The Present North Korean Nuclear Missile Belligerence: Statement

While it is true, we’ve been told, we have inherited a difficult impasse in North Korea’s nuclearization & the tensions that ago with them, we, the United States, for now need to sit on our hands & figure out the integrity levels of our attacked democracy’s institutions, for it would be unwise to to go to an elective war while our democratic institutions are in question in the ways they are.

It would be better to protect what which is necessary to protect, & leave it at that for our sake, during this time, than go to war with others forcing our hands in a dysfunctional state of our government & connected institutions.

Next, as I understand it, we cannot pre-emptively counter their missile defenses without risking Seoul be struck & a terrifying annihilation of potentially hundreds of thousands of lives being lost due to North Korean missile strikes

Therefore, we must have talks with China & others, & China & others must join sanctioning North Korea to turn back their nuclear weapon acquisition, development – for the sake of Seoul; for the sake of United States; for the sake of the world.

& As well, Mr. Trump must choose nobility, playing the long game, during this suspended presidency we are investigating, presently.

Thanks & Peace,
Joe Valentyn
August 13th, 2017

Writing: “Lost”


lost in a Japanese relationship, at 2 A.M.


lost whether she wanted 関係 or to 愛を作る, in a computer chat.


lost – finely; the way raw seafood can be a part of fine food.

. . . & firm & tender she appeared.

I Am For All Citizens of The World

I am an advocate of China; too, I am an advocate of North Korea; I am an Iranian advocate; & I am a Russian advocate. 

I am an Earthist: I am for the collective optimal successes of all countries, the mutual shared benefits among all nations, the win-win cooperation of all agencies. 

Just like our threads in our tellings of movie stories, Life takes all kinds & no man can ever truly be counted out.

We must live together. 

– Author

Our Love & Connection

Our love of openness, of commuincation, & our love of Love are some of the things that make our society great.

Thru our connections, we are stronger & more versatile than we are alone; more resilient & more informed.

Hallelujah for our diversity, our community, & the promises of the future.

Celebrations in the English-speaking world & all of our lovers & friends & family.

– Love really is one of the best things, & we welcome anyone not fully acquainted with a life of Love to join us merrily.

Cheers from here!!


Bestowing Our International Community’s Mediation Roles On More Women: Effusive Cheers & Happiness For These Big Wins!

Happy – quite happy – to see the U.N. & international-community agencies empowering women – who I know in my life for being better in our social life as well as our love life – into mediating roles to talk would-be belligerents out of war, conflict, & senseless strife.

It makes me happy to see, & I just wanted to say, congratulations & celebrations to all. – Joe


Averted eye contact is ‘abortion’.

Coitus interruptus is ‘abortion’. 

Contraceptive sex is ‘abortion’.

Menses is ‘abortion’.

. . . Many things are ‘not conceiving / carrying a child where we otherwise could’; but we must accept that. 

Things to think about, Re: Abortion.

– J.V

Why Can’t We Be Friends – War



I know you’re working for the CIA;
they would not have you in the maf-i-a!

Why can’t we be friends?!

Why can’t we be friends?!

Why can’t we be friends?!

Why can’t we be friends????

Kicking Down The Door On 21 Million People’s Horrifying Human Trafficking Torment



As discussed, lately, & something I had been planning to add to my platform planks, “human trafficking” steals the lives of 21 million people, on Earth.

That fact is haunting. It is ferociously nauseating. & I will break ice to stop it.

This real-life horror is something I had given thought to back in 2015, & produced this idea.

Here is an idea on how we could quite literally kick down the door on 21 million people’s bad dream they live:

I’m not saying “Do this”, but I just had the idea & wanted to ask: Do you think we have the responsibility & self-control to implement infrared body heat monitoring (with anti-circumvention measures) that only powers on when someone is abducted – say a teenage girl – so to do a “headcount” via number of residents registered (invasive, but read on,) per household: if someone is found to be missing, turn on the infrared scope, & do a headcount per household – even if James is sleeping on your couch for a short while & is not normally a resident, how disturbing could it be to go where this extra person is sensed, & ask them: “You know someone was abducted recently, & we just have to account for extra household members – can I see everyone here?”

I would insure our infrared counts & household counts were accurate, were we to do this.

As I say we would want to prevent circumventions as well as abuse (abuse at police, et al levels).

It blinds me, this crime, & knocking on the rare house which is housing extra house members seems non-invasive enough.

((I would not even bust other petty crimes you find this way . . .  Else you’re getting too far from the point: rescue e.g. young women from abductions.

Please consider stopping abductions via satellite & headcounts this way, or refinements made to this, & also all tenable ways.

Thank you.


We Must Live As One Tribe, by Joe Valentyn

We must all live as one tribe.

We must have mediation, fair distributions of everything; Justice . . .

Comfort & peace for our littlest ones.

A vivid rainbow of Life for everyone to get their fair share in;

Romance & everything that leads to it; every picnicking grove, & every matinee theatre . . .

