Diplomacy, Love, Goodness, Fun & Looseness, & An Additional 3 Important Ideals


I know this is the 3rd time I have posted this, but I really believe in these things, & really want to share them with you.

This ideas get me so worked up, & altho what I will say will be truly brief on them, you could spend a long time thinking about things like Love & the others.

Here is what I will say: When I consider the Diplomacy, Love, Goodness, Fun & Looseness “Ways To Act,” I myself interject Health & Safety after Love, half the time; & further, when I drafted this poster last winter, I omitted what many call Justice, but what may itself be best/better understood as Fairness, from the whole poster.

((It probably would’ve got its own row.))

So those 3 – Health, Safety, & Justice/’Fairness’, you could thus add to these golden ideals.

Also, as I’ve said, these & all words worth their while, are like courses, themselves . . .  ones you will learn from all thruout the rest of your Life.

Let’s learn from all the great ideals & use them to have thriving, happy, well-Loved Lives.

– Joe Valentyn

Reminder: We Need More Than Hillary Or Bernie In 2016 – Let’s Elect A Good & Wise Congress Too

We, mostly the media, talk a lot about Hillary vs. Bernie – Bernie vs. Hillary – in the 2016 elections.

This is important – indubitably.

But we also need to emphasize a Congress filled with good, wise Congresspeople as the other part of a likable & prosperous government we need, too.

Therefore, let’s emphasize electing a good, wise Congress as well as a sapient, great leader . . .  This is a time of being ‘for The People,’ anyway, isn’t it?

Let’s get a strong team, in government, rather over-relying on 1 lone marquee star.


We’re Gonna Need Political Stamina, To Overcome The Oligarchic Influence In My Homeland

Here is an important thing:

The timetable for our political progress is slow – The People get what they fight for only after a long, hard fight.

At least that is how it’s been here in America.

Ergo, The People need stamina, especially to get us thru “opening the flow” of the average citizen’s influence on government, in ways like I talk about here & here, & others talk about elsewhere — fixing those systemic problems will make our work easier, & not some Ironman contest to get our political will enacted legislatively.

Thanks – Joe.

But We’re Too Poor – Economic Fairness Versus Economic Inequality, In America, In The 21st Century

We’d like to buy more more health supplements, & be healthier –

But, “We’re too poor.”

We’d like to spend more time with Family & Friends, & have more “me-time,” but We have to work –

‘Cause “We’re too poor.”

We’d like to start our own businesses, or get high-grade skill educations to move ourselves up the economic ladder –

But we are too poor.

I hope other countries have solutions – because unchecked – unregulated – Greed does not seem to be sharing the wealth among all laborors according to their fruits of their labors.

Fix it – make it right.

This is America. Let’s lead by example & set an example of economic fairness, of inclusiveness & generosity & compassion, & leave behind these ruinous oligarchic tendencies.

Fair minimum wages in the richest country on Earth; shared profits where everyone shares the workload; health coverage for all conditions, for all people – because no one’s 40th car is worth more than 4,000 kids’ life-saving strep throat treatments; free – or at least not profit-centered – college teaching of knowledge & skill; this is how we flourish as a nation: this is how we create a quality of Life & a national happiness index that sets the right examples in the world – a world that looks to us, oftentimes.

Let’s fight for everybody, & get these things done with teeth, with as full of concentration as we can leverage, & let’s start walking this path, as our friends following the Nordic model of government do, toward happierness, toward higher quality of Life, & toward fairness.

Thank You.
Joe Valentyn


this poem is a loosely written, unpublished one from a couple months ago – it’s just called teenage:

piggy back ride, down to the corner store,
couldn’t ask for very much more,
buy a cheap fizzy drink with a couplefew dollars & quarters
& the bubbles tickle our nose

because the earth is ours,
where nature never ceases to grow,
& the guard rails of road construction
directs you & me – & O,

the bicycles bought
from garage sale lots,
& your brother is
building his design

& your sister is
learning makeup
& your mother is
buying us some red wine

& your playing card free association
& your favorite music station

& all the elders are telling you my Love is a temptation
& the biology teacher says this is how things bloom

yes we’re fondling each other’s bodies in your room
& we’re milking every drop from our youth
yes we’re losing ourselves in your bedroom
& we’re winning Life – you adults know it’s the truth.


Restoring The Democratic Equality Of Citizens With CEOs

Over $3.0B is spent on lobbying yearly.

I wonder that the established campaign finance reform / free & fair election cause could be tackled with other things that give corporations excess influence in our American government, like lobbying, which gives them apparently thousands of times more say in government individually than me or another average person; & possibly also too, corporate “public relations campaigns,” from which we get the “clean coal” advertising on tv, & other deceiving messages.

