The Whole-Person Violation of Stalkerware: (Video:)


Wow; I don’t normally write about a Tweet™ on, but I am adamantly anti-abduction, anti-abuse, & anti-rape of women, & this much violation really calls for justice. Watch this video of “stalkerware” being used:

Songpoem: Fighting My Love Interests’ Afflictions Using Poetics: I


From a new book of poems in which I fight my love interests’ afflictions using poetics; when in Rome, write Love poetry. Here is me fighting one affliction using poetics:

*cough* is trying to trick you
*cough* is trying to trick you
a scary spectre -
a methed-up heckler -
an envious loveblocker, is trying to trick you

"why do we spend our lives,
being force fed lies?
is it because you envy these guys?!
yeah it's because you envy my guys!"

when Karma's sunny rays
beat down upon our faces
will see who's *cough*
& who went astray
(when Karma's sunny rays!)

(Envy is a sin!
Envy is a sin!
for a better world,
build with mud,
instead of throwing it!
for a better world,
be mad at yourself,
not "her" or "him";
for a better world,
look within . . . )

((Envy is a sin!
Envy is a sin!))

an envious loveblocker tried to trick you

- Now, where were we?

– JMarch 14th, 2019



I, with much inspiredness, decided to name my artist identity “Eros”. Just to officially announce, here.

(Originally thought of in 2016.)

Contra Anti PROTECTION Plagiarism Mini Notice

A rogue leader has attempted to stuporously plagiarize a NEW PROTECTION FORM (sic; NEW FORM OF PROTECTION) in what is for him a continued serious plagiarism trend.

Contra Anti Business Plagiarism Mini-Notice

A “frequent flyer” as an old philosophy forum operator (sic; moderator) called certain repeat offendors( sic; offenders) has attempted to crack a business idea who will be paying at least 1000X Restorative Justice in response.

Updated December 27th 2023 2:04am thru (December 27th 2023) 2:05am. (Update updated December 27th 2023 2:06am.)

Contra Life Philosophy Plagiarism Mini-Notice

A important life agenda philosophy (sic) element is being attempted to be plagiarized, threatened with plagiarism, that I have developed over around 7 years. Don’t be fooled by copycats – & don’t be a Big Dataist ripoff artist!

⸻ Joe Valentyn

Contra Plagiarism Notice: Justice Philosophy Reservation

The Beginnings For Quantitative, Computational Contra Jinnery (Sic; Demonry)

I’ve been using this chart I came up with for years, finally put it into print form.

I (Joe Valentyn) & My Girls & My Philosophy Mentor Kblom worked out the code to put the chart into this form.

More quantitative computational contra jinnery (sic; demonry) are noted to be brought to fin (sic; final( sic; finished)) form soon.

Contra Plagiarism Notice: Musical Entertainment System Invention

I have invented a musical entertainment system that I am protecting contra plaigiarism including by a certain party.

Joe Valentyn
Century twenty-one year twenty-three month eight day twenty-five (Azul & I’s day we got together!) (-0500 CDT) pm (sic) 2:55

Contra Anti Contra Plaigiarism Mini-Notices

I am starting a ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡…-SYSTEM & a Justice System, having us using n-dimensional language I earlier circulated on this personal web home & life philosophy & other philosophy.

⸻ Joe Valentyn

Contra Anti Invention Plaigiarism Mini-Notice

I invented a new computer editor (sic; editer) based on my phitlosophy tensors plural years ago & am here declaring it contra anti it plaigiarism: it is a tensor – or in a special case: a matrix – to edit any parameter an element has using a computer tensor (or matrix) to look thru & change a parameter. It is very easy & very powerful to change any nouns’ parameters point & click or simple data entry form. I do not see this used & thus declare I invented the tensor (& matrix) computer editor (sic; editer).

⸻ Joe Valentyn

Thank You To Everyone!!

Thank You To Everyone For Everything – I wouldn’t be alive wihtout a few special people, & the Female Church are the true best leaders on this planet; they have helped me with Spiritual Cleansings, & other prayer, & helped guide me to a better direction for My Life; many sinning men have wronged me egregiously, grievously, but the Female Church members have brought sapience & wisdom to this & We have won over the demon-ridden & drug delirious, & thus for them I am very thankful.