& The blessings of mercy & true comfort for the mature, the otherly abled, & those hitting hard times financially & those fighting with all their willpower to quit their addictions.

Love truly bonds us as one; lack of Love is the darkness that binds us from our brothers our sisters, our lovers, & our neighbors.

& Forgiveness, Forgiveness is that road back to togetherness . . .  & Patience is that last light on, at the last resort near the edge of town, waiting for you to join the fun, once again, & live as the single global tribe, more sapient, stronger, lovinger & happier than divided.

May peace be with you,
– A Fellow Tribe Member
The 16th of June, 2017

We Have Infinitely Many Better Things To Do With Our Time Than Quarrel

Mature men, I can only say as a man just out of his 20’s, do not quarrel; Yogis do not quarrel, but find the most expedient & sustainable, sustainable & expedient, paths out of conflict & back into nurturing their loved ones’ needs & wants, & their own; into growing as people, & into taking time to rest, relax, & recreate, enjoying this thing called life. We could take a page out of their playbook & grow up.

Thanks, & Peace.

Celebration For The Netherlands’ Election

I am happy about a winning outcome for sanity in today’s Netherlands elections. What everyone must remember is that free & fair elections are the only precedent we can live by.


Toast: To Happy Life

The long waves of contentment from a Life of good deeds & happy times wins out – in our hearts – over the exhiliration of challenges’ wildness & cataclysmic recklessness.

To Happy Life,

Remember To Prioritize Our Interests Amid The Bustling, Sensational News Cycles


Amid the bustling daily news cycle jumbling up one new sensational story in the stead of another national or international priority, *sustained effort* is important. Just like when you start to build a house, only seeing it thru gets the reward; building a house halfway & stopping is wasteful. Similarly, We must see our high priorities thru, & not bounce around all the new news stories like a pinball in a pinball machine, lifeless to urgency & importance.

*As news readers, viewers, & listeners,* make a list, prioritize it, put it somewhere you will look over it every day, probably.

We have things we need to tend to, & not merely be pushed less than gracefully thru one door then the next, leaving important things behind, unfinished. Politically, I suggest we prioritize, rather than get juked out by a flurry of sensational but at the end of the day, not our highest desires for helping people in need, resolving situations, & answering the goings on using the best practices extant to bring about our best lives.

Lastly, let’s also not forget the most important, timeless “goods” of Life: Goodness, Truth, Beauty, Happiness, & all the infinite rest should be commemorated in our Parthenons eternally.


Once A Living Legend

A huge loss, one of my favorite people doing one of my favorite things, Leonard Cohen the poet-songwriter.

I Love All Of You

Merry Christmas ^_^
(& Happy New Year!)

– Joe

Thank You To Everyone For Everything Done For Me . . .

Thank you to everyone for everything done for me, seen & unseen, sung & unsung, actualized & tried & still working on, still.

I cannot express enough.

Please, please-please reward yourself; celebrate your lover, your life, jobs well done & wonderful wonderland things: here today, gone tomorrow. Work in vain without pay? That makes no sense. Seize the day. Collect a check for the responsibility half of responsibility & freedom. thanks

Poems & Poetry Fragma Released

See permanent menu link =Dx

Looking forward to sharing these with you for a lifetime & a half. Hope these are good-enough for you Everybody In The World – Joe

Re: Climate Change: Response & Ideas

I ha–‘ve to do politics now, during Christmas, or around it, but given its planetary importance, urgency, & the recency of the Paris climate conference I wanted to say a few things of midlevel heaviness:

We performed great, in the last assembly for climate change prevention, mitigation, & perhaps even reversal at the U.N. climate conference in Paris at the end of 2015.

However, a non-binding “contribution” pledge to 2.7 degrees warming, by even the U.N. estimates, means we have set a fire of enthusiasm, of global focus, but/and we are at a sojourn on this odyssey, not the final destiny of it. We have much more to do to discuss/teach & eventually ‘make it happen’ with respect to committing to legally-binding safe planetary warming levels, & the energy sources to live a comfortable, sustainable way of human life.

Remember too that in many cases we’re talking about making the most beautiful parts of the world uninhabitable. This is not a business side decision. Oppose & see jail; this is the long term habitability of the Earth here, we are discussing.

Exxon might host some extra money made post knowledge of climate change occurring from fossil fuels, from burning & promoting fossil fuel burning.

If anything is part of our basic prohibitions, that should be. Endangering the Earth. Under no case would the sensible part of the world promote endangering our habitability on Earth.

I was saying this same thing about organic foods, a somewhat nearly-related cause, actually, John Kerry said – & it’s a good thing to say: there has perhaps not been as big of a both ethical & profitable opportunity, or very many at least, as sustainable energy goods & services of all kinds, from solar panels to documentaries about important, helpful things to do with this here. Put your money where your future is – in a couple senses, & research & learn what would be best & how best, in the big picture, it could be provided for people.

Finally, I want to temper our hand to a 2016-long commitment to overcoming the threat of climate change to us — if you know something more important, just inbox me —

Thank you=D


Updated for clarity, December 23rd, 2015.