I am very happy to see campaign finance reform getting incredibly welldeserved traction;

I am just wondering if another large help to excess corporate influence could be restricting the flow of corporate lobbying to a trickle — “One person, one vote,” as Senator & Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders says — &, possibly, rethinking corporate public relations campaigns’ being allowed to deceive us with “clean coal” “messaging” & other doublespeak.

Corporate Greed & excess corporate influence sure seem to be costing the majority of us – perhaps we should further appraise & amend in a multi-pronged approach these influences on us, legislatively  —

Thank You.
Joe Valentyn

30 Ideas For Community, Fun, & Culture In America


Continued from this April article.

* * * *

In 2013 I had time to work out 30 ideas for the American community that are designed to nurture Community, Fun, & Culture.

In the order they came to me, here’re 30 ideas designed to nurture Community, Fun, & Culture in America:

1) music downtown (we could ‘scrobble’ / use play statistics so we hear the community’s favorites)

2) fairs permanently installed

3) coffeeshop-like community centers – also good places to meet people, for all purposes

4) medallion hunt-style games; other, yet to be imagined fun ‘physical’ software-games

5) live performers – theatrical, firebreathers, musicians, comedians – on streets – subsidized. (our level of culture could be *historic*)

6) skate sections of cities – spray-paint-able (“graffiti”) sections of communities – outlet for art

7) library stands – with coffee

8) community bonfires – music

9) community shared (‘sterilized’) instruments & other wares – perhaps a jam room at a community center or library analogue, where community members could jam together in spontaneous get-together jams, & teach & learn audio mastering & music instruction, including care of instruments. A ‘musician’s library’

  • other artforms’ hardware for free library-like lending

10) more community gardens – stands for selling the produce & juices.

11) community mud-wrestling & music festivals

12) trained city dogs

13) (more) community bike programs.

14) horse rides (like 4-H)

15) local Olympics

16) arcade battle tags

17) (this one is ‘too cool for school,’ I have to share it another time)

18) symposiums: local presentations of ideas – wider, freer variety of topics

19) donated services – e.g. audio engineering/recording to less established musicians

20) farmers’ markets more frequent than once a week – juicings there (fruit smoothies & veggie juices)

21) art appreciations – showing off amateur art for appreciation & responses

22) healthy wants food & juice displays – many chefs, doctors/nutritionists/natural health doctors discussing benefits or food samplings

  • recipes
  • health facts (RDVs & general health facts)
  • make food, interested people can watch how it’s done,
  • out in a park, mobile kitchens/stoves/ovens

23) public arcade games

24) community drive-in theatres – free popcorn

25) youth groups – age ranges

26) woods walks – led by guides (plump up the funding for all these things)

27) band ‘open mics’ – amateur band performance

  • informal-er music shows, like “open mics”
  • maybe at music department of “community center” – maybe a park – I know this is sort of done already, but to consciously single it out as something to nurture will make musicians & music-appreciators happier

28) apprenticeships – learn to be a firefighter, a monk, a comedian etc

29) (courtesy of my friend Aaron Y.) activity centers for youth – pool tables, arcade games, other needs & wants – open especially in small towns where there’re only diners open at night

30) community social commons – not just outdoors but indoors – all forms of socializing, from romancing to sharing battle-scars – maybe even free alcohol within limits.

That’s it!

Send any Love for these my way!
Joe =D

Freeform Thoughts On Love

Romantic Love is the best, most enchanting thing there is.

Love will move us to hypermanic ecstasy; it has inspired temples, & aesthetic surgeries –

Decades & decades of consistent hardwork; sacrifice of freedom, money, & never-ending time . . . to provide for your ‘other self.’

For Our Love.

That is because Love is the greatest, deepest, most enchanting, & most miraculous thing you will ever experience.

Do not estimate the worth of Love as any less than inestimable – & you will see this for yourself when you lose count: how many times it has surprised you.

Love is the lead to the most inner- & outerly Beautiful, Good, Wise people in your Life – & we seem to have no limit of this we can produce.

Love exists; never slow your reverence for it.

Thank You.

July 4th Internet Writing From When I Was A Teenager


This post is not actually from July 3rd, but for technical reasons (…), I was not able to post it yesterday. =)

This is from a writing I did when I was 18 about going to the fireworks on America’s Birthday — July 4th. I can’t vouch for the quality of my teenage writing, but in the spirit of the holiday, here it is all the same:

Hope you like:

Skipping to the Good Parts: sitting against an electransformer in fresh green grass, rather Freshness manifest as green grass, the latent familiarity of 4th of july flash-boom-wow-ness came back (…). Sentimentality never gets old.

