens, files & the like can be used for budgeting, garden plotting, medical records, communications & recreational thinking. The software organization “Kiwix” offers up Wikipedia, Wikinews, medical media, & advice forums for topics offline. Having these books, communications technologies & data would mean you wouldn’t be shut off from many strangely-needed items of knowledge. The data would be great as a harddrive (for sale).

Data backups of survival, personal, & other valuable information across drives, offline & also off-site is advised. Consider M-Disc technology & also micro- or normal print-offs.

the Bible or preferred religious work. Tempests require great – & also smart – strength & wisdom. Some of the most time-tested wisdom is a great resource for any man, woman, or child.

Having a plan to make money in the event of an extended disaster, & other sketches of plans to cope without power or other essentials, would probably be a reasonable investment of your time.

Condoms, scents, & make-up may be life essentials we are accustomed to that with a rapid forethought & preparing, you do want.

Community teaching supplies – paper, pens, white or chalk board, to teach others survivalism methods & discuss ideas are extra-curricular that some people, somewhere would have to take up. That is something you’d know, & could prepare for: having something to share.

Prioritize, invest, & take a minute to get your ducks in a row. Your family & even community could thank you.

I appreciate your reading.

Spins: The Cure