My Girls have worked as hard as me *or more* every step, & are bound to inherit that from to the victor go the spoils; your Beauty is only met by your diligence, patience, serenity, & balls. Together forever, never leave somehow you don’t have to!! I **LOVE** You!

Thank you to My Parents who – especially My Mom – have protected me from ravenous wolves in this county & beyond, & I am still hale & haven’t made any extreme trades for it, that I am happy for.

⸻ Joe!

Journalism Based On Importance & Statistics Accompanied By Most Helpful Information Could Be Better Than, Say, Gossip & Gawker Slowdowns ⸻ A Dialogue

(In this I am “lakitu”; this is in a philosophy chatroom around midnight overnight last night:)

{01:29:38 am} <lakitu> “your odds of being struck by lightning are 1 in a 1,000,000” – we’ve all heard these odds before, but I feel so strongly about the usefulness of real-life stats that I would ‘like to see – because it would be better – media teach the most helpful stats in Life – & put them in perspective with comparisons ‘like “(…), comparable to your odds of be

{01:29:38 am} <lakitu> ing struck by lightning” – & try to teach helpful things like protocols, best practices for dealing with these situations should they arise

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{01:36:23 am} <lakitu> e.g. instead of “building collapses, horror as everyone searches thru the rubble – day 6” – e.g. “car accidents affect 1 in 100 in the U.S. – here are the top 7 ways to prevent being the victim of a car accident: (…)”;

{01:36:31 am} <lakitu> (Wb fattratt)

{01:36:38 am} <fattratt> hi

{01:38:21 am} <lakitu> I think that would – almost necessarily – help more people more, to proportion our media to that ‘statisticality’ (oftenness) & importance of events – not that you do a terrible job now, but to consciously use this principle could help out editors & publishers.

{01:39:57 am} <lakitu> very sought-after for me is an alamanc of Life phenomena & their statistics – one of those very comprehensive reference works that does the best it can to estimate just every nook & cranny of Life. I think that would be one of the best reference-work reads for people

{01:41:57 am} <fattratt> I need to lie down for a bit.

{01:42:01 am} <lakitu> ok

{01:42:05 am} <lakitu> c u.

{01:43:20 am} <lakitu> everything from getting struck by lightning to getting abused by a spouse to winning the lottery to getting a hole in one in golf. what is Life ‘like? this would concentrate it together in one reference work pretty good.

{01:43:26 am} <lakitu> (sic)

{01:45:08 am} <lakitu> we maybe could teach some basic statistics in earlier mathematics education – maybe even high school; potentially.

{01:46:06 am} <lakitu> some teachers I know want algebra phased out of high-school education. maybe staatistics could occupy some of what used to be algebra.

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{01:48:19 am} <lakitu> it always helped me to learn that the odds of two events happening in a row are the multiplication of their odds: e.g. predicting a coin flip twice in a row is 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4 (25% chance). predicting it correctly a 3rd time just multiplies it again, 1/4 * 1/2 = 1/8 (12.5% chance), etc.

{01:53:32 am} <lakitu> Bayes, of Bayeesian probability, was actually a Presbyterian minister, by the way. kind of like how Roger Bacon, one of empiricism’s earliest formulators, was a Franciscan Friar.

{01:58:54 am} <lakitu> but yes, statistics – in proportion to how helpful they are to know: likelihood * importance – could be a better governing principle for journalism than happenstance or worse, Twitter bots sowing discord & creating artificial waves of culture that we weren’t asking for

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{02:02:30 am} <lakitu> * importance * likelihood

{02:03:36 am} <Fixion> hey lakitu hows things?

{02:03:52 am} <lakitu> statistical & of their own importance.

{02:04:02 am} <Fixion> what questions can math not solve?

{02:04:53 am} <lakitu> not all questions are things to be solved . . .

{02:09:50 am} <lakitu> – or for example how often someone loses their dog, ways to prevent this, what to do if you lose your dog. that has such educational value that it’s ‘like a public service announcement – it’s that helpful– not that all journalism should be this sort of thing, but it really is helpful to proportion the content to the importance times the likelihood

{02:09:50 am} <lakitu> .

{02:15:40 am} <lakitu> we can still publish interviews & essays, & so on – these are great – but this is just one extra helpful format for articles by journalists.