A wee-one was half a block away starring the show for her family outloud:

“I dedicate this one to . . mybestfriend KATY!!ooh,thats.<chromatic-flash>WowyBOOM…OOOH!
“I dedicate th-<BOOM>-Idedicatethisone, to Mom&Dad!!..Happy Birthday!” <swirlyflash,boom(crackles)>..”It feels like its coming At me!!”

I secretly admired Youth-Happening a half-block behind me until my what-am-I-getting-out-of-this spun the twister-spindial of my mind & somehow, against all the oddsmaker’s best reckonings, came out (moderately) cogent: each flashboom as a burst of pure, abstract Independence; a new nation emerging, a bolt of thought striking out to new territory, a willful ignorance of Authority so as to Author one’s own story. & Each image of color-sparkles as the radicals’ Outcome, as history’s snapshot-memento, (…).

The flashbooms were awesomely beautiful in no cheap sense of the words; the memory is of course only a fraction of the experience itself.., but I can never shake the feeling that all my memories are these reconstructable holographic fractals, different facets of which are summoned quasi-consciously, with the commandibility of a mysterious & primitive control-panel (…)

…which reminds me: Whatcha Eatin Under There??


Happy Birthday America.
— Joe

(Link to large post – too large for RSS feed: “Happy 4th Of July – Semi-Direct Democracy Discussions From 2010, To Celebrate Our Patrioticism & Kindle A New Tradition.”)

You might or might not’ve noticed, but I use WordPress;

This post is just a redirecting post to a large one, “Happy 4th Of July – Semi-Direct Democracy Discussions From 2010, To Celebrate Our Patrioticism & Kindle A New Tradition.,” that won’t fit in my syndication (RSS) feed. So if you’d like, just click the previous link to visit the large, somewhat important, 4th Of July post.

Thank You.
– Mgmt.

Happy 4th Of July – Semi-Direct Democracy Discussions From 2010, To Celebrate Our Patrioticism & Kindle A New Tradition.


Here is a “semi-direct democracy” chat I gave/had in 2010, inspired by a couple people I had talked to on the internet & the National Citizen’s Initiative For Democracy as I understand it not-founded-but-spearheaded-by former Alaskan Senator Mike Gravel. It is ‘semi-direct’ – making The Populus (The People) 1/4th of the branches of government we have today.

If you like, you can read this whole thing:

As a note, the amount of seriousness I have for this is an open ended question – but for the sake of festivities, from political & philosophy chatrooms of 2010 – here it is —

Happy 4th Of July:

Continue reading

Follow-Up To “Re: Computers”: Cultural Subsidization Helps Our Civilization Grow, Culturally – Let’s


This is a continuation of my last communique on this, titled “Re: Computers.”


‘Culture subsidization’ is simply a generalization of what we already know is Good: the subsidization of the public library.

It is in Our Civilization – The Whole World’s – interest to help People learn & grow as People, using, for this article’s purposes, cultural works like books, applications, audio lectures, movies, music, & documentary videos.

I am saying we need to import all the great ideas of written history into the
foundations of this new Information Age medium – the computer / The Internet –

Books especially.

That is because books carry 6,000 years of culture – the estimated history of writing;

We need to absorb, integrate, & graft books’ & all forms of cultural works’ ideas into this
new communications medium.

That is why I. today, present the strategic moves of both digitizing books & each category of cultural work – not by commercial forces like Google or Amazon, but not-for-profit & government organizations; & 2ndly making them free, thru what we just affirmed – cultural subsidization, like we do in public libraries – letting people learn & grow as people, & Our Civilization to culture – so we make smarter decisions in the future – as opposed to burning fossil fuels in high quantity for a century.

Let’s pay for People’s learning & also their personal growth, via (e)books, audio lectures & documentaries, movies & music, & other cultural works – just like we have for eons with the public library system.

We help pay for education, agriculture, & other basic staples in Life –

Digitizing & subsidizing essentially every book, & also digitizing & subsidizing documentaries, movies, audio lectures, music, applications, photographs, & the like will help us make make smarter choices, live more fulfilled lives, & just make the experience of Life more enjoyable for everyone.

Let’s Pay For Learning & Growth Thru Books, Videos, Audio, & All Cultural Works.




As a note: What I’m discussing is *not* becoming too fascinated with computers & their very recent ‘cave paintings’ ((that’s my new lyric by the way, don’t steal it =))), as novel & at times meaningful as they may be – but to drink of the whole of human culture, the true bottomless vintage wine-cellar of Man’s written works thruout history, that whets the tongue most-grandestly. Thanks